Check if File Exists and then append Number to Name - batch-file

As seen in the title, I am wondering if I can name a .txt file in consequence of a verification of other files that are located in the same folder...
Before even creating my new file, I tried this but it doesn't work since I get an error The system cannot find the file specified. and I can't use Traces!i!.txt as a variable even if I define it later:
#Echo Off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
Set dir=C:\...\myFolder\
Set /A i=1
for /f %%a in ('dir %dir%Traces*.txt /b') do (
Set file=%%a
Set /A result=!i! - !file:~6,-4!
If "!result:~0,1!"=="-" ( Set /A i=!file:~6,-4! + 1 )
If "!result:~0,1!"=="0" ( Set /A i=!i! + 1 )
Echo Traces!i!.txt
Also, is there a way that I get the final chosen name as a variable ?
I want the files in my folder to look like:
The next time when I create a new file, its name is supposed to be list4.txt, so I need a program that actually check for other files like I said before.

#echo off
set "dir=C:\...\myFolder\"
set "i=0"
Set /a "i+=1"
if exist "%dir%Traces%i%.txt" goto :get_filename
set "filename=Traces%i%.txt"
echo "%dir%%filename%"
Can just use goto a label to loop to get an indexed filename. Once the 1st indexed filename is not found, filename is set with the value of the indexed filename available for creation.

If the number suffixes are always consecutive, you could sort the file names so that the highest number can be retrieved. Since batch scripting is only capable of pure alphabetic sorting, you need to pad the number suffixes with zeros to the left to get a fixed width, then alphabetic sorting results in the same order as alpha-numeric one.
Here is an example of what I mean:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_TARGET=D:\path\to\target\dir" & rem // (path to the target directory)
set "_PREFIX=Traces" & rem // (constant file name prefix)
set "_EXT=.txt" & rem // (file name extension with `.`)
set "_TEMPF=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp" & rem // (path to a temporary file)
rem // Change into target directory:
pushd "%_TARGET%" && (
rem // Write to temporary file:
> "%_TEMPF%" (
rem // Loop through all matching file names:
for /F "delims= eol=|" %%F in ('dir /B /A:-D "%_PREFIX%*%EXT%"') do (
rem // Store current base file name:
set "NAME=%%~nF"
rem // Toggle delayed expansion to avoid loss of `!`:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Remove prefix from base file name, pad number with 10 zeros:
set "NUM=!NAME:*%_PREFIX%=!" & set "PAD=0000000000!NUM!"
rem // Return 10-digit number plus `|` plus original number (suffix):
rem // Restore previous working directory:
rem // Reset variable that will receive the resulting highest number (suffix):
set "ITEM="
for /F "tokens=2 delims=| eol=|" %%E in ('sort "%_TEMPF%"') do (
set "ITEM=%%E"
rem // Clean up temporary file:
del "%_TEMPF%"
rem // Check whether there were matching files:
if defined ITEM (
rem // Increment found highest number:
set /A "ITEM+=1"
rem // Return next free file path and name:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
exit /B


