React: Passing a value from componentDidMount to render() - reactjs

I am new to react and getting confused between react hooks. There are many similar questions asked and I tried a few answers but it didn't work. I am trying to use a value of flag which has been set in componentDidmount() in render(). But I am getting undefined. Here is my code. Can someone help me?
export default class Shop extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isContentTypeShop1: false,
async componentDidMount() {
const basketContextData = await fetchBasketContext(); // returns json object
const basketContentType = basketContextData.basketContentType; //returns string 'shop1'
if(basketContentType === 'shop1') {
this.isContentTypeShop1 = true;
console.log(this.isContentTypeShop1); // returns true
render() {
console.log(this.isContentTypeShop1); //returns undefined
return (
<ul className="progress-bar">
{(this.isContentTypeShop1) && ( // hence doesn't work
Shop 1

You need to make use of setState to trigger a re-render from componentDidMount. Also isContentTypeShop1 isn't a class variable but its a state
async componentDidMount() {
const basketContextData = await fetchBasketContext(); // returns json object
const basketContentType = basketContextData.basketContentType; //returns string 'shop1'
if(basketContentType === 'shop1') {
this.setState({isContentTypeShop1: true});
render() {
// use it from state

this.isContentTypeShop1 doesn't exist because isContentTypeShop1 is inside state. Try this instead:
And to update isContentTypeShop1, you need to call setState:
this.setState({ isContentTypeShop1: true });

You need to use this.state.isContentTypeShop1 instead of this.isContentTypeShop1 & you can't set state using =
You need to use setState like this.setState({ isContentTypeShop1: true })
You need to read Using State Correctly part from the React docs
And for some additional reading :)


How to render updated state in react Js?

I am working on React Js in class component I am declaring some states and then getting data from API and changing that state to new value but React is not rendering that new value of state. but if I console.log() that state it gives me new value on console.
My code
class Home extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
unread: 0,
getUnread = async () => {
let data = await Chatapi.get(`count/${}/`).then(({ data }) => data);
this.setState({ unread: data.count });
render() {
const { auth } = this.props;
return (
This is printing 2 on console but rendering 0 on screen. How can I get updated state(2) to render on screen.
and if I visit another page and then return to this page then it is rendering new value of state (2).
Please call getUnread() function in componentDidMount, something like this
componentDidMount() {
This is because in React class components, while calling setState you it is safer to not directly pass a value to set the state (and hence, re-render the component). This is because what happens that the state is set as commanded, but when the component is rerendered, once again the state is set back to initial value and that is what gets rendered
You can read this issue and its solution as given in react docs
You pass a function that sets the value.
So, code for setState would be
this.setState((state) => { unread: data.count });
Hence, your updated code would be :
class Home extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
unread: 0,
getUnread = async () => {
let data = await Chatapi.get(`count/${}/`).then(({ data }) => data);
this.setState((state) => { unread: data.count });
render() {
const { auth } = this.props;
return (

Where to set state when I need that state in render?

I am getting this error below:
react_devtools_backend.js:2430 Warning: Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within `render`). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state.
From the error, I know I am getting it because I am setting state in the render.
But I am not sure where to set the state because I need that state element, developerTitle further down inside the render method.
Where can I put it if not in render?
Here is my code:
export default class Game extends React.PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
developerTitle: ''
render() {
const { indieDeveloperId } = this.props;
this.setState({ developerTitle: this.getDeveloperTitle(game.indieDeveloperId) });
async getDeveloperTitle(indieDeveloperId) {
const r = await axios.get(`/api/developer/by-indie-developer/${indieDeveloperId}`);
const developerTitle =;
...this.state, ...{
developerTitle: developerTitle
You can't set a state in render(). But you can set a state when the component is loaded using the componentDidMount() function.
Add a function with that name like this to your component:
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ developerTitle: this.getDeveloperTitle(game.indieDeveloperId) });
You dont have to call the function. The state will automatically be set.

