Issues while deploying Flask-admin module in gcloud app engine - google-app-engine

I am trying to deploy a flask application to gcloud app engine. I am trying to use the Flask-Admin module. The code works fine on my local server. But when deployed to gcloud app engine the admin module does not work. Let me know if you need any further details.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Below is the code for the main
if __name__ == '__main__':
admin = admin.Admin(app, 'my application Admin', index_view=MyAdminIndexView(), template_mode='bootstrap3')
admin.add_view(ModelView(TestimonialsAdmin))'', port=8080, debug=True)
Below is the error I observe while trying to access admin
Not Found The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
Tried standard python 37 as well as flexible environment.
runtime: python37
service: appname
- url: .*
script: auto

Issue resolved after removing the below code from main method.
admin = admin.Admin(app, 'my application Admin', index_view=MyAdminIndexView(), template_mode='bootstrap3')
placed them in the program like below :-
admin = admin.Admin(app, 'my application Admin', index_view=MyAdminIndexView(), template_mode='bootstrap3')
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8000, debug=True)


Deploying a service to a subdomain Google App Engine

I have two services in my Google App Engine project: default and betaversion
they are currently, successfully deployed to different domains (e.g., example and otherwebsite), because I can't get the one deployed on the subdomain. what I'd like is for default to be at:
and for the beta to be at:
so I only have to maintain 1 domain. I've made and deployed a dispatch.yaml file and added the beta CNAME DNS registration in the app engine settings and with my DNS registrar.
- url: "*"
service: default
- url: "*"
service: betaversion
- url: "*"
service: betaversion works, but it's routing to the default service. I feel like I must be missing something small, but it's driving me crazy. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
In case this helps anyone, the issue was that my updated dispatch.yaml file was inside of an undeployed version of the app.yaml file in the betaversion service.
If editing the dispatch.yaml file - make sure you also re-deploy the location containing that dispatch file. In my case, deploying it using
gcloud app deploy service-folder/dispatch.yaml
did not work unless I also deployed the service as well
gcloud app deploy service-folder/app.yampl service-folder/dispatch.yaml
It could be that you have not specified the service name in the yaml for the non-default service. If you don't specify a service name, I think it will go to the default service.
In addition, we have a blog post (complete with an example) about this scenario. Maybe something there will help you.

override wildcard dispatch.yaml entry with a specific path in app engine

I am in a situation where I have one app engine service (service-a) that needs to handle a particular path ( and I have another app engine service on the same domain (service-b) that needs to handle all other traffic to that domain (*).
I've tried structuring my dispatch.yaml as follows, however no matter what I do the ends up getting handled by service-b rather than service-a. In other words, all paths are being routed to service-b.
- url: ""
service: service-a
- url: "*"
service: service-b
How can I handle this situation?
This seems to be more about your code than the dispatch.yaml file that is roting to service-b. For example, I deployed two services, service 1:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return 'Service 1'
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8080, debug=True)
And service 2:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return 'Service 2'
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8080, debug=True)
With the following dispatch.yaml:
- url: ""
service: app2
- url: "*"
service: default
If I try to access to it shows NOT FOUND error message. If I change the routing in service 2 from #app.route('/') to #app.route('/app2') it works like a charm.
I think that your dispatch.yaml redirects to your service-a but the code inside that service redirects to
BTW, if inside your services all your .yaml files are named app.yaml GAE for an unknown reason redirect to the default service so it's better to name every .yaml as the service it handles.

503 errors when trying to login on local Google AppEngine server

I have a functional Go app which I've been running locally for months. Got setup with Google Cloud, did a test run to a live domain, everything works.
Looking back at my local machine, I want to run a local Google AppEngine server (instead of running my Go app directly). It runs, however I'm trying to use the "login: required" parameter in app.yaml, and I see the login form at localhost:8080, however no matter what email I input, it keeps timing out with 503 errors.
My app.yaml:
application: myapp-dev
env: flex
runtime: go
api_version: go1
- url: /
script: _go_app
login: required
Command I use to run the local app: app.yaml
Flexible environment doesn't support 'login' features via app.yaml (external to whatever regular login you'd do in your app).
Standard environment app.yaml doc DOES list 'login' features:
Flexible environment app.yaml doc DOES NOT list 'login' features:
But more specifically, a page talking about upgrading from Standard-to-Flex, mentions that the login handlers for flex have been deprecated:
The login setting under handlers is now deprecated for the App Engine
flexible environment. You should follow the guidance for User service
So basically, with flex environment, there is no project-wide login controls possible outside of your app. You have to let the app initialize and then do normal authentication/authorization.
For my own project, I wanted a quick app-wide level of security so I could provide guest accounts and have them see what a public not-logged-in view of my app would be. Yes I can do the same within my app, I just wanted to save some work.

