Memoize functional component using react-redux, reselect and React.memo() - reactjs

I have built an app on ReactJS 16.8.5 and React-Redux 3.7.2. When the app loads the app mounts, initial store is set and database subscriptions are set up against a Firebase Realtime Database.
The app contains a header, Sidebar and content section.
I have implemented reselect along with React.memo to avoid rerendring when props change, but the Sidebar component is still re-rendering.
Using React profiler API and a areEqual comparison function in React.memo I can see that the Sidebar is being rendered several times although props are equal.
//Imports etc...
const jsx = (
<Provider store={store}>
<AppRouter />
let hasRendered = false
const renderApp = () => {
if (!hasRendered) { //make sure app only renders one time
ReactDOM.render(jsx, document.getElementById('app'))
hasRendered = true
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
// Set initial store and db subscriptions
//Imports etc...
const AppRouter = ({}) => {
return (
//uses Router instead of BrowserRouter to use our own history and not the built in one
<Router history={history}>
<div className="myApp">
<Route path="">
<Sidebar ...props />
//More routes here...
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AppRouter)
//Imports etc...
export const Sidebar = (props) => {
const onRender = (id, phase, actualDuration, baseDuration, startTime, commitTime) => {
if (id !== 'Sidebar') { return }
console.log('onRender', phase, actualDuration)
return (
<Profiler id="Sidebar" onRender={onRender}>
{/* Contents of Sidebar */}
const getLang = state => (state.usersettings) ? state.usersettings.language : 'en'
const getMediaSize = state => (state.route) ? state.route.mediaSize : 'large'
const getNavigation = state => state.navigation
const getMyLang = createSelector(
[getLang], (lang) => console.log('Sidebar lang val changed') || lang
const getMyMediaSize = createSelector(
[getMediaSize], (mediaSize) => console.log('Sidebar mediaSize val changed') || mediaSize
const getMyNavigation = createSelector(
[getNavigation], (navigation) => console.log('Sidebar navigation val changed') || navigation
const mapStateToPropsMemoized = (state) => {
return {
lang: getMyLang(state),
mediaSize: getMyMediaSize(state),
navigation: getMyNavigation(state)
const areEqual = (prevProps, nextProps) => {
const areStatesEqual = _.isEqual(prevProps, nextProps)
console.log('Sidebar areStatesEqual', areStatesEqual)
return areStatesEqual
export default React.memo(connect(mapStateToPropsMemoized, mapDispatchToProps)(Sidebar),areEqual)
Initial render looks ok up until Sidebar navigation val changed - after that the component re-renders a whole bunch of times - why!?
Console output - initial render
onRender Sidebar mount 572
Sidebar mediaSize val changed
Profile Sidebar areEqual true
Sidebar navigation val changed
onRender Sidebar update 153
Sidebar navigation val changed
onRender Sidebar update 142
onRender Sidebar update 103
onRender Sidebar update 49
onRender Sidebar update 5
onRender Sidebar update 2
onRender Sidebar update 12
onRender Sidebar update 3
onRender Sidebar update 2
onRender Sidebar update 58
onRender Sidebar update 2
onRender Sidebar update 4
onRender Sidebar update 5
onRender Sidebar update 4
The subsequent render does not affect any part of the store that is mapped to props (location), but component is still re-rendering.
Console output - subsequent render
Profile Sidebar areEqual true
onRender Sidebar update 76
onRender Sidebar update 4
I expect Sidebar to be memoized and only render/re-render a few times during mount/update of store during initial load.
Why is the Sidebar component being rendered so many times?
Kind regards /K

