Makefile error when including dependency files generated from another Makefile - c

I have the current structures of directories:
/build/common contains the object and dependency files obtained from the compilation of the folder common and the equivalent for build/myFolder.
Basically /myFolder/ contains a programme that requires some function contained in common. Thus, the /myFolder/Makefile calls also the /common/Makefile to compile.
./common/Makefile is the following:
CC = gcc
CURRENT_DIR := $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SOURCEDIR)/*.c)
OBJDIR := ../build/$(CURRENT_DIR)
OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o, $(SOURCES))
DEPENDS := $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.d, $(SOURCES))
WARNING := -Wall -Wextra
all: $(OBJECTS)
-include $(DEPENDS)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c Makefile | $(OBJDIR)
$(CC) $(WARNING) -MMD -MP -c $< -o $#
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
and ./myFolder/Makefile is the following:
CC = gcc
INC_PATH := -I../common/
CURR_DIR_NAME := $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SOURCEDIR)/*.c)
OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o, $(SOURCES))
DEPENDS := $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.d, $(SOURCES))
SOURCESCOMMON := $(wildcard $(COMMONDIR)/*.c)
WARNING := -Wall -Wextra
EXECUTABLE := ../out_file
# .PHONY means these rules get executed even if
# files of those names exist.
.PHONY: all clean
# The first rule is the default, ie. "make",
# "make all" and "make parking" mean the same
+$(MAKE) -C $(COMMONDIR) clean
# Linking the executable from the object files
# $^ # "src.c src.h" (all prerequisites)
$(CC) $(WARNING) $^ -o $#
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c Makefile | $(OBJDIR)
$(CC) $(WARNING) -MMD -MP -c $(INC_PATH) $< -o $#
mkdir -p $(OBJDIRCOMMON)
If I step into the folder myFolder and compile with make for the first time, everything is ok.
If then I try again I get the following error:
make: *** No rule to make target `error.c', needed by `../build/common/error.o'. Stop.
If I do make clean and then make it works.
The line causing the problem is the following:
particularly $(DEPENDSCOMMON). With -include $(DEPENDS) instead of it, it works perfectly.
Now, - tells the Makefile not to complain if the files do not exist. If they exist they will be included and recompile your sources properly according to the dependencies. For this reason I would expect not to compile at the first attempt, but if it compiles at the first attempt, also to not generate such error (since all files exist).
Can someone please tell me what I am missing?
For completeness here are the other files which are just examples:
#include "../common/error.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc<1) err_sys("some error");
printf("Hello world\n");
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
void err_sys(const char *fmt, ...)
printf("some err\n");
#ifndef _ERROR_H_
#define _ERROR_H_
/*Fatal error related to a system cal1.
* Print a message and terminate*/
void err_sys(const char *fmt,...);

The error is related to your Makefile structure.
The main problem is that you generate the dependencies in common/Makefile and use it in myFolder/Makefile. The dependencies are generated for $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c, e.g. ./somefile.c which is valid only in common, not in myFolder
A related problem is that you duplicate many parts from common/Makefile in myFolder/Makefile. It doesn't make much sense to have a separate Makefile in this situation.
One way to solve this would be to build a library from the files in common and reference only the library from myFolder/Makefile. This avoids duplicating information from common/Makefile to myFolder/Makefile.
I changed your Makefiles to work this way. (There might be room for improvement, I only wanted to make it work.)
CC = gcc
CURRENT_DIR := $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SOURCEDIR)/*.c)
OBJDIR := ../build/$(CURRENT_DIR)
OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o, $(SOURCES))
DEPENDS := $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.d, $(SOURCES))
.PHONY: all clean
WARNING := -Wall -Wextra
-include $(DEPENDS)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c Makefile | $(OBJDIR)
$(CC) $(WARNING) -MMD -MP -c $< -o $#
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# $^
CC = gcc
INC_PATH := -I../common/
CURR_DIR_NAME := $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SOURCEDIR)/*.c)
OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o, $(SOURCES))
DEPENDS := $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.d, $(SOURCES))
.PHONY: buildlib clean all
WARNING := -Wall -Wextra
EXECUTABLE := ../out_file
# .PHONY means these rules get executed even if
# files of those names exist.
.PHONY: all clean
# The first rule is the default, ie. "make",
# "make all" and "make parking" mean the same
+$(MAKE) -C $(COMMONDIR) clean
# Linking the executable from the object files
# $^ # "src.c src.h" (all prerequisites)
$(CC) $(WARNING) $^ -o $#
-include $(DEPENDS)
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SOURCEDIR)/%.c Makefile | $(OBJDIR)
$(CC) $(WARNING) -MMD -MP -c $(INC_PATH) $< -o $#
Note: I used the target FORCE with no rule as a dependency instead of declaring $(COMMONLIB) as .PHONY to force running the recursive make. When I tried with .PHONY, the executable was re-built every time without checking the time stamp of the library file.
Another option would be to throw away the Makefile in common and replace the recursive make call in myFolder/Makefile with the corresponding compile command.
$(CC) $(WARNING) -MMD -MP -c $< -o $#
You don't need to use the relative path ../common in the #include directive when you specify this as an include directory with option -I.
I added .PHONY to declare your phony targets as such.
For automatic dependency generation and general recommendations about Makefiles I recommend to read the papers at
You might also consider using a Makefile generator like cmake.
If you copy&paste the Makefile code from here, make sure to replace the spaces at the beginning of the lines with a tab.