App Engine - subdomain pointing to particular service

I have two subdomains registered in my App Engine application:
I have added all the records (CNAME, A) on the server.
I have three services in my GAE:
And I want each subdomain to point to the correct service. However, each time I access them, only the default service is used.
Side note: the GAE is running a flexible environment for laravel 5.4 and my dispatch.yaml (located in default service is as follows:
-url: "*"
service: service-a
-url: "*"
service: service-b
This worked for me. Hope this helps someone.
GAE Standard:
I have an angular project which will load for any subdomain except one subdomain "api".
The backend is written in Go and all services are under a service named "api"
STEP1: Setting local env
Angular project has the following app.yaml
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
instance_class: F1
- url: /
static_files: default/index.html
upload: default/index.html
- url: /
static_dir: default
My service.yaml file resides in a separate directory and has the following
runtime: go
api_version: go1
instance_class: F1
service: api
- url: /.*
script: _go_app
secure: always
My dispatch.yaml has the following
- url: "*"
service: api
//Add more subdomain : services mapping here
I deployed all these files using gcloud app deploy command
Step 2 - Configure Custom domains in GAE.
In GAE Console, goto Project Settings > Custom Domains
Add your domain
Verify your domainusing one of the methods provided by Google.
Update CNAME, A and AAA records in your domain service provider's DNS Settings
Step 3 - Configure Sub Domain
Add a subdomain
Add the CNAME in your domain service provider's settings.
// add more subdomains if required
Add a Wildcard subdomain *
Add the CNAME in your domain service provider's settings to redirect * to google.
Wait for few minutes for the settings to be applied.
Now your application will redirect, , * to the Angular code
and to your api service
Please note that dispatch.yaml is an app-level configuration, not a service-level one and occasionally updating the service containing it doesn't automatically update the app-level configs.
You should use the specific deployment commands for dispatch.yaml, executed from the directory containing the file:
gcloud app deploy dispatch.yaml if you're using the Cloud SDK update_dispatch . if you're still using the GAE SDK
See also dispatch.yaml not getting updated.
The same is true for other app-level .yaml config files as well, which is probably one reason for each having its own update/deploy command (and also to allow deploying them independently of any particular app service. Somehow related: Why do I need to deploy a "default" app before I can deploy multiple services in GCP?
Actually the answer was really easy: You just need to map a wildcard subdomain and GAE would the use the service corresponding to the prefix.

Putting a Cloud Endpoints API in a separate App Engine module

I am developing an App Engine app and plan to also provide an API. I would like to separate this API from the main site, so I'm trying to use the "modules" feature to separate both apps. The main site would be the "default" module, and the API would lie in the "api" module. However, I'm having troubles with this.
Right now my main app's YAML file is like this:
application: my-app
module: default
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
# Root handler
- url: /.*
secure: always
And the API module YAML file, like this:
application: my-app
module: api
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
# Endpoints handler
- url: /_ah/spi/.*
secure: always
On the development server, the app is served on port 8000, and the API on port 7998.
With this configuration, my API doesn't work. Whenever I try to access it using localhost:7998/_ah/api/explorer, I don't get any result. If I try to run an API request manually, I get the following error: {"error": {"message": "BackendService.getApiConfigs Error"}}.
What's strange is I'm also seeing the following lines in the development server logs:
INFO 2014-06-15 18:00:32,368] default: "POST /_ah/spi/BackendService.getApiConfigs HTTP/1.1" 500 -
INFO 2014-06-15 18:00:32,368] api: "GET /_ah/api/my-app/v1/events HTTP/1.1" 500 60
It seems like the API module is trying to POST data to the default module (as seen in the first line of logs).
Right now, the only workaround I found is to add the same handlers for /_ah/spi/.* in the default YAML file, but in this situation the separation between the main app and the API is not effective.
Can someone tell me if the configuration I'm trying to achieve is supported by Cloud Endpoints?
Thank you very much!
Same problem, I was able to make it work after may temptatives: the (only) way i found is to make the cloud endopoints module the default module. Then i have: on the dev server the two modules listening at different ports, you can see prot numbers on the log and on for the cloud endpoints and for the other module
I had the same problem.
I solved using one file to publish my APIs. This file is indicated in app.yaml. I put my APIs in different files.
- url: /_ah/spi/.*
script: apis.publish_api.api
secure: always
import endpoints
from teacher.teacher_api import TeacherApi
from student.student_api import StudentApi
api = endpoints.api_server([TeacherApi, StudentApi])
#endpoints.api( name='teacher',
class TeacherApi(remote.Service):
#endpoints.method(message_types.VoidMessage, StringMessage,
path='teacher', http_method='POST', name='writeTeacher')
So, I get to mantain each file separately.
