Should I store uploaded filename in database? - database

I have a database table with an autoincrement ID as primary key.
For each record of this table, I can have up to 3 files, which can be publicly available so random filename generation is not mandatory, and these files are optional.
I think I have 2 possible solutions:
Store a random generated filename in 3 nullable varchar column and store all the files in the same place:
columns: a | b | c
Don't store the filenames, but place them in specific folders and name them the same than the primary key value:
With this last solution, I know that uploads/a/1.jpg belongs to record with ID 1, and is a file of type a. But I have to check if the file exists because the files are optional.
Do you think there is a good practice in all that? Or maybe there is a better approach?

If the files you are talking about are intended to be displayed or downloaded by users (whether for visitors or for authenticated users, filtered by roles (ACL) or not), it is important to ensure (IMHO) that the user will not be able to guess other information other than the content of the concerned resource which has been sent to him. There is no perfect solution that can be applied to all cases without exception, so let's take an example to give you more explanations.
In order to enhance the security and total opacity of sensitive data, for example for the specific case of uploads/users/7/invoices/3.pdf, I think it would be wise to ensure that absolutely no one can guess the number of files that are potentially associated with the user or any other entity (because otherwise, in this example, we could imagine that there potentially are other accessible files - 1.pdf and 2.pdf). By design, we generally want to give access to files in a well defined and specific cases and context. However, this may not be the case for an image file which is intended to be seen by everyone (a profile photo, for example). That's why the context matters in some way.
If you choose to keep the auto-incremented identifiers as names to refer to your files, this can also give information about the size of the data stored in your database (/uploads/invoices/128.pdf informs that you may already have 127 invoices on your server) and potentially motivate unscrupulous people to try to reach resources that should never be fetched out of the defined context. This case may be less obvious if you choose to use some kind of unique generated identifiers (GUID).
I recommend that you read this article concerning the generation of (G)/(U)UIDs (a 128-bit hexadecimal numbers) to be stored in your database for each uploaded or created file. If you use MySQL in its latest version it is even possible to host this identifier in a binary (16) type which offers an automatic conversion to UUID, I let you read this interesting topic associated with what I refer about. It will probably output this as /uploads/invoices/b0016303-8e4f-487a-8c30-5dddf1ebf7e9.pdf which is a lot better as long as you ensure that the generated identifier is unique hash.
It does not seem useful to me here to talk about performance issues because today there are many methods for caching files or path and urls, which avoid having to make requests each time in a lot of cases where a resource is called (often ordered by their popularity rank in bigdata cases).
Last, but not least, many web and mobile platform applications (I think of Slack, Discord, Facebook, Twitter...) which store a lot of media files every day which are often associated with accounts users, both public and confidential files and information, generate a unique hash for each of them.
Twitter is using its own unique identifier string (64-bits BIGINT) generator called Twitter Snowflake which you might be interesting to read too. It is based on the UNIX epoch value which is, by definition, unique at each millisecond tick.
There isn't a global and perfect solution which can be applied for everything but I hope that this will help you as you may want to take a deeper look in this and find the "best solution" for each context and entity you'll store and link files.


Couchbase, two user registering with same username but different datacenters?

