I was designing a database as my practice and I came across a confusion where I am not sure the cardinality between a pair of my tables – users_roles, and roles
So I was wondering if you could break it down for me and explain how to think of it to be able to define the relationship. I've got quite a lot of these intermediate tables and they are just confusing me!
Additionally, I'd like to ask if I named my intermediate table correctly.
Depends on what relationship you want to achieve.
users and roles tables are holding all the users and roles.
users_roles maps users with roles, or user id's with role id's. Both user_id and role_id are FOREIGN KEYs referencing id in the other tables as a PRIMARY KEY.
This is giving you a one-many relationship between roles and user_roles as one user can have multiple roles. You can also have one-one relationship if you make role_id UNIQUE, in this situation, a user will have only one role.
Hope this helps.
I want to create master data for an organization. I have 5 basic data, one of them is persons. I use the master data service (SQL server). I designed models with the named party and some entities. my entities are Person, organization and Source_relation and another domain base table. I have an attribute in the source_relation table that shows a code. each party has a code and it is in the source_relation table. The person and organization have FOREIGN KEY to source_relation entity. how to design this in master data service? using a unique identifier for the relation between these tables are correct?
Yeah, that will wise to use FOREIGN KEY to connect between two tables.
We are running single database for rest app server. We have three types of users
for customer
for administrator, and
for partners
Currently they have different tables and username and password are also in separate respectively Now We need to refactor this schema as user are expanding.
So should a single table User with Role table is OK ? (Here Role can be admin, partner or customer, manager).
Should we a keep as it is as We will be having issue if we use User and Role table:
if an admin acquire a username then that username can not be the same again for customer or partner due to unique constraint.
I think user role can not be as "Customer" as customer is not a Role. Role can be admin, manager etc
I think this is not the right way to keep in single table. What are your suggestions?
I think you should create three tables for your user management, considering the fact that one user can have several roles (ex:- admin can also be a manager Or Customer can also be a partner). So User table and Role table have a Many-To-Many relationship. In order to create this relationship, you have to create 3rd table having userId and roleId as composite primary key.
additionally, i noticed that you are going to save user's passwords in the database. For the security reasons do not store passwords in plain-text. Instaed store the hash of the password using one way hashing algorithm.
You can read more about it from here -> Best way to store password in database
Yes, it would be better to keep separate tables because of the following reasons:
1. As you specified, Customer is not a role.
2. Since administrators would be limited in number, there is no point in fetching the record for authentication/authorisation from a large data set having the customers. It will hinder the performance.
role (foreign key)
the above structure is best practice.
if you really need extra fields for admin, partner or customer
you can create separate entity for each one and you can refer user as a foreign key like as follows
user(foreign key)
Is representing user permissions better in the user table or better in its own permissions table?
Permissions in User table
Putting permissions in the user table means making a column for each permission in the user table. An advantage is queries should run faster because no joins are necessary when relating users to user permissions. A disadvantage is that having many permissions columns clutters the user table.
Permissions in Permission table joined to User table with many-to-many relationship
Doing it this way cleanly separates out the permissions from the user table, but it requires a join across two tables to access user permissions. Database access might be slower, but database design seems cleaner.
Perhaps keeping permissions in a separate table is better when there are many permissions. What are other considerations in making this decision, and which design is better in various situations?
The standard pattern for access control is called Role Based Security. As both the number of users and the number of different types of permissions you need grows, the management of your user-to-permissions links can become increasingly difficult.
For example, if you have five administrators and fifty users, how do you keep the permissions of each group in synch? When one of your users is promoted to an administrator, how many edits do you need to make? The answer is to create two intersections: users-to-roles and roles-to-permissions.
This solution is described (including entity relationship diagram) in my answer to this question.
Your first approach is feasible when the number of different roles/permissions is relatively small. For example if you only have two types of users: normal and admin, a separate table looks like an overkill. Single is_admin column is sufficient and simple.
However this approach does not scale once the number of roles exceeds a few. It has several drawbacks:
user table becomes very "wide" having a lot of empty columns (wasting space)
adding new role to the system requires altering user table. This is cumbersome and might be time-consuming for large user database
listing user roles requires enumerating over all columns, as opposed to simple database query.
How do I store data that is shared between databases?
Suppose a database for a contact management system. Each user is given a separate database. User can store his/her contacts' education information.
Currently there's a table called School in every database where the name of every school in the country is stored. School table is referenced as a FK by Contact table.
School table gets updated every year or so, as new schools get added or existing schools change names.
As the school information is common across all user databases, moving it into a separate common database seems to be a better idea. but when it's moved to a separate database, you can not create a FK constraint between School and Contact.
What is the best practice for this kind of situation?
(p.s. I'm using SQL Server if that is relevant)
Things to consider
Database is a unit of backup/restore.
It may not be possible to restore two databases to the same point in time.
Foreign keys are not supported across databases.
Hence, I would suggest managing the School -- and any other common table -- in one reference DB and then replicating those tables to other DBs.
Just straight out of the box, foreign key constraints aren't going to help you. You could look into replicating the individual schools table.
Based on the fact that you won't query tables with the SchoolID column very often I'll asume that inserts/updates to these tables will be really rare... In this case you could create a constraint on the table in which you need the FKs that checks for the existence of such SchoolID in the Schools table.
Note that every insert/update to the table with the SchoolID column will literally perform a query to another DB so, distance between databases, the way they connect to each other and many other factors may impact the performance of the insert/update statements.
Still, if they're on the same server and you have your indexes and primary keys all set up, the query should be fairly fast.
I am in database design development phase. Application will work with large number of users (LARGE :))
I designed 80% of database but I have one Users table which is connected to everything else:
Users {UserId, FirstName, LastName, Username, Password, PasswordQuestion, PasswordAnswer, Gender, RoleId, LastLoginDate etc etc}
I saw asp.net membership database structure where Users and Membership are two tables. My questions are:
Should I use one users table with all users data in it or more tables?
If answer is 'more tables', what tables to use? Any advice on how to structure relation between those tables?
This is sample relation that I have, and trying to improve. I don't understand why user and userChild are separated tables?
How many tables you need depends on your modeling needs.
For example if you include the RoleId in the Users table then you'll only be able to assign one role per user. Is that what you want?
Otherwise, if you have a separate table linking users to roles, you'll be able to assign more than one role per user.