Merge sort in array of structs - c

I have an array of structs, where each object is a student with a name and a grade, and I'm trying to merge sort this array (I want to sort them by grade in ascending order).
Here is the Student Struct:
struct Student
char grade[42];
char city[42];
grade is a char because I assign the grade value by getting an input from the user with fgets and sscanf.
I don't think it's necessary to put my whole code of the merge-sort algorithm but I want to share this part which I think might be problematic ?
int firstHalfSize = midElement - firstElement + 1;
int secondHalfSize = lastElement - midElement;
struct Student firstHalfArray[firstHalfSize];
struct Student secondHalfArray[secondHalfSize];
char *p;
char *s;
int index1 = 0;
int index2 = 0;
int mergedArrIndex = firstElement;
while (index1 < firstHalfSize && index2 < secondHalfSize)
if (strtol(firstHalfArray[index1].grade, &p, 10) <= strtol(secondHalfArray[index2].grade, &s, 10))
arr[mergedArrIndex] = firstHalfArray[index1];
arr[mergedArrIndex] = secondHalfArray[index2];
the part where I sort the student object by comparing the grade is by converting the char grade into a long with strtol which I think I did good so it might not be a problem.
My problems is that I initialize my array of structs like the following:
struct Student students[5501];
and when I get a new input of the user I just add it into the array like the following:
struct Student aStudent;
int lineCounter = 0;
students[lineCounter] = aStudent;
and increase lineCounter by 1 every time I get a new input. (aStudent is changed when I get a new input)
Here I call the merge-sort function and get weird results:
mergeSort(students, 0, 5501); // 5501 is the size of the array
printArray(students, 5501);
Here is the printArray function created just to see if I get the grade in ascending order
void printArray(struct Student A[], int size)
char *p;
int i;
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%ld", strtol(A[i].grade, &p, 10));
but I keep getting that printed:
and I don't know why.
Also how can I do that If the user adds 3 students object in the array students
I only treat it as like an array of 3 elements and not an array of 5501 elements ?
Thanks! And sorry if it's a little long I really tried to be concise without having a loss of essential informations.

Since the user can input N numbers of students I recommend you to use a Linked List instead and put the node (struct Student) in his right position depending on the grade.
You can learn more about Linked Lists here.


How can I arrange the structs in an array of structs in an ascending order?

I am sorry if this sounds confusing, I will try to be as clear as possible. I have an array of structs, where the array stores a struct that I have defined as a Business Card. However, before adding any new business cards into the array, I have to store the structs in ascending order based on the integer value of the Employee ID.
Here is the struct:
typedef struct{
int nameCardID;
char personName[20];
char companyName[20];
} NameCard;
Hence, I tried to use relational operators to compare between the values of the ID and copy it in ascending order to another temporary array I named fakeHolder, before finally copying over to the actual array. However, I can't seem to understand why it is not in order after inputting my data as ID 9, 7, 5.
Here is my helper function:
int addNameCard(NameCard *nc, int *size){
int i = 0;
// Why is this a pointer?
NameCard fakeHolder[10];
char dummy[100];
char *p;
if(*size == MAX){
printf("The name card holder is full");
// To quit the program
return 0;
// Keeps it to Fake Name Card Holder First
printf("Enter nameCardID:\n");
scanf("%d", &fakeHolder->nameCardID);
scanf("%c", &dummy);
printf("Enter personName:\n");
fgets(fakeHolder->personName, 20, stdin);
if(p = strchr(fakeHolder->personName, '\n')){
*p = '\0';
printf("Enter companyName:\n");
fgets(fakeHolder->companyName, 20, stdin);
if(p = strchr(fakeHolder->companyName, '\n')){
*p = '\0';
// Compare the ID value
for(int j = 0; j < *size; j += 1){
if(fakeHolder->nameCardID == (nc+j)->nameCardID){
printf("The nameCardID has already existed");
else if(fakeHolder->nameCardID < (nc+j)->nameCardID){
fakeHolder[(j+1)].nameCardID = (nc+j)->nameCardID;
strcpy(fakeHolder[(j+1)].companyName, (nc+j)->companyName);
*size += 1;
// Transfer to the Actual Name Card Holder
for(int k = 0; k < *size; k += 1){
(nc+k)->nameCardID = fakeHolder[k].nameCardID;
strcpy((nc+k)->personName, fakeHolder[k].personName);
strcpy((nc+k)->companyName, fakeHolder[k].companyName);
printf("The name card has been added successfully\n");
return 0;
Your current code has several problems, and you can rewrite it to be much more maintainable and easier to work with. For example,
i (in int i = 0;) is not being used
scanf("%c", &dummy); is there, I assume, to remove trailing \n - but a 100-char buffer for a single character to read is... surprising. See scanf() leaves the new line char in the buffer for lots of discussion on different approaches to "trailing stuff after integer".
splitting addNameCard into 2 functions, one to actually request a NameCard and another to insert it into the array, would divide up responsibilities better, and make your program easier to test. Avoid mixing input/output with program logic.
The question you ask can be solved via the standard library qsort function, as follows:
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct{
int nameCardID;
char personName[20];
char companyName[20];
} NameCard;
void show(NameCard *nc, int n) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++, nc++) {
nc->nameCardID, nc->personName, nc->companyName);
// comparison functions to qsort must return int and receive 2 const void * pointers
// they must then return 0 for equal, or <0 / >0 for lower/greater
int compareCardsById(const void *a, const void *b) {
return ((NameCard *)a)->nameCardID - ((NameCard *)b)->nameCardID;
int main() {
NameCard nc[10];
nc[0] = (NameCard){1, "bill", "foo"};
nc[1] = (NameCard){3, "joe", "bar"};
nc[2] = (NameCard){2, "ben", "qux"};
show(nc, 3);
// calling the libraries' sort on the array; see "man qsort" for details
qsort(nc, 3, sizeof(NameCard), compareCardsById);
show(nc, 3);
return 0;