Let's say I have two users, Alice in North America and Bob in Europe. Both want to register a new account with the same username, at the same time, on different datacenters. The datacenters are configured to replicate between each other using eventual consistency.
How can I make sure only one of them succeeds at registering the username? Keep in mind that the connection between the datacenters might even be offline at the time (worst case, but daily occurance on spotify's cassandra setup).
I do realize the key uniqueness is the big problem here. The thing is that I need all usernames to be unique. Imagine using twitter if you couldn't tag a specific person, but had to tag everyone with the same username.
With any eventual consistency system, and particularly in the presence of a network partition, you essentially have two choices:
Accept collisions, and pick a winner later.
Ensure you never have a collision.
In the case of Couchbase:
For (1) that means letting two users register with the same address in both NA and EU, and then later picking one as the "winner" (when the network link is present - not a very desirable outcome for something like a user account. A slight variation on this would be something like #Robert's suggestion and putting them in a staging area (which means the account cannot be made "active" until the partition is resolved), and then telling the "winning" user they have successfully registered, and the "loser" that the name is taken and to try again.
For (2) this means making the users unique, even though they pick the same username - for example adding a NA:: / EU:: prefix to their username document. When they login the application would need some logic to try looking up both document variations - likely trying the prefix for the local region first. (This is essentially the same idea as "realms" or "servers" that many MMO games use).
There are variations of both of these, but ultimately given an AP-type system (which Couchbase across XDCR is) you've essentially chosen Availability & Partition-Tolerance over Consistancy, and hence need to reconcile that at the application layer.
Put the user name registrations into a staging table until you can perform a replication to determine if the name already exists in one of the other data centers.
You tagged Couchbase, so I will answer about that.
As long as the key for each object is different, you should be fine with Couchbase. It is the keys that would be unique and work great with XDCR. Another solution would be to have a concatenated key made up of the username and other values (company name, etc) if that suits your use case, again giving you a unique key for the object. Yet another would be to have a key/value in a JSON document that is the username.
It's not clear to me whether you're using Cassandra or Couchbase.
As far as Cassandra is concerned, since version 2.0, you can use Lightweight Transactions which are created for the goal. A Serial Consistency has been created just to achieve what you need. In the above link you can read what follows:
For example, suppose that I have an application that allows users to
register new accounts. Without linearizable consistency, I have no way
to make sure I allow exactly one user to claim a given account — I
have a race condition analogous to two threads attempting to insert
into a [non-concurrent] Map: even if I check for existence before
performing the insert in one thread, I can’t guarantee that no other
thread inserts it after the check but before I do.
As far as the missing connection between two or more cluster its your choice how to handle it. If you can't guarantee the uniqueness at insert-time you can both refuse the registration or dealing with it, accepting and apologize later.
HTH, Carlo

How do I structure multiple Identity Data in a database

Am designing a database for a credit bureau and am seeking some guidance.
The data they receive from Banks, MFIs, Saccos, Utility companies etc comes with various types of IDs. E.g. It is perfectly legal to open a bank account with a National ID and also a Passport. Scenario One that has my head banging is that Customer1 will take a credit facility (call it loan for now) in bank1 with the passport and then go to bank2 and take another loan with their NationalID and Bank3 with their MilitaryID. Eventually when this data comes from the banks to the bureau, it would be seen as 3 different people while we know that its actually 1 person. At this point, there is nothing we can do as a bureau.
However, one way out (for now) is using the Govt registry which provides a repository which holds both passports and IDS. So once we query for this information and get a response, how do I show in the DB that Passport_X is related to NationalID_Y and MilitaryNumber_Z?
Again, a person's name could be captured in various orders states. Bank1 could do FName, LName, OName while Bank3 can do LName, FName only. How do I store this names?
Even against one ID type e.g. NationalID, you will often find misspellt names or missing names. So one NationalID in our database could end up with about 6 different names because the person's name was captured different by the various banks where he has transacted.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. We have issues with addresses, telephone numbers, etc etc.
Could you have any insight as to how I'd structure my database to ensure we capture all data from all banks and provide the most accurate information possible regarding an individual? Better yet, do you have experience with this type of setup?
how do I show in the DB that Passport_X is related to NationalID_Y and MilitaryNumber_Z?
You ahve an identity table, that has an AlternateId field if the Identity is linked to another one. Use the first IDentity you created as master. Any alternative will have AlternateId pointing to it.
You need to separate the identity from the data in it, so you can have alterante versions of it, possibly with an origin and timestampt. You need oto likely fully support versioning and tying different identities to each other as alternative, including generating a "master identity" possibly by algorithm with the "official" version of your data (i.e. consolidated).
The details are complex - mostly you ahve to make a LOT of compromises without killing performance, so at the end HIRE A SPECIALIST. There is a reason there are people out as sensior database designers or architects that have 20+ years experience finding the optimal solution given the constrints you may not even be aware of (application wise).
Better yet, do you have experience with this type of setup?
Yes. Try financial information. Stock symbols / feeds / definitions are not necessariyl compatible and vary by whom you get it. Any non-trivial setup has different data feeds that may show the same item slightly different, sometimes in error. DIfferent name, sometimes different price (example: ES, CME group, is 50 USD per point, but on TT Fix it is 5 - to make up, the price is multiplied by 10, so instad of 1000.25 you get 10002.5). THis is the same line of consolidation, and it STINKS.
Tons of code, tons of proper database design, redoing it half a dozen time to get the proper performance. THis is tricky, sadly.

