Write registers data into array using asm C - c

I created a program that writes registers data into variables using asm. And it seems to be working well. But then I decided to replace variables by an array and to write registers data into an array. I used the same approach, but noticed that when I'm printing variables and array members they have different values, but should have the same values.
What I'm doing wrong trying to write the registers values into an array? As I understand it
should work the same way if to write to a standalone variable.
void read_registers(void)
int ebx_val, ecx_val, edx_val;
char reg_name[4][4] = {"ebx", "ecx", "edx"};
int reg_val[3];
printk("\n===OLD VALUES BELOW===");
test_syscall();/*inside of the syscall registers were written 0xDEADBEEF*/
__asm__ volatile (
"\t movl %%ebx,%0" : "=r"(ebx_val));
__asm__ volatile (
"\t movl %%ecx,%0" : "=r"(ecx_val));
__asm__ volatile (
"\t movl %%edx,%0" : "=r"(edx_val));
printk("\nReg ebx val user mode 0x%x\n", ebx_val);
printk("\nReg ecx val user mode 0x%x\n", ecx_val);
printk("\nReg edx val user mode 0x%x\n", edx_val);
printk("\n===NEW VALUES BELOW===");
__asm__ volatile (
"\t movl %%ebx,%0" : "=r"(reg_val[0]));
__asm__ volatile (
"\t movl %%ecx,%0" : "=r"(reg_val[1]));
__asm__ volatile (
"\t movl %%edx,%0" : "=r"(reg_val[2]));
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
printk("\nReg %s val is 0x%x\n", reg_name + i,


Moving data into __uint24 with assembly

I originally had the following C code:
volatile register uint16_t counter asm("r12");
__uint24 getCounter() {
__uint24 res = counter;
res = (res << 8) | TCNT0;
return res;
This function runs in some hot places and is inlined, and I'm trying to cram a lot of stuff into an ATtiny13, so it came time to optimize it.
That function compiles to:
movw r24,r12
ldi r26,0
clr r22
mov r23,r24
mov r24,r25
in r25,0x32
or r22,r25
I came up with this assembly:
inline __uint24 getCounter() {
//__uint24 res = counter;
//res = (res << 8) | TCNT0;
uint32_t result;
"in %A[result],0x32" "\n\t"
"movw %C[result],%[counter]" "\n\t"
"mov %B[result],%C[result]" "\n\t"
"mov %C[result],%D[result]" "\n\t"
: [result] "=r" (result)
: [counter] "r" (counter)
return (__uint24) result;
The reason for uint32_t is to "allocate" the fourth consecutive register and for the compiler to understand it is clobbered (since I cannot do something like "%D[result]" in the clobber list)
Is my assembly correct? From my testing it seems like it is.
Is there a way to allow the compiler to optimize getCounter() better so there's not need for confusing assembly?
Is there a better way to do this in assembly?

