Set focus to an element when another element has focus with ng-focus - angularjs

I have angularJS application.There are two components left nav bar and right side content pane.When I go to the end of the right side content pane with tab(keyboard) it gives the focus to the browser URL bar.But I need to give the tab(keyboard) focus to the left nav bar or just need to stop focus getting in to url.
..below is the end of the content pane
<li class="seperater">
test navigate
What I tried is when focus came to the final element on the content page ,call a method 'navigateToTop' and there I set focus to left nav.
below is the method
this.navigateToTop = function () {
console.log("in navigateToTop");
But it is not working and still focusing to the URL.Pls help..

After spending some time I found the solution by doing some changes to my html code of the right content pane.
<li class="seperater">
<a href="" ng-focus="isFocused = true" ng-blur="isFocused = false">
test navigate </a>
<div ng-if="navigateToTop(isFocused);"></div>


How to use isAccessibilityElement && accessibilityElementsHidden in ReactJS class to solve Voiceover issue

I have a Vertical menu that is styled as a dropdown.
on iPhone, when Voiceover is on, double tab will open the dropdown, swipe Right will go through menu items, and when gets to the last menu item, Swipe Right will close the dropdown and gives focus to the first link outside of Menu.
Now, dropdown menu is closed. and menu items are not visible. Normally, one single Left swipe should moves the focus from outside link to the dropdown header while Voiceover is ON.
but the problem is, it takes multiple Left Swipe equal to the number of menu items 4+ 1 to get from outside link to dropdown header. Voiceover is not announcing anything, I can only see on iPhone screen Voiceover text reading Manu item which is the same as <a role="menuitem">.
it looks like Voiceover still recognizes the menu items although the dropdown menu is closed.
If I do NOT open dropdown menu, 1 right swipe moves focus from dropdown header to outside link, and then 1 left swipe move focus from outside link to dropdown header. the problem happens when I open dropdown menu and swipe right through menu items.
I tried to resolve this by giving UL, Li , <a> the combination of these attributes but did not work.
When menu is closed:
aria-hidden=true, tabIndex=-1, display=none, visibility=hidden
but did not work.
I am wondering if I can implement isAccessibilityElement && accessibilityElementsHidden for React JS.
I see how the import command and code for React Native but nothing for React JS.
My Question is: when dropdown menu is closed, lets say focus is on outsideLink, how can I bring focus to dropdownHeader with one Left Swipe ?
How to force Voiceover to ignore menu items when dropdown menu is closed.
Note: my module is a Class in React JS.
Really appreciate any help.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
// help needed : how to import UISwipeGestureRecognizer for React JS
class App extends Component {
this.state = {
menuOpen: false,
this.closeMenu = this.closeMenu.bind(this);
this.toggleMenu = this.toggleMenu.bind(this);
this.handleSwipe = this.handleSwipe.bind(this);
componentDidMount () {
window.addEventListener('touchstart', handleSwipe);
this.setState({menuOpen: false});
this.setState({menuOpen: !this.state.menuOpen});
const outsideLinkFocused ='outsideLink');
const itemsArray = [...document.getElementsByClassName('item')];
if(outsideLinkFocused){ => {
// need Help here
item.isAccessibilityElement = false;
item.accessibilityElementsHidden = true;
render() {
return (
<div className="Container">
<div className="NavContainer">
<button className="dropdownHeader">
Dropdown Header
<ul className="menu" role="menu">
<li className="item" role="none">
<a role=="menuitem" href="#"> item 1</a>
<li className="item" role="none">
<a role=="menuitem" href="#"> item 2</a>
<li className="item" role="none">
<a role=="menuitem" href="#"> item 3</a>
<li className="item" role="none">
<a role=="menuitem" href="#"> item 4</a>
<div className="ArticleContainer">
<a className="outsideLink" href="#"> Outside Link </a>
This module is more complex and all the handlers work fine. I just wrote a short version here.