How to generate object files in the build directory?

I am currently working on a C project to implement a Linux userspace application.
I wrote this Makefile, which allows me to compile :
PROJ_DIR := ../
SRC_DIR := $(PROJ_DIR)/src
BUILD_DIR := $(PROJ_DIR)/build
# define the executable file
TARGET := tcp_proxy
# include paths list
INC_DIRS += $(SRC_DIR)/rpmsg
INC_DIRS += $(SRC_DIR)/rpmsg/rx
INC_DIRS += $(SRC_DIR)/rpmsg/tx
INC_DIRS += $(SRC_DIR)/tcp
INC_DIRS += $(SRC_DIR)/tcp/rx
INC_DIRS += $(SRC_DIR)/tcp/tx
INC_FLAGS := $(addprefix -I,$(INC_DIRS))
# source file list
SRCS := $(shell find $(SRC_DIR) -name *.c)
# object file list
OBJS := $(SRCS:.c=.o)
LDFLAGS := -pthread
all: tcp_proxy
tcp_proxy: $(OBJS)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC_FLAGS) -c $< -o $#
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) *.o *~ $(TARGET)
However, the object files are generated in the same place as the source files.
So I would like to know how to duplicate the folders under "src" in a "build" directory and generate inside this directory the object files and the executable.
I would also like, when I do a make clean, to be able to delete all the object files and the executable.
My project :
Searching would definitely find you a lot of examples and information on this.
First tell make what objects you want to build; change your setting of OBJS to this:
# object file list
OBJS := $(SRCS:$(SRC_DIR)/%.c=$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o)
Then tell make how to build it; change your pattern rule for building objects to this:
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC_FLAGS) -c $< -o $#

How to use filter with *F in Makefile?

