Not sure I am saying this right but I need to build a list of statements based on a number in a cell. For example, in column A I have a list of room types: Office, Bathroom, Reception, Lobby, etc. and in column B I have the number of those room types in the building.
| COL A | | COL B |
Office 5
Bathroom 3
Reception 1
Lobby 2
For Office, I put 5 in column B - Bathroom I have 3 in B, and so on.
Now what I need is a way to read the number of Offices and build a statement like:
Office 001
Office 002
Office 003
Office 004
Office 005
Of course if I had put 6, then I would see Office 006. I am not worried about getting all of the variable names into one column as each room type will then have it's own set of questions that I will figure out later.
Right now I am using messy IF statements and dragging them down the sheet.
ROW(INDIRECT("A1:A"&SUM(B:B))), "<="&
ROW(INDIRECT("A1:A"&SUM(B:B)))), " 000"))
Is this possible using excel formulas? To find keyword and number then match and color the highest number for that specific keyword, e.g. below:
this is the list Cell A keyword and B numbers
shoes 9
shoes 5
shoes 3
furniture 2
furniture 4
furniture 5
beauty 6
beauty 8
health 35
health 4
health 2
grocery 3
grocery 2
computers 9
computers 7
laptop 2
laptop 11
laptop 2
laptop 6
pets 9
pets 3
books 5
books 5
shoes 9 Highlight this number
shoes 5
shoes 3
furniture 2
furniture 4
furniture 5 Highlight this number
beauty 6
beauty 8 Highlight this number
health 35 Highlight this number
health 4
health 2
grocery 3 Highlight this number
grocery 2
computers 9 Highlight this number
computers 7
laptop 2
laptop 11 Highlight this number
laptop 2
laptop 6
pets 9 Highlight this number
pets 3
books 5 ignore if its equal
books 5
You can use conditional formatting, choosing "Use a formula..." and use a formula such as =b1=maxifs($B$1:$B$100,$A$1:$A$100,a1). Be mindful of absolute vs. relative reference to ensure that you're tracking the right ranges.
In particular when tagged vba you should be showing what you have tried. macros Usage guide specifically states "DO NOT USE for VBA / MS-Office languages" and excel wiki states "Questions tagged with excel should be version-agnostic.". However, with a formula is possible in versions earlier than those with MAXIFS (ie not: Excel for Office 365 Excel for Office 365 for Mac Excel 2016 Excel 2016 for Mac Excel Online Excel for iPad Excel for iPhone Excel for Android tablets Excel for Android phones Excel Mobile), if in a more long-winded way:
Assuming you have 11 in B18. Add a column (say I) and populate I1 with 0 and enough of it from I2 downwards with:
copied down to sort your data on ColumnI Smallest to Largest then by ColumnB Largest to Smallest (to preserve the order of the values in ColumnA).
Then select B2 down to as far as required, clear any existing CF rules from it and HOME > Styles - Conditional Formatting, New Rule..., Use a formula to determine which cells to format and Format values where this formula is true::
Format..., select choice of formatting, OK.
The above should not, as specified, highlight the values for books though if working I suspect #nutsch's current answer might.
Sorry, I forgot to adjust my guess for what was where, once I realised a header row would make things easier.
This does though stil have a problem, in that text that changes from one row to the next but shares the same quantity, one row to the next, will not trigger highlighting - a more complex formula may be required.
based on #pnuts idea, found a simpler way to do it.
Sort Z to A of B row, then sort column A, A to Z, with expand the selection for both
next write a formula to highlight duplicates excluding the first one from column A and drag down the formula, it higlights all the correct ones.
thank you
Prelude: The design of this database is truly horrible - this isn't the first "crooked" question I've asked, and it won't be the last. The question is what it is, and I'm only asking because A) I only have a couple of years of experience with SQL Server, and B) I've already been pounding my face on my keyboard for a couple of days trying to find a viable solution.
Having said all of that...
We have a database with two tables relevant to this issue. The schema is ridiculous, so I'm going to paraphrase so that it can be understood:
T_Customer & T_Task
T_Task holds data about various work that has been performed on behalf of a customer in T_Customer.
