How to add href to a button in react material-ui stepper - reactjs

I'm trying to redirect to a page when the user clicks on the "Book now" button at the end of a Stepper instead of displaying "Thank you for your interest". Can this be possible by adding an href="/booking" to a button at the last step? Or there is some other way by adding a function to handle this? Thank you in advance!
Here is the part of the code I'm referring to:
{activeStep === steps.length ? (
<Typography variant="h5" gutterBottom>
Thank you for your interest!
) : (
<div className={classes.buttons}>
{activeStep !== 0 && (
<Button onClick={this.handleBack} className={classes.button}>
{activeStep === steps.length - 1 ? 'Book Now' : 'Next'}

As mentioned in my comments, I'd give a solution based on the official docs code at:
You can create a function like the one below to keep track of the activeStep.
const isLastStep = () => {
if (activeStep === steps.length) window.location.href = '\booking';
return false;
Now in your template you can call this function instead of manual checking of last step as below:
{isLastStep ? (
This is a dirty solution but doing it correctly as mentioned in the link above can make it look cleaner. I hope it helps.


How to navigate into a section inside another component in React?

**I have a component called Signup , inside I have a button which should direct me to a section inside another component **
*Here's my button code *
<div className="btn1">
<Link to="/Navbar/#loginsec">
style={{ display : "block" ,textDecoration: "none", listStyle: "none" }}
onClick={() => {
GO !!
*I added to the path in the 'Link' the id of that section because I read that it could work *
**Here's my section code **
<section id="loginsec" className={showSignIn ? "signUp active" : "signUp"}>
<div className="signIn-overlay" onClick={show}></div>
<div className="container__form">
className={authfailed ? "active" : ""}
onClose={() => {
Authentication failed - try again!
*Still a lot of code left but I grabbed the necessary bit *
You need to install this package 'react-router-hash-link'
You have to use this Hash Link as the Link like below.
import { HashLink as Link } from 'react-router-hash-link';

How to add tooltip to a disabled button using ReactStrap

I have a button which gets enable and disable based on condition, I want to add tooltip to a disable button. Which I am not getting how to do using reactstrap.
<Col sm={6}>
id = {`button-${companyId}`}
disabled={[companyId] &&[companyId].length
? false
: true
title = {[].length < 1? // As a makeover i Used title
"Not Active" : ""}
style={{ marginLeft: "-16px" }}
User list
{[companyId].length < 1 ? (
) : null}
But this does not add tooltip to the button. Can anyone please suggest what I am doing wrong here.
I recomend you to use condition like this ;
disabled={([companyId] &&[companyId].length) ? false: true}>
Or disabled={!([companyId] &&[companyId].length)}>

Influence tab order of Material UI controls

I have an app built up with React and Material UI. Within one view it is possible to have several text fields and several buttons. Now, when I have the focus on one text field and then press Tab I cannot reliably anticipate which one of the controls will be the next one to get the focus. I want to first tab through all the text fields and then secondly tab through all the buttons.
The username and password that were used are incorrect. Please provide the correct credentials in order to login to the API.
<Stepper activeStep={this.state.credentialsStep} orientation='vertical'>
{, index) => (
<Step key={label}>
<Grid container direction='row' className='m-t-26'>
<Button color='primary'
onClick={() => {
this.state.credentialsStep === 0 ? this.onClickCancel() : this.onClickBack();
{this.state.credentialsStep === 0 ? 'Cancel' : 'Back'}
<Button variant='contained'
onClick={() => {
this.state.credentialsStep === this.steps.length - 1 ? this.onClickLogin() : this.onClickNext();
{this.state.credentialsStep === this.steps.length - 1 ? 'Login' : 'Next'}
Is there a way to set the tab order of controls?
You can control this with the tabIndex property, but you may be better off to figure out how to have the elements appear in the source in the order you would want the focus to go.
I have found this resource handy:
When to use a positive tabindex value
There is almost no reason to
ever use a positive value to tabindex, and it is actually considered
an anti-pattern. If you’re finding the need to use this value to
change the order in which elements become focusable, it is likely that
what you actually need to do is change the source order of the HTML
One of the problems with explicitly controlling tabindex order is that any elements with a positive value are going to come before any other focusable elements that you haven't explicitly put a tabindex on. This means that you could end up with very confusing focus order if you miss any elements that you would want in the mix.
If you want to have the button on the right come before the button on the left in the focus order, there are various CSS options that would allow the button on the right to come first in the source order.
If, however, you decide that explicitly specifying the tabindex is your best option, here is an example showing how to do this for TextField and Button:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import TextField from "#material-ui/core/TextField";
import Button from "#material-ui/core/Button";
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<TextField label="1" inputProps={{ tabIndex: "1" }} />
<br />
<TextField label="3" inputProps={{ tabIndex: "3" }} />
<br />
<TextField label="2" inputProps={{ tabIndex: "2" }} />
<br />
<Button tabIndex="5">Button 5</Button>
<Button tabIndex="4">Button 4</Button>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
You may want to use the html attribute tabindex. This allows you to specify the order that tabbing will go through in your form. You can read more about it here and I've put a small example below, setting the tab index of your button to #1
<Grid container direction="row" className="m-t-26">
tabIndex="1" // This will make the button the first tab index for the form.
onClick={() => {
this.state.credentialsStep === 0
? this.onClickCancel()
: this.onClickBack();
{this.state.credentialsStep === 0 ? "Cancel" : "Back"}
onClick={() => {
this.state.credentialsStep === this.steps.length - 1
? this.onClickLogin()
: this.onClickNext();
{this.state.credentialsStep === this.steps.length - 1 ? "Login" : "Next"}
You can use a css trick to render the buttons in reverse order, but with css to reverse the buttons in UI.
The username and password that were used are incorrect. Please provide the correct credentials in order to login to the API.
<Stepper activeStep={this.state.credentialsStep} orientation='vertical'>
{, index) => (
<Step key={label}>
<Grid container direction='row' className='m-t-26'>
// Box wrapper added <Box style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row-reverse', justifyContent: 'flex-end' }}>
// First Button is now "Next in JSX <Button variant='contained'
onClick={() => {
this.state.credentialsStep === this.steps.length - 1 ? this.onClickLogin() : this.onClickNext();
{this.state.credentialsStep === this.steps.length - 1 ? 'Login' : 'Next'}
<Button color='primary'
onClick={() => {
this.state.credentialsStep === 0 ? this.onClickCancel() : this.onClickBack();
{this.state.credentialsStep === 0 ? 'Cancel' : 'Back'}