The React.memo is not needed because react-redux connect will return a pure component that will only re render if you change the props passed or after a dispatched action caused any changes in the state.
Your mapStateToPropsMemoized should work (see update) but probalby better to write it this way:
const mapStateToPropsMemoized = createSelector(
(lang, mediaSize, navigation) => ({
//using react.redux connect will return a pure component and passing that
// to React.memo should cause an error because connect does not return a
// functional component.
export default connect(
Your getState should work.
I cannot reproduce component re rendering with your code. The object returned from mapState is a new object every time but it's direct properties never change because the selectors always return memoized result. See example below
const { useRef, useEffect } = React;
const {
} = ReactRedux;
const { createStore } = Redux;
const { createSelector } = Reselect;
const state = { someValue: 2, unrelatedCounter: 0 };
//returning a new state every action someValue
// never changes, only counter
const reducer = (state) => ({
unrelatedCounter: state.unrelatedCounter + 1,
const store = createStore(
{ ...state },
const selectSomeValue = (state) => state.someValue;
//selectors only return a new object if someValue changes
const selectA = createSelector(
() => ({ value: 'A' }) //returns new object if some value changes
const selectB = createSelector(
() => ({ vale: 'B' }) //returns new object if some value changes
const selectC = createSelector(
() => ({ vale: 'C' }) //returns new object if some value changes
const Counter = () => {
const counter = useSelector(
(state) => state.unrelatedCounter
return <h4>Counter: {counter}</h4>;
const AppComponent = (props) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const r = useRef(0);
//because state.someValue never changes this component
// never gets re rendered
//dispatch an action every second, this will create a new
// state but state.someValue never changes
() => {
setInterval(() => dispatch({ type: 88 }), 1000);
[dispatch] //dispatch never changes but linting tools don't know that
return (
<h1>Rendered {r.current} times</h1>
<Counter />
<pre>{JSON.stringify(props, undefined, 2)}</pre>
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
A: selectA(state),
B: selectB(state),
C: selectC(state),
const App = connect(mapStateToProps)(AppComponent);
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>


useContext - Child component loses state after parent state is changed

Here is a pseudo code example of my app structure. I am trying to share state globally with react context, but updating state at the top level is causing issues with Child components re-rendering and resetting state (I think).
// My top level where I store the state all other components need
function App() {
const [userData, setUserData] = useState()
const userContext = {
return (
<Context.Provider value={userContext}>
<Child />
<Child />
<Child />
// My child component where I want to preserve state
const Child = () => {
const [childState, setChildState] = useState('default value')
// I want to keep this value
setChildState('new value')
// This is causing App.js to re-render, then Child to rerender, and I lose child state. Then on the next render my 'childState' is back to 'default value', when I want it to still be 'new value'
const userContext = useContext(...)
userContext.setUserData('some change to userdata')
return {
My questions:
Is this an okay app structure, or is there a problem with it? Is there something I can do to persist the state in the Child componenet, or do I need to move the shared state out of App.js somehow?
You have structured the useContext wrong. You can check in React hooks how to use it.
One example with full-functionality which it may help you is:
const AppContext = React.createContext();
const AppProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [userData, setUserData]=useState('nothing here')
// any code you want to pass in the code
//e.g. a function
const randomFunction = ()=>{
//do something here
return (
export const useGlobalContext = () => {
return useContext(AppContext);
export { AppContext, AppProvider };
then all you have to do is to wrap all the components (children) you want, e.g. wrap <App /> so, more or less everything:
<App />
So now in this case you can use everything from your AppContext in all your code, you can pass more variables and functions if you want, and you import that by using:
import { useGlobalContext } from '/pathYouHaveIt';
function App() {
const {
} = useGlobalContext();
// now you can use those like you have them set-up in the App()
Provide state from parent to child like props, it wood be greater than useContext.
function App() {
const [userData, setUserData] = useState()
return (
<div className="App">
<Child userData={userData}, setUserData={setUserData}/>
</div >
And the child component has the form
const Child = ({userData, setUserData}) => {
const [childState, setChildState] = useState('default value')
setChildState('new value')
setUserData('some change to userdata')
return {

How to use context within same component file using react and typescript?