How to use UISwipeGestureRecognizer in ReactJS

I have a Vertical menu that is styled as a dropdown.
on iPhone, when Voiceover is on, double tab will open the dropdown, swipe Right will go through menu items, and when gets to the last menu item, Swipe Right will close the dropdown and gives focus to the first link outside of Menu.
Now, dropdown menu is closed. and menu items are not visible. Normally, one single Left swipe should moves the focus from outside link to the dropdown header while Voiceover is ON.
but the problem is, it takes multiple Left Swipe equal to the number of menu items 4+ 1 to get from outside link to dropdown header. Voiceover is not announcing anything, I can only see on iPhone screen Voiceover text reading Manu item which is the same as <a role="menuitem">.
it looks like Voiceover still recognizes the menu items although the dropdown menu is closed.
If I do NOT open dropdown menu, 1 right swipe moves focus from dropdown header to outside link, and then 1 left swipe move focus from outside link to dropdown header. the problem happens when I open dropdown menu and swipe right through menu items.
I tried to resolve this by giving UL, Li , <a> the combination of these attributes but did not work.
When menu is closed:
aria-hidden=true, tabIndex=-1, display=none, visibility=hidden
but did not work.
I am wondering if I can implement UISwipeGestureRecognizer for React JS.
I see how the import command and code for React Native but nothing for React JS.
My Question is: when dropdown menu is closed, lets say focus is on outsideLink, how can I bring focus to dropdownHeader with one Left Swipe ?
How to force Voiceover to ignore menu items when dropdown menu is closed.
Note: my module is a Class in React JS.
Really appreciate any help.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
// help needed : how to import UISwipeGestureRecognizer for React JS
class App extends Component {
this.state = {
menuOpen: false,
this.closeMenu = this.closeMenu.bind(this);
this.toggleMenu = this.toggleMenu.bind(this);
this.handleSwipe = this.handleSwipe.bind(this);
componentDidMount () {
window.addEventListener('touchstart', handleSwipe);
this.setState({menuOpen: false});
this.setState({menuOpen: !this.state.menuOpen});
const outsideLinkFocused ='outsideLink');
const dropdownHeader = document.getElementsByClassName('dropdownHeader')[0];
const leftSwipe = UISwipeGestureRecognizer.direction == 'left'; // I need help with leftSwipe condition
if(outsideLinkFocused && leftSwipe){
render() {
return (
<div className="Container">
<div className="NavContainer">
<button className="dropdownHeader">
Dropdown Header
<ul className="menu" role="menu">
<li className="item" role="none">
<a role=="menuitem" href="#"> item 1</a>
<li className="item" role="none">
<a role=="menuitem" href="#"> item 2</a>
<li className="item" role="none">
<a role=="menuitem" href="#"> item 3</a>
<li className="item" role="none">
<a role=="menuitem" href="#"> item 4</a>
<div className="ArticleContainer">
<a className="outsideLink" href="#"> Outside Link </a>
This module is more complex and all the handlers work fine. I just wrote a short version here.

Angular JS- testing with Protractor: how to get an element when element doesn't have a tag-name?

I am developing a test suite for my AngularJS app using Protractor as my testing framework.
The app's menu is displayed at a fixed location across all pages of the site- when the user hovers the cursor over any of the buttons on the menu, the cursor changes to a pointer, to indicate that that button can be clicked. Each button in the menu represents a particular page of the app- if there are sub-pages belonging to a page when the user hovers the cursor over the menu button for that page, a sub-menu is displayed, with text-buttons for each of the sub-pages.
I am currently working on a test that will test the functionality of the menu- hovering the cursor over one of the buttons on the menu, checking that the sub-menu is displayed, and then hidden again when the cursor is no longer hovering over that menu button, checking that clicking any of the menu buttons/ sub-menu buttons take you to the right page, etc.
The HTML for the menu is written as follows:
<ul id="nav"
<li data-ng-mouseenter="setMenuTop($event)" ng-show="menu.pages.length > 0 || menu.upages.length > 0 || canCreatePage">
<i class="ti-layers"></i><span data-i18n="Pages"></span>
<ul class="text-capitalize">
<li ng-repeat="page in menu.pages"><i class="ti-angle-right"></i><span data-i18n="{{page.title}}"></span></li>
<li ng-repeat="upage in menu.upages">
<div class="nav-menu-divider" data-ng-if="$index === 0"></div>
<a href="#/{{upage.location}}" target="_self">
<i class="ti-angle-right"></i><span data-i18n="{{upage.title}}"></span>
<li data-ng-show="canCreatePage">
<div class="nav-menu-divider"></div>
<a href="#/pages/create" target="_self">
<i class="ti-angle-right"></i><span data-i18n="Create Page"></span>
<li data-ng-mouseenter="setMenuTop($event)">
<i class="ti-settings"></i><span data-i18n="Config"></span>
<li ng-repeat="page in menu.config"><i class="ti-angle-right"></i><span data-i18n="{{page.title}}"></span></li>
<li ng-show="platform._id"><a ng-href="#/config/platform/{{platform._id}}" target="_self"><i class="ti-angle-right"></i><span data-i18n="Platform"></span></a></li>
<li ng-show="system._id"><a ng-href="#/config/system/{{system._id}}" target="_self"><i class="ti-angle-right"></i><span data-i18n="System"></span></a></li>
<li><i class="ti-angle-right"></i><span data-i18n="Users"></span></li>
<li><i class="ti-angle-right"></i><span data-i18n="Backup / Restore"></span></li>
<li ng-show="systemActions.dateTime"><i class="ti-angle-right"></i><span data-i18n="Date / Time"></span></li>
<li class="nav-footer">
As shown, there are two menu items which have 'sub-menus' associated with them.
I want to test that when the user hovers their cursor over one of the menu-items that have an associated sub-menu, the sub-menu is displayed correctly, and when the cursor leaves the menu-item, the sub-menu is no longer displayed: I have tried to do this with the following test:
it('should display the Pages menu', function() {
The variables used in this test are defined with:
var pagesMenuBtn = element('pagesMenuBtn'));
var pageVarBrowserBtn = element.all('menu.pages')).get(0);
var userCircle = element('icon-user-circle'));
The pageVarBrowserBtn is the first menu-item in the sub-menu displayed when the user hovers their cursor over the pagesMenuBtn.
Currently, when I run the test, the browser opens, navigates to the root page of my app, and hovers the cursor over the pagesMenuBtn element, so that the sub-menu is displayed (I can see it displayed in the browser window that was opened up by the test).
But, I then get an error in the console that says:
Failed: Index out of bound. Trying to access element at index: 0, but there are only 0 elements that match locator By(CSS selector, *[id="menu.pages"])
I don't understand why I'm getting this error...? How can I get a single element from the sub-menu that's being displayed, in order to check that it is the correct item and that clicking it takes the user to the correct location? I can't specify the exact element's ID because it is being created by the ng-repeat, so that's why I'm trying to get it by its position/ array index - 0.
First of all, There may be two reasons why you are getting the above error.
1. Either the locator you are using is wrong.
2. Your script is not waiting until the element is displayed in DOM.
In your case, you have mentioned a wrong locator as element.all('menu.pages')) because there is no element with id menu.pages is present in your HTML.
Instead of using element.all('menu.pages')), change it to element.all(by.repeater('page in menu.pages')).get(0) to get the 1st element from the menu list. Also kindly refer Element locators in Protractor to find the list of all available locating strategies that is supported by protractor.
Hope this might help solve your problem!
Did you try using element.all(locator).first() to get the first element form the selector

