Serialize a function pointer in C and save it in a file? - c

I am working on a C file register program that handles arbitrary generic data so the user needs to supply functions to be used, these functions are saved in function pointer in the register struct and work nicely. But I need to be able to run these functions again when the program is restarted ideally without the user needing the supply them again. I serialize important data about the register structure and write it into a header.
I was wondering how I can save the functions there too, a compiled c function is just raw binary data, right? So there must be a way to store it into a file and load the function pointers from the content in the file, but I am not sure how to this. Can someone point me in the right direction?
I am assuming it's possible to do this is C since it allows you to do pretty much anything but I might be missing something, can I do this without system calls at all? Or if not what would be the simplest way to do this in posix?
The functions are supplied when creating the register or creating new secondary indexes:
registerHandler* createAndOpenRecordFile(
int overwrite, char *filename, int keyPos, fn_keyCompare userCompare, fn_serialize userSerialize, fn_deserialize userDeserialize, int type, ...)
And saved as functions pointers:
typedef void* (*fn_serialize)(void*);
typedef void* (*fn_deserialize)(void*);
typedef int (*fn_keyCompare) (const void *, const void *);
typedef struct {
fn_serialize encode;
fn_deserialize decode;
fn_keyCompare compare;
} registerHandler;

While your logic makes some sort of sense, things much, much more complex than that. My answer is going to contain most of the comments already made here, only in answer form...
Let's assume that you have a pointer to a function. If that function has a jump instruction in it, that jump instructions could jump to an absolute address. That means that when you deserialize the function, you have to have a way to force it to be loaded into the same address, so that the absolute jump jumps to the correct address.
Which brings us to the next point. Given that your question is tagged with posix, there is no POSIX-compliant way to load code into a specific address, there's MAP_FIXED, but it's not going to work unless you write your own dynamic linker. Why does that matter? because the function's assembly code might reference the function's start address, for various reasons, most prominent of which is if the function itself gives its own address as an argument to another function.
Which actually brings us to our next point. If the serialized function calls other functions, you'd have to serialize them too. But that's the "easy" part. The hard part is if the function jumps into the middle of another function rather than call the other function, which could happen e.g. as a result of tail-call optimization. That means you have to serialize everything the function jumps into (recursively), but if the function jumps to 0x00000000ff173831, how many bytes will you serialize from that address?
For that matter, how do you know when any function ends in a portable way?
Even worse, are you even guaranteed that the function is contiguous in memory? Sure, all existing, sane hardware OS memory managers and hardware architectures make it contiguous in memory, but is it guaranteed to be so 1 year from now?
Yet another issue is: What if the user passes a different function based on something dynamic? i.e. if the environment variable X is true, we want function x(), otherwise we want y()?
We're not even going to think about discussing portability across hardware architectures, operating systems, or even versions of the same hardware architecture.
But we are going to talk about security. Assuming that you no longer require the user to give you a pointer to their code, which might have had a bug that they fixed in a new version, you'll continue to use the buggy version until the user remembers to "refresh" your data structures with new code.
And when I say "bug" above, you should read "security vulnerability". If the vulnerable function you're serializing launches a shell, or indeed refers to anything outside the processes, it becomes a persistent exploit.
In short, there's no way to do what you want to do in a sane and economic way. What you can do, instead, is to force the user to package these functions for you.
The most obvious way to do it is asking them to pass a filename of a library which you then open with dlopen().
Another way to do it is pass something like a Lua or JavaScript string and embed an engine to execute these strings as code.
Yet another way is to pass paths to executables, and execute these when the data needs to be processed. This is what git does.
But what you should probably do is just require that the user always passes these functions. Keep it simple.


Why all system calls in Linux passes arguments to kernel using "call by reference"?

If we look at the syscalls.h file in Linux kernel, we can see that all most all the arguments of the system calls are passed by reference. For example
asmlinkage long sys_open_by_handle_at(int mountdirfd,
struct file_handle __user *handle,
int flags);
Here, file_handle is passed as a pointer. Why not simple the value is not passed to kernel?
Many (most?) systems implement function calls by pushing argument values onto a stack. If you pass a struct or any other complex data type by value, you'd need to copy it to the stack. There's no reason to do this, since the kernel has access to the entire memory space of the process. Aside from the copy cost, you'd also increase the stack space needed.
