How to convert a csv to xml in logic apps - azure-logic-apps

I was trying to access my csv file in a blob. And trying to convert the same into an XML.
I can't find any link to read the csv file data. Can anyone please help me out with some light? I am very new in logic apps.

First, add your integration account and add the schema you want like this article.
Then click Integration account in your logic app and relate with the Intergation account you created before.
Then add Flat File Decoding to pick the schema and use Transform XML to convert csv to xml.
For more details you could refer to this article.


Custom Columns in Serilog SqLite

Im currently writing to a SQLite db file using Serilog.Sinks.SqLite. This works fine however i would like to create custom columns in this db file. I have managed to Enrich the properties column with various enrichers (ProcessName, EnviromentName etc) but i need to conform to a specific column format.
I cant find any worthwhile documentation on this package. How would one go about creating these custom columns?
Alternative solution:
How can i configure the (much beter documented) MSSQL sink to write to an SQLite file?
Thanks in advance!

is it possible store PDF or HTML content in snowflake.Please help us what is the best data type to store PDF or HTML data. How to retrieve that

is it possible store PDF or HTML content in snowflake.Please help us what is the best data type to store PDF or HTML data. How to retrieve that
If you just want to store HTML or PDF for any technical reason, you can use binary date type which can store such files up to 8Mb size. However, you could not query binary date type directly in your query.
If you have to extract any information, you can use python CLI and use python libraries to extract additional information, but you can not use SQL to extract any information.
HTML can be saved as XML but you can try that as it has couple of limitation and not sure if XML parsing is available in GA or still preview.
Snowflake has new unstructured data storage and querying functionality now. You can store the PDF in a stage and use a directory table to view the file list within the stage. You can create scoped URL's, etc. to allow applications to render the PDF files, etc.

csv to core data

I'm new to core data. How do I go about importing a fileName.csv into an Xcode core data project. What type of app should I start with. The data does not need to change. I should be able to search for a particular object and find it. Please help. Thanks
Firstly store csv file data to NSArray refer convert-csv-format-into-nsarray link.
Now to save a NSArray/NSMutableArray in Core Data refer NSArray/NSMutableArray in Core Data link.
If the data does not change then I would suggest not using Core Data. You could import the csv data (search around on google, there are several csv parsers for Objective-C) and store that information in an NSDictionary.

Creating Excel File in Apex code

'm wondering is it possible to create Excel or CSV file in apex code (as attachment) is it possible ? currently i only see it works with VF page, but i'm looking to do it in apex code not using vf page, I don't see any options.
Any help is appreciated.
Unfortunately there is no native CSV Library or API in Apex to handle the creation of CSV files. Certainly not XLS documents although you could use the native XML DOM libraries to create an Excel friendly XML document.
To write a CSV, this should be fairly simple; it's basically a big huge string with a carriage return and/or line feed at the close of each full record write. You'll need to carefully manage property value escapement by using String.replaceAll('\','\''); etc. Which in turn will chew up your script statements pretty badly.
Next, create a new Document(), convert your string to a Blob using Blob.valueOf(String) and instantiate that blob as the body of the Document.
If you are planning on writing a very large document, you may want to consider writing to some other format type or offloading this processing to a remote system (EC2?) and letting it respond with the Document in time.
I have some Apex CSV utilities already written if you need them.

Programmatically accessing excel files located on salesforce

I am new to the salesforce platform.The task im working on involves some excel files on salesforce. I have to write a program to analyze the data in these excel files and generate a report.I have the following questions about doing this
Do i need to programmatically download these excel files locally to my machine ?. If yes, what api should i use for this ?. An example would be really appreciated.
Is this something that can be done directly on salesforce ?
Thank You.
You have a mutltitude of choices, If you're using .NET or Java, you probably want to start with the soap API, you can run a SOQL query to access the Body field of the document object (I'm assuming you're storing these in documents). The SOAP API docs have examples for this. For other languages you'll probably want to start with the REST API, you'll be able to access the body resource of your document and get back the binary stream, again, good examples in the docs.
Although you can't open an Excel document to inspect it/modify it in Apex (to the best of my knowledge), you can create one - FYI
