libgit2 does not return a valid blob - c

I'm trying to get a blob of a repository with libgit2:
#include <git2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
git_repository *repo = NULL;
int error = git_repository_open(&repo, "/home/martin/Dokumente/TestRepository");
if (error < 0) {
const git_error *e = git_error_last();
printf("Error %d/%d: %s\n", error, e->klass, e->message);
git_diff *diff = NULL;
git_diff_options opts = GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_INIT;
error = git_diff_index_to_workdir(&diff, repo, NULL, &opts);
if (error < 0) {
const git_error *e = git_error_last();
printf("Error %d/%d: %s\n", error, e->klass, e->message);
git_patch* patch = nullptr;
git_patch_from_diff(&patch, diff, 0);
bool oldFile = false;
const git_diff_delta *dd = git_patch_get_delta(patch);
const git_oid &id = (!oldFile) ? dd-> : dd->;
git_object *obj = nullptr;
git_object_lookup(&obj, repo, &id, GIT_OBJECT_ANY);
git_blob* blob = reinterpret_cast<git_blob *>(obj);
const char* pointer = (const char*)git_blob_rawcontent(blob);
// cleanup
return 0;
The repository
create a new repository
commit a file like:
remove the 4 again, but do not commit
let the program run
The program runs fine.
obj is still a nullptr after executing
When setting the variable oldFile to true, the program runs fine and the pointer "pointer" contains the raw blob.
Does anybody know why I don't get a valid object from git_object_lookup() back?

The problem is that you're trying to get an object of id dd-> This file is in the working directory, as it hasn't been added or committed yet. This means it isn't in the repository yet. When you run git_object_lookup(), it can't find the object as it hasn't been added to the tree. The OID doesn't correspond to any match so it returns null.
If you want to get the current working directory data, you must first create the object in the tree using git_blob_create_from_workdir, and then when trying to access it, it would be found. So your new code might look like:
bool oldFile = false;
const git_diff_delta *dd = git_patch_get_delta(patch);
git_oid id;
if (!oldFile) {
error = git_blob_create_from_workdir(&id, repo, dd->new_file.path);
if (error < 0) {
const git_error *e = git_error_last();
printf("Error %d/%d: %s\n", error, e->klass, e->message);
} else {
id = dd->;
git_object *obj = nullptr;
git_object_lookup(&obj, repo, &id, GIT_OBJECT_ANY);
git_blob* blob = reinterpret_cast<git_blob *>(obj);
const char* pointer = (const char*)git_blob_rawcontent(blob);

When you diff between the index and the workdir, the new side of the delta represents the file in the working directory. Its id is the hash of the file on disk. Unless you explicitly insert that blob into the repository's object store by some other means, there's no reason for it to be there yet.


How to add subMsg to msg repeated using Nanopb?

I'm simply trying to add one message to another message (up to 60 times times)
My .proto file looks as follows;
syntax = "proto3";
message FeatureFile {
string fileName= 2;
string Id= 3;
repeated Feature features = 1;
message Feature {
int32 version = 1;
int32 epochTime = 2;
int32 noOfObs= 3;
int32 frequency = 4;
I have tried to make a callback function to add repeated data, but cannot make it work.
bool encode_string(pb_ostream_t* stream, const pb_field_t* field, void* const* arg)
const char* str = (const char*)(*arg);
if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field))
return false;
return pb_encode_string(stream, (uint8_t*)str, strlen(str));
bool encode_repeatedMsg(pb_ostream_t* stream, const pb_field_t* field, void* const* arg)
const char* obj = (const char*)(*arg);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 60; i++)
if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field))
return false;
if (!pb_encode_submessage(stream, Feature_fields, *arg))
return false;
return true;
int main()
FeatureFile featurefile = FeatureFile_init_zero;
Feature feature = Feature_init_zero;
featurefile.fileName.arg = "092536.csv";
featurefile.fileName.funcs.encode = &encode_string;
featurefile.Id.arg = "";
featurefile.Id.funcs.encode = &encode_string;
feature.version = 1;
feature.epochTime = 12566232;
feature.noOfObs = 260;
feature.frequency = 200;
featurefile.features.funcs.encode = &encode_repeatedMsg;
I thought I could call the repeated encoding like the last line of code shows, but I doesn't allow me.
The callback itself is supposed to add 60 of the same messages (feature) to the the featurefile.
Can anyone help me here?
I myself have never used the callbacks in nanopb. I do have been using the .options file to statically allocate the desired array size. Your case this might be a bit much as your require 60 messages but this is how you do it:
You create a file with the same name as your .proto file but give it the extension .options. You place it in the same folder as your .proto file. In that file you mention there repeated variable name and assign it a size:
# XXXX.options
FeatureFile.features max_count:16
More information on the nanopb options can be found here.

