I don't need clickable label of my checkboxes - checkbox

I added a custom checkbox in my form but when I click on the checkbox label then wy my checkbox done checked? I don't want label clickable

If you want only the checkmark to be clickable then use two views one textview to present the label and one checkbox without text.


How can I detect click on the checkbox in header dataTable

I am using material-ui / data-grid
and I need to know when the user clicks on the selection of all the elements of the table, to be able to add or edit said selection function, or if there is a property that is activated when selecting the checkbox
enter image description here

How can I toggle image source on checkbox click?

I have a checkbox and two images. When the checkbox is not checked, I want to show the first image. But when the checkbox is checked, I want to display another image.
I am new to React and I am not sure how to achieve this. Anybody can help?

Extjs 6: How to forcefully show a tooltip on an element on a button click?

I have a scenario i.e.combobox and a button. I want to show a tooltip on combox when I click on a button and hide it when i click again. How do I do that without using ids on tooltip instance? Also can I specify the position of tooltip i.e x and y relative to combobox and style tooltip a little bit?
Thanks a lot
When you click on button create new tooltip instance as below:
Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', {
html:<tip contents>,
id:<some id>
And showBy() this instance for that combo like tip.showBy(<combo instance>).
Now again you click on button you check if tip instance is present, if yes then hide it else show it again. But you will need some id for tooltip.

How to add CheckBoxes to a ComboBox?

I want to create a ComboBox having Checkboxes as children using Codename one.
I am not using the UIBuilder
For reusability I created a Container having three Checkboxes in it:
- Checkbox1
- Checkbox2
- Checkbox3
and this works already.
As it takes too much space on the screen, I now tried to add the CheckBoxContainer into a Combobox, like this:
- OverviewCheckBoxCont
but it does not work, the ComboBox contains a single entry only and it's not a checkbox, but a text:
(cannot see further on the screen)
How can I solve this issue, so there is a dropdown menu containing the three Checkboxes, that toggle onClick?
In the main form I added the CheckBoxesComboBox instead of the CheckBoxesCont:
this.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, checkBoxesComboBox)
instead of
this.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, checkBoxesCont)
1.You can use simple combobox as shown below
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
findComboBox().setModel(new DefaultListModel(al));
2.And to add checkbox in combobox , you have to customize the combobox
3.Instead of customizing combobox, You can use button which shows and hides OverviewCheckBoxContainer which contains list of checkboxs
See this for customizing the ComboBox with the generic list cell renderer: https://www.codenameone.com/manual/components.html#_combobox
The problem with using checkboxes in a combo is that you would assume they would all appear in the combo as a set and the combo wasn't designed to do that. I would instead just use a Button and show a dialog with a set of checkboxes then set the text of the Button to match the result. You can style the button to look like a ComboBox if that is your preference.

Display some option when radio button is checked

I want to display some options like textbox, combo boxes, and labels when a radio button is checked. How can I do that?