There is this line in my Makefile:
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $(filter %$(*F).cpp, $(SOURCES))
Suppose I have 2 cpp file like "docinfo.cpp" and "info.cpp", when g++ build "docinfo.cpp" to "docinfo.o", it works.
g++ -I ... -o docinfo.o -c docinfo.cpp
But when g++ build "info.cpp" to "info.o", it has an error.
g++ -I ... -o info.o -c docinfo.cpp info.cpp
How do I make it work?
This is my Makefile:
CC := gcc
RM := rm -rf
WORKSPACE := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
SOURCES := $(foreach dir,$(WORKSPACE),$(wildcard $(dir)source/*.c))
CFLAGS := $(INCLUDE) -O0 -Wall -fPIC
#CFLAGS += -g
OBJS := $(notdir $(SOURCES:.c=.o))
OBJS_O := $(addprefix $(OBJ_PATH), $(OBJS))
LIBS := -ldl -shared
.PHONY: all clean
mkdir -p $#
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^ -L$(LIB_PATH) $(LIBS)
#echo "$#"
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $(filter %$(*F).c,$(SOURCES))
First, why don't you just use $< rather than trying to filter out something from $(SOURCES)?
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
If, for some weird reason, you do need the filter, then if you don't want to return a match for any value ending with $(*F).cpp, then just don't prefix it with the pattern match character (%):
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $(filter $(*F).cpp, $(SOURCES))
This is weird, though, because $(*F) should expand to foo.cpp which means this would resolve to foo.cpp.cpp.
So, I think there's something quite unusual (or possibly incorrect) about your makefile... but since you've only provided the recipe and not shown us the entire rule we can't say for sure.
Now that we see your makefile, sure enough it has a problem. This rule is wrong:
$(CC) ...
What does this expand to, once variables are resolved? Say you have SOURCES resolving to source/foo.c source/bar.c and OBJS_O resolving to object/foo.o object/bar.o. Then the above rule resolves to:
object/foo.o object/bar.o: source/foo.c source/bar.c
$(CC) ...
What does make do here? It doesn't magically do some kind of file-by-file matching of targets to prerequisites. It interprets this rule as if you'd written this:
object/foo.o: source/foo.c source/bar.c
$(CC) ...
object/bar.o: source/foo.c source/bar.c
$(CC) ...
That is, every object depends on all the source files, so if any source file is changed every object is rebuilt.
If you want this to work correctly and put all the object files into a single directory regardless of which source directory they exist in, then you'll have to use vpath with a pattern rule, like this:
vpath %.c $(sort $(dir $(SOURCES)))
$(OBJ_PATH)%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
Now you can use $< instead of the filter function, because each object file depends on exactly and only its source file, not all the source files.

Unexpected prerequisite skip in GNU Make 4.2.1

I'm trying to create a generic Makefile to use with most of my projects. It should work as follows: only rebuild and link those .o files whose .c or .h dependency has changed. The .o and .d files are stored in a separate directory called 'build'.
With the help of the official GNU Make manual and some googling I've managed to achieve the desired behavior except for one thing: when I run make re I get the error:
Assembler messages: Fatal error: can't create build/ft_build_buffer.o: No such file or directory — the reason for this is that the 'build' directory only gets created whenever the .d files are generated, but for some reason the re rule simply skips this step and goes on to compile .o files straight away! Note: if I run make clean && make fclean && make all (which should be the exact same thing) everything works fine.
A few other things: I've tried using the -MMD option to generate dependencies on the fly but on my machine that causes the .d files to only contain .c dependencies. Of course I could just make all .c files depend on all .h files but that seems like a very sloppy solution.
Feel free to share any other advice/improvements that will make this file more clean and readable, thanks! :)
# Define the C compiler to use.
CC := gcc
# Define any compile-time flags.
CFLAGS := -I./include -Wall -Wextra -Werror -g
#CFLAGS := -I./include -march=native -O2 -pipe
# Define the executable file.
BIN := ft_hexdump
# Define build directory.
BUILD_DIR := build
# Define source files directory.
SRC_DIR := src
# Define the C source files.
SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
# Define the C object files.
OBJS := $(SRCS:$(SRC_DIR)/%.c=$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o)
# Define the prerequisite files.
DEPS := $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)
.PHONY: all clean fclean re
all: $(BIN)
-include $(DEPS)
$(BIN): $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $#
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: $(BUILD_DIR)/%.d
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(SRC_DIR)/$*.c -o $#
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.d: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
#mkdir -p $(#D)
#set -e; rm -f $#; \
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -MM $< > $#.$$$$; \
sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $# : ,g' < $#.$$$$ > $#; \
rm -f $#.$$$$
-rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
fclean: clean
-rm -f $(BIN)
re: fclean all
Here is the modified working version as suggested by #M.M
# Define the C compiler to use.
CC := gcc
# Define any compile-time flags.
CFLAGS := -I./include -Wall -Wextra -Werror -g
#CFLAGS := -I./include -march=native -O2 -pipe
# Define the executable file.
BIN := ft_hexdump
# Define build directory.
BUILD_DIR := build
# Define source files directory.
SRC_DIR := src
# Define the C source files.
SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
# Define the C object files.
OBJS := $(SRCS:$(SRC_DIR)/%.c=$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o)
# Define the prerequisite files.
DEPS := $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)
.PHONY: all clean fclean re
all: $(BIN)
-include $(DEPS)
$(BIN): $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $#
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -c $(SRC_DIR)/$*.c -o $#
-rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
fclean: clean
-rm -f $(BIN)
$(MAKE) fclean
$(MAKE) all

