How can I provide an assistant the rights to manage my Firebase Distribution Testers list? - firebase-app-distribution

I want to enable someone to manage testers and groups. What are the steps to provide the minimum level of permissions to enable this?

Firebaser here - you can create a custom role with specific Firebase permissions and then assign that to a member of your organization.
Looking at the individual products' management permissions for App Distribution, the following permissions should enable this for you:
Note that the App Distribution permissions are in beta as of now, and that you will need to add other permissions to your custom role to make sure it works - see the required permissions section of the Firebase IAM permissions page.


How to grant Calendar.ReadWrite.Shared permission to Azure app?

I'm trying to manage multiple outlook calendars using a single account as a proxy, so all other accounts share their personal calendar with this "master" account and within this one i can add, edit or delete events "for everyone".
The problem is that i can't get the account grant the Calendar.ReadWrite.Shared to the app, even though that in my app this permissions are configured as recommended.
Azure portal - app permissions:
permissions of the app in azure portal
msal configuration used
The "funny" thing is, with the account used to create the app in the first place everything works, but with any other account not.
I even created another app with the intended final account and nothing. This is the, incompplete permissions, resul:
actual result
This is the desired result:
desired result
If you just want to make a proxy to modify calendars for all users, have you tried application-only Auth and grant Calendars.ReadWrite permission with application type to it? Based on this permission official comment: Read and write calendars in all mailboxes which seems to meet your requirement.

Monitoring changes to roles in Azure AD

We are looking to set up a solution to monitor primarily the Global Admin role in Azure AD, so if a user is added to or removed from the role an e-mail is sent to a specific mailbox.
On our local AD we have a working solution for this, but I can't seem to find a similar solution for AAD.
In the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center > Alerts > Alert Policies there is a policy called "Elevation of Exchange admin privilege" which basically does what I want, except it only targets the Exchange Admin role.
I've tried creating a new policy from scratch, but as far as I can tell there is no way to choose to target a specific role. There is only the "Granted Exchange admin permission" and nothing really comes up when I search for "role" or "admin" in the "Activity is" drop down.
I've also looked at the MCAS (MS Cloud App Security) policies but nothing there seems to be what I need either.
I found this article: Monitor Office 365 admin role changes in all customer tenants but it seems to be geared more towards multitenant environments and requires quite a bit och additional setup. I was hoping there was a simpler solution for a single tenant environment.
Kind regards
If you have MCAS, I think it's possible that you have PIM as well (privileged identity Management. it requires aad P2 skus. But assuming you do, then it's very simple to do this. You would just go into the PIM in azure, click azure ad roles, click manage roles, choose the global admin role, Click role settings, and you will see options like this
If you don't have PIM, then it becomes quite a bit more complicated but could probably be less complicated than your example, you could set up log analytics to ingest azure ad data, and using a query pull out that information (role assignment event for example), then you could set up an alert in monitor referencing a log analytics workspace.

Collecting AAD App Registration Permissions

I’ve been asked by a customer to find a way to collect all permissions for all app registrations in the customer’s AzureAD tenant. The customer has 1500+ App Registrations, so checking each manually isn’t an option. Most of these are redundant but the customer wants to review all of them to look for Graph API permissions that they’ve deemed sensitive. The problem is, there isn’t a way to export this info in the portal and Get-AzADApplication doesn’t give me actual permissions, just friendly descriptions of them. The customer would like the ACTUAL Graph API, such as Mail.Read.
I’ve attempted to script this with the assistance of a few more senior PFEs, but we’ve been unable to make any progress passing various properties between Get-AzAdApplication, Get-AzADServicePrincipal and Get-AzureADOAuth2PermissionGrant. We reached the point where we were able to get the Graph API permissions from the Service Principals, but the resultant permissions were in an unusable format.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to get this information into a concise format with (preferably) the Graph API permissions as mentioned above, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’d rather not go back to the customer and say it isn’t possible, as this is a new customer and I’d rather not say ‘No’ to my first task. 😊
Use Microsoft Cloud App Security for that purpose. This is tool designed, beside other features, especially for that purpose.
You open as a Global or Security Administrator, then you have quick overview on central place:
This will bring you to the MCAS portal, where you have solicit view on all applications with a rating, according to Microsoft standards for "Highly priviledged" access:
A direct view to applications, which users are using these applications, what permissions are granted. It even has filtering capabilities allowing you filter apps based on access level sevirity or even some Graph permissions - like Access e-mail on behalf of the user.
Your customer should really be using the Microsoft Security Center and monitor their security score:
Then looking at MCAS:
You can use this script to list all delegated permissions and application permissions in Azure AD.
The key of the script is Get-AzureADServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrant -ObjectId.
Based on my test, the permissions in the result is in this format: email offline_access openid profile User.Read.
I think it's what you need.

Not able to add certain Graph API Permissions

I am currently developing a service that would be able to sync data between workforce management systems (like Kronos WFC) and Microsoft Shifts. In order to sync the data, I have to register a Workforce Integration. I have established the necessary permissions, but I am not able to add permissions and I'm returned a message on the Azure Portal that permissions are not supported. The tenant that I'm using for development has also been whitelisted. Ideally whitelisting should be solving all problems when it comes to adding Graph API scopes, but in this instance, the whitelisting does not seem to resolve. Any ideas as to why such thing is happening?
Some Graph permissions are not allowed on applications that support Microsoft accounts authentication (e.g. Skype, Xbox, Hotmail). The WorkforceIntegration permissions are one of them.
The idea is that some O365 enterprise services are not available to consumer Microsoft accounts. Unfortunately I don't know where these permissions are documented but please comment if you find the list.
Sometimes, it could be a temporary error. You may have another try at a later time.
Please do not add too many permissions at one time. I tried to add that permission and got a success:
By the way, as Azure AD V2 supports to grant permission dynamically. You may directly add and grant permission to a new scope.
Note: I just want to show you the detailed flow, but in fact all the
following steps can be done with ADAL or MSAL.
For example:
I did not have permission at first. But I can request that permission dynamically through Azure AD OAuth2 authorization code flow:
A. Make a request call to<your_tenent_id_or_name,>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?response_type=code
B. Grant the permission
C. Check the permissions in Enterprise Application
You can see that a new permission was added. And then uses in the tenant can use that permission scope.

Exclusion feature in keycloak IDM

I am trying to develop an web application using angular 4, java ee and wildfly. I am planning on using keycloak as IDM. I researched and found that we can provide roles to user but what I couldn't find is if it provides the feature to exclude some privilege from admin role.
For example: I want to provide user with admin role all the privileges except one, so I want to exclude the privilege from that admin.
Is it possible using keycloak? If not, can anyone suggest any other IDM matching this requirement?
No, you cannot change the privileges of admin role. Yes, you can use Keycloak.
Fine grain permissions are used to grant additional permissions. You cannot override the default behavior of the built in admin roles.
I think you still can achieve want you want with Keycloak's flexible administrative role and permission management. Just not exactly in the way you think it should be done.
Don't give your administration user the role admin, but some of the more restrictive roles of client realm-management (e.g. view-realm, manage-users).