Assembly loop through a string to count characters

i try to make an assembly code that count how many characters is in the string, but i get an error.
Code, I use gcc and intel_syntax
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char *s = "aqr b qabxx xryc pqr";
int x;
asm volatile (
".intel_syntax noprefix;"
"mov eax, %1;"
"xor ebx,ebx;"
"mov al,[eax];"
"or al, al;"
"jz print;"
"inc ebx;"
"jmp loop"
"mov %0, ebx;"
".att_syntax prefix;"
: "=r" (x)
: "r" (s)
: "eax", "ebx"
printf("Length of string: %d\n", x);
return 0;
And i got error:
Error: invalid use of register
Finally I want to make program, which search for regex pattern([pq][^a]+a) and prints it's start position and length. I wrote it in C, but I have to make it work in assembly:
My C code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
char *s = "aqr b qabxx xryc pqr";
int y,i;
int x=-1,length=0, pos = 0;
int len = strlen(s);
for(i=0; i<len;i++){
if((s[i] == 'p' || s[i] == 'q') && length<=0){
pos = i;
} else if((s[i] != 'a')) && pos>0){
} else if((s[i] == 'a') && pos>0){
if(y < length) {
length = 0;
x = pos;
pos = 0;
length = 0;
pos = 0;
printf("position: %d, length: %d", x, y);
return 0;
You omitted the semicolon after jmp loop and print:.
Also your asm isn't going to work correctly. You move the pointer to s into eax, but then you overwrite it with mov al,[eax]. So the next pass thru the loop, eax doesn't point to the string anymore.
And when you fix that, you need to think about the fact that each pass thru the loop needs to change eax to point to the next character, otherwise mov al,[eax] keeps reading the same character.
Since you haven't accepted an answer yet (by clicking the checkmark to the left), there's still time for one more edit.
Normally I don't "do people's homework", but it's been a few days. Presumably the due date for the assignment has passed. Such being the case, here are a few solutions, both for the education of the OP and for future SO users:
1) Following the (somewhat odd) limitations of the assignment:
asm volatile (
".intel_syntax noprefix;"
"mov eax, %1;"
"xor ebx,ebx;"
"cmp byte ptr[eax], 0;"
"jz print;"
"inc ebx;"
"inc eax;"
"cmp byte ptr[eax], 0;"
"jnz loop;"
"mov %0, ebx;"
".att_syntax prefix;"
: "=r" (x)
: "r" (s)
: "eax", "ebx"
2) Violating some of the assignment rules to make slightly better code:
asm (
"\n.intel_syntax noprefix\n\t"
"mov eax, %1\n\t"
"xor %0,%0\n\t"
"cmp byte ptr[eax], 0\n\t"
"jz print\n"
"inc %0\n\t"
"inc eax\n\t"
"cmp byte ptr[eax], 0\n\t"
"jnz loop\n"
".att_syntax prefix"
: "=r" (x)
: "r" (s)
: "eax", "cc", "memory"
This uses 1 fewer register (no ebx) and omits the (unnecessary) volatile qualifier. It also adds the "cc" clobber to indicate that the code modifies the flags, and uses the "memory" clobber to ensure that any 'pending' writes to s get flushed to memory before executing the asm. It also uses formatting (\n\t) so the output from building with -S is readable.
3) Advanced version which uses even fewer registers (no eax), checks to ensure that s is not NULL (returns -1), uses symbolic names and assumes -masm=intel which results in more readable code:
__asm__ (
"test %[string], %[string]\n\t"
"jz print\n"
"inc %[length]\n\t"
"cmp byte ptr[%[string] + %[length]], 0\n\t"
"jnz loop\n"
: [length] "=r" (x)
: [string] "r" (s), "[length]" (-1)
: "cc", "memory"
Getting rid of the (arbitrary and not well thought out) assignment constraints allows us to reduce this to 7 lines (5 if we don't check for NULL, 3 if we don't count labels [which aren't actually instructions]).
There are ways to improve this even further (using %= on the labels to avoid possible duplicate symbol issues, using local labels (.L), even writing it so it works for both -masm=intel and -masm=att, etc.), but I daresay that any of these 3 are better than the code in the original question.
Well Kuba, I'm not sure what more you are after here before you'll accept an answer. Still, it does give me the chance to include Peter's version.
4) Pointer increment:
__asm__ (
"cmp byte ptr[%[string]], 0\n\t"
"jz .Lprint%=\n"
"inc %[length]\n\t"
"cmp byte ptr[%[length]], 0\n\t"
"jnz .Loop%=\n"
"sub %[length], %[string]"
: [length] "=&r" (x)
: [string] "r" (s), "[length]" (s)
: "cc", "memory"
This does not do the 'NULL pointer' check from #3, but it does do the 'pointer increment' that Peter was recommending. It also avoids potential duplicate symbols (using %=), and uses 'local' labels (ones that start with .L) to avoid extra symbols getting written to the object file.
From a "performance" point of view, this might be slightly better (I haven't timed it). However from a "school project" point of view, the clarity of #3 seems like it would be a better choice. From a "what would I write in the real world if for some bizarre reason I HAD to write this in asm instead of just using a standard c function" point of view, I'd probably look at usage, and unless this was performance critical, I'd be tempted to go with #3 in order to ease future maintenance.