Opening Unique modal or popper based on button click

I am using material-ui library where I have a popper inside a loop each loop has one event object stored in cards. I want to open popper based on button click which is placed on each cards but all the popper gets opened since on button click I am setting 'open' state as true. I want to make this value unique for each popper so that I set the value for that popper which needs to be opened.
I tried to make open as unique but don't know how.
this.state = {
open: false,
handleClickButton = event => {
this.setState(state => ({
open: !,
Here is the render method code:
{ =>
<Typography variant="h5" component="h2">
<Typography color="textSecondary" gutterBottom>
<span><FontAwesomeIcon icon="clock"/></span>
<Typography component="p">
<br />
<Link href={"":null} style={{'#3f51b5':'#bdbdbd', fontSize:'12px',}}
Download Audio
buttonRef={node => {
this.anchorEl = node;
style={{backgroundColor:! && '#3f51b5',color:'#eeeeee',padding:'2px 0px', marginLeft:'14px', }}
<Send className={classes.rightIcon}/>
preventOverflow: {
enabled: false,
<Paper className={classes.paper}>
<DialogTitle>{"Manual Task Updation"}</DialogTitle>
Are you sure you want to update {event.completionIntent.toUpperCase()}?
<Button onClick={this.handleClickButton} color="primary">
<Button onClick={this.handleClickButton} color="primary">
I want to open the popper only for one card where I clicked the button since open state variable is same for all popper then all popper gets opened. How to make it unique
It maybe too late, but i hope it will help someone out there.
You can use dom manipulation to do that.
In your button handler, set unique id:
onClick={() => this.handleClickButton(some-unique-id)}
And then in your popper state:
And finally change your handler:
handleClickButton = (event,some-unique-id) => {
open: {
[some-unique-id]: true
Instead of making unique open values for all possible cards. It would be a better and simpler solution to make the card implementation as a seperate component. Each card would then have its own state, and you would only need one open value to handle the popper, thus seperating concerns.
So move the card into a seperate component, design some props that handles the data you need to pass down from the parent component, something like this:
{ =>
(<MyCustomCardImplementation key={someUniqueProperty {...myCustomCardProps} />)

Close React-Bootstrap Popover with a button that's inside popover

I'm using React-Bootstrap Popover. I would like the popover to close once a user clicks on a close button located inside the popover. I would prefer a solution that doesn't use refs as facebook doesn't recommend using them. Here is my code
const popoverTop = (
<Popover id="popover-positioned-top" title="Popover top">
<button type="button" className="close">×</button>
<strong>Holy guacamole!</strong> Check this info.
<OverlayTrigger trigger="click" placement="top" overlay={popoverTop}>
<Button>Holy guacamole!</Button>
Here is what helped me :
<Button aria-label="Get Info" bsSize="medium">
Button Name
where popoverClick is:
<Popover id="popover-positioned-scrolling-right" className="popover-main">
<div className="popover-custom-header">
<h3 className="popover-title">Your Title</h3>
<IconButton aria-label="Close" className="icon-button"
onClick={() =>}>
<Close fontSize="small"/>
<div class="popover-custom-content">
{/* ... the content you need */}
</Popover> -> does all the work.
I hope it will help you, too!
I know that a lot of time has passed, today I had this same problem and I arrived here. I found a way to fix it.
<OverlayTrigger trigger = 'your-trigger' placement = 'auto' rootClose
ref = 'overlay'>
<Popover title='' >
<Button onClick={ this.hidePopover } ></Button>
then in the method
hidePopover = ( ) =>
I hope I have helped