Passing value to props reactjs

I am trying pass value to my child components. The value that I am getting is coming from the an API that I called in my parent component and being called in the componentDidMount but the problem is the child components is not reading the props I am passing in his own componentDidMount, its only getting blank even in the reactdevtool it passing correct values. I solved this before but cannot remember what I did can you help. Thanks
componentDidMount() {
const {
} = this.props;
class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
let self = this;
GetAllMainItems().then(function(GetAllMainItemsResults) {
let MainObject = self.state.MainObject;
render() {
constructor() {
this.state = {
MainObject: []
return ( <
div className = "App row" >
Calendar events = {
There are a few things you need to review.
constructor should be outside of render method.
You do not have to use let self = this. you can just do this.setState({...}) there.
Look at your GetAllMainItems callback. I don't know what you get
there. but you are definitely not setting mainObject in your state.
Instead, you will have this.state.GetAllMainItemsResults.
Try to understand object destructuring.
Use arrow functions
Hope it helps.
Parent Component
class App extends Component {
state = {
mainObject: ""
componentDidMount() {
GetAllMainItems().then(response => {
mainObject: response
render() {
const { mainObject } = this.state;
return (
<div className="App row">
<Calendar events={mainObject} />
The problem you are having is that your child component is re-rendering when it receives new events props.
Try adding a componentDidUpdate method to see these props updating:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
console.log(prevProps, prevState);

function returning data but not showing

I have this component
const SummaryBar = props => {
const { MainObject} = props;
const localGetUserFromID = userID => {
getEmailFromId(userID).then(results => {
return; //Comment: This one returning friendly name
return (<span>Hello {localGetUserFromID(MainObject.AuthorId)}</span>)
but when I render it somehow the its only showing Hello and not the output I am getting from my localGetUserFromID function. Am I doing wrong? Note the AuthorId is being pass to an API and the MainObject came from the App Level,
FYI when I try to debug it using dev tools the function is retuning the text I am look for.
localGetUserFromID() returns nothing, that is, undefined, and that's why you see Hello only.
And because localGetUserFromID() makes an asynchronous call to get an email from user ID, it doesn't have to be in render() method. Now this component is defined as a state-less component, but you can re-define it as a stateful component, call the getEmailFromId() in componentDidMount() life-cycle method, and use a return value as an internal state.
Then you can show a value of the internal state after Hello.
class SummaryBar extends Component {
// Skipping prop type definition.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
username: '',
componentDidMount() {
const { MainObject: { AuthorId } } = this.props
getEmailFromId(AuthorId).then((results) => {
render() {
const { username } = this.state
return (
Hello { username }
When things run when debugging but not when running and you are using promises as you are, the 99% of the times is because promises hasn't been resolved when you print.
localGetUserFromID indeed returns a promise that resolves to the friendly name.
You can just prepend await to localGetUserFromID(MainObject.AuthorId) and rewrite you return as this:
return (<span>Hello {await localGetUserFromID(MainObject.AuthorId)}</span>)

ReactJS: why is pushing value into this.state array causing type error?

I tried to push a value into a state array but I get an issue TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined at this.state.rows.push(a);
Know why? I am trying to push a new value into the array after i click a button.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
name: '',
rows: ['hello',<p>gfdfg</p>,'mello']
var a = "h";
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<input type="submit" id="black" onClick={this.handle}/><br/>
export default App;
There are couple of things that are wrong here:
you should NEVER change the state directly:
This is a big No No:
instead you should do something like this:
this.setState({ rows : [...this.state.rows, a] })
or without ES6:
const newArray = this.state.rows.slice();
this.setState({ rows: newArray })
You should always replace the state with a new one.
this in a react component is not what you think it is, in order to make it work you can do one of two things:
a. change your method to an arrow function:
handle = (e) => {
var a = "h";
b. bind this to the method:
constructor() {
this.state = {
name: '',
rows: ['hello',<p>gfdfg</p>,'mello']
this.handle = this.handle.bind(this);
the method handle does not have access to the context of the class i.e this; consider writing it as a fat arrow function
// class definition
handle = () => {
var a = "h";
render() {
// render logic
Having said this, mutating the state is not a good idea, consider using setState if you want your component to re-render as a result of state change
handle = () => {
let { rows } = this.state;
var a = "h";
You are doing wrong, you have to use setState() method to push the value in the array:
handle = (e) => {
var a = "h";
let tempRows = [...this.state.rows];
You have two problems.
Event handlers require 'this' to be bound: So following this, you must either write: this.handle = this.handle.bind(this) in your contructor, or change handler to arrow function, if your build process supports transpilation of class fields.
React component will only update if component props change, or component state changes. Which is done by comparing references. In your case, when you push to the array, you are mutating the state, so the new reference is never created, and component does not re-render. If you want to verify that, just put console.log(this.state.rows) below this.state.rows.push(a) and you'll see that the array has received the new value, but component does not represent it. You need to use this.setState to create a new reference for your state, like so: this.setState({ rows: [...this.state.rows, a] })
Another way of returning a new array from the current array with additional elements and then pushing to state is to use the concat method.
Example :
this.setState({ users: this.state.users.concat(<Additonal Items Here>)}