batch for loop in file

I have a Batch script :
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
SET /P UserInput=Please Enter a Number:
SET /A number=UserInput
ECHO number=%number%
for %%i in (*.jpeg) do call :JPG %%~ni %%i
goto :end
set str=%1
set /a str2=%str:_color=%
set /a newnamej=%str2%+%number%
echo %1 ==> I can see the problem with it
set lastnamej=%newnamej%_color.jpeg
ren %2 %lastnamej%
goto :eof
The goal of this script is to take all file in a folder. They are all named after a number (1_color.jpeg, 2_color.jpeg, 3_color.jpeg,..) and I want to rename them with an additionnal number (if user input is 5, 1_color.jpeg will become 6_color.jpeg, and so on).
I have a problem with this script.
if I use a number such as 555, the first file will pass in the for loop 2 times.
(little example : 1_color.jpeg and 2_color.jpeg,
I use my script with 5 so 1_color.jpeg => 6_color.jpeg and 2_color.jpeg => 7_color.jpeg but then, 6_color.jpeg will be read again once, and will become 11_color.jpeg, so my result will be 11_color.jpeg and 7_color.jpeg).
Do someone know how to fix this issue?
Thanks for all!
The problem have two parts: the for %%i in (*.jpeg) ... command may be dinamically affected by the position that a renamed file will occupy in the whole file list, so some files may be renamed twice and, in certain particular cases with many files, up to three times.
The solution is to use a for /F %%i in ('dir /B *.jpeg') ... command instead, that first get the list of all files, and then start the renaming process.
Also, the rename must be done from last file to first one order, to avoid duplicate numbers.
However, in this case the use of for /F combined with "tokens=1* delims=_" option also allows to process the first underscore-separated number in the file names in a simpler way:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
SET /P number=Please Enter a Number:
ECHO number=%number%
for /F "tokens=1* delims=_" %%a in ('dir /O:-N /B *.jpeg') do (
set /A newNum=%%a+number
ren "%%a_%%b" "!newNum!_%%b"
User Aacini provided a nice solution in his answer, pointing out both issues at hand, namely the fact that for does not fully enumerate the directory in advance (see this thread: At which point does for or for /R enumerate the directory (tree)?) and the flaw in the logic concerning the sort order of the processed files.
However, there is still a problem derived from the purely (reverse-)alphabetic sort order of dir /B /O:-N *.jpeg, which can still cause collisions, as the following example illustrates:
So if the entered number was 1, file 9_color.jpeg is tried to be renamed to 10_color.jpeg, which fails because that file already exists as it has not yet been processed (hence renamed to 11_color.jpeg).
To overcome this problem, you need to correctly sort the items in reverse alpha-numeric order. This can be achieved by left-zero-padding the numbers before sorting them, because then, alphabetic and alpha-numeric sort orders match. Here is a possible implementation:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_LOCATION=." & rem // (directory containing the files to rename)
set "_PATTERN=*_*.jpeg" & rem // (search pattern for the files to rename)
set "_REGEX1=^[0-9][0-9]*_[^_].*\.jpeg$" & rem // (`findstr` filter expression)
set "_TEMPFILE=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp" & rem // (path to temporary file)
rem // Retrieve numeric user input:
set "NUMBER="
set /P NUMBER="Please Enter a number: "
set /A "NUMBER+=0"
if %NUMBER% GTR 0 (set "ORDER=/R") else if %NUMBER% LSS 0 (set "ORDER=") else exit /B
rem /* Write `|`-separated list of left-zero-padded file prefixes, original and new
rem file names into temporary file: */
> "%_TEMPFILE%" (
for /F "tokens=1* delims=_" %%E in ('
dir /B "%_LOCATION%\%_PATTERN%" ^| findstr /I /R /C:"%_REGEX1%"
') do (
set "NAME=%%F"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "PADDED=0000000000%%E"
set /A "NUMBER+=%%E"
echo !PADDED:~-10!^|%%E_!NAME!^|!NUMBER!_!NAME!
rem /* Read `|`-separated list from temporary file, sort it by the left-zero-padded
rem prefixes, extract original and new file names and perform actual renaming: */
< "%_TEMPFILE%" (
for /F "tokens=2* delims=|" %%K in ('sort %ORDER%') do (
ECHO ren "%%K" "%%L"
rem // Clean up temporary file:
del "%_TEMPFILE%"
exit /B
After having successfully verified the correct output of the script, to not forget to remove the upper-case ECHO command in front of the ren command line.
The script uses a temporary file that receives a |-separated table with the padded numeric prefix in the first, the original file name in the second and the new file name in the third column, like this:
The temporary file is read and sorted by the sort command. The strings from the second and third columns are extracted and passed over to the ren command.

