React Native scrollview infinitely rerendering - reactjs

I'm new to react native and I'm creating a to do list app. the component I wrote keeps infinitely re-rendering when I initialize Todos state to something that isn't an empty array. This results to an error where react stops it. I have no idea what is causing the infinite loop as I haven't included any recursion or explicit loops. I added a few console.log()'s everywhere and found that deleteTodo and toggleTodo keep getting called automatically until the application crashes.
When Todos state is initialized to an empty array I get an error saying that is not a function.
The component is only expected to re-render whenever the state is updated to either modify , add or delete a task.
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, TouchableHighlight } from 'react-native'
import { State, ScrollView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'
/* All required imports are correctly added */
let id = 0
function TaskRow(props) {
return (
{/* empty button acting as checkbox */}
<Text />
{/* main text area, displays task and all details + tags*/}
<TouchableHighlight onPress={props.toggle(props.key)}>
{/* delete button */}
<TouchableHighlight onPress={props.delete(props.key)}>
export default function TodoList() {
const [
] = useState([
{ key: id, task: 'this is a task', checked: false },
const addTodo = (taskInput = 'sample') => {
setTodos(getTodos.push({ key: id, task: 'task', checked: false }))
const deleteTodo = (deleteID) => {
setTodos(getTodos.filter((match) => match.key !== deleteID))
const toggleTodo = (toggleID) => {
setTodos( => {
if (match.key == toggleID) return { key: match.key, task: match.task, checked: !match.checked }
return (
<TouchableHighlight onPress={addTodo}>
<Text>Add task</Text>
{ => (

You have a problem in your TaskRow component, on each render you are actually calling the functions instead of declaring an handler for events. Please chenge these two lines in this way:
// ...
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => props.toggle(props.key)}>
// ...
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => props.delete(props.key)}>
Another problem is this:
setTodos(getTodos.push({ key: id, task: 'task', checked: false }))
the .push() does not return the array so you should do something like:
setTodos([...getTodos, { key: id, task: 'task', checked: false }])


Passing a button select choice back to previous screen

So after some research, I have learned how to make a button that will take the user to another screen, and provide them a text input where they can enter some words, then on pushing the done button take them back to the previous screen where what they typed will be displayed. But for my particular needs, I am trying to figure out how to instead of a text input have a selection of buttons, such as "large, medium, small" and have that button select the data that would be displayed instead, and return them to the previous page where it is displayed.
initial screen
function HomeScreen( route ) {
navigation = useNavigation();
React.useEffect(() => {
if (route.params?.post) {
}, [route.params?.post]);
return (
title="Create post"
onPress={() => navigation.navigate('CreatePost')}
<Text style={{ margin: 10 }}>Post: {route.params?.post}</Text>
button selection screen
function CreatePostScreen( route ) {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const [postText, setPostText] = React.useState('');
return (
onPress={() => {
name: 'Home',
params: { postText },
merge: true,
any insight is greatly appreciated.
You can pass the data in form of object
{post: postText,
buttonType: 'medium'}
For getting the data
React.useEffect(() => {
if (route.params?.post) {
var buttonType= route.params?.buttonType
}, [route.params?.post]);
You can store the button type in a variable or state
var buttonType = route.params?.buttonType
Or You can try with useState() hooks
const [buttonType, setButtonType]=useState("")
The for using it just do the following
Please follow the React-Documentation

How can I rerender only one item in a flatlist?