libxml2 get offset into XML text of node

I need to know at which offset into an xml string a specific arbitrary node somewhere in dom can be found after xmlReadMemory was used to get dom. The problem is I can't figure out where to get the xmlParserCtxtPtr from to pass as first argument to xmlParserFindNodeInfo because my entire process of parsing yields no such context; only a xmlDoc.
The following code worked for me (libxml2 documentation leaves little to desire, had to download source code and dig in the lib until I understood enough to hack this together). The key is:
xmlSetFeature(ctxt, "gather line info", (void *)&v);
Here is some code to illustrate:
const char *xml = ...
xmlParserCtxt *ctxt = NULL;
xmlDoc *doc = NULL;
if (!(ctxt = xmlCreateDocParserCtxt((const unsigned char *)xml)))
return -1;
int v = 1;
xmlSetFeature(ctxt, "gather line info", (void *)&v);
if (xmlParseDocument(ctxt) == -1)
return -1;
if ((ctxt->wellFormed) || ctxt->recovery)
doc = ctxt->myDoc;
return -1;
// use doc to get a node and then xmlParserFindNodeInfo(ctxt, node)

Unexpected Results using fts_children() in C

I have been beating my head on a wall over this fts_children() question. In the man page,, it clearly states As a special case, if fts_read() has not yet been called for a hierarchy,
fts_children() will return a pointer to the files in the logical directory
specified to fts_open(), that is, the arguments specified to fts_open().
Which I take to mean that a linked list of all the files in the current directory are returned. Well, I am finding that not to be the case and I would really appreciate some help in the matter. I expected a linked list to be returned and then I would iterate through it to find the file with the matching file name (the end goal). However, right now, I am just trying to iterate through the linked list (baby steps). Right now, it will return one file and then exit the loop. This does not make sense to me. Any help would very much appreciated!!!
Opening of file system:
char* const path[PATH_MAX] = {directory_name(argv[argc-index]), NULL};
char* name = file_name(argv[argc-index]);
if ((file_system = fts_open(path, FTS_COMFOLLOW, NULL)) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr,"%s:%s\n", strerror(errno), getprogname());
}/*Ends the files system check if statement*/
/*Displays the information about the specified file.*/
file_ls(file_system,name, flags);
For clarification, the directory_name parses the inputted path from the user and returns something like /home/tpar44. That directory is then opened.
Searching within the file system:
file_ls(FTS* file_system, char* file_name, int* flags){
FTSENT* parent = NULL;
//dint stop = 0;
parent = fts_children(file_system, 0);
while( parent != NULL ){
printf("parent = %s\n", parent->fts_name);
parent = parent->fts_link;
I think this is entirely by design.
...that is, the arguments specified to fts_open()...
What it says is that it will list the root elements in the path_argv parameters for your convenenience. It treats the path_argv array as a logical directory itself.
In other words this:
int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
char* const path[] = { ".", "/home", "more/root/paths", NULL };
FTS* file_system = fts_open(path, FTS_COMFOLLOW | FTS_NOCHDIR, &compare);
if (file_system)
file_ls(file_system, "", 0);
return 0;
Will output
parent = .
parent = /home
parent = more/root/paths
Which, in fact, it does (see
Here is a more complete sample that shows complete directory traversal:
int compare (const FTSENT**, const FTSENT**);
void file_ls(FTS* file_system, const char* file_name, int* flags)
FTSENT* node = fts_children(file_system, 0);
if (errno != 0)
while (node != NULL)
// TODO use file_name and flags
printf("found: %s%s\n", node->fts_path, node->fts_name);
node = node->fts_link;
int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
FTS* file_system = NULL;
FTSENT* node = NULL;
if (argc<2)
printf("Usage: %s <path-spec>\n", argv[0]);
char* const path[] = { argv[1], NULL };
const char* name = "some_name";
file_system = fts_open(path, FTS_COMFOLLOW | FTS_NOCHDIR, &compare);
if (file_system)
file_ls(file_system, name, 0); // shows roots
while( (node = fts_read(file_system)) != NULL)
file_ls(file_system, name, 0); // shows child elements
return 0;
int compare(const FTSENT** one, const FTSENT** two)
return (strcmp((*one)->fts_name, (*two)->fts_name));