When is it appropriate to use UUIDs for a web project?

I'm busy with the database design of a new project, and I'm not sure whether to use UUIDs or normal table-unique auto-increment ids.
Up to now, the sites I've built have all run on a single server, and very heavy traffic has never been too much of a concern. However, this web application will eventually run concurrently on multiple servers, serve an API, and need to process thousands of requests per second, and I want to make sure that the design I choose now doesn't cripple any of those possibilities later.
I have my suspicions, of course, and they should be clear through the way I phrased my question, but I would like to hear from those with more experience what trouble I can run into later if I do or don't have UUIDs, and what I should really be basing my decision on.
So, in short: What are the considerations I should give into deciding whether or not to use UUIDs for all database models, so that any one object can be identified uniquely by one string, and when is it appropriate to use this as the primary key, instead of table-by-table auto-increment?
Note: I've seen this question (When are you truly forced to use UUID as part of the design?), and read all the answers, but they mostly answer "How rarely do UUIDs collide", instead of "When is it appropriate to use them".
One consideration that I've used when deciding on UUIDs vs. auto-increment ids is whether they're going to be user-visible, and if so, whether I want users to know how many I have of that table. For example, if I didn't want to make public the number of registered users my site has, I wouldn't assign auto-increment user ids.
And to address one other specific point you raised, it's still possible to use auto-incrementing ids with multiple servers (though not with the built-in MySQL). You just need to start all the ids at different offsets, and increment accordingly. That is, if you had 3 servers, you could start server A at 1, server B at 2, and server C at 3, and then increment the ids by 10 each time instead of 1. That way, you could guarantee no collisions.
And finally, the last thing I consider is how important performance is to my application. Integers are much more easily indexed than UUIDs that are string-based, so indexes are smaller, more quickly searched, etc.
UUID's or GUID's can be very useful especially for the web. If you use auto-increment values to store UserId anyone can view the source of your web pages and see the simplicity of it's use. They could then try any integer value to get data they are not supposed to see.
GUID's are not created in any sequential format, therefore if you create them one right after the other, there sequence can not easily be guessed.
I don't think it's necessary to use GUID's for simple lookup type data such as ColorId 1=Blue, 2=Red, 3=Green.
GUID's are also very useful for session and state management.
That's my $0.02

Methods for storing metadata associated with individual files?

