WSO2 API Analytics (3.1.0-m4) Dashboard not working - analytics

After a few days of trial and error, I managed to connect my WSO2 API Manager with my WSO2 Analytics Worker node (both are on the same host). I first spin up the Analytics worker node and then the WSO2 API Manager. After the API Manager is up and running, I can see the following message "INFO {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.core.DataBridge} - user admin connected" in the worker node log. After that I successfully started the Analytics Dashboard node on the same host.
I made some progress. The issue was with the DCR url https://xxxxxxxx.xx:9443/client-registration/v0.15/register
I had to change the version to v0.16.
Issue closed


Salesforce connected app shows API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG error

I am creating a connected app to call some APIs on behalf of a user. The connected app is created from an account under Developer Edition. Now, when the user with Professional Edition connects to the app, I am able to complete the oauth flow and received the token correctly.
The issue is when i call an API, lets say the Contact API, the response i get is as below
message: 'The REST API is not enabled for this Organization.',
I am creating this app so that any user with a salesforce account can integrate and retrieve information. I am not sure if that's how connected apps work in salesforce or if I have missed any permissions.

Private server for firebase admin

My question is if I'm using firebase and I also need to do backend stuff, i.e. send an email to the user, register the user in my database. Then I will also need firebase's admin service account set up to verify the user. Now, can I use my own server to run admin service account or does firebase/Google force me to use Google's app engine?
The Firebase Admin SDK can be run on any server that can run the code.
For example, the Admin SDK for Node.js is just a regular node module. This means it can be run on any node environment: your own server, on App Engine Flex/GCE/GKE/etc, or on the serverless Cloud Functions for Firebase. All work equally fine.

share saml token between webapi servers

I am developing a web application - the client is angularJS and the server is web api2 and adfs to authenticate.
I deploy my app on multiple servers (every server contain the whole app) and there is a network load balancer,
so the user (and the angularJS) contact the network load balancer.
When user enter the app, at first the server redirect him to authenticate and then the user can talk to the server.
My problem begin after the authentication, when the network load balancer redirect the user to other web api, then the "new" server doesnt know him and he cant get any data.
Is there any way to share the saml token between all my servers?
how does resetful application can authenticate in cloud (like Amazon) , when the developer doesnt know how many server does he have or to what server the user contact?
thanks for helpers :)

Oauth framework user didn't match oauth token user from javascript client

I'm using cloud endpoints with authentication on python environment.
And I have two registered apps, one is native, other is web, on Cloud Console.
In native app, I can use my apis after authentication. But in web app, below error is happened.
Oauth framework user didn't match oauth token user.
The sequence is below:
I can get the result of gapi.auth.authorize() with token.
And when I call gapi.client.oauth2.userinfo.get(), I can get user info without error.
But when I call my api, I get this oauth error.
Of course I added client ids(native, web, api explorer) to allowed_client_ids.
But if the client id of web is removed, same error is happened and no warning about client id missing.
(As far as I know, If the client id in the request is not in allowed_client_ids, the warning about Client ID is not allowed is in the log)
And when I call api through the api explorer, same error is happened.
I don't have any idea how to investigate about this error with this short log message.
Is there any check points, suggestions?
Sorry for my poor English.
After some investigations, I've got root cause, it's Authentication Type of the application.
The Authentication Type of my application is Google Apps domain.
I created another application with Google Account API authentication type and deployed same code,
I can get user info from get_current_user().
In the document, Cloud Endpoints project is created through Cloud Console,
but my application is created through AppEngine Console before.

Java Remote API and the (Experimental) Federated Login

I've been successfully using the Remote API for Java in a standalone client and some time ago switched my app to use the experimental Federated Login. Now I am getting the can't get appId from remote api; status code = 302 exceptions every time my standalone client connects to the app.
I am looking for a confirmation of whether (or not) the Remote API for Java works with the Federated Login, to know whether the problem is on my side or a current limitation of GAE.
After some additional searching it appears that there's indeed an acknowledged problem with the use of Federated Login and Remote API, accepted as the issue 5165 by the App Engine team.