Segmentation Fault when returning integer

I recently joined Stackoverflow community because I had to ask this question. I've been searching for possible explanations and solutions on the website but so far nothing enlightened me as I wanted. My error is probably caused by a very specific line of code. I'm trying to create a function that reads an array of struct votes, (struct contains integer member number, char *category, char *nominee) and copies all the votes that contain the same number and category to another array of struct. Basically to show all the repeated votes.
typedef struct
int member;
char *categ;
char *nom;
Vote vote(int member, char *categ, char *nom)
Vote result;
result.member = member;
result.categ = categ;
result.nom = nom;
return result;
int votes_count(Vote *v, int n, Vote *v1)
int result = 0;
int *index = malloc(sizeof(int) * 1000);
int a = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
if (a == 0 && v[i].member == v[j].member && strcmp(v[i].categ, v[j].categ) == 0)
v1[result++] = vote(v[j].member, str_dup(v[j].categ), str_dup(v[j].nom));
index[a++] = j;
for (int b = 0; b < a; ++b)
if( a > 0 && v[i].member == v[j].member && strcmp(v[i].categ, v[j].categ) == 0 && j != index[b])
v1[result++] = voto(v[j].member, str_dup(v[j].categ), str_dup(v[j].nom));
index[a++] = j;
return result;
Afterwads, it returns the number of elements of new array that contains all repetitions. I want to use an array of ints to save all line indexes so that the function doesn't read and copy the lines it already accounted.
Sorry if the code is hard to understand, if needed I can edit to be more understandable. Thanks for any answears.
P.S: I'm portuguese, sorry in advance for grammar mistakes
if your only intention is to harvest the duplicates, you only need to compare to the elements that came before an element
you don't need the index[] array
For simplicity, I used two integer arrays, you should change them to your struct arrays, also change the compare function.
unsigned fetchdups(int orig[], int dups[], unsigned count)
unsigned this, that, ndup=0;
for (this=1; this<count; this++){
for (that=0; that<this; that++){
/* change this to your compare() */
if(orig[that] == orig[this]) break;
if (this == that) continue; /* no duplicate */
dups[ndup++] = this;
return ndup;

