command "npx create-react-app project" not generating project - reactjs

All of a sudden I started getting this error when I type
npx create-react-app project
The error is :
Invalid "exports" main target "index.js" defined in the package config /home/swaraj/.npm/_npx/8451/lib/node_modules/create-react-app/node_modules/is-promise/package.json
Can anybody tell me what's this error and how to resolve it

This must mean that your package.json is broken.
I just had the same problem, and it fixed for me when I recreated/edited the package.json it is trying to access.
Type yarn init -y and read the package.json
Add the following lines:
"resolutions": {
"is-promse": "2.1.0",
"run-async/is-promise": "2.1.0"
Afterwards do yarn add --dev create-react-app and then try to compile your reactjs application using:
yarn create-react-app <PATH/APP-NAME>
I would also recommend trying to manually remove is-promise property. I think the command for that was called npm remove is-promise, but I am not sure.
But I am pretty sure that your package.json needs a fix :)
Reply if it didn't work, I'll try to find a different way-around then.

If that solution doesn't work try installing node version 12.12.0 and running create-react-app again.
There are issues with the promise dependency being worked on at the moment. Issue

Do not downgrade your node version. Downgrading was a temporary solution, as for now, this issue is fixed with 2.2.2 version of is-promise package. If you still experience problems creating new CRA, consider npm install -g --force create-react-app
If even then bug is still present, please comment your issue to this github issue


dependency tree error using create-react-app and storybook

how can I instruct storybook to use babel-loader v8.1.0 OR force react-scripts to use babel-loader v^8.2.2 ?
I Develop a lib with ./example folder which is itself project created with create-react-app. I wanted to add storybook in addition to the normal example pages, so I installed storybook.
after installing storybook I can no longer start the example project with yarn start or the story book with yarn storybook.
There might be a problem with the project dependency tree.
It is likely not a bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix locally.
The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency:
"babel-loader": "8.1.0"
Don't try to install it manually: your package manager does it automatically.
However, a different version of babel-loader was detected higher up in the tree:
D:\Eliav\projects\git projects\react-xarrows\examples\node_modules\babel-loader (version: 8.2.2)
Manually installing incompatible versions is known to cause hard-to-debug issues.
If you would prefer to ignore this check, add SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true to an .env file in your project.
That will permanently disable this message but you might encounter other issues.
To fix the dependency tree, try following the steps below in the exact order:
1. Delete package-lock.json (not package.json!) and/or yarn.lock in your project folder.
2. Delete node_modules in your project folder.
3. Remove "babel-loader" from dependencies and/or devDependencies in the package.json file in your project folder.
4. Run npm install or yarn, depending on the package manager you use.
well I know what the issue but I don't know how to fix it:
I'm using react-scripts v4.0.3 which for unknown reason requiring exactly babel-loader v8.1.0. i can see this it in yarn.lock:
version "4.0.3"
babel-loader "8.1.0"
and storybook requiring babel-loader v8.2.2 or above:
version "6.2.9"
babel-loader "^8.2.2"
already tried
what is written in the error above.
hoped that yarn upgrade would upgrade babel-loader from v8.1.0 to v8.2.2 but it does not work because react-scripts require exactly v8.1.0
a workaround that worked
Create a .env file in your project directory and include SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true in the file.
but I want to avoid it. is it possible?
So for anyone to whom this is still unclear.
I used create-react-app to create a new app
I added storybook using npx sb init
then they clashed.
yarn add babel-loader#8.1.0
The error you often see is that CRA (create-react-app) relies on specific dependencies (e.g. for webpack or babel).
What can also be done is you specify which versions those dependencies must resolve to, based on the error messages
This can be done using the resolutions field in package.json, e.g.:
"resolutions": {
"babel-loader": "8.1.0",
"webpack": "4.x.x",
After this all will work Fine.
2 Links to consider
Seems that most people are installing the package to get it to work even thou it says not to install in manually.
So try:
yarn add babel-loader#8.1.0

'yarn start' throws babel-eslint error MacOS, how do I fix this error?