Make: *.h no such file or directory

My project has the following directory structure:
Where *.extension means a bunch of files with that extension. I can't seem to get the makefile to work correctly. The error I'm getting is:
FA_kernels/ fatal error: FA_SFD.h: No such file or directory
#include "FA_SFD.h"
My intent was for -I headers to be specified to the compiler, thereby making the headers directory available for searching. Clearly this has not worked. Here is the makefile:
CC := nvcc
LD := nvcc
MODULES := FA_kernels FD_kernels MEM_kernels MOD_kernels .
BUILD_DIR := $(addprefix build/,$(MODULES))
SRC := $(foreach sdir,$(SRC_DIR),$(wildcard $(sdir)/*.cu))
OBJ := $(patsubst src/,build/%.o,$(SRC))
INCLUDES := $(addprefix -I,headers)
vpath $(SRC_DIR)
define make-goal
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) -c $$< -o $$#
.PHONY: all checkdirs clean
all: checkdirs build/lem
build/lem: $(OBJ)
$(LD) $^ -o $#
checkdirs: $(BUILD_DIR)
#mkdir -p $#
#rm -rf build
$(foreach bdir,$(BUILD_DIR),$(eval $(call make-goal,$(bdir))))
Any ideas?
UPDATE: Here is the full console output from running make
nvcc FA_kernels/ FA_kernels/ FA_kernels/ FA_kernels/ FD_kernels/ FD_kernels/ FD_kernels/ FD_kernels/ MEM_kernels/ MEM_kernels/ MEM_kernels/ MEM_kernels/ MOD_kernels/ MOD_kernels/ MOD_kernels/ MOD_kernels/ MOD_kernels/ -o build/lem
FA_kernels/ fatal error: FA_SFD.h: No such file or directory
#include "FA_SFD.h"
compilation terminated.
Makefile:24: recipe for target 'build/lem' failed
make: *** [build/lem] Error 1
From your output, apparently patsubst in OBJ was not successful at all. From the way you define SRC, I assume makefile is directly under src/, then you should change src/ to in the definition of OBJ as such:
OBJ := $(patsubst,build/%.o,$(SRC))
Also, if I understand you correctly, you were trying to create a folder structure under build/ that is identical to the folder structure under src/. So, for instance, /src/ will generate /src/build/abc.o, then you don't need to define functions to get these rules, simply do:
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $#
and you are good to go.
If instead you wish to create build/ on the same level as src/. i.e. XXX/src/ -> XXX/build/abc.o. Then simply replace all occurrences of build in your makefile with ../build.
If you would rather put makefile at the same level as src/, then you should edit SRC to reflect that:
SRC := $(foreach sdir,$(SRC_DIR),$(wildcard src/$(sdir)/*.cpp))
and change the target to:
build/%.o: src/%.cpp
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $#
Now you can safely remove vapth ... and the last line $foreach in your makefile.
EDIT: This is what your makefile will look like. I can't test it right now so there may be some mistakes in it, but hopefully it makes you understand the general idea.
CC := nvcc
LD := nvcc
MODULES := FA_kernels FD_kernels MEM_kernels MOD_kernels .
BUILD_DIR := $(addprefix build/,$(MODULES))
SRC := $(foreach sdir,$(SRC_DIR),$(wildcard $(sdir)/*.cu))
OBJ := $(patsubst,build/%.o,$(SRC))
INCLUDES := $(addprefix -I,headers)
# vpath $(SRC_DIR)
#define make-goal
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $#
.PHONY: all checkdirs clean
all: checkdirs build/lem
build/lem: $(OBJ)
$(LD) $^ -o $#
checkdirs: $(BUILD_DIR)
#mkdir -p $#
#rm -rf build
#$(foreach bdir,$(BUILD_DIR),$(eval $(call make-goal,$(bdir))))

Makefile: How to create both static and shared libraries in C?