In addition, the kernel will need to copy any data it needs to retain into the kernel memory space. The kernel can't rely on user space code behavior. (It's also not going to free anything obtained from user space, which eliminates some any concerns over mixing up responsibility for reclaiming memory.)
Finally, realistically, coders working in the kernel need to be very comfortable with working with pointers. There's really no advantage to passing by value once you're completely comfortable with pointers.
This part is a bit more of an opinion, but I think there's also a strong legacy effect. The Unix kernel and C developed somewhat in tandem. See for some of the history. It's been a long time, but if I recall correctly, older versions of C wouldn't allow you to pass a struct by value. Regardless, working with pointers was highly idiomatic in C (and I would say still is). In other words, this is just how things have always been done.
The memory space for user mode and kernel mode are different. When you make a system call, the MMU of the Linux subsystem makes sure that proper memory mapping of the user space process running in their own Virtual address space is done to the Physical address space of the kernel.
Variables in the user mode stay in the process' virtual address space. They can't just be passed in system calls and expected to get mapped in the physical address space .
This is what my understanding is. Would love to discuss and clarify if needed.
Principally I understand that the struct file_handle parameter of the function sys_open_by_handle_at(() is an "in" parameter, i.e. it is not modified by the function. Therefore it could as well be passed by value. I see about three reasons why this is not done. All reasons are surely valid for this particular function; at least the last argument (K&R) applies to all struct arguments, in all system calls.
The struct can have a size of e.g. 128 bytes which would be slow to copy to the stack.
Passing a pointer obviates the need to know the struct definition on the caller side. The struct is an "opaque handle" filled by a previous call to [sys_]name_to_handle_at(). The caller doesn't want to and actually shouldn't be burdened with the details of the struct's contents. (Leaving the caller innocent obviates the need to recompile the program because the struct's layout changes. I can also imagine that the contents differs between file system types.)
Unix and even its open source complement Linux is older than C99. I suppose that for the longest time K&R C was the smallest common denominator C standard the kernel sources adhered to. In K&R C it is simply not possible to pass structs by value.

is it safe to pass function pointers around and compare them just like normal object's pointers?

Here is the thing, I have several functions,
void foo() {}
void bar() {}
And I want to pass these functions around just like ordinary objects' pointers,
int main()
void (*fptr1)() = foo;
void (*fptr2)() = fptr1;
void (*fptr3)() = bar;
if (fptr1 == foo)
printf("foo function\n");
if (fptr2 == foo)
printf("foo function\n");
if (fptr3 == foo)
printf("foo function\n")
Can I use these function pointers this way? And I wrote a program to test it, seems like ok. Furthermore, I think, not like ordinary objects which may lie in stack or heap, functions reside in text segment (right?), so when I refer to foo, does it give me the physical address at which function foo lies in the text segment?
If I indeed work with DLL, consider this: first, a function ptr fptr is assigned a function,
ReturnType (*fptr)(ArgType) = beautiful_func;
Two scenarios here,
1) if beautiful_func is not in DLL, then it is safe to use this fptr.
2) if it is in DLL, then later, I think it would be unsafe to use fptr, because it now may refer to a totally different function which is not fptr was born for, right?
You can check if two function pointers are equal just by simply == them, as they are just normal pointers. That's obvious.
However, when you are say "compare", check what you really have in your mind:
are you interested in detecting that you are given a different "thing"
or are you interested in detecting that you are given different function?
comparing pointers (not only function pointers! it applies to all of them) is a bit risky: you are not checking the contents (logical identity), but just the location ("physical" identity). Most of the time it really is the same, but sometimes, beware, you stumble upon copies.
It is obvious that if you create an array with numbers 1,2,3,4 and then allocate another array and copy the contents there, then you get two different pointers, right? But the array may be SAME for you, depending on what you need it for.
With function pointers the problem is just the same, and even more: you don't actually know what the compiler/linker has done with your code. It might have opitmized few things, it might have merged some not-exported functions together if it noticed them equal, it might have copied or inlined others.