In T_Customer, there is a field called "Sort_Type" (again, paraphrasing...). In this field, there is a concatenated string of various fields from T_Task which, in the order specified, determine how the customer's report is produced in the client program. There are a total of 73 possible fields in T_Task that can be chosen as Sort_Type in T_Customer, and the user can choose up to 5 of them in any given order. For example:
Customer_ID | Sort_Type
1 | 'Task_Date,Task_Type,Task_ID'
2 | 'Task_Type,Destination'
3 | 'Route,Task_Type,Task_ID'
Task_ID | Customer_ID | Task_Type | Task_Date | Route | Destination
12345 | 1 | 1 | 01/01/2017| '1 to 2'| '2'
12346 | 1 | 1 | 01/02/2017| '3 to 4'| '4'
12347 | 2 | 2 | 12/31/2016| '6 to 2'| '2'
12348 | 3 | 3 | 01/01/2017| '4 to 1'| '1'
In this example, Customer #1's report would be sorted/totaled by the Task_Date, then by Task_Type, then by Task_ID; but not simply by doing an ORDER BY. This function requires one single value which can be ordered as a whole, single unit. As such...
Up until today, a field existed in T_Task called (paraphrasing....) 'MySort'. This field contained a concatenated string of fixed-width values filled in with zeroes and created according to the order and content of the values in T_Customer.Sort_Type. In this case:
Task_ID | Customer_ID | Task_Type | Task_Date | Route | Destination | MySort
12345 | 1 | 1 | 01/01/2017| 1 to 2| 2 |'002017010100000000010000012345'
12346 | 1 | 1 | 01/02/2017| 3 to 4| 4 |'002017010200000000010000012346'
12347 | 2 | 2 | 12/31/2016| 6 to 2| 2 |'000000000000000000020000000002'
12348 | 3 | 3 | 01/01/2017| 4 to 1| 1 |'000040to0100000000030000012348'
During the printing phase of every single report, the program would search for the customer, find the values in T_Customer.Sort_Type, split them by commas, and then run an update on all of the tasks of that customer to update the value of MySort accordingly...
Can you guess what the problem is with this? Performance (not to mention chronic insanity)
I have been tasked with finding a more efficient way of performing this same task server-side, within SQL Server 2005 if possible, using whatever means will eventually allow me to return a result set including all of the details of the tasks requested, together with a concatenated string similar to the one used in the past (which the client program relies upon in order to sort and subtotal the report).
I've tried Views, UDFs in computed columns, and parameterized queries, but I know my limitations. I'm too inexperienced to know all of my options.
Question: Aside from quitting (not an option) or going berserk (considering it...), what methods might you use to solve this problem?
EDIT: Having received two questions about the MySort column already,
I'll explain a bit better.
T_Task.MySort =
REPLICATE('0',10 - LEN(T_Customer.Sort_Type[Value1])
+ CAST(T_Customer.Sort_Type[Value1] AS VARCHAR(10))
REPLICATE('0',10 - LEN(T_Customer.Sort_Type[Value2])
+ CAST(T_Customer.Sort_Type[Value2] AS VARCHAR(10))
REPLICATE('0',10 - LEN(T_Customer.Sort_Type[Value3])
+ CAST(T_Customer.Sort_Type[Value3] AS VARCHAR(10))
WHERE T_Customer.Customer_ID = T_Task.Customer_ID
...Up to T_Customer.Sort_Type[Value5].
Reminder: Those values are not constants at all, so the value of the
field MySort had to constantly be updated before printing a report.
The idea is to somehow remove the need to constantly update the field,
and instead return the string as part of the result set.
The resulting string should always be 50 characters in length. I
didn't do that here simply to save a bit of space and time - I chose
only 3 for the example. The real string would simply have another
twenty zeroes leading the value:
I'm designing this employee evaluation web page, and was wondering if my current database design is the correct one or if it could be improved.
This is my current design
Table Agenda:
| idEvaluation | Location | Employee | #Employee | Date | Date1 | Date2 |
Date is the date scheduled for the evaluation to be performed.
Date 1 and Date 2 its a period of time to retrieve some metrics from another database.
