I wanted to fix my code to create random operation here, what should I fix here?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x,y,z,a;
char o;
printf("give your three numbers: ");
scanf("%d %d %d",&x,&y,&z);
printf("(%d*%d-%d) what is the correct among following answers? \n 1. %d\n 2. %d\n 3. %d\n ",
printf("what is answer? \n: ");
if(a == 1)
printf("you are right!\n");
printf("you are false!\n\n");
printf("Would you like to exit programm? (y/n) : ");
if (o=='Y' || o=='y')
else if(o=='N' || o=='n')
printf("Wrong input!!!!");
return 0;
What I mean is I want to try change operation such as * + - randomly when I run code, and also along with this question, the answer should be changed...
thank you!
Your question is mainly focused on shuffling the answers. By studying from couple of sites I have found an solution for this. This is little bit difficult but studying the code few times you can get it
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
void swap(int *a, int *b) {
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
void randomize(int arr[], int n) {
int i;
for(i = n-1; i > 0; i--) {
int j = rand() % (i+1);
swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);
int main() {
int x,y,z,a;
int i;
int a1, a2, a3;
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3};
int n = sizeof(arr)/ sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("give your three numbers: ");
scanf("%d %d %d",&x,&y,&z);
a1 = x*y-z;
a2 = x*y*z;
a3 = x-y*z;
printf("Before shuffle = %d %d %d\n\n", a1, a2, a3);
char answers[] = {a1, a2, a3};
printf("(%d*%d-%d)what is the correct among following answers?\n", x, y, z);
randomize (arr, n);
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
int index = arr[i];
printf("%2d - %d\n", i+1, answers[index]);
return 0;
This is the outputs
First time run
give your three numbers: 2
Before shuffle = 2 8 -2
(2*2-2)what is the correct among following answers?
1 - 8
2 - 2
3 - -2
Second time run
give your three numbers: 2
Before shuffle = 2 8 -2
(2*2-2)what is the correct among following answers?
1 - -2
2 - 8
3 - 2
You can try this multiple times. Every time answers will be shuffle. This is the Source I have referred.
Just provide one of examples here. There are many kinds way to implement. In the random operation generation part. I would like to write a random number generator function, which purpose is to generate the given range of random number.
int gen_random(int min, int max)
srand( time(NULL) );
return rand() % (max - min + 1) + min;
In order to represent four operator (+, -, *, /), The number (let's call the operation number) 1 to 4 is used for represent four operator respectively. The calculation function map the operation number to operation and get the result.
int calculation(int number1, int number2, int op)
case 1:
return number1 + number2;
case 2:
return number1 - number2;
case 3:
return number1 * number2;
case 4:
return number1 / number2;
You can use the gen_random and the calculation function above to change operation randomly. The usage of the gen_random and the calculation function is something like:
int op = gen_random(1, 4); // Generate operation randomly
printf("%d\n", op);
printf("%d\n", calculation(x, y, op)); // Pass x, y, and operation number into calculation function to get answer
Write a program that prints the sum of digits for the entered interval limits. To calculate the sum of
digits form the corresponding function.
#include <stdio.h>
void suma(int a ,int b ){
int s= 0,i;
while(i != 0 ){
int br = i % 10;
s+=br ;
i = i/10;
int main(void){
int a,b;
printf("enter the lower limit of the interval: "); scanf("%d",&a);
printf("enter the upper limit of the interval: "); scanf("%d",&b);
return 0;
when i set a to be 11 and b to be 13 program does first 3 sums but after that it doesent stop.why doesn't it stop. But if i set a to 3 digit number program gives me first sum but then gives me random sums
The reason why your code is not working is because in your while-loop, you are changing the value of i, but i is also used in the for-loop. This results in undefined behaviour. In order to fix this, I would suggest breaking the problem up in two functions. One for calculating the sum of a the digits of a number, and one function that adds these sums in a particular range.
int sumNumber(int number) {
int sum = 0;
while(number != 0) {
sum += number % 10;
number /= 10;
return sum;
int suma(int a ,int b){
int totalSum = 0;
for(int i=a;i<=b;i++){
int sum = sumNumber(i);
totalSum += sum;
return totalSum;
This way, you are not modifying i in the while-loop.
You are mixing up the two loop variables. As arguments are passed by value just a instead of introducing an unnecessary variable. Minimize scope of variables. Check the return value from scanf() otherwise you may be operating on uninitialized variables.
#include <stdio.h>
void suma(int a, int b) {
for(; a <= b; a++) {
int s = 0;
for(int i = a; i; i /= 10) {
s += i % 10;
printf("%d\n", s);
int main(void){
printf("enter the lower limit of the interval: ");
int a;
if(scanf("%d",&a) != 1) {
printf("scanf failed\n");
return 1;
printf("enter the upper limit of the interval: ");
int b;
if(scanf("%d",&b) != 1) {
printf("scanf failed\n");
return 1;
and example run:
enter the lower limit of the interval: 10
enter the upper limit of the interval: 13
I was unreasonably annoyed by how the code was formatted. Extra white space for no reason including at end of line, missing white space between some operations, variables lumped together on one line.
