how to add facebook plugin page to gatsby (react) - reactjs

I have been trying to add facebook feed to a gatsby website that I'm working on and it doesn't seem to work!
I've tried to add the scripts in gatsby-ssr.js
const React = require("react")
exports.onRenderBody = ({ setPostBodyComponents }) => {
<div id="fb-root"></div>,
then in component
<a href="">
‎تكنوبوند - صناع الكلادينج Techno Bond‎
but it didn't work, I also tried to use react-facebook but I cant seem to change the width or height of the iframe
any idea how to do this?
I get this console error:
- warn "export 'default' (imported as 'Helmet') was not found in 'react-helmet'
and get this browser error:

You need to use <Helmet> tag, like this:
<script async={true} defer={true} crossOrigin="anonymous" src="" />
You can check for further information about Gatsby's Helmet, and React Helmet, but basically, <Helmet> component allows you to insert a few code that will be placed after compilation inside the <head> tag.
You can use it in any component, for example, in IndexPage component it would be:
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
const IndexPage = () => (
<SEO title="Live" />
<script async={true} defer={true} crossOrigin="anonymous" src="" />
I've tested in my local machine it loads perfectly as it shows the following screenshot:


How do I embed Jobber request form in a react app

I am trying to embed a jobber request form in my react application but I am not sure how to go about this has a similar question where the use of react-helmet was the solve.
I'd like for it to be button that would activate the form request. I have the button built, but not sure how to integrate the code below to make it all work.
import React from "react";
import { Helmet } from "react-helmet";
export default class Jobber extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="Application" id="f6f2802e-49e8-477b-b405-8b2b18dded97">
<div id="f6f2802e-49e8-477b-b405-8b2b18dded97"></div>
src="" clienthub_id="f6f2802e-49e8-477b-b405-8b2b18dded97" form_url=""
I just have a blank page.

Facebook Comments plugin display after reloading the page React

I'm using Facebook Comments plugin for my React website. Plugin section is displayed ONLY after reloading the page. Does anybody know the solution?
<div id="root"></div>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script async defer
OnlineReception.jsx // here I want to render FC plugin
import React from 'react';
import './css/OnlineReception.css';
const OnlineReception = (props) => {
return (
<div className="OnlineReception">
<div className="fb-comments"
export default OnlineReception;
SDK integration is taken from here.
Also, I'm using HashRouter
{/* online-reception route */}
<Route path="/online-reception" render={
() =>
props here
} />

Integrating revolution slider with React, problems when changing routes

So from the title itself. I already integrated a revolution-slider that is supplied by the theme I bought. It works fine and loads all the necessary scripts when I first load the page. However, the problem starts when I navigate to a different page like the contacts page. It loads the component well but when I go back to the page that displays the revolution slider, the necessary scripts for the slider does not work anymore. I have placed the revolution-slider scripts in the index.blade.html file. Here is my code.
Do you have any idea on how to load the slider again?
<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
<body class="stretched">
<div id="app"></div>
// revolution-slider script here
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('public/slider/') }}">
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import AppSlider from '#domain/main/AppSlider';
const MainPage = () => {
return (
<AppSlider />
export default MainPage;
import React from 'react';
const AppSlider = () => {
return (
<section id="slider" className="slider-element full-screen slider-parallax">
<div className="revslider" data-alias="sleek-landing-page" />
export default AppSlider;

How to add js to React components in Gatsby?

I'm trying to add the scroll function in script tags to this header component in Gatsby. I know it could work in html and not in react, but what is the right way to do it? Thanks!
import React from 'react'
import Link from 'gatsby-link'
import './header.css'
const Header = () => (
<div className='Header'>
<div className='HeaderGroup'>
<Link to='/'><img src={require('../img/logo_nav.png')} width='60' /></Link>
<Link to='/index'>Selected Works</Link>
<Link to='/uber'>Uber Thoughts</Link>
<Link to='/awards'>Awards</Link>
<Link to='/about'>About</Link>
export default Header
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > 10) {
} else {
If you want scripts to load before the DOM is ready you can add your scripts inside html.js file.
From the Gatsby docs:
Gatsby uses a React component to server render the and other
parts of the HTML outside of the core Gatsby application.
Read more about it here.
In your case, what you can do is to write your script inside the componentDidMount react lifecycle method, because you need access to the DOM (as you're using jQuery there) you need to run the script after the body has been loaded, so placing your script in the <head> won't work, you need to add it inside the componentDidMount method by first making your component a class component to get access to the react lifecycle methods.
import React from 'react'
import Link from 'gatsby-link'
import $ from 'jquery'
import './header.css'
class Header extends React.Component {
componentDidMount () {
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > 10) {
} else {
render () {
return (
<div className='Header'>
<div className='HeaderGroup'>
<Link to='/'><img src={require('../img/logo_nav.png')} width='60' /></Link>
<Link to='/index'>Selected Works</Link>
<Link to='/uber'>Uber Thoughts</Link>
<Link to='/awards'>Awards</Link>
<Link to='/about'>About</Link>
export default Header
You can also use a Gatsby layout template like the gatsby-starter-blog project and put your script at the bottom of the {children} call as a <script>Your script</script> and it will be available in all your pages, same as using the html.js file but since you need access to the DOM you need to put it inside the body for your script to work (more info about Gatsby layouts here).

How to embed React Components in html pages

I want build a React component like
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
return (<div>This is a simple component</div>);
and use it like
in several different pages and even multiple times in a single html page.
I dont want to create a SPA just to enhance my web application's UI with React components.
ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('id'));
You can render in your HTML like this:
<div id="id"></div>
What you are asking for is not possible right now with React, you want to use what is known as web components.
Read this to learn how to.
The other method is obviously
ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('id'));
If you have to stick with React.
In index.jsx change the typical search for element root getElementById and change the logic to a getElementsByTagName scheme.
let elements=document.getElementsByTagName('MyComponent');
for (element of elements){
ReactDOM.render( <MyComponent />, element );
Simply adding React components into HTML code is not possible, because <MyComponent></MyComponent> is not HTML at all, it is JSX.
JSX is a special syntax that can be 'transpiled' to Javascript, so in essence <MyComponent></MyComponent> will end up beeing Javascript code, which obviously can not just be put into HTML code.
The Javascript code generated from JSX then will be executed and generates actual HTML code.
It is possible to add HTML tags into JSX, because HTML can be interpreted as JSX (and will be transpiled to Javascript as well), like:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
return <div>
<h2>HTML in JSX works</h2>
<SomeOtherJsxComponent />
But it is not possible to add JSX into HTML, like:
<JsxInHtmlDoesNotWork />
React is Javascript, so everything that is necessary to add Javascript functionality to HTML also applies to adding React to HTML.
(nearest) Solution
So what you could do is to move your existing HTML into to some JSX wrapper (which is probably not what you would like to do, because this goes in the direction of creating a SPA, what you don't want), e.g.:
<title>My web site</title>
<h1>Some HTML title</h1>
<p>Some HTML content.</p>
<!-- add a container, where you want to include react components -->
<div id="injected-react-content"></div>
<!-- import the react libraray -->
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- setup react root component other components -->
<script type="text/babel">
class RootComponent extends React.Component {
return <div>
<MyComponent />
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
return (<div>This is a simple component</div>);
const domContainer = document.querySelector('#injected-react-content');
ReactDOM.render( React.createElement(RootComponent), domContainer );
For some more background information on how to add React to an existing HTML website, see e.g.:
There are couple of options which can be explored here
parcel bundle
direflow bundle
