STM32: UART DMA does not start correctly - c

I am using two STM32H743 connected via RS232. These two modules connected to same power.
They use UART with DMA. When I turn on modules at the same time, UART and DMA starts correctly.
But when i restart one of the modules while other is awake, the reset module's UART and DMA does not start therefore they cannot communicate with each other.
This problem is also happened before with STM32F4 series. MCU is connected to FPGA and they communicate via UART. When FPGA starts before MCU, DMA and UART does not start properly. What could cause this problem?
Do i need to have a high-z or floating pin states before starting UART?

After lots of debugging hours, I finally found the cause and solution.
When first bytes reach to UART peripheral, due to clock mismatch, it triggers frame error then stops the DMA. This happens more than usual when UART datarate is very high. But I had added the ErrorCallback function to handle the interrupt. Unfortunately, I misused the function.
My use :
void HAL_UART_ErrorCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
HAL_UART_MspDeInit does not clear structs and initializations therefore Receive_DMA function cannot start it again. So, my communication stops.
Correct use :
void HAL_UART_ErrorCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
Thanks to three typos in my code, it caused to me a lot of time. But finally, it resolved.

The UART and DMA peripherals usually have an error detector, thus has it's flags into the status register. When an error happen, the STM32 HAL will stop any transfer ongoing and wait until you treat this fail. You can check, with the debug module, the HAL status registers to troubleshoot the problem, and add the treatment to it in you code. At first you could reset the peripheral by run DeInit() and right after run Init() routine of the peripheral with error, and reset any other piece of code e.g. state machines and stuff that uses the data from this peripheral.


STM32 DMA from timer count to memory

I'm using an STM32H743. I have an external clock signal coming in on a GPIO pin, and I want to very accurately measure elapsed time between each rising (or falling) edge in the external clock signal. So I set things up so that TIM4 is triggered by the external clock, and TIM5 is triggered by the internal oscillator.
I wrote an IRQ so that whenever TIM4 triggers, an interrupt runs that captures TIM5's value. It seems to work OK, but I'm wondering if I can do it through DMA to avoid all the context switching and free up the CPU. Basically I want to set up a DMA so that each TIM4 event initiates a DMA transfer that copies the TIM5 counter value to a circular buffer somewhere.
I've searched through forums and the DMA documentation but I'm hazy on whether a timer register can be a valid DMA source. I was thinking maybe I could do something like this:
hDma->PAR = (uint32_t) &htim5.Instance->CNT;
hDma->M0AR = (uint32_t) myBufferPtr;
hDma->NDTR = myBufferSize;
hDma->CR |= (uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_EN;
But I'm not sure if this can work.
Short version: Can I use the timer's CNT register as a DMA transfer source? Would it be a peripheral-to-memory transfer? Or a memory-to-memory transfer? Are there other flags I need to make this work? Or is it not possible? Or is there another STM32 feature that would make it easier to count time between pulses?
I must confess that my long practical experience with STM32 by now stayed with mainstream controller families like STM32F0, STM32F3, STM32F4 and STM32L4.
Therefore I'm answering based on what those controllers would offer you in your situation.
The STM32H7 series is much stronger, let alone it offers several additional DMA technologies like DMA2D, MDMA and lots of other stuff that I'm not sure about.
But I think a simplified answer might also help you for now, so I'm daring to write it.
Can I use the timer's CNT register as a DMA transfer source? Would it be a peripheral-to-memory transfer? Or a memory-to-memory transfer? Are there other flags I need to make this work? Or is it not possible?
I would expect this to work.
I don't see a reason not to read the TIMx_CNT register in a DMA transfer.
The CNT register is definitely a peripheral address so you have to configure it as a peripheral-to-memory transfer.
I believe that the peripheral/memory separation refers to the bus from which the DMA controller fetches the data (or to which bus one it delivers them) in the bus matrix implemented in every STM32.
Or is there another STM32 feature that would make it easier to count time between pulses?
Yes, there is:
Many of the TIM peripherals (not all are the same) offer you a feature called "Input Capture" that connects the channel (sub-)peripheral of the TIM instance to the input and has the main part of the (same!) TIM peripheral do the internal clocking.
A prerequisite of this is, that the pin you'd like to measure has a TIMx_CHy alternate function, not "only" a TIMx_ETR one.
The TIM peripherals offer a wealthy range of different configuration options - and a complicated mess as long as you haven't got used to it.
As an introduction and a good overview, I recommend two application notes from ST:
AN4013 Application note. "STM32 cross-series timer overview", Rev.8
Which timers you have on your µC, and which features are offered by which one.
AN4776 Application note. "General-purpose timer cookbook for STM32 microcontrollers", Rev.3
How to use the timers you have. Check out section 2.6, input capture is on page 27.
Looking up those two, I found a third one you might want to check out for better precision, related to HRTIM timers:
AN4539 Application note. "HRTIM cookbook", Rev.4
It is easily done using STM32CubeIDE configurator:
configure timer, enable input capture channel, enable DMA (mode
circular, peripheral to memory,data width word/word). Enable
Prepare buffer for storing captured counter values
Start IC in DMA mode before main loop
For high speed operation you may copy data from timerCaptureBuffer
to timerCaptureBufferSafe inside these callbacks. For example, DMA memory to memory transfer to minimize time spent in HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureHalfCpltCallback and HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback interrupts. Process adjacent captured values stored in timerCaptureBufferSafe after DMA memory to memory callback signals data is ready. You may use signaling flags so timerCaptureBufferSafe will not be overwritten.
Here is an example:
#define TIM_BUFFER_SIZE 128
uint32_t timerCaptureBuffer[TIM_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint32_t timerCaptureBufferSafe[TIM_BUFFER_SIZE];
// ...
// ...
HAL_TIM_IC_Start_DMA(&htim2, TIM_CHANNEL_1, uint32_t*)timerCaptureBuffer,TIM_BUFFER_SIZE);
// ...
void HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureHalfCpltCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
// ...
void HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
// ...
void myDMA_Callback22(DMA_HandleTypeDef *_hdma)