Table Evaluations:
| idEvaluation | Manager | Department | Date | Comments |
Table Scores:
| idEvaluation | idFactor | Score |
idFactor relates to another table which contains the factor and a description of it, like I said its this a correct design??
My concern its this, currently there are 60 employees, 11 managers and 12 factors, each employee its evaluated twice a year by every manager, so in the Agenda Table there's not much trouble since its only one record per evaluation (60 employees = 60 records), how ever on the Evaluations Table there are 11 records for every evaluation, so it goes to 660 records (60 employees * 11 managers = 660), and then on the Scores Table it goes even bigger since there are 12 factors for every evaluation, it goes to 7920 records (660 evaluations * 12 factors each = 7920).
Is this normal?? Am I doing it wrong?? Any input its appreciated.
Location, Employee, #Employee, Manager and Department are loaded automatically by the page, they are "imported" from an Active Directory and its checked before insertion so duplicate names, misspelled names, and this sort of thing its not an issue.
The main idea is you dont want to repeat string literals
So if you have
id Department
1 Sales
2 IT
3 Admin
Instead of repeat Sales many time you only use 1 which is smaller so things also get faster.
Second if you have users
id user
1 Jhon Alexander
2 Maria Jhonson
If Jhon decide change his name then you will have to check all tables and change the name. Also there is the problem if two person have same name you wont know which one are you evaluating.
So go for separated table and use the ID.
I am currently working on a school management system but can't seem to figure out the best way to design my student attendance table.
School is for 14 weeks and class holds 5 times a week. Students in the school can be up to 2000 per term. Meaning attendance can be up to 14 x 5 x 2000 = 140, 000 per term.
I am developing the application for a desktop using VB.Net and MS Access.
I have so far designed something that I am skeptic about.
table name: attendance
| id |std_id | att_week | att_date | status |
| 1 | 0001 | 1 |29/9/2015 | yes |
| 2 | 0002 | 1 |29/9/2015 | yes |
I easily found out that designing it like this can easily yield 140, 000 rows in a term.
I also thought of making the week days as column names, that will easily result in 14 x 5 = 70 columns.
What is the best way to design this said table.
Friend I think you should construct your table like this:
Table would accept only the absentees
id student_id class date
1 11 7a 11/11/2020
2 21 6b 10/12/2020
and so on.....
You could easily retrieve details like
1] total absentees per class
2] total absent of a student in date range
3] Per day report of attendance of student can be easily prepared based on this data
ALSO this would be extremly fast due to less number of record and if you index on class_id and and partition tables in specified date range.
Thank You!
I have an Excel document with 10000 rows of data in two sheets, the thing is one of these sheets have the product costs, and the other has category and other information. These two are imported automatically from the sql server so I don't want to move it to Access but still I want to link the product codes so that when I merge the product tables as product name and cost on the same table, I can be sure that I'm getting the right information.
For example:
Code | name | category
1 | mouse | OEM
4 | keyboard | OEM
2 | monitor | screen
Code | cost |
1 | 123 |
4 | 1234 |
2 | 1232 |
7 | 587 |
Let's say my two sheets have tables like these, as you can see the next one has one that doesn't exist on the other- I put it there because in reality one has a few more, preventing a perfect match. Therefore I couldn't just sort both tables to A-Z and get the costs that way- as I said there are more than 10000 products in that database and I wouldn't want to risk a slight shift of costs -with those extra entries on the other table- that would ruin the whole table.
So what would be a good solution to get the entry from another sheet and inserting it to the right row when merging? Linking two tables with field name??... checking field and trying to match it with the other sheet??... Anything at all.
Note: When I use Access I would make relationships and when I would run a query it would match them automatically... I was wondering if there's a way to do that in excel too.
Why not use a vlookup? If there is a match, it will list the cost. Assuming the top is sheet1 and the other sheet2 and they both start on cell A1. You just need this in cell D2.
You can then drag it down. Easiest way to fill all your 10000 rows is to hover over the bottom left corner of the cell with your cursor. It will turn from a white plus sign into a thin black one. Then simply double click.
Just use VLOOKUP - you can add a row to your first sheet, and find the cost based on code in the other sheet.