Is it possible to create custom Linux-based Docker image on Azure Windows Server DSVM - azure-devtest-labs

I am using an Azure DSVM in a DevTest Lab running Windows Server 2019. I am trying to get Docker installed and working to allow me to run local experiments from Azure ML Service environments.
I want to build a custom Linux container on Docker - which I believe is possible on Windows from reading some other online posts (I can't use a Linux host for various reasons). When I try to create such an image that contains a WORKDIR ... step, I get a "container ***** encountered an error during CreateProcess: failure in a Windows system call" error.
I installed Docker on the DSVM (which is a Standard D2s_v3) by adding the "Docker" artifact at creation and then running the following commands to enable Linux containers:
$> Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V -IncludeManagementTools -Restart
$> [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("LCOW_SUPPORTED", "1", "Machine")
Running a simple Linux container works fine:
$> docker run --rm -it alpine:latest
/ # ls
bin dev etc home lib media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
/ #
To build a custom image, I'm using a simple Dockerfile as follows:
FROM alpine:latest
The image appears to build successfully:
$> docker build --no-cache -t abm-alpine:workdir -f .\abm-alpine.Dockerfile .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048kB
Step 1/2 : FROM alpine:latest
---> a187dde48cd2
Step 2/2 : WORKDIR /abm
---> 495f8ecb3a0e
Removing intermediate container 219e91296e47
Successfully built 495f8ecb3a0e
Successfully tagged abm-alpine:workdir
When I run the image, I get the following error:
$> docker run --rm -it abm-alpine:workdir
C:\Program Files\Docker\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: container 01fad57c971d672d91238a6c6ec21376e033006ec4c26563e91e7288cfb3bfeb encountered an error during CreateProcess: failure in a Windows system call: The virtual machine or container exited unexpectedly. (0xc0370106) extra info: {"CommandArgs":["/bin/sh"],"WorkingDirectory":"/abm","Environment":{"HOSTNAME":"01fad57c971d","PATH":"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin","TERM":"xterm"},"EmulateConsole":true,"CreateStdInPipe":true,"CreateStdOutPipe":true,"ConsoleSize":[50,120],"OCISpecification":{"ociVersion":"1.0.0","process":{"terminal":true,"consoleSize":{"height":50,"width":120},"user":{"uid":0,"gid":0},"args":["/bin/sh"],"env":["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin","HOSTNAME=01fad57c971d","TERM=xterm"],"cwd":"/abm","capabilities":{"bounding":["CAP_CHOWN","CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE","CAP_FSETID","CAP_FOWNER","CAP_MKNOD","CAP_NET_RAW","CAP_SETGID","CAP_SETUID","CAP_SETFCAP","CAP_SETPCAP","CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE","CAP_SYS_CHROOT","CAP_KILL","CAP_AUDIT_WRITE"],"effective":["CAP_CHOWN","CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE","CAP_FSETID","CAP_FOWNER","CAP_MKNOD","CAP_NET_RAW","CAP_SETGID","CAP_SETUID","CAP_SETFCAP","CAP_SETPCAP","CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE","CAP_SYS_CHROOT","CAP_KILL","CAP_AUDIT_WRITE"],"inheritable":["CAP_CHOWN","CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE","CAP_FSETID","CAP_FOWNER","CAP_MKNOD","CAP_NET_RAW","CAP_SETGID","CAP_SETUID","CAP_SETFCAP","CAP_SETPCAP","CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE","CAP_SYS_CHROOT","CAP_KILL","CAP_AUDIT_WRITE"],"permitted":["CAP_CHOWN","CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE","CAP_FSETID","CAP_FOWNER","CAP_MKNOD","CAP_NET_RAW","CAP_SETGID","CAP_SETUID","CAP_SETFCAP","CAP_SETPCAP","CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE","CAP_SYS_CHROOT","CAP_KILL","CAP_AUDIT_WRITE"]}},"root":{"path":"rootfs"},"hostname":"01fad57c971d","mounts":[{"destination":"/proc","type":"proc","source":"proc","options":["nosuid","noexec","nodev"]},{"destination":"/dev","type":"tmpfs","source":"tmpfs","options":["nosuid","strictatime","mode=755","size=65536k"]},{"destination":"/dev/pts","type":"devpts","source":"devpts","options":["nosuid","noexec","newinstance","ptmxmode=0666","mode=0620","gid=5"]},{"destination":"/sys","type":"sysfs","source":"sysfs","options":["nosuid","noexec","nodev","ro"]},{"destination":"/sys/fs/cgroup","type":"cgroup","source":"cgroup","options":["ro","nosuid","noexec","nodev"]},{"destination":"/dev/mqueue","type":"mqueue","source":"mqueue","options":["nosuid","noexec","nodev"]},{"destination":"/dev/shm","type":"tmpfs","source":"shm","options":["nosuid","noexec","nodev","mode=1777"]}],"linux":{"resources":{"devices":[{"allow":false,"access":"rwm"},{"allow":true,"type":"c","major":1,"minor":5,"access":"rwm"},{"allow":true,"type":"c","major":1,"minor":3,"access":"rwm"},{"allow":true,"type":"c","major":1,"minor":9,"access":"rwm"},{"allow":true,"type":"c","major":1,"minor":8,"access":"rwm"},{"allow":true,"type":"c","major":5,"minor":0,"access":"rwm"},{"allow":true,"type":"c","major":5,"minor":1,"access":"rwm"},{"allow":false,"type":"c","major":10,"minor":229,"access":"rwm"}]},"namespaces":[{"type":"mount"},{"type":"network"},{"type":"uts"},{"type":"pid"},{"type":"ipc"}],"maskedPaths":["/proc/kcore","/proc/latency_stats","/proc/timer_list","/proc/timer_stats","/proc/sched_debug"],"readonlyPaths":["/proc/asound","/proc/bus","/proc/fs","/proc/irq","/proc/sys","/proc/sysrq-trigger"]},"windows":{"layerFolders":["C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\lcow\\5ba6a7b4fbdf9748ec89898be9bdaa911ee614436a475945638ab296b1155966","C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\lcow\\01fad57c971d672d91238a6c6ec21376e033006ec4c26563e91e7288cfb3bfeb"],"hyperv":{},"network":{"endpointList":["D615E3D5-B6AA-401E-A0A0-72581FA47059"],"allowUnqualifiedDNSQuery":true}}}}.
I've tried various logs (e.g. Get-WinEvent -LogName Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Compute-Operational and Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source Docker) but cannot see any additional information about the error.
Can anyone advise if it is possible to create custom Linux-based images on a Windows DSVM? If it is, can anyone advise what the problem may be or any additional troubleshooting steps I could take?