I want to access the state from one component to another. To do so i want to wrap contextprovider only to the component where state changes on clicking a button and return state from a usehook so that another component can access the state.
below is how the componnet looks without context applied,
function UploadButton () { //this is where state is set
const [isDialogOpen, setIsDialogOpen] = React.useState(false);
const handleClick = () => {
return (
<Button onClick={handleClick}/>
{isDialogOpen && <Upload/>}
function UserButton() { //this is where state is accessed
return (
<Icon/> //this icon should be displayed only if !isDialogOpen
With context looks like below, I have DialogContext within same file where UploadButton is.
interface DialogCtxState {
isDialogOpen: boolean;
setIsDialogOpen: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>;
const initialDialogState: DialogCtxState = {
isDialogOpen: false,
setIsDialogOpen: () => {},
const DialogContext = React.createContext<DialogCtxState>(
export const DialogContextProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
const [isDialogOpen, setIsDialogOpen] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
return (
function UploadButton () {
const {isDialogOpen, setIsDialogOpen} = React.useContext(DialogContext);
const handleClick = () => {
console.log('isDialogOpen', isDialogOpen) //prints false here.
return (
<Button onClick={handleClick}/>
{isDialogOpen && <Upload/>} //this doesnt render on clicking button as isDialogOpen
//is false
The above snippet doesn't render the Upload component as isDialogOpen is always false no matter if I click the button.
I am not knowing what is wrong. could someone help me with this? thanks.
The issue is that you need to move your context provider one level higher in your react components in order to use useContext in you UploadButton component. You cannot place the context provider inside of UploadButton in order to use it's context. You need to move the provider into a parent component.
Here's a codesandbox demostrating it.

React HoC - props are not passed to wrapped component

I have two HoC component. First have to serve as some Layout wrapper which will contain some logic for mobile rendering etc.
const LayoutWrapper = (Component: React.FC<any>): React.FC<any> => {
const Layout = () => {
const [layout, set] = React.useState("layout state");
return <Component
return Layout;
} export default LayoutWrapper;
Second HoC will take care of if user is logged in.
const Secured = (Component: React.FC<any>): React.FC<any> => {
const Wrapped = () => {
const [securedPagestate, set] = React.useState("secured page state");
const Layout = LayoutWrapper(Component);
return <Layout test={securedPagestate} />
return Wrapped;
export default Secured;
I have wrapped homepage component which will render actual page, and it needs to have props passed from both HoC components which are shown above, but I only get props passed from LayoutWrapper Hoc and not from Secured Hoc component. What is actually wrong with it?
const HomepageView = (props: HomepageViewProps) => {
return <>HOMEPAGE</>;
export default Secured(HomepageView);
If you want to pass props to your wrapped components, you have to do it this way:
const Layout = (props) => {
const Wrapped = (props) => {
In the React world, HOC are functions, not components, therefore they should start with a lower case letter: layoutWrapper and secured
// Higher order components are JavaScript functions used for adding
// additional functionalities to the existing component.
// file 1: hoc.js (will write our higher order component logic) -- code start -->
const messageCheckHOC = (OriginalComponent) => {
// OriginalComponent is component passed to HOC
const NewComponent = (props) => {
// business logic of HOC
if (!props.isAllowedToView) {
return <b> Not Allowed To View The MSG </b>;
// here we can pass the props to component
return <OriginalComponent {...props} />;
// returning new Component with updated Props and UI
return NewComponent;
export default messageCheckHOC;
// file 1: hoc.js -- code end -->
// file 2: message.js -- code start -->
// this is the basic component we are wrapping with HOC
// to check the permission isAllowedToView msg if not display fallback UI
import messageCheckHOC from "./hoc";
const MSG = ({ name, msg }) => {
return (
{name} - {msg}
export default messageCheckHOC(MSG);
// file 2: message.js -- code end -->
// file 3 : App.js -- code start --->
import MSG from "./message.js";
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<MSG name="Mac" msg="Heyy !!! " isAllowedToView={true} />
<MSG name="Robin" msg="Hello ! " isAllowedToView={true} />
<MSG name="Eyann" msg="How are you" isAllowedToView={false} />
// file 3 : App.js -- code end --->

Is it possible to use the same <Context.Provider> on multiple components?

