I'm using cp 932 and trying to get the output as i scripted:
#echo off
chcp 932
echo a i u e o-ka ki ku ke ko-sa shi su se so-ta chi tsu te to-ha hi fu he ho-ma mi mu me mo-ya yu yo-ra ri ru re ro-wa wo n
echo あいうえお きかくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やゆよ らりるれろ わをん
echo アイウエオ カキクケコ サシスセソ タチツテト ナニヌネノ ハヒフヘホ マミムメモ ヤユヨ ラリルレロ ワヲン
but i get the following output:
a i u e o-ka ki ku ke ko-sa shi su se so-ta chi tsu te to-ha hi fu he
ho-ma mi mu me mo-ya yu yo-ra ri ru re ro-wa wo n
How to display the right characters?
There is no problem. As you can see, I'm on (Central European) Windows with Latin script:
You need to save the script using right encoding:
Moreover, Windows itself switch to right font (my default cmd font is set to Courier New with no CJK script):
You can convert text to Base64 and Decode it in Vbscript to show text.
Save whole code bellow as a .vbs and run it.(Don't run it via cscript or wscript).
Try my way :
Function Base64Decode(ByVal vCode)
Set oNode = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0").CreateElement("base64")
oNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
oNode.text = vCode
Base64Decode = Stream_BinaryToString(oNode.nodeTypedValue)
Set oNode = Nothing
End Function
Function Stream_BinaryToString(Binary)
Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
BinaryStream.Type = 1
BinaryStream.Write Binary
BinaryStream.Position = 0
BinaryStream.Type = 2
BinaryStream.CharSet = "utf-8"
Stream_BinaryToString = BinaryStream.ReadText
Set BinaryStream = Nothing
End Function
WSH.Echo "a i u e o-ka ki ku ke ko-sa shi su se so-ta chi tsu te to-ha hi fu he ho-ma mi mu me mo-ya yu yo-ra ri ru re ro-wa wo n"&vblf&Vblf&Base64Decode(Str)&vblf&Vblf&Base64Decode(St)
I have just com across https://github.com/google/guetzli - And would like to write a script to run it on all jpeg images in a project on windows.
How would I loop though, all files in the folder and sub folder and get the relative paths to input into the command? Finally as guetzli is reasonably slow is there a way to wait for the execution to finish or put a delay in?
For anyone interested, this is the code I went for;
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('forfiles /s /m *.jpg /c "cmd /c echo #relpath"') do
set "file=%%~A"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
echo !file:~2!
CALL "guetzli.exe" --quality 85 !file:~2! !file:~2!
Just put it into put it into the root directory with the guetzli executable
I just had to do this, and wrote these simple few lines of Python to handle it. No attempt here to be super-Pythonic. Only numeric jpgs is specific to the folder I was handling. Had to use quality=95 because of compression artifacts on very light skin tones still noticeable at 90. Still went from 6.4meg to 2.2meg for 25 420x280 jpg images (originals were max quality). At qual=85 size was 1.7meg, so 0.5meg for noticeable reduction in artifacts is acceptable. Stil big savings - Guetzli is great. HTH. -Steve
import os
import time
import subprocess
files = os.listdir('./')
jpgs = []
for file in files:
if file[len(file)-3:] != 'jpg':
fnum = int(file.split('.')[0])
todo = len(jpgs)
done = 1
print '# %d = todo' % (todo)
start_tot = time.time()
for jpg in jpgs:
fnum = int(jpg.split('.')[0])
cmd = 'guetzli --quality 95 %d.jpg %d_g.jpg' % (fnum, fnum)
print '# %d of %d' % (done, todo)
print '# %s' % (cmd)
start_img = time.time()
subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
t_this = time.time() - start_img
t_tot = (time.time() - start_tot)
avg = t_tot / float(done)
done += 1
print '#---%d done: %0.2f sec, %0.2f avgSec, %0.2f minTot' % ( fnum, t_this, avg, t_tot/60.0)
I'm working on a script to automatically configure Nodemanager, enroll a machine and starting de managed servers in it. What i currently have is (not exactly):
for m in cmo.getMachines():
#Solo ejecutamos el NodeManager en el que estamos ejecutando el script.
