Integrate Salesforce with AutoDesk Inventor - salesforce

How can we integrate Salesforce with AutoDesk Inventor? As Salesforce is cloud based and Inventor is a desktop based application, what options do we have to integrate Salesforce and Inventor? Do we have to use a middle-ware? If yes then which one?

Using Design Automation for Inventor you can automate processes with other cloud-based solutions.
Or have an Inventor desktop plugin that, upon an user interaction, read the current design and send data to your cloud-based solution.

Autodesk Inventor has documented COM API (.NET or C++). You can create AddIn for Inventor which can communicate with salesforce. You can create embedded web browser or call some salesforce API if any.


Has anyone integrated Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) with any messaging technologies?

I'm looking for examples of how others might have solved for this.
Did you build a custom cartridge?
Did you leverage some externally running agent to retrieve data by OCAPI (or Commerce Cloud APIs)? ...(i.e., a "pull" strategy)
I've read the documentation, spent many nights searching Google, searched the Salesforce Commerce Cloud Marketplace, spoken with several Salesforce Commerce Cloud expert consultants & system integration firms - but it appears no one is aware of anyone else doing this before.
Yes I was able to create a custom cartridge for Twilio.
Twilio provides many separate REST APIs for sending text messages, making phone calls, looking up phone numbers, managing your accounts, and a whole lot more.
You can go through their REST API documentation You can use their REST APIs and implement it in Salesforce B2C Commerce.
Follow creating a simple web service in Salesforce B2C Commerce.

is there any skype api available to integrate with salesforce [skypedeveloper]

we wanted customize our salesforce application via giving the skype conference link while sending the email from the application itself. the application is completely on visualforce pages and controller so i dont see any appexchange app will help on this.
I have already checked the below links though i could not get any integration apis
There are no integration Apis as of now. Only you have to write your own integration logic using Skype for Web SDK. It is a bit complicated SDK and not properly documented or maintained. It has tight coupling with Azure AD and video streaming doesn't work in Chrome/Firefox.
Some integration use cases/examples can be found here
Other relevant information.

Azure Web Site with Push notifications

I'm trying to develop a Windows Phone 8 app. I've created a Web Site in a Windows Azure account which is an MVC 4 project with REST endpoints. I've got an SQL database in Azure to store data from the Azure Web Site. Ocassionaly, I want my application to send PUSH notifications to mobile phones. So I've created a Mobile Service and I've linked the SQL database with the Mobile Service's database in order to have got the same data for the web page and the service.
I though that when I send an HTTP POST to the web site, the script in the database from the Azure Mobile Service would be launched but it looks not to be true. Isn't it? Because of that, I would write in the controller of an HTTP POST endpoint the code to send the data to the Mobile Service endpoint in order to launch the JavaScript code to send the Push Notification.
Is that the right approach for my goal? Is there any way for sending PUSH notifications from an Azure Web Site or it is only allowed from a Mobile Service?
My last question: Do you know any books or blogs about development in Windows Azure? On the Internet there is lots of documentation but principally those are get started tutorials. I've read some books but those are really complex, boring, and not really practical.
As your website MVC4 based and is running on Windows Azure using SQL Database as backend, I will guess that it is based on ASP.NET and i will write my suggestion based on that.
Now about your question "Is there any way for sending PUSH notifications from a Azure Web Site or it is only allowed from a Mobile Service?" I would say, Azure Mobile web services are designed for the same purpose for any service running on Windows Azure to send push notification on multiple of platforms. Application developer can choose to use Mobile Services to expedite their development as well as have multiple application using the one single service for such objective.
However as you mentioned "Is there any way for sending PUSH notifications from a Azure Web Site" this is not depend on "Azure web sites" instead it is depend on what development technology you are using with your Windows Azure Application. For example in ASP.NET your can use SignalR implementation if your application is based on Java, PHP, Python, Node,js etc then you can find some other run time specific real time implementation. If you look around for websockets you will find implementation in almost every popular language or look for comet programming on this regard. Not only that you can use some of the popular 3rd party applications for this purpose as well. i.e. pusher or any other.
While Windows Azure Mobile Services will give you the best results on Windows Azure platform as it is designed to provide such specific functionality for applications running on it.
Recently released: Azure Notification Hub

Salesforce: Can we customize with .Net?

I am being asked to make some developments on salesforce. Is there anyway to do it using .Net instead of Apex?
It depends on exactly what you're trying to do, there are Web Services APIs you can call from .NET, but you can not run native .NET code on the salesforce servers.

GAS UI Builder for GAE

to all
as we all know, Appscript tipicaly for Google Spreadsheet now have a UI builder, though you can compose UI with the script itself the builder is a big factor. now
GAS application is hosted in google drive and can be either share or publish as Webapp. which is great but this type of app is very limited to storing your data in a spreadsheet well, designing a good DB spreadsheet would be enough for small application but is NOT scalable for SME to Enterprise apps.
now having google app engine which have a very good and scalable platform for a webapp.
is there anyway to port the UI library capability and use it for app engine application. having GAS UI as a javascript base (client side) it could be integrated with any serverside language in GAE.
do any one have any example on this or is it now posible?
the way I see it this might be the future for GAE having a GAS as a client side library would be great?
Well, I think you should be looking the other way round. All of Apps Script's UI widgets are borrowed from GWT in GAE. In fact, the Apps Script documentation, at places suggests that we should lookup GWT documentation when this is found inadequate.
Coming to the point of the UI bilder, I'm no GAE expert, but since you get a GWT toolkit for Eclipse, you should be able to use any of Eclipse's UI creating tools ( I may be wrong here).
GWT is compiled to javascript. It doesn't care what the backend is. You can use json to communicate to your python AE instance just fine I would think. I do GWT on java AE so don't have an example of my own but here is an example of using python on AE to use App Scripts