Especially that may happen when working with bigger separate "subprojects". Imagine you wrote a sorting function, then include it with subproject A, and subproject B, compile/build everything, then link and run. Will you end with one sort functions or two? Hard question until you actually check and tailor the linkage options properly.
This is a bit more complex than with arrays. With arrays, you got different pointer if the array was different. Here, the same function may have many different addresses. It might be especially noticeable when working with templates in C++, but that again depends on how well the linker did his job.. Oh, great example: DLLs. With three DLLs based on similar code, they almost have guaranteeded to have three copies of everything they were statically linked to.
And when talkig about DLLs... You know that they can load/unload additional code into your memory, right? This means that when you load a DLL, at some address XYZ a function appears. Then you unload it, and it goes away. But when you now load different DLL? Of course the OS is allowed to reuse the space, and it is allowed to map a newly loaded DLL into the same area as previous one. Most of the time you will not notice it, as newly loaded DLL will be mapped into different region, but it may happen.
This means that while you can compare the pointers, the only answer you get is: are the pointers same or not?
if they not same, then you SIMPLY DON'T KNOW; different function pointer does not mean that the function is different. It may be so, it will be so in 99% of cases, but does not have to be different
if they are same:
if you are NOT loading/unloading the various dynamic libraries large number of times, you might assume that nothing changes and you may be sure got the same function/object/array as before
if you are working with unloadable dynamic modules, you'd better not assume that at all, unless you are absolutely sure that none of the pointers comes from a DLL that will be unloaded in future. Note that it some libraries use dynamic libraries for "plugin-like" functionality. Be careful with pointers from them, and watch for plugin load/unload notifications. Your function may change when a dynamic library is unloaded.
Unless you (or some library you use) ever unload the DLL, then your pointer-to-function-that-targets-a-DLL is safe to use.
Once the DLL is loaded, the only evil thing that can change the meaning of address that this DLL has taken is unloading the dynamic module.
If you are sure that:
(1) either your pointer-to-function does not target a function from dynamic module (points to statically-linked code only)
(2) or it targets a dynamic module, but that dynamic module is never unloaded (ok: until program quits or crashes)
(3) or it targets a dynamic module, and you precisely know which one, and that dynamic module is sometimes unloaded during the runtime, but your code gets some 'prior notification' about that fact
then your pointer to function is safe to store and use and compare, provided that you add some safety measures:
for (1), no safety measures are needed: the functions will not get replaced
for (2), no safety measures are needed: the functions will not get until program quits
for (3), safety measures are needed: you must listen to those notifications, and once you get notified about DLL being unloaded, you must immediatelly forget all pointers that target DLL. You are still safe to remember any other. You are still safe to re-remember it when it gets loaded again.
If you suspect that your pointer-to-function does targets a function from dynamic module that will be unloaded at some point of time before program quits, and:
you don't actually know which DLL is pointed by that pointer
or that DLL will be unloaded at any point without any notice
then your pointer to function is unsafe to use at all. And by at all I mean AT ALL in any way. Dont store it, as it may instantly evaporate immediately.
does it give me the physical address at which function foo lies in the
text segment?
Unless you are working on a primitive or any other special OS , NO!
The addresses are not physical , they are virtual addresses!
Basically there is a mechanism employed by operating systems that allows programs that are even larger than the physical memory. So the OS does the the job of handling the mapping behind the scenes.
Sorry if i confused you. Your understanding is correct (it is perfectly alright to use function pointers in the way you are using them) but the addresses are not physical addresses ( which refers to the numbers using which your main memory is actually addressed ).
Yes, the C standard allows you to compare function pointers with the operators == and != ,
e.g. from C11 6.5.9:
Two pointers compare equal if and only if both are null pointers, both
are pointers to the same object (including a pointer to an object and
a subobject at its beginning) or function,
Exactly where a function resides depends on your platform, it might be in a text segment, or it might be somewhere else. When running on operating systems with virtual memory, the address is normally a virtual address, not a physical memory address.
Considering the fact that pointer stores than memory address, which comes down to an number, yes, you can compare tham that way. As for other question, taken from here, text segment would be defined as "one of the sections of a program in an object file or in memory, which contains executable instructions.", which means, that pointer should containt address of somewhere in the text segment.