It's a really good idea to separate i/o from logic as in #mennoschipper's answer. My answer is as close to original code as possible.
i did function like this and it works now
void suma(int a ,int b ){
int s= 0,i;
int x ;
x = i;
while(x != 0 ){
int br = x % 10;
s+=br ;
x = x/10;
s = 0;
} }
#include <stdio.h>
int i, num, sum=0; //declaration
printf("How many numbers do you want to calculate average of?\n");
scanf("%d", &num); //how many numbers are to be calculated
printf("Enter %d numbers\n", num);
int a[num]; //array to store data
for(i=1;i<=num;i++) //loop to take input
if(i==1) //for 1st
printf("1st value : ");
else if (i<=2) //2nd
printf("2nd value : ");
else if (i<=3) //3rd
printf("3rd value : ");
else //else print th ordinal
printf("%dth value : ", i);
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
float avg;
printf("Average : %f", avg);
return 0;
A program to take out the average of n numbers.
Now, this code does what it should, but if the size of the array goes beyond 20, it prints 21th, 22th, 23th and so on, which is wrong. I can't think of how to fix this problem. Any help would be great. I am new to programming, so pardon my ignorance.
There isn't a standard function that does that. You can write one, or use mine:
#include "ordinal.h"
#include <stdio.h>
static const char *const suffixes[4] = { "th", "st", "nd", "rd" };
enum { NUM_SUFFIXES = sizeof(suffixes) / sizeof(suffixes[0]) };
static unsigned suffix_index(unsigned n)
unsigned x;
x = n % 100;
if (x == 11 || x == 12 || x == 13)
x = 0;
else if ((x = x % 10) > 3)
x = 0;
return x;
char *fmt_ordinal(char *buffer, size_t buflen, unsigned n)
unsigned x = suffix_index(n);
int len = snprintf(buffer, buflen, "%u%s", n, suffixes[x]);
if (len <= 0 || (size_t)len >= buflen)
return 0;
/* returns buffer or 0 on failure (implausible unless buffer too small) */
extern char *fmt_ordinal(char *buffer, size_t buflen, unsigned n);
Some of that is overkill on its own, but the source file also contains scn_ordinal() which scans ordinal numbers with greater or lesser strictness, and the header declares it.
int main(void)
char buffer[15];
/* Test fmt_ordinal() */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 35; i++)
printf("%2u => %4s\n", i, fmt_ordinal(buffer, sizeof(buffer), i));
return 0;
You can mod by 10 to get the last digit. Then based on that you can use "st", "nd", "rd", or "th". You'll also need special cases for 11, 12, and 13.
if ((i % 10 == 1) && (i % 100 != 11))
printf("%dst value : ", i);
else if ((i % 10 == 2) && (i % 100 != 12))
printf("%dnd value : ", i);
else if ((i % 10 == 3) && (i % 100 != 13))
printf("%drd value : ", i);
printf("%dth value : ", i);
I played with this a bit and this was my minimal 'lookup' except, sadly, for the expense of the modulo division. I wasn't fussed about values above 99.
if( i > 20 ) i %= 10; // Change 21-99 to 1-10.
if( i > 3 ) i = 0; // Every other one ends with "th"
// 0 1 2 3
suffix = &"th\0st\0nd\0rd"[ i * 3 ]; // Acknowledge 3byte regions.
You can use 'suffix' as a pointer to a normal null terminated string.
It is okay to be a beginner, no need to apologize. You can solve your problem using a combination of a SWITCH statement and the modulus operator (%). The modulus operator takes two numbers (n1 % n2) and returns the remainder when n1 is divided by n2.
You will want to construct an array of ordinals, like this:
char *ordinalList[] = { "st", "nd", "rd", "th" };
This will allow you to simply reference this array to append the correct ordinal to a number. The next step is to create an algorithm to determine which array index should be referenced. To do this, you can make a new function and call it in your "main".
char *determineOrdinal (char **ordinalList, int numValue)
if (3 < numValue && numValue < 21)
return ordinals[3];
switch (numValue % 10) {
case 1 : return ordinalList[0];
case 2 : return ordinalList[1];
case 3 : return ordinalList[2];
default: return ordinalList[3];
You can pass a number into this function as the numValue argument. Your "main" function might look something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *ordinalList[] = { "st", "nd", "rd", "th" };
char *currentdOrdinal;
int i, num, sum=0; //declaration
printf("How many numbers do you want to calculate average of?\n");
scanf("%d", &num); //how many numbers are to be calculated
printf("Enter %d numbers\n", num);
int a[num]; //array to store data
for(i=1;i<=num;i++) //loop to take input
currentdOrdinal = determineOrdinal (ordinalList, i)
printf("%d%s value : ", i, currentdOrdinal);
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
float avg;
printf("Average : %f", avg);
return 0;
I think that code should work for you. I hope this helps.
