Laravel Snappy: Excess page - snappy

In our application we implemented the laravel snappy for the export pdf. Everything is okay(i managed to export, getting all the values) except that I having an excess blank page.
$pdf = PDF::loadView('registrations.export.export-pdf', $data)->setOption('footer-right','"page [page] of [topage]"');
return $pdf->stream('invoice.pdf');
Question: Why I have an excess blank page?

The reason it gives me an excess page because of the following css I have used in creating a page break number.
Custom css
page-break-after: always;
page-break-inside: avoid;
So what I did, I changed the page into
Custom css
.page {
overflow: hidden;
page-break-after: always;
.page:last-of-type {
page-break-after: auto


Cant open local html file with WebView on React Native canOpenURL: failed for URL

2020-01-29 20:32:22.470194+0300 Myapp[8905:2391245]
-canOpenURL: failed for URL: "file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/146EA027-7A**/" - error: "This app is not allowed to query for scheme file"
I am getting this error on xCode console output on real device. On simulator, everything works fine.
Here is my simple full code:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
const PolicyHTML = require('../assets/policy.html');
export default class PolicyScreen extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
style={{flex: 1}}
Couldn't find much solution about that online, what am i missing ?
The solution for me was just add originWhitelist={['*']} in the <WebView> component and then iOS would load HTML correctly.
I was having the same issue, i am using webview and wanted to load my local html file in that webview, which works perfectly fine in Android but was not in IOS device. After a lot of research i ended up with the following solution.
I have placed my html file in the following path:
Where monthly is my custom folder that i created myself and has a local html file called trip.html.
And in the view, lets say MyView.js, where i want to call my html file i used the following syntax:
<WebView originWhitelist={['*']} source={require('./monthly/trip.html')} ref={( webView1 ) => this.webView1 = webView1} />
MyView.js is in the follwing path:
If you are not getting any error on simulator then this shall fix your problem, otherwise try changing the html file path as I have mentioned above, that is in the views folder, and try again.
I hope this may resolve the error Unable to open URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/146EA027-7A/
I don't know is this can be considered as proper solution but here how i solved it;
I am not sure but as my thinking Xcode is not allowing some codes on html files, so I thought about that found some websites on google which converts to html files to 'clean html file' and removes the unnecessary codes. After cleaning I replaced the new clean file with old one and it worked.
Hope it helps (Especially in Privacy Policy Files).

Build optionally layouts in NextJS by detecting the browser URL value

all I would try to make some optional layout in NextJS. My problem is that I have found some method to check the browser URL then serve content according to these URL. But by this way the server content an browser content are no longer identical, hence the schema breaks.
Here an snippet of my trial:
export default ({children, title = 'title' }) => {
contact = false;
if (exenv.canUseDOM ){ if (window.location.href==="http://localhost:4000/contact" ) { contact= true}; }
else {const contact = false};
if (contact){ return( <div>Hey it is contact ! </div> ) }
else { // return normal layout
My console returns me predictably:
Warning: Text content did not match. Server:
So... I'm wondering if I have to make some custom settings on a custom NextJS server to grant the backend/frontend behaviors?
Or maybe there is a less expensive solution in the area?
Any hint would be great,
You can't remove that warning, it is appear because you just render that layout from client side, so there is a different between layout rendered by server and layout rendered by client.
I don't know what variable exenv.canUseDOM is, but you can use process.browser to detect if the current process is server side rendering or not.

How can I de-cache AngularJS templates when they change on the server?

We have an Angular project where the templates have changed numerous times thanks to our "Agile" environment. Browsers seem to strongly cache the templates because of the html file type. This means that when business goes to our dev site after an update, they occasionally see the old templates. How can we make sure that when changes are made to the templates, the user downloads the new template instead of loading from the cache?
We use Jade and to prevent caching, we have a variable based on the time that gets appended to the end of our JS/CSS includes (style.css?v=2012881). Since we already have an 'appVersion' via this variable, I chose to expose that variable using an angular module and constant:
In my main Angular module I have:
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function() {
return {
'request': function(config) {
if(!config.cached && config.url.indexOf('.html') > -1){
if(config.url.indexOf("?") > -1){
config.url = config.url.replace("?","?v="+appVersion+"&");
config.url += "?v="+appVersion;
return config;
Since the templates are loaded using $http.get, I added an interceptor that detects if a request is a request for a template and appends the appVersion to the request if it is. That way we have the same versioning for the CSS, JS, and HTML.
Use tools like grunt-filerev ( for static revisioning. They basically add a file content hash, so that caching becomes impossible.

Drupal - magnific popup only works when logged in

I am using magnific popup JS ( to produce a popup for a youtube video on my Drupal site. The implementation works fine, but only if I am logged into Drupal. If I am not logged in, the popup link will just go the the youtube page (eg jQuery not initialising).
I suspect there may be something going on with Drupal loading a different version of jQuery when I am logged in. It seems that I may be able to add something to my template file to fix this. Haven't figured it out yet (
I do not have access to add jQuery update module.
Fixed. Added below snippet to template.php to force a later version of jQuery to load.
function theme_name_js_alter(&$javascript) {
$node_admin_paths = array(
$replace_jquery = TRUE;
if (path_is_admin(current_path())) {
$replace_jquery = FALSE;
} else {
foreach ($node_admin_paths as $node_admin_path) {
if (drupal_match_path(current_path(), $node_admin_path)) {
$replace_jquery = FALSE;
// Swap out jQuery to use an updated version of the library.
if ($replace_jquery) {
$javascript['misc/jquery.js']['data'] = '//';

Drupal 7 WYSIWYG module with latest ckeditor font change

I want to change the default "Timesnewroman" font to "Verdana" / something else. I tried config.font_style and config.font_names in config.js but it didn't worked. Is there any workaround to change this settings.
Note: I'm using ckeditor plugin via Drupal 7 WYSIWYG module.
You can use hook in your template.php file
function THEMENAME_wysiwyg_editor_settings_alter(&$settings, $context) {
if ($context['profile']->editor == 'ckeditor') {
$settings['font_names'] = 'Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; Times New Roman/Times New Roman, Times, serif;Verdana';
$settings['font_defaultLabel'] = 'Verdana';
You also can add other settings for CKEditor
