Will Azure AD SCIM integration delete pre-existing users created directly into Snowflake? - azure-active-directory

Hi I'm following the steps outline into:
But I couldn't find any documentation explaining whether this user sync will affect my existing Snowflake users (the ones that have been created straight into Snowflake before the AD integration)

I believe the reference you are looking for is here:
See the note section of: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/scim-azure.html#enabling-snowflake-initiated-sso
"By default, Azure AD users provisioned to Snowflake using SCIM are
not assigned a password in Snowflake. This means that if SAML SSO is
configured in Azure AD, users will authenticate to Snowflake using
SAML SSO is not a requirement if using SCIM to provision users and
groups from Azure AD to Snowflake. For additional options, see
Configure Azure AD single sign-on."
To enable Snowflake Initiated SSO

Snowflake support confirmed that the existing users are NOT affected by any SCIM integration and I tested it with success, nothing happens to the existing users.


Is it possible to connect to snowflake in Azure Databricks using Oauth token from an existing Service Principal?

I am trying to connect to Snowflake in Databricks using an Azure access token generated from an existing Service Principal (not using the documentation's method to create one as I don't have the permissions to). Currently I am receiving the error "Invalid OAuth access token".
I believe the solution is I need snowflake to grant access to the service principal, however not sure how to do this or if it is even possible?
According to this Snowflake document, programmatic SSO with Federated Authentication (like you would need in a Databricks notebook) is only available for the Okta identity provider - even though Microsoft Azure Active Directory is among their supported Identity Providers

Salesforce integration with APIM

Instead of using the Azure developer portal we are using Salesforce Experience cloud to integrate with Azure APIM. We have set up Azure AD as the identity provider in Salesforce and SSO for Salesforce with Azure AD as identity provider works fine. However we are not able to have a seemless integration with APIM from Salesforce and need assistance on what configurations with respect to tokens etc need to be explicitly passed from Salesforce in order to talk to APIM. With the ID token derived from Salesforce after the successful Azure Active Directory authentication / authorization we are unable to make successful restful callouts to APIM identity from Salesforce. We have looked at https://lekkimworld.com/2019/11/18/using-an-auth-provider-and-named-credentials-in-salesforce-with-azure-oauth/ however would really appreciate pointers on how to do a seamless single sign on from Salesforce to APIM.

Terraform provider Azure - how to manage Identity and Access Management (Azure AD)?

Is it possible to manage users and groups using Terraform?
Operations such as MFA, user-types, Authentication methods, Registration, notification, User settings, group settings, and Device settings.
Is it possible to manage users and groups using Terraform?
Yes, you can use Terraform to integrate with Azure AD and manage users and groups in Azure AD. At the same time, Terraform supports a number of different methods for authenticating to Azure AD.
Please see:here.

Integration between Azure and Google - SSO and User Provisioning from Google to Azure

We have G Suite as an identity provider in our company. Some of users also use Azure and Office 365. We want to be able to login by using Google account to Azure Ad and later have this account in AD and assign roles and groups in AD and whole Azure. We want to change passwords in Google etc.
How to setup SSO from Google to Azure?
Azure AD supports the concept of Identity Providers for External Identities. You can read about it here on Microsoft Docs.
You could enable users from identity providers like :
Direct federation (to external identity providers that support SAML or WS-Fed protocols)
Since you specifically mention G suite as an identity provider in your company, Direct federation may be the most relevant one for you. I say this because using Google federation directly is designed for Gmail accounts as mentioned in the note here on Microsoft Docs
How to setup Direct Federation is explained in detail here on Microsoft Docs
Please note that
This feature is currently in Preview
There some important limitations in terms of domain requirements and authentication URL as stated here on Microsoft Docs

Active Directory usage by ADFS, LDAP

I have few very specific questions to come to a understanding on Active Directory usage:
ADFS are the services/software to enable SSO login to applications using a single url for users stored in Active Directory. Right?
LDAP is a protocol that exposes other functionalities like fetching users, deleting user, authentication user via bind method etc. stored in Active Directory. Right?
Then can't LDAP and ADFS both work on the same Active directory? This link:
LDAP support in ADFS got me confused in where it is referring to LD and AD as separate entities.
Can't I apply both the mechanisms on same AD? I only have knowledge of LDAP. Trying to learn ADFS.
ADFS provides SSO capabilities for SaaS services and Modern LOB applications. Traditionally, it uses identities stored in Active Directory Domain Services to validate the credentials for a user. In 2016, we also added support to include identities stored in any 3rd party LDAP directory.
Irrespective of where the identity is stored ADFS offers SSO across the applications that trust it.
Hope this clarifies.
Thanks //Sam (Twitter: #MrADFS)
AD stores users, groups and credentials.
To access an attribute in AD, you use the LDAP protocol via e.g. the C# Directory Services API.
ADFS handles authentication against AD and also adds a federation layer on top of AD.
The correct way to access AD attributes via ADFS is to use claims-based authentication whereby you configure ADFS to provision the attributes (as claims) into the token and then extract them on the client side.