I know that I can wrap HOC with my <Context.Provider> and consume it in all child components.
I would like to consume context in two separate components but they are nested somewhere deeply and closest parent of them is somewhere in the app root. I don't want to provide context to (almost) all components, so I was wondering is it possible to wrap only those two components?
I tried to do it but only first component gets context.
The App structure looks like this:
EDIT: I was wrong thinking that wrapping root component will make re-render all child components on context change. Only consumers will rerender so it's perfectly fine to wrap root component.
If you want to have a single value which is shared between multiple parts of the application, then in some form you will need to move that value up to the common ancestor component of the ones that need to consume the value. As you mentioned in the comments, your issue is one of performance and trying not to rerender everything. Having two providers doesn't really help with this, because there will still need to be some component making sure both providers are providing the same value. So that component will end up needing to be a common ancestor of the two providers.
Instead, you can use shouldComponentUpdate (for class components) or React.memo (for functional components) to stop the rerendering process from working its way down the component tree. Deep descendants which are using Context.Consumer will still rerender, and so you can skip over the middle parts of your tree. Here's an example (note the use of React.memo on the intermediate component):
const Context = React.createContext(undefined);
const useCountRenders = (name) => {
const count = React.useRef(0);
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log(name, count.current);
const App = () => {
const [val, setVal] = React.useState(1);
React.useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('updating app');
setVal(val => val + 1)
}, 1000);
}, [])
return (
<Context.Provider value={val}>
<IntermediateComponent />
const IntermediateComponent = React.memo((props) => {
return (
<Consumer name="first consumer"/>
<Consumer name="second consumer"/>
const Consumer = (props) => {
return (
{val => {
console.log('running consumer child',;
return <div>consuming {val}</div>
const UnrelatedComponent = (props) => {
return props.children || null;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
When you run the above code, check the logs to see which components rerender. On the first pass, everything renders, but then after a second when the app state changes, only app rerenders. IntermediateComponent, UnrelatedComponent, and even Consumer don't rerender. The function inside the Context.Consumer does rerun, and any thing returned by that function (in this case just a div) will rerender.
As requested by the OP this solution uses mostly hooks but useReducer cannot achieve state sharing under separate providers (as far as I've tried).
It does not require one Provider to be at the root of the app and different reducer can be used for each Provider.
It uses a static state manager but that's an implementation detail, to share the state between several component under different context proviver, one will need something like a shared reference to the state, a way to change it and a way to notify of these changes.
When using the snippet the first button shows the shared state and increment foo when clicked, the second button shows the same shared state and increments bar when clicked:
// The context
const MyContext = React.createContext();
// the shared static state
class ProviderState {
static items = [];
static register(item) {
static unregister(item) {
const idx = ProviderState.items.indexOf(item);
if (idx !== -1) {
ProviderState.items.splice(idx, 1);
static notify(newState) {
ProviderState.state = newState;
ProviderState.items.forEach(item => item.setState(newState));
static state = { foo: 0, bar: 0 };
// the state provider which registers to (listens to) the shared state
const Provider = ({ reducer, children }) => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState(ProviderState.state);
() => {
const entry = { reducer, setState };
return () => {
return (
dispatch: action => {
const newState = reducer(ProviderState.state, action);
if (newState !== ProviderState.state) {
// several consumers
const Consumer1 = () => {
const { state, dispatch } = React.useContext(MyContext);
// console.log('render1');
return <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'inc_foo' })}>foo {} bar {}!</button>;
const Consumer2 = () => {
const { state, dispatch } = React.useContext(MyContext);
// console.log('render2');
return <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'inc_bar' })}>bar {} foo {}!</button>;
const reducer = (state, action) => {
console.log('reducing action:', action);
switch(action.type) {
case 'inc_foo':
return {
foo: + 1,
case 'inc_bar':
return {
bar: + 1,
return state;
// here the providers are used on the same level but any depth would work
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
console.log('render app');
return (
<Provider reducer={reducer}>
<Consumer1 />
<Provider reducer={reducer}>
<Consumer2 />
<h2>I&apos;m not rerendering my children</h2>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
In the end we have re created something a little like redux with a static state shared by several Provider/Consumer ensembles.
It will work the same no matter where and how deep the providers and consumers are without relying on long nested update chains.
Note that as the OP requested, here there is no need for a provider at the root of the app and therefore the context is not provided to every component, just the subset you choose.