I have created a code for finding LCM of two nos. I think that the code is correct but I have an undesired output. What ks the problem in this code?
int i, j, a, b, lcm;
printf("Enter two nos : ");
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
for(i=1; i<=b; i++)
for(j=1; j<=a; j++)
printf("LCM=%d", lcm);
The LCM of two numbers a,b is at least max(a,b) and at most a*b, so your first idea about the boundaries is correct. But if you take a closer look to one of the definitions of LCM (of two positive integers) a and b you'll find that the LCM is the smallest number such that LCM % a = 0 and LCM % b = 0 where "%" means "remainder of integer division, truncating" and that is exactly what you can use here.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
int a, b, lcm;
printf("Enter two nos : ");
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
/* TODO: checks and balances! */
/* Set lcm to the larger of the two numbers */
lcm = (a < b) ? b : a;
/* check if both "a" and "b" divide "lcm" without a remainder
* otherwise increment "lcm" */
for (;;) {
if ((lcm % a == 0) && (lcm % b == 0)) {
/* we got the LCM, break out of loop */
/* Otherwise increment "lcm" by one */
printf("LCM = %d\n", lcm);
There are more elegant and more general methods but I think the example above is quite easy to follow.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int getn(int n, int i);
int main()
int n, i;
getn(n, i);
return 0;
int getn(int n, int i)
int even = 0;
int odd = 1;
int avg;
printf("Enter ten integers: \n");
for (i = 1 ; i <= 10 ; i++)
printf("Integer %d: ", i);
scanf("%d", &n);
if ( n % 2 == 0 )
even = even + n;
odd = odd * n;
avg = even / 10;
printf("\n\nAverage of even numbers: %d", avg);
printf("\nProduct of odd numbers: %d", odd);
It seems the even calculations worked but when it comes to odd it gives the wrong answer. Please help
Our instructor wants us to use looping or iterations. No arrays. Please help me
First, your C code needs some correction:
at least give the prototype of getn before using it
getn is defined to return an int and doesn't return anything. Either replace int with void or return a value.
Your code computes the product of ten numbers, if this product is too big, it cannot be store as-is in an int. For example, it works well if you enter ten times number 3, the result is 59049, but if you enter ten times number 23, it will answer 1551643729 which is wrong because 23^10=41426511213649 but that can't be stored in an int. This is known as arithmetic overflow.
Your average is bad, because you sum ints, but the average is (in general) a rational number (average(2,3)=2.5 isn't it ?). So double avg = out/10.0; (means compute a floating division) and printf("Average %f\n",avg); would be better.
I have a problem with C program. The idea of it is similar to Armstrong number checking. Say if the input number is 123. Program needs to check if condition, for example 123=1^1+2^2+3^3 is true. I know how to add digits,but have a problem with powers. It is obvious that I need a loop for powers from 1 to the number of digits. In Armstrong number algorithm you have similar power on every digit. For example 153=1^3+5^3+3^3. Here is what I have so far:
int main()
int n,d,s=0,o,i,k;
printf("number of digits:%d",k);
return 0;
Thanks for the answers.
You need first get the lenth of number, which is used to determine how many times you need to get into loop to calculate each bit.
For example, number 123, you first need to know the number is 3 bits len, then you can mutilply number 3 three times, number 2 twice, and number 1 once.
I use a temporary string to achieve this
here is codeļ¼ a little bit alteration on yours
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_NUM_LEN 16
int main()
char tmp_num[MAX_NUM_LEN] = {0};
int len,n,d,s=0,o,i,tmp_len, tmp_o;
sprintf(tmp_num, "%d", n);
len = strlen(tmp_num);
tmp_len = len;
for (tmp_o = 1, i = tmp_len; i > 0; i--)
tmp_o *= o;
printf("number of digits:%d\n",len);
return 0;
According of what I've understood I think this is what the OP is looking for:
int power(int base, int exp)
if (base == 0) return 0;
int result=1;
while (exp-- > 0) result*=base;
return result;
void calculate(int number)
int d=number;
int tmpnumber=number;
int n=0;
while (d > 0)
d /=10;
printf("Number of digits: %d\n", n);
int k=0;
int sum=0;
while (n--)
// get digits from left to right
d=number / power(10, n);
sum+=power(d, k);
number %= power(10, n);
printf("%d^%d=%d\n", d, k, power(d, k));
printf("\n%5d %5d", tmpnumber, sum);
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
int value;
while (TRUE)
printf("Enter value (0 = Quit): ");
scanf("%d", &value);
if (value <= 0) return 0;