Batch file to copy all .sql files in a tree to a single folder using a counter for files with same name

I was looking for some help in setting up a batch script to go through an entire directory and copy all .sql files to a single folder. I can do this easy enough with a FOR loop but I hit a snag if two or more files in different directories have the same name. I'm attempting to get around this using a counter but I'm having trouble getting it to be specific to individual file names.
My code so far:
set /A n=0
for /R %source% %%G in (*.sql) do (
if exist %destination%\sql_files\%%~nxG (
set /A n+=1
set "full=%%G"
set "name=%%~nG"
set "ext=%%~xG"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
copy "!full!" "!destination!\sql_files\!name!(!n!)!ext!" >nul
) else (
copy "%%G" "%destination%\sql_files\" >nul
For example if I have:
I end up with:
What I would like to see is:
I thought that my answer might lie in a subroutine but I can't quite figure out the logic to make that work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is a script that does what you want. It relies on the fact that the target directory is initially empty:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "SOURCE=."
set "DESTINATION=..\sql_files"
set "PATTERN=*.sql"
set "TMPFILE=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp"
rem // Create target directory, check whether it is empty:
2> nul md "%DESTINATION%"
(2> nul dir /B /A "%DESTINATION%\*.*" | > nul find /V "") && (
>&2 echo Target directory "%DESTINATION%" is not empty!
exit /B 1
rem /* Write list of files to temporary file; each line holds
rem the pure file name and the full path, separated by `:`: */
if not defined SOURCE set "SOURCE=."
> "%TMPFILE%" (
for /R "%SOURCE%" %%F in ("%PATTERN%") do (
echo :%%~nxF:%%~fF
rem // Read temporary file with lines sorted by file names:
set "PREV=:" & set /A "INDEX=0"
for /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%E in ('sort "%TMPFILE%"') do (
rem // Cache file name parts and full path:
set "FILE=%%E"
set "NAME=%%~nE"
set "EXT=%%~xE"
set "FULL=%%F"
rem // Compare current with previous file name:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if /I not "!FILE!"=="!PREV!" (
rem // Reset index if names do not match:
set /A "INDEX=0"
) else (
rem // Increment index if names do match:
set /A "INDEX+=1"
rem // Build new file nase name:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if !INDEX! GTR 0 (
set "NAME=!NAME!(!INDEX!)"
rem // Copy file and rename accordingly:
> nul copy "!FULL!" "!DESTINATION!\!NAME!!EXT!"
rem // Cache processed file name:
set "PREV=%%E"
rem // Delete temporary file:
del "%TMPFILE%"
exit /B

Delete Last 6 Rows From Multiple .txt Files

I have never done a batch file before. I have a few dozen .txt files sitting in a folder (ex. C:\files).
The files all end with 6 rows of text that need to be deleted. A sample would be (note spaces in first line):
Additionally, I would like the "new" files to overwrite the current files so that the file names and directory do not change.
abs 10.txt
him 4.txt
lab 18.txt
The following code snippet does exactly what you want, deleting the last six lines from text files:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "FILES=C:\files\*.txt" & rem // (specify file location and pattern)
set /A "LINES=-6" & rem /* (specify number of lines to delete;
rem positive number: delete from begin,
rem negative number: delete from end) */
rem // Standard `for` loop to resolve file pattern:
for %%F in ("%FILES%") do (
rem // Get the count of lines for the current file:
for /F %%N in ('^< "%%~F" find /C /V ""') do set "COUNT=%%N"
rem // Initialise a line index:
rem /* Enumerate all lines of the current file, preserving empty ones
rem by preceding each with a line number, so no line appears empty
rem to the `for /F` loop; the line number is split off later on;
rem in addition, the current file is emptied after being read: */
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('
findstr /N /R "^" "%%~F" ^& ^> "%%~F" break
') do (
rem // Increment index, get text of currently iterated line:
set /A "INDEX+=1" & set "LINE=%%L"
rem // Toggle delayed expansion to preserve exclamation marks:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Check index value and write to current file conditionally:
rem // Split off line number from line text:
>> "%%~F" echo(!LINE:*:=!
exit /B
This approach does not use temporary files in order to avoid any name conflicts. However, due to the fact that there are multiple file write operations for every single file, the overall performance is a bit worse than when writing all data to a temporary file at once and moving it back onto the original file.
Backup your original files to a different backup folder, then run this script:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%temp%\Test"
for %%G in ("*.txt") do (set "break="
(for /f "delims=|" %%H in (%%~G) do (
if not defined break (
echo %%H | findstr /r /b /c:"[ ]*var.*" >nul && set break=TRUE || echo %%H )
)) >> %%~nG_mod.txt
del %%~G & ren %%~nG_mod.txt %%G )
exit /b
It assumed:
your 6 rows of text always start from [any number of spaces]var[any text] row, as you posted in the question, where only one string of such kind is present in any file
other 5 bottom rows don't need to match in every file
you save the files to filter in %temp%\Test, and there are no other unrelated files in that dir.