Read certificate files from memory instead of a file using OpenSSL

I have a server which would listen on HTTPS using OpenSSL. For this, I have to provide the certificate to use. However, the current implementation uses a filename to be provided to the OpenSSL API.
I want the certificate information to be read from memory, so that I don't have to ship the certificate file opening. I tried to google, but I didn't come up with any options.
Is is possible? If so, how do I read certificate files from memory instead of a file using OpenSSL?
EDIT: The following was moved from the comments to the question.
void start_server()
const char *fileName = "cert_and_key.pem";
set_server_ssl_file(const char *fileName)
//initialize context
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(CTX, pem, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(CTX, pem, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
void start_server()
const char *cert = "--BEGIN CERTIFICATE--............";
const char *key = "--BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY--.......";
set_server_ssl_options(cert, key);
set_server_ssl_options(const char *cert, const char *key)
The following code did the job for me:
X509 *cert = NULL;
RSA *rsa = NULL;
BIO *cbio, *kbio;
const char *cert_buffer = "";
const char *key_buffer = "";
cbio = BIO_new_mem_buf((void*)cert_buffer, -1);
cert = PEM_read_bio_X509(cbio, NULL, 0, NULL);
assert(cert != NULL);
SSL_CTX_use_certificate(CTX, cert);
kbio = BIO_new_mem_buf((void*)key_buffer, -1);
rsa = PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(kbio, NULL, 0, NULL);
assert(rsa != NULL);
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey(CTX, rsa);
The other snippets will only load one certificate. The content of files like that contain a lot of different certificates need a new approach. This is adapted from openssl 1.0.1p (mostly openssl-1.0.1p\crypto\x509\by_file.c, char* buf contains the content of a *.pem file, ctx is a boost::asio::ssl::context), add error handling on your own:
BIO *cbio = BIO_new_mem_buf((void*)buf, (int)length);
X509_STORE *cts = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx.native_handle());
if(!cts || !cbio)
return false;
X509_INFO *itmp;
int i, count = 0, type = X509_FILETYPE_PEM;
STACK_OF(X509_INFO) *inf = PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio(cbio, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!inf)
return false;
//itterate over all entries from the pem file, add them to the x509_store one by one
for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_INFO_num(inf); i++) {
itmp = sk_X509_INFO_value(inf, i);
if (itmp->x509) {
X509_STORE_add_cert(cts, itmp->x509);
if (itmp->crl) {
X509_STORE_add_crl(cts, itmp->crl);
sk_X509_INFO_pop_free(inf, X509_INFO_free); //cleanup
unsigned char *cert_data = (....);
int cert_len = (....);
X509 *cert = d2i_X509(NULL, &cert_data, cert_len);
SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ctx, cert);
unsigned char *pkey_data = /* ... */;
int pkey_len = /* ... */;
RSA *pkey = d2i_RSAPrivateKey(NULL, &pkey_data, pkey_len);
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey(ctx, pkey);
Don't forget & before cert_data and pkey_data - and note that OpenSSL modifies these pointers.
There is another response that uses X509_STORE_add_cert, which is up-voted but incorrect. That answer is a way to do SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations in memory, but does not load the server certificate chain. Replies to that comment also indicate that it does not work.
The following code is a load-from-memory implementation of SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file based on the implementation of that function in OpenSSL:
bool load_cert_chain_from_shared_mem(SSL_CTX *context, const char *cert_buffer)
BIO *cbio = BIO_new_mem_buf((void*)cert_buffer, -1);
if (!cbio)
return false;
X509_INFO *itmp;
int i, count = 0, type = X509_FILETYPE_PEM;
STACK_OF(X509_INFO) *inf = PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio(cbio, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!inf)
return false;
/* Iterate over contents of the PEM buffer, and add certs. */
BOOL first = TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_INFO_num(inf); i++) {
itmp = sk_X509_INFO_value(inf, i);
if (itmp->x509)
/* First cert is server cert. Remaining, if any, are intermediate certs. */
if (first)
first = FALSE;
* Set server certificate. Note that this operation increments the
* reference count, which means that it is okay for cleanup to free it.
if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate(context, itmp->x509))
goto Error;
if (ERR_peek_error() != 0)
goto Error;
/* Get ready to store intermediate certs, if any. */
/* Add intermediate cert to chain. */
if (!SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert(context, itmp->x509))
goto Error;
* Above function doesn't increment cert reference count. NULL the info
* reference to it in order to prevent it from being freed during cleanup.
itmp->x509 = NULL;
sk_X509_INFO_pop_free(inf, X509_INFO_free);
return true;
sk_X509_INFO_pop_free(inf, X509_INFO_free);
return false;