Given a collection of files which will have associated metadata, what are the recommended methods for storing this metadata?
Some files formats support storing metadata internally (EXIF,ID3,etc), but not all file formats support this, so what are more general options?
Some of the metadata would almost certainly be unique (titles/descriptions/etc), whilst some would be repetitive to varying degrees (categories/tags/etc).
It may also be useful to group the metadata, if different types of attribute are required.
Ideally, solutions should cover concepts, rather than specific language implementations.
To store metadata in database has some advantages but main problem with database is that metadata are not directly connected to your data. It is more robust if metada stay with data - like special file in the directory or something like that.
Some filesystems offer special functionality that can be used for metadata - like NTFS Alternate streams. Unfortunately, this can be used for metadata storage in special cases only, because those streams can be easily lost when copying data to storage system that does not support it. I believe that linux filesystems have also similar storage mechanism.
Anyway, most common solutions are :
separate hidden file(s) (per directory) that hold metadata
some application use special hidden directory with metadata (like subversion, cvs etc).
or database (of various kinds) for all application specific metada - this database can be used also for caching purposes in most cases
IMO there is no general purpose solution. I would choose storage of metadata in hidden file (robustness) with use of the database for fast access and caching.
One option might be a relational database, structured like this:
This implementation has some unique information (title/description),
but is primarily targetted at repetitive groups of data.
For some requirements, other less generic tables may be more useful.
This has advantages of this being that relational databases are very common,
and obviously very good at handling relationships and storing lots of data.
However, for some uses a database server brings an overhead which might not be desirable.
Also, the database server is distinct from the files - they do not sit together, and require different methods of interaction.
Databases do not (easily) sit under version control - which may be a good or bad thing, depending on your point of view and specific needs.
I think the "solution" depends greatly upon what you're going to be doing with the metadata.
For example, almost all of the metadata we store (Multiple datasets of scientific data) are all chopped up and stored in a database. This allows us to create datasets to preserve the common metadata between the files (as you say, categories and tags) while we have file specific structures (title, start/stop time, min/max values etc.) While we could keep these in hidden files, we do a lot of searching and open our interface to outside consumers via web services.
If you're storing metadata that isn't going to be searched on, hidden files or a dedicated .xml file per "real" file isn't a bad route to take. It's readable by basically anything, can be converted to different formats easily, and won't be lost if you decide to change your storage mechanism.
Metadata should help you, not hinder you. I've seen (and been a part of) systems where metadata storage has become more burdensome than storing the actual data, and became a liability. Just keep in mind what you are trying to do with it, and don't over extend yourself with "what ifs."
Plain text has some obvious advantages over anything else. Something like
FileName = 'ferrari.gif'
Title = 'My brand new car'
Tags = 'cars', 'cool'
Related = 'michaelknight.mp3'
Picasa's Picasa.ini files are a good example for this kind of metadata. Also, instead of inventing your own format, XML might be worth considering. There are plenty of readily available DOM processors to deal with this format.
Then again, if the amount of files and relations between them is huge, databases may be better.
I would basically make a metadata DB which held this information:
RESOURCE_TYPE (folder, doctype, web link, other)
RESOURCE_NOTE (long text)
Then I would use the note field textual notes to the file/folder/resource. Choose if you would use 1:1 or 1:N for this.
The tags field I would use to store any number of searchable parameters like YEAR, PROJECT, and other values that will describe and group your content.
Then you could add tables for owner, stakeholders, and other organisation info etc.