Using FPU with C inline assembly

I wrote a vector structure like this:
struct vector {
float x1, x2, x3, x4;
Then I created a function which does some operations with inline assembly using the vector:
struct vector *adding(const struct vector v1[], const struct vector v2[], int size) {
struct vector vec[size];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
"FLDL %4 \n" //v1.x1
"FADDL %8 \n" //v2.x1
"FSTL %0 \n"
"FLDL %5 \n" //v1.x2
"FADDL %9 \n" //v2.x2
"FSTL %1 \n"
"FLDL %6 \n" //v1.x3
"FADDL %10 \n" //v2.x3
"FSTL %2 \n"
"FLDL %7 \n" //v1.x4
"FADDL %11 \n" //v2.x4
"FSTL %3 \n"
:"=m"(vec[i].x1), "=m"(vec[i].x2), "=m"(vec[i].x3), "=m"(vec[i].x4) //wyjscie
:"g"(&v1[i].x1), "g"(&v1[i].x2), "g"(&v1[i].x3), "g"(&v1[i].x4), "g"(&v2[i].x1), "g"(&v2[i].x2), "g"(&v2[i].x3), "g"(&v2[i].x4) //wejscie
return vec;
Everything looks OK, but when I try to compile this with GCC I get these errors:
Error: Operand type mismatch for 'fadd'
Error: Invalid instruction suffix for 'fld'
On OS/X in XCode everything working correctly. What is wrong with this code?
Coding Issues
I'm not looking at making this efficient (I'd be using SSE/SIMD if the processor supports it). Since this part of the assignment is to use the FPU stack then here are some concerns I have:
Your function declares a local stack based variable:
struct vector vec[size];
The problem is that your function returns a vector * and you do this:
return vec;
This is very bad. The stack based variable could get clobbered after the function returns and before the data gets consumed by the caller. One alternative is to allocate memory on the heap rather than the stack. You can replace struct vector vec[size]; with:
struct vector *vec = malloc(sizeof(struct vector)*size);
This would allocate enough space for an array of size number of vector. The person who calls your function would have to use free to deallocate the memory from the heap when finished.
Your vector structure uses float, not double. The instructions FLDL, FADDL, FSTL all operate on double (64-bit floats). Each of these instructions will load and store 64-bits when used with a memory operand. This would lead to the wrong values being loaded/stored to/from the FPU stack. You should be using FLDS, FADDS, FSTS to operate on 32-bit floats.
In the assembler templates you use the g constraint on the inputs. This means the compiler is free to use any general purpose registers, a memory operand, or an immediate value. FLDS, FADDS, FSTS do not take immediate values or general purpose registers (non-FPU registers) so if the compiler attempts to do so it will likely produce errors similar to Error: Operand type mismatch for xxxx.
Since these instructions understand a memory reference use m instead of g constraint. You will need to remove the & (ampersands) from the input operands since m implies that it will be dealing with the memory address of a variable/C expression.
You don't pop the values off the FPU stack when finished. FST with a single operand copies the value at the top of the stack to the destination. The value on the stack remains. You should store it and pop it off with an FSTP instruction. You want the FPU stack to be empty when your assembler template ends. The FPU stack is very limited with only 8 slots available. If the FPU stack is not clear when the template completes then you run the risk of the FPU stack overflowing on subsequent calls. Since you leave 4 values on the stack on each call, calling the function adding a third time should fail.
To simplify the code a bit I'd recommend using a typedef to define vector. Define your structure this way:
typedef struct {
float x1, x2, x3, x4;
} vector;
All references to struct vector can simply become vector.
With all of these things in mind your code could look something like this:
typedef struct {
float x1, x2, x3, x4;
} vector;
vector *adding(const vector v1[], const vector v2[], int size) {
vector *vec = malloc(sizeof(vector)*size);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
"FLDS %4 \n" //v1.x1
"FADDS %8 \n" //v2.x1
"FSTPS %0 \n"
"FLDS %5 \n" //v1.x2
"FADDS %9 \n" //v2.x2
"FSTPS %1 \n"
"FLDS %6 \n" //v1->x3
"FADDS %10 \n" //v2->x3
"FSTPS %2 \n"
"FLDS %7 \n" //v1->x4
"FADDS %11 \n" //v2->x4
"FSTPS %3 \n"
:"=m"(vec[i].x1), "=m"(vec[i].x2), "=m"(vec[i].x3), "=m"(vec[i].x4)
:"m"(v1[i].x1), "m"(v1[i].x2), "m"(v1[i].x3), "m"(v1[i].x4),
"m"(v2[i].x1), "m"(v2[i].x2), "m"(v2[i].x3), "m"(v2[i].x4)
return vec;
Alternative Solutions