Problem in retrieving the ini file through web page

I am using an .ini file to store some values and retrieve values from it using the iniparser.
When I give (hardcode) the query and retrive the value through the command line, I am able to retrive the ini file and do some operation.
But when I pass the query through http, then I am getting an error (file not found), i.e., the ini file couldn't be loaded.
Command line :
int main(void)
printf("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n");
char* data = "/cgi-bin/set.cgi?pname=x&value=700&url=http://IP/home.html";
//perform some operation
Through http:
function SetValue(id)
var val;
var URL = window.location.href;
if(id =="set")
document.location = "/cgi-bin/set.cgi?pname="+rwparams+"&value="+val+"&url="+URL;
int * Value(char* pname)
dictionary * ini ;
char *key1 = NULL;
char *key2 =NULL;
int i =0;
int val;
ini = iniparser_load("file.ini");
if(ini != NULL)
//key for fetching the value
key1 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*50);
if(key1 != NULL)
key2 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*50);
if(key2 != NULL)
val = iniparser_getint(ini, key1, -1);
if(-1 == val || 0 > val)
return 0;
printf("ERROR : Memory Allocation Failure ");
printf("ERROR : .ini File Missing");
return (int *)val;
void get_Value(char* pname,char* value)
int result =0;
result = Value(pname);
printf("Result : %d",result);
int main(void)
printf("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n");
char* data = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
//char* data = "/cgi-bin/set.cgi?pname=x&value=700&url=";
//Parse to get the values seperately as parameter name, parameter value, url
//Calling get_Value method to set the value
x = 100;
y = 70;
When the request is sent through html page, I am always getting .ini file missing. If directly the request is sent from C file them it works fine.
How to resolve this?
Perhaps you have a problem with encoding of the URL parameters? You can't just pass any arbitrary string through a URL - there are some characters that must be encoded. Read this page about URL encoding.
Showing the value of the data string in your C program could be of great help with solving your problem.
There could be a difference as to where your program executes when called by the web server or directly by you. Are you sure it's being executed with the same "current directory". Chances are it's different, and thus when you attempt to open the ini file you fail. Try to print out the current directory (i.e. using the getcwd function) and compare both cases.