Yes, you can use that way. And you understanding is correct.

Using Structs in Functions

I have a function and i'm accessing a struct's members a lot of times in it.
What I was wondering about is what is the good practice to go about this?
For example:
struct s
int x;
int y;
and I have allocated memory for 10 objects of that struct using malloc.
So, whenever I need to use only one of the object in a function, I usually create (or is passed as argument) pointer and point it to the required object (My superior told me to avoid array indexing because it adds a calculation when accessing any member of the struct)
But is this the right way? I understand that dereferencing is not as expensive as creating a copy, but what if I'm dereferencing a number of times (like 20 to 30) in the function.
Would it be better if i created temporary variables for the struct variables (only the ones I need, I certainly don't use all the members) and copy over the value and then set the actual struct's value before returning?
Also, is this unnecessary micro optimization? Please note that this is for embedded devices.
This is for an embedded system. So, I can't make any assumptions about what the compiler will do. I can't make any assumptions about word size, or the number of registers, or the cost of accessing off the stack, because you didn't tell me what the architecture is. I used to do embedded code on 8080s when they were new...
OK, so what to do?
Pick a real section of code and code it up. Code it up each of the different ways you have listed above. Compile it. Find the compiler option that forces it to print out the assembly code that is produced. Compile each piece of code with every different set of optimization options. Grab the reference manual for the processor and count the cycles used by each case.
Now you will have real data on which to base a decision. Real data is much better that the opinions of a million highly experience expert programmers. Sit down with your lead programmer and show him the code and the data. He may well show you better ways to code it. If so, recode it his way, compile it, and count the cycles used by his code. Show him how his way worked out.
At the very worst you will have spent a weekend learning something very important about the way your compiler works. You will have examined N ways to code things times M different sets of optimization options. You will have learned a lot about the instruction set of the machine. You will have learned how good, or bad, the compiler is. You will have had a chance to get to know your lead programmer better. And, you will have real data.
Real data is the kind of data that you must have to answer this question. With out that data nothing anyone tells you is anything but an ego based guess. Data answers the question.
Bob Pendleton
First of all, indexing an array is not very expensive (only like one operation more expensive than a pointer dereference, or sometimes none, depending on the situation).
Secondly, most compilers will perform what is called RVO or return value optimisation when returning structs by value. This is where the caller allocates space for the return value of the function it calls, and secretly passes the address of that memory to the function for it to use, and the effect is that no copies are made. It does this automatically, so
struct mystruct blah = func();
Only constructs one object, passes it to func for it to use transparently to the programmer, and no copying need be done.
What I do not know is if you assign an array index the return value of the function, like this:
someArray[0] = func();
will the compiler pass the address of someArray[0] and do RVO that way, or will it just not do that optimisation? You'll have to get a more experienced programmer to answer that. I would guess that the compiler is smart enough to do it though, but it's just a guess.
And yes, I would call it micro optimisation. But we're C programmers. And that's how we roll.
Generally, the case in which you want to make a copy of a passed struct in C is if you want to manipulate the data in place. That is to say, have your changes not be reflected in the struct it self but rather only in the return value. As for which is more expensive, it depends on a lot of things. Many of which change implementation to implementation so I would need more specific information to be more helpful. Though, I would expect, that in an embedded environment you memory is at a greater premium than your processing power. Really this reads like needless micro optimization, your compiler should handle it.
In this case creating temp variable on the stack will be faster. But if your structure is much bigger then you might be better with dereferencing.

Why do we pass by reference when we have a choice to make the variable external?

Suppose we have an array say:
int arr[1000];
and I have a function that works on that array say:
void Func(void);
Why would there ever be a need to pass by reference (by changing the void), when I can have arr[1000] as an external variable outside main()?
What is the difference?Is there any difference?
Why do people prefer passing by reference rather than making it external? (I myself think that making it external is easier).
If you use a global variable arr, Func is limited to always being used with that one variable and nothing else. Here are some reasons why that might be bad:
arr is part of the "current document" you're working with, and you later decide you want your program to support having more than one document open.
You later decide (or someone using your code as a library decides) to use threads, and suddenly your program randomly crashes when two threads clobber each other's work in arr.
