How to print both execl in fork using pipe (two children)? - c

I am trying using pipe() to execute ls | wc. The fork part successfully prints as I expected (first parent --> first child --> second parent --> second child), but it does not print out the second child's part (wc). I put the exactly same codes for both first child and second child, and I have no idea how I can successfully edit the codes. The entire codes are written below:
/* NOTE: place a new child in parents. ALWAYS! */
int main()
// We use two pipes
// First pipe to send input string from parent
// Second pipe to send concatenated string from child
int fd1[2]; // Used to store two ends of first pipe
int fd2[2]; // Used to store two ends of second pipe
char fixed_str[] = "";
char input_str[100];
pid_t child_a, child_b, child_c; //three children to run three commands
//first pipe
if (pipe(fd1) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to pipe" );
return 1;
//second pipe
if (pipe(fd2) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to pipe" );
return 1;
//scanf("%s", input_str);
child_a = fork(); //first fork
//first child
if (child_a == 0)
printf("first child\n");
close(fd1[1]); // Close writing end of first pipe
// Read a string using first pipe
char concat_str[100];
read(fd1[0], concat_str, 100);
execlp("ls", "ls", NULL); //ls | wc222 | wc //FIXME: Changed with concat_str somehow
// We only get here if exec() fails
perror("exec ls");
//concat_str[k] = '\0'; // string ends with '\0'
// Close both reading ends
// Write concatenated string and close writing end
write(fd2[1], concat_str, strlen(concat_str)+1);
//first parent
else if (child_a > 0)
printf("first parent\n");
child_b = fork(); //second fork
//second child
if (child_b == 0)
printf("second child\n");
close(fd1[1]); // Close writing end of first pipe
// Read a string using first pipe
char concat_str[100];
read(fd1[0], concat_str, 100);
execlp("wc", "wc", NULL); //ls | wc222 | wc //FIXME: Changed with concat_str somehow
// We only get here if exec() fails
perror("exec wc");
//concat_str[k] = '\0'; // string ends with '\0'
// Close both reading ends
// Write concatenated string and close writing end
write(fd2[1], concat_str, strlen(concat_str)+1);
//second parent
else if (child_b > 0)
printf("second parent\n");
char concat_str[100];
close(fd1[0]); // Close reading end of first pipe
// Write input string and close writing end of first
// pipe.
write(fd1[1], input_str, strlen(input_str)+1);
// Wait for child to send a string
close(fd2[1]); // Close writing end of second pipe
// Read string from child, print it and close
// reading end.
read(fd2[0], concat_str, 100);
printf("Concatenated string %s\n", concat_str);
//second error
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fork" );
return 1;
char concat_str[100];
close(fd1[0]); // Close reading end of first pipe
// Write input string and close writing end of first
// pipe.
write(fd1[1], input_str, strlen(input_str)+1);
// Wait for child to send a string
close(fd2[1]); // Close writing end of second pipe
// Read string from child, print it and close
// reading end.
read(fd2[0], concat_str, 100);
printf("Concatenated string %s\n", concat_str);
//first error
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fork" );
return 1;


How can I use few commands in execv() [duplicate]