I am trying to create a React.js App however once created and I try to run using 'yarn start' in the terminal I get this:
yarn run v1.12.3
$ react-scripts start
There might be a problem with the project dependency tree.
It is likely not a bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix locally.
The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency:
"babel-eslint": "10.0.1"
Don't try to install it manually: your package manager does it automatically.
However, a different version of babel-eslint was detected higher up in the tree:
/Users/olliesaunderson/node_modules/babel-eslint (version: 9.0.0)
Manually installing incompatible versions is known to cause hard-to-debug issues.
If you would prefer to ignore this check, add SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true to an .env file in your project.
That will permanently disable this message but you might encounter other issues.
To fix the dependency tree, try following the steps below in the exact order:
1. Delete package-lock.json (not package.json!) and/or yarn.lock in your project folder.
2. Delete node_modules in your project folder.
3. Remove "babel-eslint" from dependencies and/or devDependencies in the package.json file in your project folder.
4. Run npm install or yarn, depending on the package manager you use.
In most cases, this should be enough to fix the problem.
If this has not helped, there are a few other things you can try:
5. If you used npm, install yarn ( and repeat the above steps with it instead.
This may help because npm has known issues with package hoisting which may get resolved in future versions.
6. Check if /Users/olliesaunderson/node_modules/babel-eslint is outside your project directory.
For example, you might have accidentally installed something in your home folder.
7. Try running npm ls babel-eslint in your project folder.
This will tell you which other package (apart from the expected react-scripts) installed babel-eslint.
If nothing else helps, add SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true to an .env file in your project.
That would permanently disable this preflight check in case you want to proceed anyway.
P.S. We know this message is long but please read the steps above :-) We hope you find them helpful!
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
I have tried following the steps suggested however none of this seems to works. I have also tried yarn add --exact react-scripts#3.0.1 and yarn cache clean
I fixed it!
So as the error shows, there is an existing folder of 'babel-eslint' somewhere higher up in my dependency tree. All I had to do was search in finder for that folder and then delete it, once done you can just 'yarn install' again and 'yarn start' then it should work :)
I have no idea where this other 'babel-eslint' folder came from btw...

Start React app fail on vscode by ESLint version

I have an issue that I cannot solve.
I'm using ESLint in VSCode for my all projects.
Now I created a new react app but when I run it (npm start or yarn start), it throws an error.
React app use ESLint 5.12.5, is lower version of mine.
I tried following the steps in the suggestion but ... it's not fixed.
Can anyone solve my issue?
I tried npm uninstall -g eslint, npm uninstall eslint, npm i ...bla..bla, removed my ESLint extension in my VSCode, and re-created react app. But the error has not been fixed.
I checked eslint -v, it said 5.14.1, but in the error notice, vscode said version 5.16.0 is in node-modules ##.
This is full error notice when I try yarn start or npm start:
> homework02#0.1.0 start E:\Extenal Code\Hoc JS\ReactJS-iViettech\homework02
> react-scripts start
There might be a problem with the project dependency tree.
It is likely not a bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix locally.
The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency:
"eslint": "5.12.0"
Don't try to install it manually: your package manager does it automatically.
However, a different version of eslint was detected higher up in the tree:
E:\Extenal Code\Hoc JS\node_modules\eslint (version: 5.16.0)
Manually installing incompatible versions is known to cause hard-to-debug issues.
If you would prefer to ignore this check, add SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true to an .env file in your project.
That will permanently disable this message but you might encounter other issues.
To fix the dependency tree, try following the steps below in the exact order:
1. Delete package-lock.json (not package.json!) and/or yarn.lock in your project folder.
2. Delete node_modules in your project folder.
3. Remove "eslint" from dependencies and/or devDependencies in the package.json file in your project folder.
4. Run npm install or yarn, depending on the package manager you use.
In most cases, this should be enough to fix the problem.
If this has not helped, there are a few other things you can try:
5. If you used npm, install yarn ( and repeat the above steps with it instead.
This may help because npm has known issues with package hoisting which may get resolved in future versions.
6. Check if E:\Extenal Code\Hoc JS\node_modules\eslint is outside your project directory.
For example, you might have accidentally installed something in your home folder.
7. Try running npm ls eslint in your project folder.
This will tell you which other package (apart from the expected react-scripts) installed eslint.
If nothing else helps, add SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true to an .env file in your project.
That would permanently disable this preflight check in case you want to proceed anyway.
I just solved this issue, the error says:
The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency:
"eslint": "5.12.0" (in my case "^5.16.0")
but also says you have another version at package.json that's
E:\Extenal Code\Hoc JS\node_modules\eslint (version: 5.16.0) in my case was 6.1.0
so my solution was:
I searched for the dependency called eslint and updated the version similar to Create React App expected "eslint": "^5.12.0" (in my case "eslint": "^5.16.0") at package.json
Then run npm install and now you can run npm start... if you have troubles with slint-plugin-import just update the version as well, additional you can try installing locally instead of global with --save.
I believe this is an ongoing issue with create-react-app and eslint as detailed at:
There are a number of suggestions there, though I'm hoping they will put a more permanent fix in place.
In my case it works like below:
Create New Project or clone form vcs.
Create .eslintrc.json file by yourself. Do not use Ctrl+Shift+P ->Eslint:create eslint configuration.
Try searching for eslint and change the version to the required version in the package.json file of eslint. 5.12.0 in your case.
Just try clearing cache and everything will come into normal usage you can use npx create-react-app project-folder-name, this worked for me.
Use this cmd in your terminal
cmd -> npm cache clean —force
there is different process to make it work just have to follow two installations for the future projects too if you like you can use this too and can work for your projects, cmd line is mentioned below :
cmd 1-> create-react-app my-app --scripts-version #nomoreanalog/react-scripts-eslintless
cmd 2-> npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-styled-components