Problems with passing arrays as parameters

I am a novice programmer in C and am running into an issue that is almost painfully simple. I am writing a basic program that creates two arrays, one of student names and one of student ID numbers, then sorts them and prints them in various ways, and finally allows the user to search the arrays by ID number. Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 3
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 32
int main()
// Student info arrays
// Array for student IDs, shifted twice to the right
int shiftedID[ARRAY_SIZE];
// Boolean value to keep while loop running and
// the ID search prompt repeating
int loop = 1;
// Counter variable for the for loop
int counter;
// Gets input values for the student info arrays
for (counter = 0; counter < ARRAY_SIZE; counter++)
printf("Input student name: ");
scanf("%s", NAME[counter]);
printf("Input student ID: ");
scanf("%d", &ID[counter]);
// Sorts the arrays
sort(NAME, ID);
// Prints the arrays
print_array(&NAME, ID);
// Shifts the ID value two bits to the right
shiftright(ID, shiftedID);
print_array(NAME, shiftedID);
// Repeatedely prompts the user for an ID to
// search for
while(loop == 1)
search_id(NAME, ID);
And here are the function definitions:
#define ARRAY_SIZE 3
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 32
// Sorts the two arrays by student ID. (Bubble sort)
void sort(char **nameArray, int idArray[])
// Counter variables for the for loop
int firstCounter = 0;
int secondCounter = 0;
for(firstCounter = 0; firstCounter < ARRAY_SIZE; firstCounter++)
for(secondCounter = 0; secondCounter < ARRAY_SIZE - 1;
if(idArray[secondCounter] > idArray[secondCounter + 1])
// Temporary variables for the sort algorithm
int tempInt = 0;
char tempName[32];
tempInt = idArray[secondCounter + 1];
idArray[secondCounter + 1] = idArray[secondCounter];
idArray[secondCounter] = tempInt;
strcpy(tempName, nameArray[secondCounter + 1]);
strcpy(nameArray[secondCounter + 1],
strcpy(nameArray[secondCounter], tempName);
// Searches the ID array for a user input student
// ID and prints the corresponding student's info.
void search_id(char **nameArray, int idArray[])
// A boolean value representing whether or not
// the input ID value was found
int isFound = 0;
// The input ID the user is searching for
int searchID = 0;
printf("Input student ID to search for: ");
scanf("%d", &searchID);
// Counter variable for the for loop
int counter = 0;
while (counter < ARRAY_SIZE && isFound == 0)
if (idArray[counter] == searchID)
// Prints the name associated with the input ID
isFound = 1;
printf("%s", nameArray[counter]);
// If the input ID is not found, prints a failure message.
if (isFound == 0)
printf("ID not found.\n");
// Prints the name and ID of each student.
void print_array(char **nameArray, int idArray[])
// Counter variable for the for loop
int counter = 0;
printf("Student Name & Student ID: \n");
for (counter = 0; counter < ARRAY_SIZE; counter++)
printf("%s --- %d\n", nameArray[counter], idArray[counter]);
// Shifts the ID value to the right by two bits
void shiftright(int idArray[], int shiftedID[])
// Counter variable for the for loop
int counter = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter < ARRAY_SIZE; counter++)
shiftedID[counter] = idArray[counter] >> 2;
I am aware that this program is fairly basic in nature, and more than anything it is an exercise to get me more well versed in a language such as C. I've been working on it for some time, and have worked through several problems, but seem to be stuck on three issues:
If the input ID numbers are not input already in order, a segmentation fault results. If the ID numbers are input already in order, the sort function never passes through the if statement, and no problems arise.
When passing the arrays of names/IDs to the print_array function, the IDs are printed just fine, but the names will be printed either entirely blank or as a series of strange characters.
When searching by ID at the end of the program, the ID number that was entered first (so, the number in ID[0]) displays an ID not found message, where all numbers at index 1 or greater will work fine - aside from the corresponding names that should be printed being printed as blank, as mentioned in the second issue.
Any advice that I can get would be greatly appreciated! I find the power behind the fine details needed in C to be both really interesting but also very confusing, intimidatingly so, and that means any help I can get makes a big difference.
The problem is that you are assuming that char [ARRAY_SIZE][MAX_NAME_LENGTH] and char ** are interchangeable
void sort(char **nameArray, int idArray[])
should be
void sort(char nameArray[][MAX_NAME_LENGTH], int idArray[])
void sort(char (*nameArray)[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], int idArray[])
in order to use a pointer to an array of MAX_NAME_LENGTH chars, same for your search_id function.
Take a look to question 6.13 of C-FAQ
I would advise you to restructure your program. Rather than storing two independent arrays for names and IDs, you can store one array of structs which contain all the necessary data:
typedef struct student
int id;
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
} student_t;
student_t students[ARRAY_SIZE];
Now you have a single array which can never become "mismatched" by sorting the IDs without the names, etc.
You can sort an array in C using the standard library function qsort():
qsort(students, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(student_t), comparator);
This requires you define a comparator, which is fairly simple. One example would be:
int comparator(const void *lhs, const void *rhs)
const student_t *s1 = lhs, *s2 = rhs;
return s1->id - s2->id;
You can use the same comparator with another standard library function bsearch() to search the array of students after it is sorted:
student_t key = { 42 }; // name doesn't matter, search by ID
student_t* result = bsearch(&key, students, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(student_t), comparator);
These standard functions are more efficient than what you had, and require you to write much less code, with fewer chances for mistakes.

Navigating 2D arrays by category?

