Is there a way to UPDATE files in google app engine - google-app-engine

Is there a way to update files for google app engine. I deployed the google app engine. I want to update the files on the google cloud app engine but I am unsure how to do this. When I am following the django google app engine.
How I try to fix this problem is by "re-deploying " but I receive a "too many files error" I am unsure how to fix this. How do I change the source code in the google app engine with the correct code?

You update the files on App Engine by doing this command in your project root
gcloud app deploy . --version YOUR_VERSION_NAME --project YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
But it sounds like that's what you're trying to do but you're getting a "too many files error"
I think the limit is 10,000 files. There most likely is a rogue directory in your project root that is causing the problem.
In your app.yaml you can add a skip_files section for files that should not get uploaded to App Engine.
- ^\.git/.*
- ^node_modules/(.*/)?


How to reduce ktor App file size for Google App Engine Deployment

I am trying to deploy app.yaml file to my Google App Engine project which I built using Ktor + gradle and I get this error,
ERROR: ( Cannot upload file [the file], which has size [43355410] (greater than maximum allowed size of [33554432]). Please delete the file or add to the skip_files entry in your application .yaml file and try again.
I am not using any images or videos in my projects, its pure Kotlin code but the project is 49.2MB. It seems like all the space is being occupied by the libraries I use. All of these libraries are essential to my project, how do I reduce the file size for Google App Engine since I cannot add the app.yaml file now. Strangely the project does upload when I use 'gradle appengineDeploy' command but not when I use 'gcloud app deploy app.yaml'
To resolve this issue you can set runtime in the app.yml file to java11 (I've tested it). The quote from the relevant answer:
I think this problem is related to Google App Engine Standard java 8.
When I used java11, the problem disappeared.

What am i doing wrong here? Anytime i execute this line it directs to one directory

Anytime i try executing "gcloud app deploy", below is what i get. I just don't know why.
C:\Users\charl\Desktop\Apps\webTest\webTest>gcloud app deploy ERROR:
An app.yaml (or appengine-web.xml) file is required to deploy this
directory as an App Engine application. Create an app.yaml file using
the directions at
(App Engine Flexible Environment) or
(App Engine Standard Environment) under the tab for your language.
ERROR: ( [C:\Users\charl] could not be identified as
a valid source directory or file.
App Engine comes in two flavors: the classic "App Engine Standard" and the newer "App Engine Flex(ible)".
Both require some configuration in order for the App Engine service to understand how you wish to run your app. In many instances, this configuration is with a file called app.yaml. For App Engine Standard for Java, the file is called appengine-web.xml. You'll need to create one of these two files for your app before you can deploy it.
The error message you received is helpful. It provides you with links to help you create the file you will need for a successful deployment.

Deploy and download a wordpress application to google compute engine

How to deploy a local wordpress instance to google compute engine and download the same. I manage to deploy to google app engine, looking around for the document to deploy to google compute engine and download the same. With the existing post I can see its defn possible, but not able to locate the right document.
Also is it possible to deploy using gcloud commands ?, what is the command to use ?
I tried this command gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml but it keep complaining [application] is not used by gcloud. When I remove this tag, it keeps complaning endlessly. Is there a different app.yaml structure for compute engine and app engine.
How can I generate app.yaml file that is compatible with compute engine ?. Can it be downloaded some where or using a gcloud command ?, gcloud config doesnt seem to generate one.
We just finished working on a tool and guide to help do exactly what you're asking:
Let us know if you run into any issues!

Google App Engine Bitcoin Mining
I saw this, and it's quite a dead thread. I'm trying to implement this, but eclipse is having issues.
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-endpoints.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-jsr107cache-1.7.7.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-api-labs.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.7.7.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
How do I fix this?
I've spent several hours pounding my head into a desk for this project. By the way, yes, I understand CPU mining doesn't make much money, I just wanted to see if this was possible.
I had a similar problem, and resolved it pressing right button on the error (Markers Tab) -> Quick Fix -> Synchronize lib with JDK libraries. Try it and tell me if it helps you =)

Uploading app on google app engine

I am new to python and google app. I have an already created application in python and
google app engine. I have downloaded source code of the app and customized it. The source
code which i downloaded doesn't have app.yaml and index.yaml in it. Now i want to know that if i upload my app on google app engine without app.yaml and index.yaml then is there any chance that my data on live server get lost. Please show me right path i am doing any
thing wrong. Also i dont know how to upload a single file on google app engine. Should i have to upload whole app ?
i have used following command for downloading source code on localhost: download_app -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> <output-dir>
You cannot upload an application without an app.yaml. The app.yaml file contains the necessary configurations to run your application like handlers to use, application ID, runtime, and so on.
Also, you cannot upload a single file to App Engine, you always upload the entire app.
I strongly suggest you do the "Getting Started" guide:
before you invest more time in trying to figure out why things don't work.