I want to simulate bash in my Linux C program using pipes and execvp function. e.g
ls -l | wc -l
There is my program:
if(pipe(des_p) == -1) {perror("Failed to create pipe");}
if(fork() == 0) { //first fork
close(1); //closing stdout
dup(des_p[1]); //replacing stdout with pipe write
close(des_p[0]); //closing pipe read
close(des_p[1]); //closing pipe write
if(execvp(bash_args[0], bash_args)) // contains ls -l
/* error checking */
else {
if(fork() == 0) { //creating 2nd child
close(0); //closing stdin
dup(des_p[0]); //replacing stdin with pipe read
close(des_p[1]); //closing pipe write
close(des_p[0]); //closing pipe read
if(execvp(bash_args[another_place], bash_args)) //contains wc -l
/* error checking */
This code actually runs, but doesn't do the right thing.
What's wrong with this code? That's not working and I don't have a clue why.
You need to close the pipe fds in the parent, or the child won't receive EOF, because the pipe's still open for writing in the parent. This would cause the second wait() to hang. Works for me:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int des_p[2];
if(pipe(des_p) == -1) {
perror("Pipe failed");
if(fork() == 0) //first fork
close(STDOUT_FILENO); //closing stdout
dup(des_p[1]); //replacing stdout with pipe write
close(des_p[0]); //closing pipe read
const char* prog1[] = { "ls", "-l", 0};
execvp(prog1[0], prog1);
perror("execvp of ls failed");
if(fork() == 0) //creating 2nd child
close(STDIN_FILENO); //closing stdin
dup(des_p[0]); //replacing stdin with pipe read
close(des_p[1]); //closing pipe write
const char* prog2[] = { "wc", "-l", 0};
execvp(prog2[0], prog2);
perror("execvp of wc failed");
return 0;
Read up on what the wait function does. It will wait until one child process exists. You're waiting for the first child to exit before you start the second child. The first child probably won't exit until there's some process that reads from the other end of the pipe.

Unable to exit loop after reading using two pipes in C (processes)

I have taken a look at this and also this stack overflow links.
I am having trouble understanding the process for closing write ends of pipes. In the code below, I have 3 processes, one parent, a child of the parent, and a child of the child. I am trying to simulate a pipe for the command - cat xxx | grep 28 | sort. I have written some code for this, and it essentially creates the sorts, "grips"/filters and prints my input, but it hangs at the end. I have to ctrl + c to exit. My code is a little messy, but if you can help me spot the problem that would be nice.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
* Executes the command "cat scores | grep Lakers". In this quick-and-dirty
* implementation the parent doesn't wait for the child to finish and
* so the command prompt may reappear before the child terminates.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int pipefd[2];
int pipefd2[2];
int pid;
char *cat_args[] = {"cat", "scores", NULL};
char *grep_args[] = {"grep", "28", NULL};
char *sort_args[] = {"sort", NULL};
// make a pipe (fds go in pipefd[0] and pipefd[1])
if (pipe(pipefd) != 0){
return 1;
if (pipe(pipefd2) != 0){
return 1;
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "fork Failed" );
else if (pid == 0)
int pid2;
pid2 = fork();
if (pid2 < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "fork Failed" );
return 1;
else if (pid2 == 0){
// replace standard input with input part of pipe
// close(0);
// close(pipefd[1]);
// close(pipefd2[1]);
dup2(pipefd2[0], 0);
// close unused hald of pipe
// execute grep
execvp("sort", sort_args);
// replace standard input with input part of pipe
// close(pipefd[1]);
// close(pipefd2[1]);
dup2(pipefd[0], 0);
dup2(pipefd2[1], 1);
// close unused hald of pipe
// execute grep
execvp("grep", grep_args);
waitpid(pid2, NULL, 0);
waitpid(pid2, NULL, 0);
// close(pipefd[1]);
// close(pipefd2[1]);
dup2(pipefd[1], 1);
// close unused unput half of pipe
// execute cat
execvp("cat", cat_args);
waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
here is the output I am getting. Not sure it is relevant but as you can see, the result is sorted by team name. It just doesn't terminate.
Houston 44 28 .611
Indiana 45 28 .616
Oklahoma City 44 28 .611
Utah 44 28 .611
Calling execvp replaces the current process image with a new process image. If no error occured, your code will never reach any line after that, so your close() and waitpid() function calls are useless.
Here's a fully functional code to your problem. The comments should be self explanatory. Notice that the command executing order is different and I'm waiting for processes to finish.
Reading from an empty pipe will block until there is some data to read or an error occured, so this is not the only solution.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
static void die (const char *msg) {
perror (msg);
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
int pipefd[2];
int pid;
char *cat_args[] = {"cat", "scores", NULL};
char *grep_args[] = {"grep", "28", NULL};
char *sort_args[] = {"sort", NULL};
//make a pipe (file descriptor to read is pipefd[0], fd to write is pipefd[1])
if (pipe (pipefd) < 0)
die ("creating a pipe failed");
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0)
die ("fork");
else if (pid == 0) {
//child process
int pipefd2[2]; //only visible to the affected processes
if (pipe (pipefd2) < 0)
die ("pipe");
int pid2;
pid2 = fork();
if (pid2 < 0)
die ("fork");
else if (pid2 == 0) {
//child of child will execute cat command
close (pipefd2[0]); //we only need to write to the second pipe. close its reading end
//first pipe is for communication between parent and grandparent only
close (pipefd[0]);
close (pipefd[1]);
dup2 (pipefd2[1], STDOUT_FILENO); //write the output to the second pipe instead of the standard output
close (pipefd2[1]); //close writing end of second pipe
execvp("cat", cat_args); //execute cat command
die ("execvp should never return");
else {
//child process will execute the grep command
close (pipefd2[1]); // we only need to read from the second pipe. close its writing end
close(pipefd[0]); //we won't read from the first pipe
waitpid (pid2, NULL, 0); //wait for cat command to finish
dup2 (pipefd2[0], STDIN_FILENO); //read from the second pipe instead of the stdin
close (pipefd2[0]); //child finished. close reading end of second pipe
dup2 (pipefd[1], STDOUT_FILENO); //write the results of grep command to first pipe instead of standard output
close (pipefd[1]); //we dup2 the output, close the writing end of first pipe
execvp ("grep", grep_args);
die ("execvp should never return");
} else {
//parent process will execute the sort command
close (pipefd[1]); //we won't write to the first pipe
waitpid (pid, NULL, 0); //wait for child to write grep output to the first pipe
dup2 (pipefd[0], STDIN_FILENO); //read from the first pipe instead of stdin
close (pipefd[0]); //child finished. close reading end of first pipe
execvp ("sort", sort_args); //execute command
die ("execvp should never return");
//exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); we don't need this. the programm will never reach this line

