Coinbase API sandbox is no longer available? - coinbase-api

The Coinbase API sandbox website is no longer online at (It's a link I obtained from this page I can't find any announcement from Coinbase that they closed that service so I'm not sure what's going on here.
Anyone know anything about this? Did they move the sandbox URL to somewhere else or they just terminated the service for good?
I've checked Coinbase Pro API, but it doesn't have the feature that we want to implement in our system.


How to add a Client App to another GSuite Company?

I've developed an application that works through Google's GSuite using OAuth2. The app is working fine and is part of the GSuite account that was set up to allow testing while developing it (which is the owning account of the app in the Developer Console). However, I now want to give the app to another GSuite company but can't see how to get them to add it?
The application has been submitted for review with Google to get it added via the Marketplace but we're keen to get the second company using it ASAP. I've had a look through the Google docs but couldn't find anything that appeared relevant and even tried to see if I could find an existing question on here. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated!
You won't be able to give it to another company until it's published, so if the review is taking linger than expected, your best is to contact Google GSuite support

React Native Upload to YouTube

I am trying to upload a video that I take locally using react native camera and then send it to youtube for processing and then want to display that video on a react.js web dashboard.
We have tried using fetch-blob to upload the video and cloud firestore to store the video. We are not sure at a high level on how to go about the uploading to youtube. I know there is upload docs, however can we physically go about uploading straight from our react-native project to youtube, or would we have to upload to a database such as firebase and then use a cloud function to send it to youtube? Has anyone attempted this? The other alternative is that we can upload to S3 and then use AWS cloudstream to play back but that seems like overkill if there is a simple youtube upload that we can use. Do we have to authenticate a user to youtube before it would work? We do not want anyone having to log into a google account. We are hoping just to have an application created with youtube that we can upload to our channel.
Thank you!
You can absolutely upload a video to YouTube in many different ways. You mentioned a few options and I will line out how those could work for you.
Do we have to authenticate a user to youtube before it would work?
You will have to authenticate to YouTube in order to upload to a YouTube account. You could very well have one account for your app to use and when your users make videos the app could upload them directly to that account. I do highly advise against that though. Google is not very forgiving and the second someone uploads something to violate Google Policies I suspect you will be banned.
That leaves me to believe the best way here would be to use Auth0 to authenticate users and upload to their accounts. Otherwise maybe look into other options.
Possible Options
Option 1
It might be possible to upload all the videos to one YouTube account and make them all private. Then retrieve those videos and play them on your own site. Possibly something like that could work but it is probably a long shot. That could at least keep you from getting banned because of a user violating Google Policies.
Option 2
Another option would be to make one YouTube account. Save the videos to your server when the users creates them from your mobile application. Then have a waiting period for the video to post to YouTube in order for you and your team to have time to approve them.
At least this way you can use YouTube and have one account, but not take the chance of any repercussions from the videos people are posting.
How to upload a video from your mobile app using React Native to
Solution 1
Upload straight from React Native. You can Use the Google APIs to upload directly to youtube. Google has an extensive API. You will have to create a Google API account and make sure to activate the APIs you want to use. Here is some information I found using the Google Javascript API to work with Youtube.
If you go to this link you can see some information on the scopes of this API.
Here is one scope mentioned on that page.
Using Gogoles APIs you can upload videos directly to the youtube account.
Solution 2
The second solution is to post the video to your server, then once it hits the server use some other server side language to interact with Google's API. This could come in handy for other reasons. Like if you are better with a language other than JavaScript. For example Python might be your favorite language. In that case here is a Python Github repo that does just what your trying to do.
You could very well implement the repo mentioned above to your server and post the video you create from your phone to the server. Allowing the Python script to handle posting the video to YouTube.
Side Note
I do not think Firebase or really any database is necessary for the task you are trying to accomplish. Unless there are other requirements to your problem you have not mentioned.

Google App Engine Python Authenticated Endpoints and Android

I'm not able to find a small example (or tutorial) of Android App (possibly with Android Studio) that use Authenticated Endpoints realized with GAE (possibly Python).
Google examples (Greetings and Tic Tac Toe) seems have some problem in my environment (token error, 404 not found, .....).
Can anyone help me? I'm going crazy...
Thank you in advance.
Are you able to access your Endpoint from api Explorer on localhost(http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer ) you can even simulate authentication there.
if API explorer is working then you need to check how you define SCOPE when getting credentials.
In my experience I had problems in following areas:
1. Generating Client IDs
2. define scoping in Endpoint API
3. Specifying correct scope in android App (";
I'm finally able to do it.
I used this 2 google examples:
On the server side:
On the client side:
The instructions inside this pages are, in my opinion, better than the official google documentation.

Google Calendar Api Documentation better than the official V3

Please I want to create Event in Google Calendar API but the documentation official is BAD I cant use it .. And someone here who can help me please!! Sorry with my english but I speak spanish!
I agree...
This helps a bit: Google Calendar Events
Depending on the process you are using, there are few examples for using and the service account option. I successfully created events via service account with granting domain-wide access. With this you just need to create an app, then service account for the app and follow the domain wide delegation steps on the google documentation pages. This option is great if you have an app that needs to create events without having to authenticate the user.
For working code and more info you can see what I used at-
Google API Calender v3 Event Insert via Service Account using Asp.Net MVC
What is "bad" about the documentation? (Don't just complain; provide actionable feedback.) In the v3 docs, check out the reference section on creating events. There is even sample code in Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby to help get you started just below the reference. In addition, below the sample code is the APIs Explorer where you can issue requests with appropriate payload to the API and see the HTTP response to ensure you're calling the API correctly and receiving the data you requested. If there's any additional way for us to improve the docs, please let us know!
UPDATE (Sep 2015): I created a blogpost and video that walks through some pseudocode (well, it's Python) for creating events. There are examples in most other languages too.

Setting Google Talk status (with authentication) from Google App Engine

I'm trying to build a site that updates users' Google Talk statuses from Google App Engine using the built in XMPP Python API (or a third-party one, if one works better than another). I've been looking around for some examples or docs explaining how I would go about doing this, but nothing I find seems to offer a fully functional solution.
App Engine's XMPP Python developer docs suggest that updating a status can be done through the send_presence() method (see here):
xmpp.send_presence(to_jid, status="My app's status")
But, how would this be authenticated? Wouldn't I have to send the users password with the request? (Ideally, I'd like to do so using OAuth as suggested here.) Am I misunderstanding something?
Please excuse me if I'm missing something obvious, here. I'm pretty new to both Google App Engine and XMPP. Unlike a lot of examples I've found online, I don't want to create a chat "robot"; I merely want to change an existing user's Google Talk status. Thanks in advance for any pointers!
You can't change someone else' status using the XMPP API.
You can use the XMPP API to represent yourself, or your users (see the description of XMPP addresses in the GAE XMPP API docs).
You cannot send messages or update the status of a gmail user.