You later decide to make your code a library, and now it makes sense for the caller (in case there's more than one point at which the library gets used in a program) to provide the buffer; otherwise independent parts of the calling code would have the be aware of one another's implementations.
All of these problems go away as soon as you eliminate global variables and make your functions take pointers to the data they need to operate on.
I think you're asking if global variables are bad. Quoting an excellent answer:
The problem with global variables is
that since every function has access
to these, it becomes increasingly hard
to figure out which functions actually
read and write these variables.
To understand how the application
works, you pretty much have to take
into account every function which
modifies the global state. That can be
done, but as the application grows it
will get harder to the point of being
virtually impossible (or at least a
complete waste of time).
If you don't rely on global variables,
you can pass state around between
different functions as needed. That
way you stand a much better chance of
understanding what each function does,
as you don't need to take the global
state into account.
If arr is external then anyone can modify it, not just Func. This is Officially Bad.
Passing arguments ensures that you know what data you are changing and who is changing it.
EDIT: Where Officially Bad means "Usually bad, but not always. Generally don't do it unless you have a good reason." Just like all the other "rules" of software development :)
By making the variable external to the function, the function is now tightly coupled to the module that defines the variable, and is thus harder to reuse in other programs. It also means that your function can only ever work on that one array, which limits the function's flexibility. Suppose one day your requirements change, and now you have to process multiple arrays with Func.
By passing the array as a parameter (along with the array size), the function becomes more easily decoupled from the module using it (meaning it can be more easily used by other programs/modules), and you can now use the function to process more than one array.
From a general code maintenance standpoint, it's best that functions and their callers communicate through parameters and return values rather than rely on shared variables.
It's largely a matter of scope; If you make all your variables external/global in scope, how confusing is that going to get?
Not only that, but you'll have a large number of variables that simply do not need to exist at any given time. Passing function arguments around instead of having lots of global variables lets you more easily get rid of things you no longer need.
Passing by reference (rather than using a global variable) makes it more clear to someone reading the code that the function may change the values of the array.
Additionally if you were to want to preform the action on more than one array you could just use the same function over and over and pass a different array to it each time.
Another reason is that when writing multi-threaded code you usually want each thread to exclusively own as much of the data that it has to work on (sharing writable data is expensive and may result in race conditions if not done properly). By restricting global variable access and making local variables and passing references you can more easily write code that is more thread (and signal handler) friendly.
As an example lets look at the simple puts function.
int puts(const char *s);
This function write a C string to standard output, which can be useful. You might write some complicated code that outputs messages about what it is doing at different stages of execution using puts.
int my_complicated_code( int x, int y, int z);
Now, imagine that you call the function several times in the program, but one of those times you actually don't want it to write to standard output, but to some other FILE *. If all of your calls to puts were actually fputs, which takes a FILE * that tells what file to print to, this would be easy to accomplish if you changed my_complicated_code to take in a FILE * as well as it's other arguments.
int my_complicated_code(int x, int y, int z, FILE * out_file);
Now you can decide which file it will print to at the time when you call my_complicated_code by passing it a reference to any FILE * you have (that is open for writing).
The same thing follows for arrays. The memcpy function would be much less useful if it only copied data to one particular location. Or if it only copied from one particular location, since it actually takes two references to arrays.
It is often easier to write unit tests for functions that take references too since they don't make assumptions about where the data they need is or what its name is. You don't have to keep updating an array with a certain name to mimic the input you want to test, just create a different array for each test and pass it to your function.
In many simple programs it may seem like it is easier to write code using global variables like this, but as programs get bigger this is not the case.
As an addition to all the other answers already giving good reasons: Every single decision in programming is a tradeoff between different advantages and disadvantages. Decades of programming experience by generations of programmers have shown that global state is a bad thing in most cases. There is even a programming paradigm built around the avoidance of it, taking it to the extreme of avoiding state at all:
You may find it easier at the moment, but when your projects keep going to grow bigger and bigger, at some point you will find that you have implemented so many workarounds for the problems that came up in the meantime, that you will find yourself unable to maintain your own code.
There is a difference in scope. If you declare "int arr[1000]"
in your main() for instance, you cannot access it in your function "another_function()". You would have to explicitly pass it by reference to every other function in which you want to use it. If it were external, it would be accessible in every function.