STM32 I2C set SDA to low

Is there any way to set the SDA and SCL pin of the I2C1 connection of the STM32 to low or high signal?
I use a security chip and I have to send a wake condition, with the following condition:
if SDA is held low for a period of greater than 60us, the device will exit low power mode and
after a delay of 1500us, it will be ready to receive I2C commands.
I've already tried to toggle the actual pin with HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_9);, but this isn't working.
I've configured my project with STM32CubeMX.
Thanks for your help.
In I2C, the START condition requires a High to Low transition, if you then send a dummy address 0, a NACK will be generated (or rather the lack of any response will be interpreted as a NACK). In a normal transaction, the software would respond to the NACK by generating a repeated START or a STOP condition, however this must be done in software, so all you have to do is nothing for 1.5ms. Thereafter you can generate the START with the device's actual address, and if the device is running it will generate an ACK.
I am not familiar with the HAL library driver, and frankly the documentation is abysmal, but it is possible that it does not give you the necessary control, and you will have to access the I2C peripheral at the register level for at least this procedure. You might try a zero-length I2C_MasterRequestWrite() call to address zero followed by a delay. An oscilloscope would be useful here to ensure the expected signal timing is being generated.
When you initialize I2C, GPIO pins mode is set to ALTERNATE MODE,so writing HAL commands won't work on it.
Using normal HAL libraries won't help you in this. You have to configure I2C protocol on your own using stm32 registers.
I recommend that the ownaddress of the slave address using the device of the using I2C channel sets like the below code.
I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = 0x30; // the unique slave address of the deviecs
because the master could be send the broadcast operation not the unique operation.

How do I reset the STM32 HAL UART driver (HAL) state?