How can I write strings into a file using a parent and two child processes?

I'm trying to solve this problem but I cannot.
Here is a short description:
We have a parent with two child processes (child_a, child_b) and N strings.
Current data: data[i] (0...N)
Parent starts and waiting for signal from child_b. Child_a is waiting.
Child_b sends a signal to parent and waiting for data.
Parent write data[i] into pipe and waiting
Child_b reads data[i] from pipe and printf(). Then waiting for Child_a
Child_a generates a random number (between 1-5) and write into pipe.
Child_b reads rand from pipe and sends to Parent.
Parent write "data[i] - rand" into a file.
And start from the begining with next data...
Here is my code:
FILE *fp2;
fp2 = fopen("bill.dat" , "a");
pid_t child_a, child_b;
int pipefd_a[2], pipefd_b[2];
char msg[100];
char sleep_time[10];
int stat;
signal(SIGUSR1, handler);
signal(SIGUSR2, handler);
if(pipe(pipefd_a) == -1 || pipe(pipefd_b) == -1){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
child_a = fork();
if(child_a < 0){
if(child_a == 0){
int r = rand()%5+1;
char rand[2];
sprintf(rand, "%d", r);
printf("Child_a rand: %s\n", rand);
write(pipefd_b[1], rand, strlen(rand)+1);
printf("Child_a end-----\n");
child_b = fork();
if(child_b == 0){
printf("Child_b sends a signal to parent\n");
kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1);
read(pipefd_a[0], msg, sizeof(msg));
printf("Child_b reads from pipe (from parent): %s\n", msg);
kill(child_a, SIGUSR2);
read(pipefd_b[0], sleep_time, 10);
printf("Child_b reads from pipe (from child_a): %s\n", sleep_time);
write(pipefd_b[1], sleep_time, sizeof(sleep_time));
printf("Child_b end-----\n");
printf("============== %d ============== \n", i);
printf("Parent waiting for signal...\n");
printf("Signal received\n");
printf("Parent write into pipe\n");
write(pipefd_a[1], data[i].address, 100);
kill(child_b, SIGUSR2);
waitpid(child_b, &stat, 0);
read(pipefd_b[0], msg, sizeof(msg));
fprintf(fp2, "%s - %s\n", data[i].address, msg);
printf("Parent writes into file: %s\n", msg);
and my output (n = 2):
data1 - 1
data1 - 1
data1 - 1
data2 - 3
There are always 2^n lines in the file.
The assignment requires two child processes to achieve this and I suspect that the problem is with the "fork()" within the loop, but don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
The first problem is that you put your process creation in for loop.
That is why you get 2n lines. If you want to read some data form file N times you don't make N processes.
Second thing you need 3 pipes for your work. Pipe is unidirectional meaning one process can only write into pipe and the other can only read from it. One end is for writing and the other end is for reading, so you must close unused descriptors!
first pipe is used when parent writes data[i] into pipe and child_b reads
second pipe is used when child_a writes a random number into pipe and child_b reads
third pipe is used when child_b writes into pipe and parent performs reading
If you could write the whole program it would be easier form me to understand it and to help you.
This is skeleton how i would try to make this work
int pipe_parent_to_childB[2], pipe_childB_to_parent[2], pipe_childA_to_childB;
if(pipe(pipe_parent_to_childB) == -1 || pipe(pipe_childB_to_parent) == -1 ||pipe(pipe_childA_to_childB) == -1)
//close read end because parent will write to pipe
switch(fork()) //create child b
case -1:
case 0:
//now you are in child_b
//perform some action
switch(fork()) //crete child a
case -1:
case 0:
//now you are in child_a
//perform some action
//here you are in parent process again. Send signals, wait for signals and write to pipe here
//from parent you send some data through pipe to process child_b N times
//after this you close write end of the pipe descriptor.