See (1.)
It's a maintenance issue too. Why would I want to have to track down some external somewhere when I can just look at the function and see what it is supposed to be?

C memcpy() a function

Is there any method to calculate size of a function? I have a pointer to a function and I have to copy entire function using memcpy. I have to malloc some space and know 3rd parameter of memcpy - size. I know that sizeof(function) doesn't work. Do you have any suggestions?
Functions are not first class objects in C. Which means they can't be passed to another function, they can't be returned from a function, and they can't be copied into another part of memory.
A function pointer though can satisfy all of this, and is a first class object. A function pointer is just a memory address and it usually has the same size as any other pointer on your machine.
It doesn't directly answer your question, but you should not implement call-backs from kernel code to user-space.
Injecting code into kernel-space is not a great work-around either.
It's better to represent the user/kernel barrier like a inter-process barrier. Pass data, not code, back and forth between a well defined protocol through a char device. If you really need to pass code, just wrap it up in a kernel module. You can then dynamically load/unload it, just like a .so-based plugin system.
On a side note, at first I misread that you did want to pass memcpy() to the kernel. You have to remind that it is a very special function. It is defined in the C standard, quite simple, and of a quite broad scope, so it is a perfect target to be provided as a built-in by the compiler.
Just like strlen(), strcmp() and others in GCC.
That said, the fact that is a built-in does not impede you ability to take a pointer to it.
Even if there was a way to get the sizeof() a function, it may still fail when you try to call a version that has been copied to another area in memory. What if the compiler has local or long jumps to specific memory locations. You can't just move a function in memory and expect it to run. The OS can do that but it has all the information it takes to do it.
I was going to ask how operating systems do this but, now that I think of it, when the OS moves stuff around it usually moves a whole page and handles memory such that addresses translate to a page/offset. I'm not sure even the OS ever moves a single function around in memory.
Even in the case of the OS moving a function around in memory, the function itself must be declared or otherwise compiled/assembled to permit such action, usually through a pragma that indicates the code is relocatable. All the memory references need to be relative to its own stack frame (aka local variables) or include some sort of segment+offset structure such that the CPU, either directly or at the behest of the OS, can pick the appropriate segment value. If there was a linker involved in creating the app, the app may have to be
re-linked to account for the new function address.
There are operating systems which can give each application its own 32-bit address space but it applies to the entire process and any child threads, not to an individual function.
As mentioned elsewhere, you really need a language where functions are first class objects, otherwise you're out of luck.
You want to copy a function? I do not think that this is possible in C generally.
Assume, you have a Harvard-Architecture microcontroller, where code (in other words "functions") is located in ROM. In this case you cannot do that at all.
Also I know several compilers and linkers, which do optimization on file (not only function level). This results in opcode, where parts of C functions are mixed into each other.
The only way which I consider as possible may be:
Generate opcode of your function (e.g. by compiling/assembling it on its own).
Copy that opcode into an C array.
Use a proper function pointer, pointing to that array, to call this function.
Now you can perform all operations, common to typical "data", on that array.
But apart from this: Did you consider a redesign of your software, so that you do not need to copy a functions content?
I don't quite understand what you are trying to accomplish, but assuming you compile with -fPIC and don't have your function do anything fancy, no other function calls, not accessing data from outside function, you might even get away with doing it once. I'd say the safest possibility is to limit the maximum size of supported function to, say, 1 kilobyte and just transfer that, and disregard the trailing junk.
If you really needed to know the exact size of a function, figure out your compiler's epilogue and prologue. This should look something like this on x86:
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
;expect a varying length run of NOPs here
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
Disassemble your compiler's output to check, and take the corresponding assembled sequences to search for. Epilogue alone might be enough, but all of this can bomb if searched sequence pops up too early, e.g. in the data embedded by the function. Searching for the next prologue might also get you into trouble, i think.
Now please ignore everything that i wrote, since you apparently are trying to approach the problem in the wrong and inherently unsafe way. Paint us a larger picture please, WHY are you trying to do that, and see whether we can figure out an entirely different approach.