I don't know the parameters of the assignment, but if it were to make you use GCC extended assembler templates to manually do an operation on the vector with an FPU instruction then you could define the vector with an array of 4 float. Use a nested loop to process each element of the vector independently passing each through to the assembler template to be added together.
Define the vector as:
typedef struct {
float x[4];
} vector;
The function as:
vector *adding(const vector v1[], const vector v2[], int size) {
int i, e;
vector *vec = malloc(sizeof(vector)*size);
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (e = 0; e < 4; e++) {
:"0"(v1[i].x[e]), "u"(v2[i].x[e])
return vec;
This uses the i386 machine constraints t and u on the operands. Rather than passing a memory address we allow GCC to pass them via the top two slots on the FPU stack. t and u are defined as:
Top of 80387 floating-point stack (%st(0)).
Second from top of 80387 floating-point stack (%st(1)).
The no operand form of FADDP does this:
Add ST(0) to ST(1), store result in ST(1), and pop the register stack
We pass the two values to add at the top of the stack and perform an operation leaving ONLY the result in ST(0). We can then get the assembler template to copy the value on the top of the stack and pop it off automatically for us.
We can use an output operand of =t to specify the value we want moved is from the top of the FPU stack. =t will also pop (if needed) the value off the top of FPU stack for us. We can also use the top of the stack as an input value too! If the output operand is %0 we can reference it as an input operand with the constraint 0 (which means use the same constraint as operand 0). The second vector value will use the u constraint so it is passed as the second FPU stack element (ST(1))
A slight improvement that could potentially allow GCC to optimize the code it generates would be to use the % modifier on the first input operand. The % modifier is documented as:
Declares the instruction to be commutative for this operand and the following operand. This means that the compiler may interchange the two operands if that is the cheapest way to make all operands fit the constraints. ‘%’ applies to all alternatives and must appear as the first character in the constraint. Only read-only operands can use ‘%’.
Because x+y and y+x yield the same result we can tell the compiler that it can swap the operand marked with % with the one defined immediately after in the template. "0"(v1[i].x[e]) could be changed to "%0"(v1[i].x[e])
Disadvantages: We've reduced the code in the assembler template to a single instruction, and we've used the template to do most of the work setting things up and tearing it down. The problem is that if the vectors are likely going to be memory bound then we transfer between FPU registers and memory and back more times than we may like it to. The code generated may not be very efficient as we can see in this Godbolt output.
We can force memory usage by applying the idea in your original code to the template. This code may yield more reasonable results:
vector *adding(const vector v1[], const vector v2[], int size) {
int i, e;
vector *vec = malloc(sizeof(vector)*size);
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (e = 0; e < 4; e++) {
"FADDS %2\n"
:"0"(v1[i].x[e]), "m"(v2[i].x[e])
return vec;
Note: I've removed the % modifier in this case. In theory it should work, but GCC seems to emit less efficient code (CLANG seems okay) when targeting x86-64. I'm unsure if it is a bug; whether my understanding is lacking in how this operator should work; or there is an optimization being done I don't understand. Until I look at it closer I am leaving it off to generate the code I would expect to see.
In the last example we are forcing the FADDS instruction to operate on a memory operand. The Godbolt output is considerably cleaner, with the loop itself looking like:
flds (%rdi) # MEM[base: _51, offset: 0B]
addq $16, %rdi #, ivtmp.6
addq $16, %rcx #, ivtmp.8
FADDS (%rsi) # _31->x
fstps -16(%rcx) # _28->x
addq $16, %rsi #, ivtmp.9
flds -12(%rdi) # MEM[base: _51, offset: 4B]
FADDS -12(%rsi) # _31->x
fstps -12(%rcx) # _28->x
flds -8(%rdi) # MEM[base: _51, offset: 8B]
FADDS -8(%rsi) # _31->x
fstps -8(%rcx) # _28->x
flds -4(%rdi) # MEM[base: _51, offset: 12B]
FADDS -4(%rsi) # _31->x
fstps -4(%rcx) # _28->x
cmpq %rdi, %rdx # ivtmp.6, D.2922
jne .L3 #,
In this final example GCC unwound the inner loop and only the outer loop remains. The code generated by the compiler is similar in nature to what was produced by hand in the original question's assembler template.