if nombre_machine in HOST:
nm_srv_addrs[machine.getListenPort()] = machine.getListenAddress()
for nm_port, nm_addr in nm_srv_addrs.iteritems():
printInStyle('Iniciando Nodemanager, favor tener paciencia la primera vez.')
startNodeManager(verbose='false', NodeManagerHome=NM_HOME, ListenPort=str(nm_port), ListenAddress=nm_addr)
print 'Generando nodemanager.properties ',
while not os.path.exists(NM_PROP_FILE):
print '\b.',
print 'Archivo creado!'
servidores = cmo.getServers()
for s in servidores:
nombre = s.getName()
if nombre != 'AdminServer':
But the last sequence will fail because will try to start all servers and i'm looking to start only the in the one i'm running the script.
What i believe i'm looking is a way to filter the servers in the current machine.
I'll appreciate any help or advice. I am just starting in wlst scripting.
I figured it out thanks to this link
I'll just need to filter in a couple of loops like this:
import os
machines = cmo.getMachines()
for m in machines:
hostname = os.environ['HOSTNAME']
nm = m.getNodeManager()
if nm.getListenAddress() in hostname:
servers = cmo.getServers()
for s in servers:
name = s.getName()
if name != 'AdminServer':
ref = getMBean('/Servers/'+name+'/Machine/'+current_m.getName())
if ref != None:
I'm currently working on a program that can start other Programs. Its in batch. But i need it to be user friendly. I want a code that can open a file select window, and save the directory of what i selected into a txt file (or csv or whatever). I'm new on VBS so forgive me if I'm missing something simple. But i searched for a while and got close, only to fail.
Here's what i have so far...
Set shell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
defaultLocalDir = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERPROFILE%") & "\Desktop"
Set shell = Nothing
file = ChooseFile(defaultLocalDir)
wscript.echo file
Function ChooseFile (ByVal initialDir)
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
Dim winVersion
' This collection should contain just the one item
For Each objItem in colItems
'Caption e.g. Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
'Name e.g. Microsoft Windows 7 Professional |C:\windows|...
'OSType e.g. 18 / OSArchitecture e.g 64-bit
'Version e.g 6.1.7601 / BuildNumber e.g 7601
winVersion = CInt(Left(objItem.version, 1))
Set objWMIService = Nothing
Set colItems = Nothing
If (winVersion <= 5) Then
' Then we are running XP and can use the original mechanism
Set cd = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
cd.InitialDir = initialDir
cd.Filter = "ZIP files|*.zip|Text Documents|*.txt|Shell Scripts|*.*sh|All Files|*.*"
' filter index 4 would show all files by default
' filter index 1 would show zip files by default
cd.FilterIndex = 1
If cd.ShowOpen = True Then
ChooseFile = cd.FileName
ChooseFile = ""
End If
Set cd = Nothing
' We are running Windows 7 or later
Set shell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Set ex = shell.Exec( "mshta.exe ""about: <input type=file id=X><script>X.click();new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(1).WriteLine(X.value);close();resizeTo(0,0);</script>""" )
ChooseFile = Replace( ex.StdOut.ReadAll, vbCRLF, "" )
Set ex = Nothing
Set shell = Nothing
End If
End Function
Maybe you are looking for something like next bat code snippet?
#echo OFF
SETLOCAL enableextensions
set "_chosen="
if exist "_saved.txt" (
rem read previously saved value
<"_saved.txt" set /P "_chosen="
echo read previously saved value
) else (
for /f "delims=" %%G in ('
cscript //NOLOGO "D:\VB_scripts\SO\31656148.vbs"
') do (
set "_chosen=%%G"
rem save value to a file
>"_saved.txt" echo(%%G
echo file chosen, value saved
if defined _chosen (
) else (
echo no file chosen
I am working on a small NLP project of authorship attribution: I have some texts from two authors and I want to say who wrote them.
I have some pre-processed text (tokenized, pos-tagged, ect.) and I want to load it into sciki-learn.