A similar discussion was done here:
They propose creating a dummy function after your function-to-be-copied, and then getting the memory pointers to both. But you need to switch off compiler optimizations for it to work.
If you have GCC >= 4.4, you could try switching off the optimizations for your function in particular using #pragma:
Another proposed solution was not to copy the function at all, but define the function in the place where you would want to copy it to.
Good luck!
If your linker doesn't do global optimizations, then just calculate the difference between the function pointer and the address of the next function.
Note that copying the function will produce something which can't be invoked if your code isn't compiled relocatable (i.e. all addresses in the code must be relative, for example branches; globals work, though since they don't move).
It sounds like you want to have a callback from your kernel driver to userspace, so that it can inform userspace when some asynchronous job has finished.
That might sound sensible, because it's the way a regular userspace library would probably do things - but for the kernel/userspace interface, it's quite wrong. Even if you manage to get your function code copied into the kernel, and even if you make it suitably position-independent, it's still wrong, because the kernel and userspace code execute in fundamentally different contexts. For just one example of the differences that might cause problems, if a page fault happens in kernel context due to a swapped-out page, that'll cause a kernel oops rather than swapping the page in.
The correct approach is for the kernel to make some file descriptor readable when the asynchronous job has finished (in your case, this file descriptor almost certainly be the character device your driver provides). The userspace process can then wait for this event with select / poll, or with read - it can set the file descriptor non-blocking if wants, and basically just use all the standard UNIX tools for dealing with this case. This, after all, is how the asynchronous nature of network sockets (and pretty much every other asychronous case) is handled.
If you need to provide additional information about what the event that occured, that can be made available to the userspace process when it calls read on the readable file descriptor.
Function isn't just object you can copy. What about cross-references / symbols and so on? Of course you can take something like standard linux "binutils" package and torture your binaries but is it what you want?
By the way if you simply are trying to replace memcpy() implementation, look around LD_PRELOAD mechanics.
I can think of a way to accomplish what you want, but I won't tell you because it's a horrific abuse of the language.
A cleaner method than disabling optimizations and relying on the compiler to maintain order of functions is to arrange for that function (or a group of functions that need copying) to be in its own section. This is compiler and linker dependant, and you'll also need to use relative addressing if you call between the functions that are copied. For those asking why you would do this, its a common requirement in embedded systems that need to update the running code.
My suggestion is: don't.
Injecting code into kernel space is such an enormous security hole that most modern OSes forbid self-modifying code altogether.
As near as I can tell, the original poster wants to do something that is implementation-specific, and so not portable; this is going off what the C++ standard says on the subject of casting pointers-to-functions, rather than the C standard, but that should be good enough here.
In some environments, with some compilers, it might be possible to do what the poster seems to want to do (that is, copy a block of memory that is pointed to by the pointer-to-function to some other location, perhaps allocated with malloc, cast that block to a pointer-to-function, and call it directly). But it won't be portable, which may not be an issue. Finding the size required for that block of memory is itself dependent on the environment, and compiler, and may very well require some pretty arcane stuff (e.g., scanning the memory for a return opcode, or running the memory through a disassembler). Again, implementation-specific, and highly non-portable. And again, may not matter for the original poster.
The links to potential solutions all appear to make use of implementation-specific behaviour, and I'm not even sure that they do what the purport to do, but they may be suitable for the OP.
Having beaten this horse to death, I am curious to know why the OP wants to do this. It would be pretty fragile even if it works in the target environment (e.g., could break with changes to compiler options, compiler version, code refactoring, etc). I'm glad that I don't do work where this sort of magic is necessary (assuming that it is)...
I have done this on a Nintendo GBA where I've copied some low level render functions from flash (16 bit access slowish memory) to the high speed workspace ram (32 bit access, at least twice as fast). This was done by taking the address of the function immdiately after the function I wanted to copy, size = (int) (NextFuncPtr - SourceFuncPtr). This did work well but obviously cant be garunteed on all platforms (does not work on Windows for sure).
I think one solution can be as below.
For ex: if you want to know func() size in program a.c, and have indicators before and after the function.
Try writing a perl script which will compile this file into object format(cc -o) make sure that pre-processor statements are not removed. You need them later on to calculate the size from object file.
Now search for your two indicators and find out the code size in between.