Is it correct to perform a function call like this?

I have an array with 32bit values (nativeParameters with length nativeParameterCount) and a pointer to the function (void* to a cdecl function, here method->nativeFunction) thats supposed to be called. Now I'm trying to do this:
// Push parameters for call
if (nativeParameterCount != 0) {
uint32_t count = 0;
uint32_t value = nativeParameters[nativeParameterCount - count - 1];
asm("push %0" : : "r"(value));
if (++count < nativeParameterCount) goto pushParameter;
// Call method
asm("call *%0" : : "r"(method->nativeFunction));
// Return value
uint32_t eax;
uint32_t edx;
asm("push %eax");
asm("push %edx");
asm("pop %0" : "=r"(edx));
asm("pop %0" : "=r"(eax));
uint64_t returnValue = eax;
// If the typesize of the methods return type is >4 bytes, or with EDX
Type returnType = method->returnType.type;
if (TYPE_SIZES[returnType] > 4) {
returnValue |= (((uint64_t) edx) << 32);
// Clean stack
asm("add %%esp, %0" : : "r"(parameterByteSize));
Is this approach suitable to perform a native call (assuming that all target functions accept only 32bit values as parameters)? Can I be sure that it doesn't destroy the stack or mess with registers, or somehow else influence the normal flow? Also, are there other ways of doing this?
Instead of doing this manually yourself, you might want to use the dyncall libary which does all this handling for you.

inline assembler for calling a system call and retrieve its result

I want to call a system call (prctl) in assembly inline and retrieve the result of the system call. But I cannot make it work.
This is the code I am using:
int install_filter(void)
long int res =-1;
void *prg_ptr = NULL;
struct sock_filter filter[] = {
/* If a trap is not generate, the application is killed */
struct sock_fprog prog = {
.len = (unsigned short)(sizeof(filter)/sizeof(filter[0])),
.filter = filter,
prg_ptr = &prog;
__asm__ (
"mov %1, %%rdx\n"
"mov $0x2, %%rsi \n"
"mov $0x16, %%rdi \n"
"mov $0x9d, %%rax\n"
"mov %%rax, %0\n"
: "=r"(res)
: "r"(prg_ptr)
: "%rdx", "%rsi", "%rdi", "%rax"
if ( res < 0 ){
return 0;
The address of the filter should be the input (prg_ptr) and I want to save the result in res.
Can you help me?
For inline assembly, you don't use movs like this unless you have to, and even then you have to do ugly shiffling. That's because you have no idea what registers arguments arrive in. Instead, you should use:
__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(res) : "d"(prg_ptr), "S"(0x2), "D"(0x16), "a"(0x9d) : "memory");
I also added __volatile__, which you should use for any asm with side-effects other than its output, and a memory clobber (memory barrier), which you should use for any asm with side-effects on memory or for which reordering it with respect to memory accesses would be invalid. It's good practice to always use both of these for syscalls unless you know you don't need them.
If you're still having problems, use strace to observe the syscall attempt and see what's going wrong.