Read/write stdin/out for bash interpreter linux, fork - execl

I've been trying to write a program that will send and receive commands to a bash shell (/bin/sh). Like a wrapper program around a bash shell. So, I could write to stdin "cd ~/Desktop", then write again "ls" and I will receive a listing of the files on the desktop. I can't get it working though. On the second write command in this code, it will echo back whatever I wrote to stdin. I've also tried using popen() but that only provides output, not allowing me to write to stdin. Could someone please help solve this problem? Thanks
void main()
// Create a pipe and fork
int fd[2];
int p = pipe(fd);
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid > 0)
// Read from the pipe and output the result
char buf[1024] = { 0 };
read(fd[0], buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("1 - %s\n", buf);
write (fd[1], "ifconfig", strlen ("ifconfig") );
// problem is here, read is returning echo'd bytes from write()
read(fd[0], buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("2 - %s\n", buf);
// Wait for child to terminate
int status;
else if (pid == 0)
// Redirect stdout and stderr to the pipe and execute the shell
// command
dup2(fd[0], STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
dup2(fd[1], STDERR_FILENO);
execl("/bin/sh", "exec sh", "-c", "ls", (char*) NULL );
EDIT - Updated code per 1st answer, now there is no output from the 2nd read() call
void main()
// Create a pipe and fork
int fd[2];
int ChildToParent[2], ParentToChild[2];
pipe (ParentToChild);
pipe (ChildToParent);
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid > 0)
// In parent process
// Read the output of the child from child_to_parent[0]
// We don't need child_to_parent[1] so close it
// Write output to the child using parent_to_child[1]
// We don't need parent_to_child[0] so close it
// Read from and write to the child process...
char buf[1024] = { 0 };
read(ChildToParent[0], buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("1 - %s\n", buf);
write(ParentToChild[1], "whoami", strlen ("whoami") );
memset (buf, 0, 1024);
// this call to read returns nothing
read(ChildToParent[0], buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("2 - %s\n", buf);
else if (pid == 0)
// Redirect stdout and stderr to the pipe and execute the shell
// command
// child_to_parent[1] is were we write output, it's the
// new standard output, child_to_parent[0] can be closed
dup2 (ChildToParent[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
// parent_to_child[0] is where we read input from, it's the
// new standard input, parent_to_child[1] can be closed
dup2 (ParentToChild[0], STDIN_FILENO);
execl("/bin/sh", "exec sh", "-c", "ls", (char*) NULL );
Remember that pipes are a one-way communication stream. You can't use it for two-way communication between two processes. For that you need two pipes, one in each direction.
Perhaps something like this simple example:
// Pipe for the child process to write to the parent process
int child_to_parent[2];
// Pipe for the parent process to write to the child process
int parent_to_child[2];
// Create the TWO pipes
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid > 0)
// In parent process
// Read the output of the child from child_to_parent[0]
// We don't need child_to_parent[1] so close it
// Write output to the child using parent_to_child[1]
// We don't need parent_to_child[0] so close it
// Read from and write to the child process...
else if (pid == 0)
// In child process
// child_to_parent[1] is were we write output, it's the
// new standard output, child_to_parent[0] can be closed
dup2(child_to_parent[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
// parent_to_child[0] is where we read input from, it's the
// new standard input, parent_to_child[1] can be closed
dup2(parent_to_child[0], STDIN_FILENO);
// Do whatever the child is supposed to do