Not able to create react app using "create-react-app demo" in ubuntu 14.04 [duplicate]

there is any way for work with create-react-app behind corporate firewall by setting a proxy.
i have setted the proxy on npm and yarn, but this is what i see when try to create-react-app my-app:
Creating a new React app in F:\react\my-app.
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...
You appear to be offline.
Falling back to the local Yarn cache.
yarn add v0.23.4
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
error Couldn't find any versions for "react" that matches "latest" in our cache. Possible versions: ""
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Aborting installation.
yarnpkg add --exact --offline react react-dom react-scripts has failed.
Deleting generated file... package.json
Deleting my-app / from F:\react
I had been struggling with this for weeks. What worked for me was to include --use-npm at the end of the command and finally I got rid of the "no lockfile found" error. I sincerely hope this helps someone else struggling with the same issue.
I have had this issue as well, and I solved this with this command:
create-react-app hello-world --use-npm --cache /tmp/empty-cache
As a workaround, try first running yarn add react react-dom react-scripts in an empty folder. This will add the required packages to yarn's local cache. You can then delete that folder and run create-react-app my-app again and it will hopefully work.
Update: Looks like this bug has now been fixed, and should no longer be present in version 1.1.0.
This problem is caused by the fact that the yarn registry is hard-coded in react-scripts to
As per this pull request, if the yarn registry is not reachable, then it will check to see if you have the https_proxy environment variable set, and then if so it will verify that that server is reachable, instead of the hard-coded yarn registry.
To reiterate, it's not enough to set the proxy/https-proxy configs in npm/yarn - you also need to set the https_proxy environment variable, because that's what create-react-app will check when determining if you are online. For example:
https_proxy=https://my.corporate.proxy create-react-app my-new-project
This solved my problem - See details
npm config set registry ""
These settings solved it for me:
npm config set proxy http://username:password#host:port
npm config set https-proxy http://username:password#host:port

Requested item is quarantined in Reactjs

I am trying to run the command npx create-react-app under a corporate registry. The problem is that the element sockjs#0.3.18 is not available and therefore it stalls the installation; however, the element sockjs#0.3.17 is. Is there any way I can run that command by specifying it should install a different version of sockjs?.
Using npm ls sockjs, I see this is a dependency of react-scripts#1.1.4 / webpack-dev-server#2.9.4
└─┬ react-scripts#1.1.4
----└─┬ webpack-dev-server#2.9.4
--------└── sockjs#0.3.18
There's an option in create-react-app to use a nonstandard version of react-scripts:
--scripts-version <alternative-package>
This should work:
npx create-react-app --scripts-version 0.9.5 app
0.9.5 is the latest version that depends on an earlier sockjs.
I found this by looking up the package.json of webpack-dev-server and then react-scripts that had appropriately downgraded versions. (I did it manually on GitHub release pages... anyone know a better tool for that?)
Alternative approaches:
Get the updated sockjs approved in your corporate registry :)
Assuming the difference between sockjs#0.3.18 and sockjs#0.3.17 is immaterial as for as create-react-app goes (no guarantees), you could probably npm install create-react-app, find the bit in the source code (node_modules/create-react-app/create-react-app.js) that downloads react-scripts, and hack it to point to your own fork of the latest react-scripts with a changed version number for webpack-dev-server (1.16.4). Not recommended!
