Unable to login using the Active Directory Credentials to an Amazon Linux server - active-directory

I have provisioned a new Amazon Linux server in AWS environment and joined the server to the domain. I can see the Linux machine in the AD but cannot able to login using the AD credentials. However, I have tried to use the AD credentials but the following error has been encountered:
No Supported Authentication Methods Available (Server Sent: Public Key)
Could someone look at this and provide the resolution ?

In Amazon Linux, before you join the server to Active Directory make sure the password authentication attribute is set to true and AllowUsers string is added in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
Once added the required parameters, join the server to Active Directory and once joined, you can login directly with your AD credentials


On-premise Active directory login using LDAP and SSO

We are developing a ReactJs and NodeJs application where node has to authenticate AD users using LDAP.
We are able to complete the authentication successfully using LDAP,
But the requirement is, in On-prem users are already logged in to the AD and if they open our web it should login without asking credentials again, it it is not happening with LDAP integration.
Can some one please help me.
Thanks in advance.
To add SSO in on-prem Active directory login using LDAP, please follow below steps:
Go to Administration -> Applications and enable Single Sign-On -> click setting -> select LDAP method.
If you want your users to login without using credentials again, set the option to use only SSO authentication only.
UseResponse internal account is created, when a new user logs in against the LDAP server. If you don't want to send internal registration credentials, Disable Registration Email.
In addition to these, include basic settings of your connection:
Give hostname or IP of your LDAP server
Add ldaps:// to hostname when the server has secure connection
Give Base Distinguished Name for your AD with default value dc=localhost.
Enter administration credentials for the connection, if your LDAP server requires authentication.
For more in detail, please refer below link:
Using LDAP as a Single Sign-On (Active Directory) | Integrations | Help Center - UseResponse.

"a specified logon session does not exist. it may already have been terminated" after i joined the device to azure active directory

"a specified logon session does not exist. it may already have been terminated" after i joined the device to azure active directory
-i can't access our shared folder in our server after i joined the device to azure AD and use office 365 account (Please see click the link below to see the error image for your reference), but if i use local administrator of the device i can access the file server using the credentials with no problem, please note that we don't have an premises active directory or GPO, kindly help me.
a specified logon session does not exist. it may already have been terminated
Instead of specifying just "binos" as your username, add hostname with back-slash like so:
In most cases, this will fix that error.
To access the share, the server would also need to be azure ad joined. which you cannot do with windows server, you would need azure ad Domain Services (AD DS) on azure, then join your file server to that.
Only Windows 10 devices can be "azure ad-joined devices"
If you don't want to do that, you could create a azure file store, and secure it using your azure ad / rbac, then map that on your devices.. that would probably work too.

Connect to Azure database with DataGrip - Active Directory

I am trying to connect to Azure database via DataGrip using Active Directory connection (Note: not Active directory - password)
I followed accepted answer from this
I set integratedSecurity=false and authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated.
When trying to connect to Test Connection I get error message
Connection to Azure SQL Database failed. Cannot set "Authetication" with "IntegratedSecurity" set to "true".
Is it some kind of bug that can be repaired, if so how could I solve this issue?
More information:
On Azure Portal I can see that this is SQL database.
Server name ends with database.windows.net.
When I try to connect via Connection String (in Data Grip Add data from URL) generated by Azure I am not able to connect also.
The DataGrip support us using Azure Active Directory Authentication. Please see: Microsoft Azure .
You can get the connect string (URL) with Active Directory integrated authentication from Portal:
Replace the URL with the Connect string(Active Directory integrated authentication):
Hope this helps.
There is a lot of confusion around terminology here.
In short, the connection string attribute Integrated Security=true indicates you want to use "windows authentication". This type of authentication might be supported by any Azure SQL (anything whose hostname ends in database.windows.net). Azure SQL only supports Azure Active Directory authentication, butit might be possible to implement single sign on between a windows domain account and Azure Active Directory.

SSMS and Active Directory Authentication doesn't work with Azure SQL and non-Azure SQL

So we have Azure AD synced with our on-premise domain. We have an Azure SQL Server configured with the active directory admin. We also have a non Azure SQL server running on a virtual machine in Azure that is domain joined to this same domain. The following are the results of using the various authentication mechanisms offered by SQL Management Studio (SSMS). Can someone explain why the failures occur with the various options that should be supported?
Facts about environment:
Passthrough authentication is the sign-in method configured on AD Connect
Password hash sync is also enabled so password hashes are stored in Azure AD
Azure SQL is configured with Active Directory admin
Latest version of SSMS was downloaded when performing these test
On premise account was used to test all scenarios
Domain joined client connecting to Azure SQL from SSMS
Active Directory Password (PASS)
Active Directory Universal (PASS)
Windows Integrated (FAIL - not supported by Azure SQL)
Active Directory Integrated (FAIL – see error below)
Failure when client is standard domain joined client
Failure when client is Azure domain joined client
Domain joined client connecting to non-Azure SQL hosted on same domain
Active Directory Integrated (PASS)
Windows Integrated (PASS)
Active Directory Password (FAIL – Login failed for user ‘’)
Active Directory Universal (FAIL – Login failed for user ’’)
This issue may be related with the AD Syncing options. Verify in your environment that AD is not syncing passwords into the tenant. This prevents AD Integration Authentication and AD Password Authentication. The only authentication that works on these cases is AD Universal Authentication, as your test shows.
It looks to me that his is an ADAL problem (WSTrust) related to network configuration. Please create a support case and work with the support team to solve this problem

Connecting LDAP Server on Windows ADFS Server (default password?)

I have windows server running ADFS server. I want to Connect to ldap server on it. My questions are
Does running ADFS Server already have LDAP Server running or need to do anything for that? I believe it is running already because I could see open port 389 and 636.
Assuming LDAP server is running, I was trying to connect to it using Google App Directory Sync to get list of users However I was not able to authorize. Is there any default credentials to connect? Or steps to get credentials for LDAP server?
An ADFS server is not an Active Directory server - ADFS only extends Active Directory's infrastructure. Ports 389 and 636 are available because ADFS supports the LDAP and LDAPS protocols for communication, and as such, ADFS can retrieve user attributes from Active Directory, and it can also authenticate users against Active Directory. If you already have a directory server running, you need to add it to ADFS as an account store.
There are no default credentials - just use an administrative account that exists in your Active Directory store, as mentioned in point one.
To clarify on terminology for ADFS:
Account Store in ADFS: This is the account store that ADFS authenticates the user against with some form of credential (e.g. Username/password). By default ADFS connects to the Active Directory Domain Services and adds it as a special account store that cannot be deleted. So, any users in this active directory forest or in it's trusted subsystem can authenticate to ADFS. So far, ADFS only supported Active Directory as an account store and nothing else. With Windows Server 2016, it now supports connecting any LDAP v3 compliant directory as an account store. ADFS does not open LDAP ports as it is not an LDAP server. If ADFS were collocated with a domain controller, you would see LDAP ports open.
Attribute Store in ADFS: This a store where you can augment additional information about the user AFTER the user authenticates. By default ADFS has a default attribute store for ADDS that is setup by virtue of the install. Beyond this, it has in-built adapters that can be instantiated to connect to SQL or ADLDS (lightweight directory service). It also has an extensible API to connect to any other attribute store of your choice via .NET. People connect to Oracle/SAP data base, FIM metaverse etc.
#Srikanth: You will use the ADFS claims language or the UI to query for additional data using the attribute store model. In the UI, you would see it when you configure the issuance authorization rules or the issuance claims rules.
Hope that helps
Sam (#MrADFS)