Rename txt-files using part of first textline in file

I have a need of a code used in a batch file that renames bankfiles created from SAP (I am a SAP-man), stored in a location on the server.
Problem: All bank-files get a name from a sequence table in SAP (date + number). Before I send them to the bank they have to have a certain name structure.
I have a code and this has worked fine up to now. The problem now is that i send a "batch" (several) of files from SAP and they are named randomly.
In the first line of each file there is a unique batch ID, that is a bank sequence number and the files has to be named in this order.
I have done a lot of VBA programming, but i am not to strong in this subject.
Needed solution: What i need is that for each file it should read the first line of the file and fetch position 71 and 4 positions forward, save this in a variable and add it to the end of the file name.
Example: If the original file name from SAP is 20160301-001.txt I want to rename it to "P.00934681758.005.TBII.00000xxxx.txt" (where "xxxx" is the position 71 to 74 in the first line of the file.
It looks through a lot of bank directories today, but below you can find todays code (that work, except that in this code it renumbers "a", starting with no 1 - never more than 9 files) and i want to replace it with these 4 digits from the file:
Todays name: P.00934681758.005.TBII.00000!a!.dat ("a" beeing a variable)
New name: P.00934681758.005.TBII.00xxxx.dat ("xxxx" the digits from the file)
Todays code (part of it - showing 2 "scanned" directories):
#echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Start by renaming all files in each folder to the namerule of the bank
cd PL270\UT01
set a=1
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *') do (
if not "%%~nxi"=="%~nx0" (
ren "%%i" "P.00934681758.002.TBII.00000!a!".dat
set /a a+=1
set a=1
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *') do (
if not "%%~nxi"=="%~nx0" (
ren "%%i" "P.00934681758.005.TBII.00000!a!".dat
set /a a+=1
The code is run in a *.bat-file today, scheduled every 5th minute on the server.
All help will be VERY much appreciated:-)
B.r. Solve
As I understand the question you need to replace hardcoded a with a code readed from the file you'are renaming:
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *') do (
set /p fline=<"%%i"
set code=!fline:~70,4!
echo !code!
if not "%%~nxi"=="%~nx0" (
ren "%%i" "P.00934681758.002.TBII.00000!code!".dat
set /a a+=1
(once I've worked for SAP - most boring I ever had...)
The following script walks through a given directory tree and searches for matching files. A file is considered matching if its name begins with today's date in the format YYYYMMDD, followed by a -, followed by a number, followed by extension.txt. For each file found, the demanded characters are extracted from the first line, then they are appended to the prefix P.00934681758.005.TBII.00, and the extension .dat is appended.
The behaviour of the batch file can be controlled by the constants defined at the beginning. To learn how it works and what happens, consult the rem comments throughout the whole file.
Here is the code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem Definition of constants:
set "LOCATION=%~dp0" & rem Working directory; `%~dp0` is container, `.` is current;
set "RECURSIVE=#" & rem Flag to walk through working directory recursively, if defined;
set "SEPARATOR=-" & rem Separator character of original file name (one character!);
set "PATTERN=????????%SEPARATOR%*.txt" & rem Search pattern for `dir`;
rem Filter for `findstr /R` to match only correct file names (`.*` deactivates it):
set "REGEX=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%SEPARATOR%[0-9][0-9]*\.txt";
rem Filter for date prefix in file names (fixed date like `YYYYMMDD`, all files if empty):
set "TODAY=%DATE:~,4%%DATE:~5,2%%DATE:~8,2%" & rem Expected `%DATE%` format: `YYYY/MM/DD`;
set "NEWNAME=P.00934681758.005.TBII.00" & rem Beginning of new file name;
set "NEWEXT=.dat" & rem New file extension;
set "NUMLINE=0" & rem Zero-based line number where to extract characters from;
set "POSITION=70,4" & rem Zero-based start position, number of characters (length);
set "FORCE=#" & rem Flag to force extracted characters not to be empty, if defined;
rem Change to working directory:
pushd "%LOCATION%" || (
>&2 echo Cannot find "%LOCATION%". & exit /B 1
rem Initialise some variables:
set /A NUMLINE+=0
if %NUMLINE% LEQ 0 (set "NUMSKIP=") else (set "NUMSKIP=skip^=%NUMLINE%^ ")
if defined RECURSIVE (set "RECURSIVE=/S ")
rem Walk through directory (tree) and search for matching file names (sorted by name):
for /F "eol=| delims=" %%F in ('
dir /B %RECURSIVE%/A:-D /O:-N-D "%PATTERN%" ^| ^
findstr /R /C:"^%REGEX%$" /C:"\\%REGEX%$"
') do (
rem Split file name by given separator:
for /F "eol=| tokens=1,* delims=%SEPARATOR%" %%I in ("%%~nxF") do (
set "PREFIX=%%I"
set "SUFFIX=%%J"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Check whether first part of file name matches today's date:
if "%TODAY%"=="" (set "TODAY=!PREFIX!")
if "!PREFIX!"=="!TODAY!" (
rem Extract characters from predefined position from file (sub-routine):
if defined FORCE (
rem Check extracted character string if empty optionally:
if not defined PORTION (
>&2 echo Nothing at position ^(%POSITION%^). & popd & exit /B 1
rem Build new file name using extracted character string:
rem Check whether a file with the new name already exists:
if not exist "!BUILTNAME!" (
rem Actually rename file here (as soon as `ECHO` is removed!):
) else (
>&2 echo "!BUILTNAME!" already exists. & popd & exit /B 1
) else (
rem First part of file name does not match today's date, so leave loop:
exit /B
rem Sub-routine to extract characters from a file at a given position;
set "PART="
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
rem Read specified line from given file:
for /F usebackq^ %NUMSKIP%delims^=^ eol^= %%L in ("%~2") do (
set "LINE=%%L"
if defined LINE (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Extract specified sub-string of read line by position and length:
if defined PART (
for /F delims^=^ eol^= %%S in ("!PART!") do (
set "PART=%%S"
) else (
rem Do not read any more lines from the file, leave loop:
goto :QUIT
rem Return extracted character string:
endlocal & set "%~1=%PART%"
exit /B
The script does no renaming as long as you do not remove the upper-case ECHO in front of the ren command.