Conditonal component still renders - ReactJS

I'm learning react and wanted to try creating a loading component that shows a loading text until a condition is met i.e. the props has the correct information.
The problem is that the element is still loading even if the condition is not met:
Leading Component:
import React from 'react';
const Loading = ({ condition, children }) => (<div>{condition ? children :
export default Loading;
Here is my render method for a component that uses the Loading Component:
(<Loading condition={ && && > 1}>
<div> { ViewHelper.getCatalogItems( }</div></Loading>);
Now my problem is I'm getting an error when calling { ViewHelper.getCatalogItems( } becauuse is undefined however I was hoping that the Loading Component wouldn't call the function if the ternary condition in the LoadingComponent was false.
if I change ViewHelper.getData to just some string value, everything seems to work and 'Loading ' is displayed.
The fact that Loading component doesn't use children doesn't mean that children aren't rendered. Otherwise there would be nothing to pass as props.children to parent component.
As can be seen in this example, child expression is evaluated despite children prop ignored in parent component.
A proper way to handle this and prevent eager children rendering is to use render prop recipe, which is also known as function as a child:
const Loading = ({ condition, children }) => (
<div>{condition && children ? children() : 'Loading'}</div>
<Loading condition={ && && > 1}>
{() => (
<div> { ViewHelper.getCatalogItems( }</div>
Notice that since props.children is a function, it's used as children() in ternary expression.
Or use a HOC for components:
const withLoading = (Comp) =>
({ condition, ...props }) => (
<div>{condition ? <Comp {...props} /> : 'Loading'}</div>
const LoadingCatalogItemsComponent = withLoading(CatalogItemsComponent);
the children parameter received in the Loading component will have already rendered in the parent (try logging the content of children from Loading)
getCatalogItems will be called regardless of the conditional
cases where need to be handled here. there are multiple ways to do this:
defaultProps or type checking in general
input validation for getCatalogItems
destructuring assignment
default function parameters
Updated answer: as estus points out below, render props are probably a good way to do this. Here's an example:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
const Loading = ({ condition, render }) => {
if (condition) {
return render();
} else {
return "Loading";
const Thing = ({ data }) => {
return => <li>{d}</li>);
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
data: [1, 2, 3]
render() {
return (
condition={ > 1}
render={() => {
return <Thing data={} />;
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
CodeSandbox here.
As #estus said, HOCs and render props are two popular methods. Moving:
<div>{ ViewHelper.getCatalogItems(}</div>
into its own component (which is passes the prop, e.g., <CatalogItems {...props} />) will also stop you from getting errors. As long as the code isn't in the actual render method; otherwise, it's fired, regardless of whether React would have actually rendered it.
const Loading = ({ condition, children }) => (
<div>{condition ? children : "Loading in 3 seconds"}</div>
// now that it's in its own component the code isn't run until the component actually renders
const CatalogItems = ({ data }) => => item);
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
data: null
// dummy API call
componentDidMount() {
() => this.setState({ data: { result: ["cat ", "dog ", "mouse "] } }),
render() {
const props = this.state; // let's just pretend these were inherited props
return (
condition={ && && > 1
<CatalogItems {...props} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
<div id='root'></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