I have products with a star icon to add this product in wishlist. I map 10 list of products and each map has 3 products like:
(I Map it in Pagerview to swipe to the next products)
Products Component
const ListProducts = [
id: 1,
products: [{
product_id: 1,
photos: [...]
id: 2,
products: [{
product_id: 1,
photos: [...]
id: 3,
products: [{
product_id: 1,
photos: [...]
id: 4,
products: [{
product_id: 1,
photos: [...]
function isEq(prev, next) {
if(prev.is_wishlist === next.is_wishlist) {
return true;
const Item = memo(({ id, photos, is_wishlist, onPress, onPressWishlist }) => {
const findProductIdInWishList = is_wishlist.find((el => el.product_id === id));
return (
<Button style={s.imgBtn} onPress={() => onPress(id)}>
<Button onPress={() => onPressWishlist(id)} style={s.starBtn}>
<AntDesign name={findProductIdInWishList ? 'star' : 'staro'} size={20} color={globalStyles.globalColor} />
<ImageSlider photos={photos} />
// #ts-ignore
}, isEq);
const wishlist = useSelector((state) => state.WishList.wishlist);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const renderItem: ListRenderItem<IProduct> = ({ item }) => (
const handlePressWishList = (product_id: string) => {
List of Products component
Products Map:
<PagerView onPageSelected={(e) => handleSetAllIndexes(e.nativeEvent.position)} style={s.container} initialPage={index}>
{, i) => (
<View style={s.viewsContainer} key={i}>
{ allIndex.includes(i) ? (
<View style={s.viewsInnerContainer}>
{ /* products */ }
<Products products={el.products as IProduct[]} total_price={el.total_price} product_name={el.packet_name} />
) : (
<View style={s.loadingContainer}>
<Loader size={'large'} color='#fff' />
if I click on star icon its dispatch and it goes fast but if I swipe to other products maybe to the last, then I press the star icon to dispatch then its a delay/lag you can see it
I dont add the full code because there are some snippets that has nothing to do with problem.
I think there are a few issues in your code:
1. Wrong dependency list for useMemo.
In your Item component, you should pass the list of dependency, rather than a compare function:
const Item = memo(({ id, photos, is_wishlist, onPress, onPressWishlist }) => {
// #ts-ignore
}, isEq); // <- this is wrong
// Instead, you should do this:
}, [is_wishlist]); // <- this is correct, if you only want to update Item component when `is_wishlist` is changed
2. Never use index as key if item can be reordered
In your products maps component, you are doing:, i) => (
<View style={s.viewsContainer} key={i}>
You should pass id instead, so React will not re-render all items when you insert a new item at the beginning or in the middle:
<View style={s.viewsContainer} key={}>
3. Passing wishlist to all Items, however, wishlist will be updated whenever user click star button on any item.
This causes all Item to re-generate memoized component, because wishlist is changed.
What you want to do here is only passing essential data to Item, which is inWishList (or findProductIdInWishList in your code), which only get changed for affected item:
const renderItem: ListRenderItem<IProduct> = ({ item }) => {
const inWishList= wishlist.find((el => el.product_id === id));
return (
I am going to edit my answer instead of comment. Before my code, let me explain first. In your current code, whenever 'allProducts' changes, everything will re-render. Whenever 'allIndex' changes, everything will re-render too. The longer the list, the more lag it will be.
Can you try 'useCallback' in this case?
const renderItem = React.useCallback((el, i) => (
<View style={s.viewsContainer} key={i}>
{allIndex.includes(i) ? (
<View style={s.viewsInnerContainer}>
<Products />
) : (
<Loading />
Now, renderItem will re-render when 'allIndex' changes. Instead of 'PagerView', I still recommend 'FlatList' with 'horizontal={true}' and 'some styles'. If still wanna use 'PagerView', how about 'Lazy' components? 'Lazy components' does not render the components before they came into user view. So, before they are seen, they do not take part in re-redner.
The issue is connected to a way how you edit your data to hold the new value. It looks like the act of adding an item to a wishlist causes all the previous items to re-render.
Therefore the first one works without an issue, but the last one takes a while as it needs to re-render all the other items before.
I would start by changing the key from index to an actual ID of a product block since that could prevent the other "pages" from re-rendering.
If that fails you will probably need to take this block of code into a workshop and check for useless re-renders.

Passing parameter and reset it when leave current screen by React Navigation

I try to pass a object type parameter from Home screen to the DailyActivity screen by touch the button that selected user Overlay in Home screen. But still showing last selected user's parameter data even though leave current(DailyActivity) to another screen.
So let me know these things..
How to reset parameter when move to another screen?
How to detect current screen name in child screen component?
Home screen
buttonStyle={{ margin: 5, backgroundColor: "#ef9a9a" }}
title="Daily Activity"
onPress={() => {
navigation.navigate("Daily Activity", { baby });
DailyActivity Screen
export default function DailyActivity({ route }) {
if ({ route }) {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.text}>Daily Activity Screen</Text>
} else {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.text}>Daily Activity Screen</Text>
<Text>params not exist</Text>
import { useFocusEffect } from '#react-navigation/native';
React.useCallback(() => {
// Do something when the screen is focused
return () => {
// Do something when the screen is unfocused
navigation.setParams({ contactId: null }) // reset parametr that you need
}, [setParams]),
do like this
In Home screen:
navigation.navigate("Daily Activity", { baby:baby });
and in daily activity screen make it as null after getting baby name
navigation.setParams({baby: null});
If you are using hooks then call this method
import {useIsFocused} from '#react-navigation/native';
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
export default function DailyActivity {
useEffect(() => {
!isFocused && resetNavigationMethod();
}, [isFocused]);
... your codes
useIsFocused is used to whenever you are tried to changing screens, this this function will trigger. If you are going back, then isFocused will return as false.