Once again, I'd like to thank everyone for their prompt responses to my previous Gradebook question. I am now further along in the project, and have hit a (in my opinion) thornier problem.
The instructions call for me to create a function with this prototype:
int set_assignment_score(Gradebook *gb, char name[MAX_NAME_LEN], char a_name[], int score);
Once again, it will enter the Gradebook structure through the *gb pointer, but this time, it is meant to access the Scores array:
... and deposit the "score" integer inside a specific cell for further use. The two Char parameters are important, because later on I will need to retrieve each specific integer from the Scores array and match it up with its precise name and a_name in a print_gradebook function.
I would love to share what code I have so far, but the fact of the matter is that I barely know where to start. I think that the key, however, is knowing how to navigate an integer array using char name and char a_name in place of the usual [i] and [j].
Any suggestions, advice, mockery, or requests for clarification are welcome. Please.
Here is the Gradebook structure:
typedef struct gradebook {
int number_of_students;
Students students[MAX_NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS];
int number_of_assignments;
char assignment_names[MAX_NUMBER_OF_ASSIGNMENTS][MAX_NAME_LEN + 1];
} Gradebook;
EDIT: Thanks, everyone! Combining your advice, I came up with this:
int set_assignment_score(Gradebook *gb, const char name[MAX_NAME_LEN], const char a_name[], int score) {
int i, j;
for(i=0; i< MAX_NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS; i++) {
if(strcmp(gb->students[i].name, name) == 0) {
for(j=0; j< MAX_NUMBER_OF_ASSIGNMENTS; j++) {
if(strcmp(gb->assignment_names[j], a_name) == 0) {
gb->scores[i][j] = score;
printf("%d\n", gb->scores[i][j]);
return 1;
I suspect it's a lot clumsier than it needs to be, but it gets the job done. Funnily enough, the printf function I put in to test it doesn't provide the result I want (I guess I'm printing the address or something?), but the actual function does.
Yes, that's the general idea. The reason the printf doesn't work is because the loops continue running after you've found the matching student name and assignment name. So after the loops are done, you've lost the values of i and j. In fact, after the loops are done, i==MAX_NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS and j==MAX_NUMBER_OF_ASSIGNMENTS.
To keep the values of i and j, you should break from the loop when you find the matching name. (I also added some error checking to handle the case where one or both of the names aren't found.)
int set_assignment_score(Gradebook *gb, const char name[MAX_NAME_LEN], const char a_name[], int score)
int i, j;
for(i=0; i< MAX_NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS; i++)
if(strcmp(gb->students[i].name, name) == 0)
if(strcmp(gb->assignment_names[j], a_name) == 0)
printf( "unable to set score (i=%d, j=%d)\n", i, j );
return 0;
gb->scores[i][j] = score;
printf("%d\n", gb->scores[i][j]);
return 1;

Allocate memory and generate structures in C

I'm trying to work through Kernighan's book "C Programming Language" to teach myself C in preparation for a data structures class this spring (C is a required prerequisite), but am stuck on how to deal with multiple structures and how you would store multiples to use later for calculations and output. I wrote some code for structures related to student records with variables for id's and scores which follows. The function names and parameters must stay as is and comments describe what should be done by each function.
So here's what I've tried. I thought of just setting up an array of structures for ten students within the allocate function as follows:
struct student s[10];
However, when I try to return it to main and then pass it to the generate function, I get incompatibility errors. My current efforts are below. However, as you can see, my code fails to store anything but the last set of records (i.e. and student.score) generated. Clearly I'm missing a key component and it's preventing me from being able to generate random unique student id's because I can't check a new id against the previous ones. I also can't move forward in writing functions to run calculations on student scores. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
#include <stdio.h>
struct student{
int id;
int score;
struct student* allocate(){
/*Allocate memory for ten students*/
struct student* s = malloc(10 * sizeof(struct student));
assert (s != 0);
/*return the pointer*/
return s;
void generate(struct student* students){
/*Generate random ID and scores for ten students, ID being between 1 and 10, scores between 0 and 100*/
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
students -> id = (rand()%10 + 1);
students -> score = (rand()%(100 - 0 + 1) + 0);
printf("%d, %d\n", (*students).id, (*students).score);
void deallocate(struct student* stud){
/*Deallocate memory from stud*/
int main(){
struct student* stud = NULL;
/*call allocate*/
stud = allocate();
/*call generate*/
/*call deallocate*/
return 0;
Your generate() function only ever accesses the first student structure in your array. You need to use that for loop index in there:
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
students[i].id = (rand()%10 + 1);
students[i].score = (rand()%(100 - 0 + 1) + 0);
printf("%d, %d\n", students[i].id, students[i].score);
Change generate to
void generate(struct student* students){
/*Generate random ID and scores for ten students, ID being between 1 and 10, scores between 0 and 100*/
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
students[i].id = (rand()%10 + 1);
students[i].score = (rand()%(100 - 0 + 1) + 0);
printf("%d, %d\n", students[i].id, students[i].score);