I know one can enable a UART receive interrupt using
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2, (uint8_t *)rx_buffer, expectedNumberOfBytes)
But once started how does one stop it, "manually"?
We can disable the UART interrupt using HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ() (ex: HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(USART1_IRQn)). This will prevent it from raising an interrupt, but the state set by the function HAL_UART_Receive_IT which is HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_RX needs to be set back to HAL_UART_STATE_READY for the uart handle to go back to a state that can accept a new HAL_UART_Receive_IT() call.
How do I reset the state of the UART interrupt if I wish to disable a Rx interrupt after some time?
Stack Overflow questions do not address how to reset the state; I have referred to these questions:
Disabling interrupt in interrupt handler STM32F407
I could use USART_ClearITPendingBit() or USART_ITConfig() but these are defined as private functions by STM's HAL library. So should I use them?
How [do I] reset the state of the UART interrupt if [I] wish to disable a Rx interrupt after some time[?]
(See it's usage in "stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c", for example.)
The huart->RxState member of a uart handle struct is really only used internally by the HAL library when doing things such as HAL_UART_Receive(), HAL_UART_Receive_IT(), HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(), (and many other internal functions like this), etc. If you manually implement your own interrupt-based and ring-buffer-based UART Tx and Rx calls, however, which is the preferred way to do it, this member is completely meaningless and it doesn't matter what you do with it, as it is used only inside HAL library function calls and HAL ISR handlers (neither of which you have to use), and really has nothing to do with the register-level interrupts and things directly.
By digging around the source code in stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c (for example), however, here are a couple valid options you can use:
1. How to reset huart->RxState to HAL_UART_STATE_READY:
Call HAL_UART_Init(). By inspecting its source code, you'll see it calls huart->RxState= HAL_UART_STATE_READY; before returning.
Just manually set huart->RxState = HAL_UART_STATE_READY; So long as you know you have properly stopped the interrupt-based receive in the middle of its processing, this is perfectly valid.
Let's take this further, however.
Imagine you are using UART7 on an STM32F4. Therefore, in your stm32f4xx_it.c interrupt handler file, you'll see the following code auto-generated by STM32CubeMX:
* #brief This function handles UART7 global interrupt.
void UART7_IRQHandler(void)
Let's go over some layers of disabling/enabling interrupts.
2. From broadest to narrowest scope, here are several ways to disable/enable the USART Rx interrupt:
You can disable/enable ALL interrupts, including this UART7_IRQHandler(), using these ARM-core CMSIS calls:
So, you could do the following to disable the interrupt, reset the RxState, and then start up the interrupt-based receive again when ready:
huart7->RxState= HAL_UART_STATE_READY;
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart7, (uint8_t *)rx_buffer, expectedNumberOfBytes);
You can disable/enable ONLY the UART7_IRQHandler() interrupts (all 10 types of uart7 interrupts connected to this interrupt vector, including Tx-related, Rx-related, error-related, etc), using these STM32 HAL calls:
Then, do the same as just above except use these calls to disable/enable the interrupts instead.
If you dig down into the implementation of HAL_UART_IRQHandler(), however, which is called by UART7_IRQHandler(), you'll see that it only calls the interrupt-based receive handler, UART_Receive_IT(), if both the USART_SR_RXNE bit ("Receive Not Empty", inside the USART Status Register) and the USART_CR1_RXNEIE bit ("Receive Not Empty Interrupt Enable", inside the USART Control Register 1), are both set. The RXNE bit is set whenever a byte comes in, and is cleared whenever you read the data register or write a zero to it. The interrupt-enable bit is something you have full control over to disable this UART receive interrupt, and if you clear this bit manually, you will disable the receive interrupt withOUT disabling any other type of interrupt associated with this USART. This is the best way to do it, as there are 10 interrupt sources associated with this UART. In other words, clearing this bit not only causes the check inside HAL_UART_IRQHandler() to fail, but it also prevents the receive interrupt from happening in the first place! Refer to the Reference Manual RM0090 Rev 16, for example:
So, to disable/enable the USART Receive Not Empty interrupt only, do the following. Refer to the Control Register (USART_CR1) on p1013, shown just above.
// Disable the USART Receive Not Empty interrupt
CLEAR_BIT(huart7.Instance.CR1, USART_CR1_RXNEIE);
// Enable the USART Receive Not Empty interrupt
SET_BIT(huart7.Instance.CR1, USART_CR1_RXNEIE);
Now, you could do the following to disable the USART Receive interrupt, reset the HAL RxState, and then start up the interrupt-based receive again when ready:
CLEAR_BIT(huart7.Instance.CR1, USART_CR1_RXNEIE);
huart7->RxState= HAL_UART_STATE_READY;
SET_BIT(huart7.Instance.CR1, USART_CR1_RXNEIE); // This call isn't actually necessary, as this bit is set inside `HAL_UART_Receive_IT()` as well
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart7, (uint8_t *)rx_buffer, expectedNumberOfBytes);
3. How to (awkwardly) use HAL_UART_Receive_IT() for continual interrupt-based receiving.
4. Why HAL_UART_Receive_IT() really isn't a very useful function after-all.
5. How to manually configure your own interrupt-based UART Tx and Rx ISRs and functions.
You can use HAL_UART_Abort_IT.
Most UARTs clear any pending Receive interrupt when the program reads from the holding register. So my answer would be: simply read the data register after disabling interrupts, and ignore the result.
I haven't had a chance to try this on my STM32 yet, but...
There is a function static void UART_EndRxTransfer(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
in the HAL library that does the following:
Disable RXNE, PE and ERR interrupts
restore huart->RxState to Ready
I found that function in the stm32f7xx_hal_uart.c file. However, it is defined as static, so I just copied over the definition into the file where I used it. It might be a bit hacky but it worked for me.