toggle extra detail for a record inside an ngRepeat

I'm working on a project where the client has supplied a pile of html where I need to plugin the data from our database and have hit a problem that I'm finding difficult to solve....
So first problem is with routing
<div ng-repeat="class in vm.classes">
<div class="class-overview">
<a href="#">
<span class="class-title">{{class.description}}</span>
... more stuff here
<div class="class-information collapse">
<div class="full-width">
he has supplied some javascript to handle the click on class-overview
$('.class-overview a').on('click',function(e) {
$('.class-overview').on('click',function() {
and i have a line like this in my state provider
// default route
So the problem is that the ui-router handles the click and sends me back to the home page.
The ideal solution is to leave as much of his markup intact, so can anyone tell me how I stop ui-router handling the click?
or failing that, how I might use ng-click and ng-show to get the same effect, i.e. hiding and showing the class-information div...
If I understand well your question, you want to display the .class-information div when you click on the .class-overview element.
That can be done by using a variable in a ng-show like this:
<div ng-repeat="class in vm.classes">
<div class="class-overview">
<a href="#" ng-click="display = !display">
<span class="class-title">{{class.description}}</span>
... more stuff here
<div class="class-information" ng-show="display">
<div class="full-width">
The display variable will be falsy when you land on the page, therefore the ng-click will be executed, this variable will be set to true.
I see that you are using a collapse class to hide the content if it is collapsed. Then you could use angular ng-class to put the collapse class when the display variable is false. Your div.class-information would look like this:
<div class="class-information" ng-class="{collapse: !display}">
<div class="full-width">

Stagger (transition-delay) children to an element with ng-show

I'm creating a sitemap in a custom CMS powered by Angular.
I hide the lower levels of pages and toggle their visibility with a button. I add ng-animate to animate the "opening" of the lower levels of the sitemap.
This works fine for the <ul>, but I would rather have its child <li> enter with a longer transition-delay for every item for a nice waterfall effect and this is where I get stuck.
At first I figured simply adding a transition-delay to the <li> would be sufficient, but for whatever reason I'm even unable to add a regular transition to the <li>. I read about the -stagger class, but it never gets applied.
<li ng-repeat="page in data"
ng-class="{'children-visible': isVisible}"
ng-init="isVisible = false">
<button ng-if="page.sub"
ng-click="$parent.isVisible = !isVisible">
<ul ng-if="page.sub"
<li ng-repeat="page in page.sub">
Here's a picture of the markup if it helps you, er, picture it:
If relevant, I use version 1.2.16 of both angular.js and angular-animate.js.
So, in short: How do I add a stagger/transition delay to children of an element with ng-show?