Find missing files from sequentially numbered files in a directory

I have about 300 000 files in a directory. They are sequentially numbered - x000001, x000002, ..., x300000. But some of these files are missing and I need to write an output text file containing the missing file numbers. The following code does it only up to 10 000 files:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "log=%cd%\logfile.txt"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /ad /b /s') do (
pushd "%%a"
for /L %%b in (10000,1,19999) do (
set a=%%b
set a=!a:~-4!
if not exist "*!a!.csv" >>"%log%" echo "%%a - *!a!.csv"
How to extend it to 3 * 10^5 files?
Solution 1 - simple but slow
If all 300000 CSV files are in current directory on executing the batch file, this batch code would do the job.
#echo off
set "log=%cd%\logfile.txt"
del "%log%" 2>nul
for /L %%N in (1,1,9) do if not exist *00000%%N.csv echo %%N - *00000%%N.csv>>"%log%"
for /L %%N in (10,1,99) do if not exist *0000%%N.csv echo %%N - *0000%%N.csv>>"%log%"
for /L %%N in (100,1,999) do if not exist *000%%N.csv echo %%N - *000%%N.csv>>"%log%"
for /L %%N in (1000,1,9999) do if not exist *00%%N.csv echo %%N - *00%%N.csv>>"%log%"
for /L %%N in (10000,1,99999) do if not exist *0%%N.csv echo %%N - *0%%N.csv>>"%log%"
for /L %%N in (100000,1,300000) do if not exist *%%N.csv echo %%N - *%%N.csv>>"%log%"
set "log="
Solution 2 - faster but more difficult to understand
This second solution is definitely much faster than above as it processes the list of file names in current directory from first file name to last file name.
In case of last file is not x300000.csv, the batch code below just writes one more line into the log file with the information from which number to expected end number 300000 files are missing in current directory.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Delete log file before running file check.
set "log=%cd%\logfile.txt"
del "%log%" 2>nul
rem Define initial value for the number in the file names.
set "Number=0"
rem Define the file extension of the files.
set "Ext=.csv"
rem Define beginning of first file name with number 1.
set "Name=x00000"
rem Define position of dot separating name from extension.
set "DotPos=7"
rem Process list of files matching the pattern of fixed length in current
rem directory sorted by file name line by line. Each file name is compared
rem case-sensitive with the expected file name according to current number.
rem A subroutine is called if current file name is not equal expected one.
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir /B /ON x??????%Ext% 2^>nul') do (
set /A Number+=1
if "!Name!!Number!%Ext%" NEQ "%%F" call :CheckDiff "%%F"
rem Has last file not expected number 300000, log the file numbers
rem of the files missing in current directory with a single line.
if "%Number%" NEQ "300000" (
set /A Number+=1
echo All files from number !Number! to 300000 are also missing.>>"%log%"
rem Exit this batch file to jump to predefined label EOF (End Of File).
goto :EOF
rem This is a subroutine called from main loop whenever current file name
rem does not match with expected file name. There are two reasons possible
rem with file names being in expected format:
rem 1. One leading zero must be removed from variable "Name" as number
rem has increased to next higher power of 10, i.e. from 1-9 to 10,
rem from 10-99 to 100, etc.
rem 2. The next file name has really a different number as expected
rem which means there are one or even more files missing in list.
rem The first reason is checked by testing if the dot separating name
rem and extension is at correct position. One zero from end of string
rem of variable "Name" is removed if this is the case and then the
rem new expected file name is compared with the current file name.
rem Is the perhaps newly determined expected file name still not
rem equal the current file name, the expected file name is written
rem into the log file because this file is missing in list.
rem There can be even more files missing up to current file name. Therefore
rem the number is increased and entire subroutine is executed once more as
rem long as expected file name is not equal the current file name.
rem The subroutine is exited with goto :EOF if the expected file name
rem is equal the current file name resulting in continuing in main
rem loop above with checking next file name from directory listing.
set "Expected=%Name%%Number%%Ext%"
if "!Expected:~%DotPos%,1!" NEQ "." (
set "Name=%Name:~0,-1%"
set "Expected=!Name!%Number%%Ext%"
if "%Expected%" EQU %1 goto :EOF
echo %Expected%>>"%log%"
set /A Number+=1
goto CheckDiff
For understanding the used commands in both solutions and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
dir /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
if /?
goto /?
rem /?
set /?
setlocal /?
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F %%a in ('copy /Z "%~F0" NUL') do set "CR=%%a"
set "num=1000000"
del logfile.txt 2> NUL
< NUL (for %%a in (*.csv) do (
set /A num+=1
set /P "=!num:~1!!CR!"
if "x!num:~1!" neq "%%~Na" call :missingFile "%%~Na"
goto :EOF
:missingFile file
echo x%num:~1%.csv>> logfile.txt
echo x%num:~1%.csv Missing
set /A num+=1
if "x%num:~1%" neq "%~1" goto missingFile
exit /B