Ladies, gentlemen, hello.
I'm trying to create a Makefile in C which will create two libraries
One static,one shared.So far my Makefile works for the static part.
Projet file structure:
An other point to mention, this Makefile also creates *.o in my root project directory and the /src dir.
What to do so it only creates object files inside the /src directory ?
SNAME = libmy_printf_`uname -m`-`uname -s`.a
DNAME = libmy_printf_`uname -m`-`uname -s`.so
SRC = $(wildcard src/*.c)
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
CC = gcc
RM = rm -f
CFLAGS = -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Werror -g3 -fPIC
$(CC) -c $(SRC)
ar r $(SNAME) $(OBJ)
ranlib $(SNAME)
$(CC) -c $(SRC)
$(CC) -shared -o $(DNAME) $(OBJ)
.PHONY: my_printf_static
my_printf_static: $(STATIC)
.PHONY: my_printf_dynamic
my_printf_dynamic: $(DYNAMIC)
.PHONY: all
all: my_printf_static my_printf_dynamic
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) $(OBJ)
.PHONY: fclean
fclean: clean
.PHONY: re
re: fclean all
Your makefile can be boiled down to this:
NAME := libmy_printf_$(shell uname -m)-$(shell uname -s)
SNAME := $(NAME).a
DNAME := $(NAME).so
SRC := $(wildcard src/*.c)
OBJ := $(SRC:.c=.o)
CFLAGS := -ansi -pedantic -Wall -W -Werror -g3 -fPIC
LDLIBS := -l$(...)
.PHONY: all clean fclean re
all: $(SNAME) $(DNAME)
$(SNAME): $(OBJ)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# $^
$(DNAME): LDFLAGS += -shared
$(DNAME): $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $#
$(RM) $(OBJ)
fclean: clean
re: fclean all
There are multiple things that you should know:
Don't use back-quotes commands, use the $(shell) built-in function in conjunction with the := assignment operator to prevent commands being re-run multiple times (unless this is the desired behavior).
Use only one .PHONY special rule, placed above all rules, and list them there.
Redefining $(CC) or $(RM) variables like you did is pointless since they already contain what you wanted here.
You wrote -l$(NAME) but you didn't define a NAME variable. I change it to $(...) since I couldn't guess what you really wanted here, don't forget to handle this.
Use the name of the targets to be created as the name of the related rules. That way Make won't recreate the targets unless you really want it (by calling the clean, fclean or re rules explicitly).
-L flags and -l flags should not be mixed in the same variable, unless placed at the right place in the linking command. Actually you didn't even used them. I explicitly separated them in the LDFLAGS and LDLIBS built-in variables, as per Make implicit rules.
If you have any questions, go ahead.
As discussed in the comments, if you need to remove the -fPIC flag from the compilation flags for the static library, you should consider building object files in different directories:
EDIT: I added your my_printf_static and my_printf_dynamic rules:
NAME := libmy_printf_$(shell uname -m)-$(shell uname -s)
SNAME := $(NAME).a
DNAME := $(NAME).so
SRC := $(wildcard src/*.c)
SDIR := build-static
SOBJ := $(SRC:src/%.c=$(SDIR)/%.o)
DDIR := build-shared
DOBJ := $(SRC:src/%.c=$(DDIR)/%.o)
CFLAGS := -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Werror -W -g3
LDLIBS := -l$(...)
.PHONY: all clean fclean re my_printf_static my_printf_dynamic
all: my_printf_static my_printf_dynamic
my_printf_static: $(SNAME)
my_printf_dynamic: $(DNAME)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# $^
$(DNAME): LDFLAGS += -shared
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $#
$(SDIR)/%.o: src/%.c | $(SDIR)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
$(DDIR)/%.o: src/%.c | $(DDIR)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
$(SDIR) $(DDIR):
#mkdir $#
$(RM) -r $(SDIR) $(DDIR)
fclean: clean
re: fclean all
What to do so it only creates object files inside the /src directory ?
Don't run the compiler twice. Your STATIC and DYNAMIC rules both depend on $(OBJ), which will cause those files to be built by make's implicit rules. Then, immediately after that you run the compiler again within those rules. Just take those lines out. make normally prints the commands it's going to run, so you should see why it's happening in your build log.