It is possible to create Linux container on Windows Server.
Although this is currently in experimental stage.
This article might help :


Access a database backup-file on mac? (.bak)

I'm running a localhost database through Docker on MAC. I have an assignment that requires me to hand in the .bak file along with the program I wrote. I'm using Azure Data Studio as DBMS. I can't find these anywhere and I've tried to google the matter but it doesn't seem as a common issue for other mac users.
How do i access these from Finder? Or is there another way to do this?
Accessing Docker Container File system from Mac OS host through this tutorial.
To access the file system of a particular Container, first, let us get the Container ID using the inspect command on the Docker Host.
docker inspect --format <Container Name>
Use the Alpine Docker image and mount your Host file system to the container
docker run --rm -it -v /:/vm-root alpine:edge sh
We need the ID of this container. So, you could combine the step 1 and 2 with the following
docker run --rm -it -e CONTAINER_ID=$(docker inspect --format <Container Name>) -v /:/vm-root alpine:edge sh
Now we have the CONTAINER_ID set as an environment variable in the alpine container.
Once you are in the alpine container, you can visit the following directory
cd /vm-root/var/lib/docker
Inside this directory, you will be able to access all the familiar files that you are used to when administering Docker
Now, we need to find the mount-id for the selected container to access the file system directories. We will use the CONTAINER_ID environment variable obtained in step 2. I have AUFS as my file system driver for the this example. To do that, use the following command.
MOUNT_ID=$(cat /vm-root/var/lib/docker/image/aufs/layerdb/mounts/$CONTAINER_ID/mount-id)
The above step will give you the mount-id. Now you can access the file system of the container under mnt directory with the mount-id
ls -ltr /vm-root/var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/$MOUNT_ID

