Does cloud vision API supports Checkboxes, radio buttons and signatures? - checkbox

I am trying to extract data from an image which has radio buttons, Checkboxes and digital signature. Proper data is extracted in text format but unable to extract Checkboxes and radiobuttons. I wanted to ask if there is any specific API to detect Checkboxes and radiobuttons. If so, please provide the API.


Make annotation on graph created by echart

I'm using reactJs to develop the frontend, is it possible to make annotations on graphs created by echart? For example, I can left-click anywhere on a line chart to make a quick note of that point or I can a range on a graph and make a note of that range.
If I understand you correctly, you want to build an interface that allows users to left-click somewhere on the chart and add their own annotations (rather simply coding in annotations as a developer, and having them be static)?
In broad strokes, here's how I would build this:
Register click event handlers on the chart, so you can detect where the user clicked.
Build custom UI in react that can overlay on the chart, provide text input and "add"/"cancel" buttons, using the information from the click event to figure out where to draw it and to what element the annotation should be attached to.
When the user clicks "add", make a call to the showTip API (see docs) to a tooltip in the right location (from step 1) with the text the user provided.
(It looks like there is a github issue where folks are asking for this feature to be built-in - and some discussion of how to build it yourself, and a simple example that illustrates how to do step 3 above which you might find useful)

How do I display button in an Alexa card

I want to display a button in alexa card,
when user click on button it will navigate some browser or display more text.
I cannot find any documentation to do this.So please provide any idea or information to do this using Alexa response builder
It is not possible to set buttons or any other external links inside the Simple or Standard card other than links for account linking. There are suggestions out there of achieving similar functionality by including Html in the response, but none of them will work.
As the official from Amazon Alexa team quotes here,
The Standard card can generally only display plain text for a title
and content, as well as a place for an image (you use a URL here but
cannot include clickable links).

when switching the radio buttons show the different content using angularjs

I need to build a UI using angularjs where there are two radio buttons "Personal" and "official".
When personal is clicked show the content as shown in attached image.
When Official radio button is clicked show content as shown in below image.
I tried it using table but did not work, hence it will be help if small is provided for same.

Correct way to add custom buttons with OpenTok

I'm building a video application for the web in React using OpenTok. OpenTok has built in buttons for muting the mic for the publisher and muting the audio for subscribers. In my case I also need buttons to mute the video for both the publisher and the subscriber.
I haven't seen anything about a mute video button in the documentation so I built the functionality myself using subscribeToVideo. The problem is that I want to add a button with this functionality next to the mute audio button, but I haven't found anything about custom buttons in the documentation.
So my question is: What's the best way to add custom buttons to OpenToks bar?
Of course I could append a button to the html and style it in place myself, but it feels ugly and I don't know what the consequences are. I guess this is my back up solution if there isn't any other way.
I will probably need to add other buttons as well in the future so I really hope OpenTok supports custom buttons and that it's just me that haven't found how to do it.
TokBox Developer Evangelist here.
We don't have any documentation on custom buttons, but you do have three options for the video and mute buttons on the video element.
If you want a custom button, you will have to append that to the HTML and toggle subscribeToVideo and subscribeToAudio properties like you said.
Here is a react sample that adds a mute video button
I would recommend that you just set the buttonDisplayMode to off and then recreate the mute audio button just using subscriber.subscribeToAudio() and publisher.publishAudio(). This way if eg. the opentok UI changes slightly it doesn't matter for you, plus you can make it all look however you want.

Annotating or fetching selected text content using React

I'm trying to build a chrome extension using React and I could not figure out how I can get selected web content into my extension app. I am going to use it for creating annotations on the web content.
To give an example, User visits a web page, selects a text or whole paragraph and the extension will be able to get the content of selected text. I am going to highlight the text and show the user comment then. (e.g.'s annotation model)
I've tried AnnotatorJS but I cannot annotate the content outside of my application context.
What can be the accurate way for implementing annotations in React?