The documents have this shape:
Testo - SPN Testo testare+v+indic+pres+nil+1+sing testo+n+m+sing O
: - XPS colon colon+punc O
" - XPO " quotation_mark+punc O
Buongiorno - I buongiorno buongiorno+inter buongiorno+n+m+_ O
a - E a a+prep O
tutti - PP tutto tutto+adj+m+plur+pst+ind tutto+pron+_+m+_+plur+ind O
. <eos> XPS full_stop full_stop+punc O
Ci - PP pro loc+pron+loc+_+3+_+clit pro+pron+accdat+_+1+plur+clit O
sarebbe - VI essere essere+v+cond+pres+nil+2+sing O
molto - B molto molto+adj+m+sing+pst+ind
So it's a tab separeted text file of 6 columns (word, end of sentence marker, part of speech, lemma, morphological information and named entity recognition marker).
Every file represents a document to classify.
What would be the best way to shape them for scikit learn?
The structure they use in scikit-learn example https://scikit-learn.org/stable/tutorial/text_analytics/working_with_text_data.html# is described here
Replace this
# Load some categories from the training set
if opts.all_categories:
categories = None
categories = [
if opts.filtered:
remove = ('headers', 'footers', 'quotes')
remove = ()
print("Loading 20 newsgroups dataset for categories:")
print(categories if categories else "all")
data_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train', categories=categories,
shuffle=True, random_state=42,
data_test = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='test', categories=categories,
shuffle=True, random_state=42,
with your data load statements, for example:
# Load some categories from the training set
categories = [
print("loading dataset for categories:")
print(categories if categories else "all")
data_train = load_files(train_path, encoding='latin1')
data_test = load_files(test_path, encoding='latin1')
and in each of train and test directories create "high" and "low" subdirectories for your category files.
My problem is probably a format error but i can't find what error it is, when i use readFile and then I try to read that string into a data type, i receive that error.
I'm implementing a simple interpreter of a programming language in Haskell like this post:
Implementing a language interpreter in haskell
Then, I am trying to read from a file some datatype from user and files, when it is from user, it correctrly works, but not for the types read from file. My datatypes are the following:
infixr 1 :=
infix 4 :<, :>, :==, :>=, :<=
infixl 6 :+, :-
infixl 7 :*, :/
data Valuable = I Int --Entero
| V Variable --Variable
| Valuable :+ Valuable
| Valuable :- Valuable
| Valuable :* Valuable
| Valuable :/ Valuable
deriving (Read, Show);
data Boolval = B Bool --Dato booleano
| Valuable :>= Valuable
| Valuable :<= Valuable
| Valuable :== Valuable
| Valuable :> Valuable
| Valuable :< Valuable
deriving (Read, Show);
data Instruccion = Valuable := Valuable
| While Boolval Instruccion
| Cond Boolval Instruccion
| Varias [Instruccion]
deriving (Read, Show);
And when I'm trying to get the input with this procedure:
mst::[VarVal]->String -- Varval is [String, int]
mst [] = ""
mst[(a,b)] = "('" ++ a ++"', "++ (show b) ++ ")"
mst((a,b):xs) = "('" ++ a ++"', "++ (show b) ++ "), " ++ mst xs
main = do
putStrLn "Introduce el nombre del programa a cargar (Por ejemplo arch.txt)"
file <- getLine --Se toma el nombre de archivo
putStrLn "Introduce el estado de las variables con comillas dobles, (ej [(`X`,3)])"
user_state <- getLine --Se toma la entrada
arch <- readFile file
let real_state = read user_state
let my_program_file = read arch
putStrLn arch
let lst = ejecutar my_program_file real_state --problemas
putStrLn (mst lst)
The problem comes when is used the "read file" instruction, because the input format is not correct(I'm not sure) and i get the message: *** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse. this is the input format
Varias [(V "Y" := (V "X"),
(V "R" := I 1),
(While (I 0 :< V "Y") (Varias [
(V "R" := (V "R" :* V "Y")),
(V "Y" := (V "Y" :- I 1))
What am I doing wrong?