Apache log monitor inside a container

I have a Nagios Log server installed on ubuntu 18.04. and I can access my ubuntu system logs as per documentation. Now I want to monitor apache error and access logs, which are in docker containers. Just wanted to know the process for same. I have done following inside docker container. But somehow I am not getting apache logs. Do I need to open port? or any other configuration required?
Installed rsyslog in docker container.
downloaded http://..*.54/nagioslogserver/scripts/
bash -s ..*.54 -p 35544 -f "/var/log/apache2/error.log" -t apache_error

docker executable file not found in $PATH" react image

I am trying to run a freshly create react app made with create-react-app in docker. I have a Docker file which succesfully allows me to build the image, but when I try to run it I get:
PS C:\Users\Bertinator\desktop\gamelist\client> docker run client4 .
container_linux.go:265: starting container process caused "exec: \".\":
executable file not found in $PATH"
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from
daemon: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:265: starting container
process caused "exec: \".\": executable file not found in $PATH".
ERRO[0001] error waiting for container: context canceled
PS C:\Users\Bertinator\desktop\gamelist\client>
This is my Docker file, which is place in the root folder of my create-react-app project:
FROM node:7.8.0
COPY . .
RUN npm run build --production
RUN npm install -g serve
CMD serve -s build
Are you running from a Linux docker image on a Windows machine? That does not work.
(...) Linux containers require the Docker host to be running a Linux kernel. For example, Linux containers cannot run directly on Windows Docker hosts. The same is true of Windows containers - they need to run on a Docker host with a Windows kernel.
When you say docker run client4 . you are asking docker to run that container and execute the . (dot) command which does not make sense. That is why you are getting the first error.

Docker shared volumes failing refresh with React

On Win10/HyperV (not Toolbox), simple file sharing across volumes works fine, similar to this Youtube example.
However, when trying to set up volume sharing for a React dev environment, following Zach Silveira’s example to the letter, the volume sharing no longer seems to work.
c:> mkdir docker-test
c:> cd docker-test
# CRA here
# build the container here
c:\docker-test> docker build -t test-app .
# Run docker with the volume map
c:\docker-test> docker run --rm -it -v $pwd/src:/src -p 3000:3000 test-app
# load localhost:3000
# make a change to App.js and look for change in the browser
Changes in App.js DO NOT reflect in the browser window.
I’ve heard this worked with toolbox, but there may be issues with the new Win10 HyperV Docker. What’s the secret?
Zach Silveira’s example is done on a Mac, where $(pwd) would mean "current folder.
On a Windows shell, try for testing to replace $pwd with C:/path/to/folder
As mentioned in "Mount current directory as volume in Docker on Windows 10":
%cd% could work
${PWD} works in a Powershell session.

Changing my project files doesn't change files inside the Docker machine

I'm trying to use Docker to improve my workflow. I installed "Docker Toolbox for Windows" on my Windows 10 home edition (since Docker supposedly only work on professional). I'm using mgexhev's angular-seed which claim to provide full docker support. There is a docker-compose.yml file which links a ./.docker/angular-seed.development.dockerfile.
After git cloning the seed project I can start it by running the commands given on the seed project's github page. So I can see the app after running:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
But when I change code with Visual Studio Code and save the livereload doesn't work. The only way I can see my changes is by re-running the build and up commands (which re-runs npm install; 5min).
In Docker's documentation they say to "Mount a host directory as a data volume" in order to be able to "change the source code and see its effect on the application in real time"
docker run -v //c/<path>:/<container path>
But I'm not sure this is right when I'm using docker-compose? I have also tried running:
docker run -d -P --name web -v //c/Users/k/dev/:/home/app/ angular-seed
docker run -p 5555:5555 -v //c/Users/k/dev/:/home/app/ -w "/home/app/" angular-seed
docker run -p 5555:5555 -v $(pwd):/home/app/ -w "/home/app/" angular-seed
and lots of similar commands but nothing seems to work.
I tried moving my project from C:/dev/project to home because I read somewhere that there might be some access right issues not using the "home" directory, but this made no difference.
I'm also a bit confused that the instructions say visit localhost:5555. I have to go to dockerIP:5555 to see the app (in case this help anyone understand why my code doesn't update inside of my docker container).
Surely my changes should move in to the docker environment automatically or docker is not very useful for development :)
Looking at the docker-compose.yml you've linked to, I don't see any volume entry. Without that, there's no connection possible between the files on your host and the files inside the container. You'll need a docker-compose.yml that includes a volume entry, like:
version: '2'
context: .
dockerfile: ./.docker/angular-seed.development.dockerfile
command: npm start
container_name: angular-seed-start
image: angular-seed
- dev-network
- '5555:5555'
- .:/home/app/angular-seed
driver: bridge
Docker-machine runs docker inside of a virtual box VM. By default, I believe c:\Users is shared into the VM, but you'll need to check the virtual box settings to confirm this. Any host directories you try to map into the container are mapped from the VM, so if your folder is not shared into that VM, your files won't be included.
With the IP, localhost works on Linux hosts and newer versions of docker for windows/mac. Older docker-machine based installs need to use the IP of the virtual box VM.