How to delete item from an array by onPress event in react

I'am making a todo app. I want to call a function on a button Press event and want to pass item id to it.
import React ,{useState} from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, TextInput, Button, ScrollView, Alert, FlatList} from 'react-native';
export default function App() {
const [goal,setgoal] = useState('');
const [addInput, setInput] = useState([]);
const changetext= ()=>{
setInput(addInput=>[...addInput,{id: Math.random().toString(), value: goal}]);
const texthandler= (enteredText)=>{
const deleteText = (e)=>{
setInput((addInput)=>addInput.filter(todo=> !
return (
<View style={styles.screen} >
<View style={styles.InputView}>
<TextInput placeholder="Course Goal" onChangeText={texthandler} value={goal}
<Button title='ADD' onPress={changetext}/>
<FlatList data={addInput} keyExtractor={(item,index)=>} renderItem={
<View style={styles.recordList}>
<Text style={styles.Textoutput} id={} onPress={deleteText}>{itemData.item.value}</Text>
<Button title="Delete" style={styles.DeleteButton} value={itemData} onPress={deleteText} ></Button>
here i want Delete button to remove respective element from 'addInput' list. same thing is happening by pressing Text field itself.
but here i can pass id from text field but not from button. why so?
how to get it done by using button.
also, should i use 'this' keyword? can we do it without it, because some time it looks confusing to me at initial stage.
thanks in advance
Try this:
const deleteText = (itemID)=>{
setInput(()=>addInput.filter(todo=> !=itemID))
return (
<View style={{marginTop:30}}>
<TextInput placeholder="Course Goal" onChangeText={texthandler} value={goal}/>
<Button title='ADD' onPress={changetext}/>
<FlatList data={addInput} keyExtractor={(item,index)=>} renderItem={
<Text id={} onPress={()=>deleteText(} >{itemData.item.value}</Text>
<Button title="Delete" value={itemData} onPress={()=>deleteText(} ></Button>
Well i am not sure about the answer in terms of React-native but in React i would try something like this:-
onPress= { this.deleteText.bind(this,idx) }
If you are not passing this function as a prop, simply remove bind and call it using this.deleteText(idx)
In react/react-native, you can make a event handler method and can handle array items for example like this:
handleOnPress = value => {
let {mArray} = this.state
let index = mArray.findIndex((item => item==value))
mArray.splice(index, 1)
}else mArray.push(value)
In Your case, have to just delete item from the array so you can just use splice method. for example:
handleOnDelete = item => {
let {mArray} = this.state;
let index = mArray.findIndex((item => item==value))
if(index > -1) mArray.splice(index, 1)
else console.log('item not found')
const deleteText = e => setInput(
addInput => addInput.split(addInput.findIndex(todo => ==, 1)

react-native highlight word and make it clickable

I'm developing a react-native app in which I've to highlight #tagged word in paragraph and make that word clickable. I used react-native-highlight-words library and it works fine except click event. I also changed it core library for click event but it hangs my system and not work perfectly as solution is given in this link. I also got an array of #tagged words are coming in paragraph but how to give style to that particular word that's I don't know.
My Code
import Highlighter from 'react-native-highlight-words';
export default class LikeComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {highlightWordArray: []};
componentDidMount() {
postText = this.props.postData.details;
var regexp = new RegExp('#([^\\s]*)','g');
postText = postText.match(regexp);
if(postText != null) {
this.setState({highlightWordArray: postText});
render() {
return (
highlightStyle={{color: 'red'}}
onPress={(value) => console.warn(value)}
Is there any solution to highlight #taggeed word in this.props.postData.details and make it clickable?
Thank you.
Actually currently react-native-highlight-words is just a react-native wrapper of highlight-words-core. It gives a component to use in react-native. I checked its library and there is no onPress event is attached to Text components in react-native-highlight-words.
If you want to perform onPress then you have to write onpress functions in core library that is react-native-highlight-words.
Create two new onPress function in Highlighter.js as,
Highlighter.propTypes = {
onPressNormalText: PropTypes.func,
onPressHighlightedText: PropTypes.func
Then add this onPress functions in Highlighter as,
export default function Highlighter({..., ..., onPressNormalText, onPressHighlightedText}) {
Finally add this functions on Text components of Highlighter.js,
return (
<Text style={style} {...props} onPress={onPressNormalText}>
{, index) => {
const text = textToHighlight.substr(chunk.start, chunk.end - chunk.start);
return !chunk.highlight ? (
) : (
<Text onPress={onPressHighlightedText} key={index} style={chunk.highlight && highlightStyle}>
So finally your Highlighter.js with onPress events looks like,
import React from "react";
import { Text, TouchableOpacity } from "react-native";
import { findAll } from "highlight-words-core";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
Highlighter.propTypes = {
autoEscape: PropTypes.bool,
searchWords: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired,
textToHighlight: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
sanitize: PropTypes.func,
onPressNormalText: PropTypes.func,
onPressHighlightedText: PropTypes.func
* Highlights all occurrences of search terms (searchText) within a string (textToHighlight).
* This function returns an array of strings and <Text> elements (wrapping highlighted words).
export default function Highlighter({
}) {
const chunks = findAll({ textToHighlight, searchWords, sanitize, autoEscape });
return (
<Text style={style} {...props} onPress={onPressNormalText}>
{, index) => {
const text = textToHighlight.substr(chunk.start, chunk.end - chunk.start);
return !chunk.highlight ? (
) : (
<Text onPress={onPressHighlightedText} key={index} style={chunk.highlight && highlightStyle}>
Now you can use Highlighter.js as,
highlightStyle={{ backgroundColor: "yellow" }}
searchWords={["and", "or", "the"]}
textToHighlight="The dog is chasing the cat. Or perhaps they re just playing?"
onPressNormalText={() => console.log("normal text is clickeddd!")}
onPressHighlightedText={() => console.log("highlighted text is clickked!")
And all done :)
Or if you dont want to do all this, just use my forked version of this library,