What are some techniques for stored database keys in URL

I have read that using database keys in a URL is a bad thing to do.
For instance,
My table has 3 fields: ID:int, Title:nvarchar(5), Description:Text
I want to create a page that displays a record. Something like ...
First off, could someone elaborate on why this is a bad thing to do?
and secondly, what are some ways to work around using primary keys in a url?
I think it's perfectly reasonable to use primary keys in the URL.
Some considerations, however:
1) Avoid SQL injection attacks. If you just blindly accept the value of the id URL parameter and pass it into the DB, you are at risk. Make sure you sanitise the input so that it matches whatever format of key you have (e.g. strip any non-numeric characters).
2) SEO. It helps if your URL contains some context about the item (e.g. "big fluffy rabbit" rather than 1234). This helps search engines see that your page is relevant. It can also be useful for your users (I can tell from my browser history which record is which without having to remember a number).
It's not inherently a bad thing to do, but it has some caveats.
Caveat one is that someone can type in different keys and maybe pull up data you didn't want / expect them to get at. You can reduce the chance that this is successful by increasing your key space (for example making ids random 64 bit numbers).
Caveat two is that if you're running a public service and you have competitors they may be able to extract business information from your keys if they are monotonic. Example: create a post today, create a post in a week, compare Ids and you have extracted the rate at which posts are being made.
Caveat three is that it's prone to SQL injection attacks. But you'd never make those mistakes, right?
Using IDs in the URL is not necessarily bad. This site uses it, despite being done by professionals.
How can they be dangerous? When users are allowed to update or delete entries belonging to them, developers implement some sort of authentication, but they often forget to check if the entry really belongs to you. A malicious user could form a URL like "/questions/12345/delete" when he notices that "12345" belongs to you, and it would be deleted.
Programmers should ensure that a database entry with an arbitrary ID really belongs to the current logged-in user before performing such operation.
Sometimes there are strong reasons to avoid exposing IDs in the URL. In such cases, developers often generate random hashes that they store for each entry and use those in the URL. A malicious person tampering in the URL bar would have a hard time guessing a hash that would belong to some other user.
Security and privacy are the main reasons to avoid doing this. Any information that gives away your data structure is more information that a hacker can use to access your database. As mopoke says, you also expose yourself to SQL injection attacks which are fairly common and can be extremely harmful to your database and application. From a privacy standpoint, if you are displaying any information that is sensitive or personal, anybody can just substitute a number to retrieve information and if you have no mechanism for authentication, you could be putting your information at risk. Also, if it's that easy to query your database, you open yourself up to Denial of Service attacks with someone just looping through URL's against your server since they know each one will get a response.
Regardless of the nature of the data, I tend to recommend against sharing anything in the URL that could give away anything about your application's architecture, it seems to me you are just inviting trouble (I feel the same way about hidden fields which aren't really hidden).
To get around it, we usaully encrypt the parameters before passing them. In some cases, the encyrpted URL also includes some form of verification/authentication mechanism so the server can decide if it's ok to process.
Of course every application is different and the level of security you want to implement has to be balanced with functionality, budget, performance, etc. But I don't see anything wrong with being paranoid when it comes to data security.
It's a bit pedantic at times, but you want to use a unique business identifier for things rather than the surrogate key.
It can be as simple as ItemNumber instead of Id.
The Id is a db concern, not a business/user concern.
Using integer primary keys in a URL is a security risk. It is quite easy for someone to post using any number. For example, through normal web application use, the user creates a user record with an ID of 45 (viewitem/id/45). This means the user automatically knows there are 44 other users. And unless you have a correct authorization system in place they can see the other user's information by created their own url (viewitem/id/32).
2a. Use proper authorization.
2b. Use GUIDs for primary keys.
showing the key itself isn't inherently bad because it holds no real meaning, but showing the means to obtain access to an item is bad.
for instance say you had an online store that sold stuff from 2 merchants. Merchant A had items (1, 3, 5, 7) and Merchant B has items (2, 4, 5, 8).
If I am shopping on Merchant A's site and see:
I could then try to fiddle with it and type:
That might let me access an item that I shouldn't be accessing since I am shopping with Merchant A and not B. In general allowing users to fiddle with stuff like that can lead to security problems. Another brief example is employees that can look at their personal information (id=382) but they type in someone else id to go directly to someone else profile.
Now, having said that.. this is not bad as long as security checks are built into the system that check to make sure people are doing what they are supposed to (ex: not shopping with another merchant or not viewing another employee).
One mechanism is to store information in sessions, but some do not like that. I am not a web programmer so I will not go into that :)
The main thing is to make sure the system is secure. Never trust data that came back from the user.
Everybody seems to be posting the "problems" with using this technique, but I haven't seen any solutions. What are the alternatives. There has to be something in the URL that uniquely defines what you want to display to the user. The only other solution I can think of would be to run your entire site off forms, and have the browser post the value to the server. This is a little trickier to code, as all links need to be form submits. Also, it's only minimally harder for users of the site to put in whatever value they wish. Also this wouldn't allow the user to bookmark anything, which is a major disadvantage.
#John Virgolino mentioned encrypting the entire query string, which could help with this process. However it seems like going a little too far for most applications.
I've been reading about this, looking for a solution, but as #Kibbee says there is no real consensus.
I can think of a few possible solutions:
1) If your table uses integer keys (likely), add a check-sum digit to the identifier. That way, (simple) injection attacks will usually fail. On receiving the request, simply remove the check-sum digit and check that it still matches - if they don't then you know the URL has been tampered with. This method also hides your "rate of growth" (somewhat).
2) When storing the DB record initially, save a "secondary key" or value that you are happy to be a public id. This has to be unique and usually not sequential - examples are a UUID/Guid or a hash (MD5) of the integer ID e.g. http://server/item.aspx?id=AbD3sTGgxkjero (but be careful of characters that are not compatible with http). Nb. the secondary field will need to be indexed, and you will lose benefits of clustering that you get in 1).