C: execve: I have to implement pipes for a shell, however I cant seem to get the final result out of the second pipe

This is a homework assignment that has me stumped. I make two pipes, then two child processes to handle both sides of the pipe. The first child handles the first command and writes it to the first pipe, the second child handles the second command and writes it to the second pipe. However, when all is said and done, I read the contents from the second pipe and put it into a buffer and simply printf(buffer). Its at this step that my code is failing. I cannot read from the buffer. I have tested all my method calls such as getWordsBeforePipe() and I know they work. Do you guys see anything I am missing?
// Create the first pipe
pipeStatus = pipe(pfd1);
if (pipeStatus == -1) {
// create the first child
pid = fork();
if (pid == -1) {
printf("Bad first fork()...\n");
// Here we will run the first command inside of the first child.
if (pid == 0) {
printf("Im in the first child...\n");
getWordsBeforePipe(pipeLoc); // get the words before the pipe
close(pfd1[0]); // close read end because we arent reading anything
dup2(pfd1[1], 1); // copy to write-end of pfd instead of stdout
close(pfd1[1]); // close the write end
firstCommand = execve(pathFirst, beforePipeWords, environ);
perror("execve"); // we only get here if execve died
// create the second pipe
pipeStatus = pipe(pfd2);
if (pipeStatus == -1) {
// create the second child
pid = fork();
if (pid == -1) {
printf("Bad second fork()...\n");
// Here we will run the second command and put its
// output into the second pipe
// first command business
if (pid == 0) {
printf("Im in the second child...\n");
close(pfd1[1]); // close first child write end
dup2(pfd1[0], 0); // read from the pfd read end instead of stdin
close(pfd1[0]); // close the read end
// second command business
close(pfd2[0]); // close read end because we arent reading anything
dup2(pfd2[1], 1); // copy to write end of pfd instead of stdout
secondCommand = execve(pathSecond, afterPipeWords, environ);
perror("execve"); // we only get here if execve died
// read from the second pipe and output the final value
readSuccess = read(pfd2[0], buffer, 256);
if (readSuccess < 0) {
printf("Failure reading the buffer...\n"); // I keep getting this error
if (readSuccess == 0) {
printf("Empty buffer...\n");
buffer[readSuccess] = '\0';
printf("%s", buffer);
The parent process is doing this:
Followed by this:
readSuccess = read(pfd2[0], buffer, 256);
You can't read from a file descriptor after it's been closed.
You properly closed both ends of the pfd1 pair, since the two children read/write from them. The second child writes to pfd2[1], so the parent should be closing that instead of pfd2[0].
Check that the command specified by pathFirst writes to stdout, and that the command specified by pathSecond both reads from stdin and writes to stdout.