i2c transfer from gpio int handler fails on imx6sx cortex m4 side

i'm experiencing something that bugs me for days, so i am working on the imx6sx cortex m4 side, i have a sensor connected to one of the i2c buses, sensor is set up with data ready on INT1 which is connected to one of the gpios from the MCU. After boot, i configure the sensor so that it outputs data ready interrupt. Note that the i2c works also in interrupt mode, so if i try to read the sensor when the data ready line is asserted i have to wait in the GPIO INT Handler until the i2c transfer is complete in order to get another data ready int and so on.
My problem is that i don't want to wait in the GPIO INT Handler until the i2c transfer is complete, that's why i made the i2c on interrupts too, but if i don't wait in the GPIO Int Handler, something happens to the i2c because the sensor it's not ack the transfer, so i'n not getting other data-ready interrupts.
Please help if you have any idea what could be wrong, also the i2c bus Interrupt has a higher priority than the GPIO interrupt, and unfortunately i can't use a debugger for debugging, only the old-fashioned way, printfs in the console
You could use INT1 to trigger a lower priority software interrupt to handle the i2c, then exit freeing the interrupt.
Consider using a RTOS to manage this for you.

configuring UART as FIQ

I am working on lpc2468 and using UART0 of the controller for communication with sim300 gprs
module. Sometimes if i send a command for reading the signal strength of the sim the input I
receive is not correct. After looking upon the problem I found the problem that sometimes
when the UART is receiving information at same time the timer gets called and the software
goes to the timer block. in that duration some bytes sent by the module gets missed. To
prevent this i want to configure UART0 as FIQ i.e. interrupt having highest priority. can I
configure UART0 as FIQ.If yes How?
From LPC2048 data sheet,
The ARM processor core has two interrupt inputs called Interrupt
ReQuest (IRQ) and Fast Interrupt ReQuest (FIQ). The VIC takes 32
interrupt request inputs which can be programmed as FIQ or vectored
IRQ types. The programmable assignment scheme means that priorities
of interrupts from the various peripherals can be dynamically
assigned and adjusted.
So you need to find out where are the programmable registers of the Interrupt controller and change the interrupt type of UART to FIQ.
If you have simulation support, then see this to know how to change interrupt types and priorities.
