React Material-Table editing from props using hooks - reactjs

I am building an application that will request data from an API and display it in an editable table, where the user can edit and update the data base. I am using React with material-ui and material-table.
I will initialize the data in the state of the parent component, and pass it as props to the child component that renders the table. For test purposes, I initialize the data in the state to simulate later implementation of props. The table renders correctly, but when I edit, the values don't change.
export default function Table(props){
const [gridData, setGridData] = useState({
data: [
{ param: "Admin", val: "0.03" },
{ param: "Margin", val: "0.4" },
{ param: "Price", val: "5080" },
resolve: () => {}
useEffect(() => {
}, [gridData]);
const onRowUpdate = (newData, oldData) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const { data } = gridData;
const index = data.indexOf(oldData);
data[index] = newData;
setGridData({ ...gridData, data, resolve });
const { data } = gridData;
return (
isEditable: rowData => true,
isDeletable: rowData => true,
onRowUpdate: onRowUpdate
Now, I found that the table works properly when I replace the columns={props.col} line with this:
{ title: 'Parameters', field: 'param', editable: 'never' },
{ title: 'Value', field: 'val', editable: 'onUpdate' }
So it appears that my problem is with the columns and not the data.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
the code is based on this response from github:
The columns are passed from the parent component like this:
const comonscol = [
{ title: 'Parameters', field: 'param', editable: 'never' },
{ title: 'Value', field: 'val', editable: 'onUpdate' }
export default function ParamsSection(props) {
return (
<Table col={comonscol} data={dummy2} />

I'm not quite sure about what causing this issue but it seems that MaterialTable component doesn't trigger a re-render when columns data passed as a porps.
Here is how I fixed it:
First Approach:
Create a new state for columns and trigger re-render by updating the columns via useEffect:
const [gridData, setGridData] = useState(;
const [columns, setcolumns] = useState(props.col);
useEffect(() => {
// update columns from props
}, [gridData, props.col]);
const onRowUpdate = (newData, oldData) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Reset the columns will trigger re-render as the state has changed
// then it will update by useEffect
const { data } = gridData;
const updatedAt = new Date();
const index = data.indexOf(oldData);
data[index] = newData;
setGridData({ ...gridData, data, resolve, updatedAt });
codeSandbox Example.
Second Approach:
Merge data, columns into a state of object and make a copy of props data then use that copy. (I've changed the date structure a bit for testing)
// Parent
const data = [
{ param: "Admin", val: "0.03" },
{ param: "Margin", val: "0.4" },
{ param: "Price", val: "5080" }
const comonscol = [
{ title: "Parameters", field: "param" },
{ title: "Value", field: "val" }
<Table col={comonscol} data={data} />
// Table.js
const [gridData, setGridData] = useState({
columns: props.col,
resolve: () => {},
updatedAt: new Date()
const onRowUpdate = (newData, oldData) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Copy current state data to a new array
const data = [];
// Get edited row index
const index = data.indexOf(oldData);
// replace old row
data[index] = newData;
// update state with the new array
const updatedAt = new Date();
setGridData({ ...gridData, data, updatedAt, resolve });
codeSandbox Example.
Note: onRowUpdate here as an example, same goes for onRowAdd, onRowDelete


dynamic antd table title - react

I am using antd table here, I successfully populated one of the title vertically and I wanna populate the other one horizontally, refer to the images for better clarification thanks
here is my table column:-
const columns = [
title: 'Days',
dataIndex: 'date',
defaultSorter: 'ascend',
key: 'title',
sorter: (a, b) =>,
sortDirections: ['descend', 'ascend'],
render: (date) => getDayName(new Date(date)),
title: 'period',
dataIndex: 'period',
Datasource or data from api
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const [query, setQuery] = useState('');
const fetchData = async () => {
const { data } = await getTimetable();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
rendering table data:-
<TableContainer columns={columns} rowKey={(record) => record.login.uuid} dataSource={data} />
What I want to achieve :point_down:
what I have right now:-
In antd Table, columns need to passed as below format.
const columns = [
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
key: 'name',
// .... rest of the cols
So to create dynamic columns from the response data you get here, 1st you need to create the array of objects (cols) as the above format that need to pass for <Table columns={formattedColsfromResponseData}.
So in your case you need to create columns[] like below format.
let cols = [
title: "Days",
dataIndex: "date",
defaultSorter: "ascend",
key: "title",
sorter: (a, b) =>,
sortDirections: ["descend", "ascend"]
render: (date) => getDayName(new Date(date)),
title: "period 1"
key: "period 1"
render: (row) => row.section + " - " + row.subject; // render function for customized data.
title: "period 2"
key: "period 2"
render: (row) => row.section + " - " + row.subject; // render function for customized data
// .... rest of the 'Period n' cols in the response.
With the below method you can create cols as required format by passing the response data.
This method works assuming response data has only unique 'Periods'.
const generateColumns = (data) => {
let cols = [];
const days = {
title: "Days",
dataIndex: "date",
defaultSorter: "ascend",
key: "title",
sorter: (a, b) =>,
sortDirections: ["descend", "ascend"]
render: (date) => getDayName(new Date(date)),
cols.push(days); // add 'Days' obj to Columns.
// for render: property in cols need to return a function. Here creates that.
const generateRender = (row) => {
console.log("gen row----", row);
return (row) => row.section + " - " + row.subject;
// create the col objects for each 'Period'. This method works assuming response data has only unique 'Periods'. => {
let period = {}; // for create 'Period' obj for cols.
period["title"] = row.period;
period["key"] = row.period;
period["render"] = generateRender(row); // only need this if you render customized data.
cols.push(period); // add Current Period obj to Columns.
return cols;
Now you can pass this method to columns prop in Table with response data which returns the dynamic cols.
const App = () => (
<Table columns={generateColumns(data)} dataSource={data} />
Check this full demo antd-dynamic-cols-example code.

How can i auto refresh or render updated table data form database in material UI table after doing any operation in React?

Here useVideos() give us all videos form database. After adding a new video the new entry is not append in the Material UI table , but if I refresh the page then it's showing that new entry. Now I want to show this new entry after add operation. Please help me to do this! Thanks in Advance.
const initialState = [{}];
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "videos":
const data = [];
let cnt = 1;
action.value.forEach((video, index) => {
sl: cnt,
noq: video.noq,
id: index,
youtubeID: video.youtubeID,
title: video.title,
cnt = cnt + 1;
return data;
return state;
export default function ManageVideos() {
const { videos, addVideo, updateVideo, deleteVideo } = useVideos("");
const [videoList, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
useEffect(() => {
type: "videos",
value: videos,
}, [videos]);
const columns = [
{ title: "Serial", field: "sl" },
{ title: "Title", field: "title" },
{ title: "Number of Qusetion", field: "noq" },
{ title: "Youtube Video Id", field: "youtubeID" },
return (
title="Videos Table"
onRowAdd: (newData) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
onRowUpdate: (newData) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
Since the information provided is a bit lacking, I'll assume that the useEffect hook is not working when you update your videos (check it with consle.log("I'm not working") and if it does work then you can just ignore this answer).
You can define a simple state in this component, let's call it reRender and set the value to 0, whenever the user clicks on the button to add a video you should call a function which adds 1 to the value of reRender (()=>setReRender(prevState=>prevState+1)). In your useEffect hook , for the second argument pass reRender. This way, when the user clicks to submit the changes , reRender causes useEffect to run and dispatch to get the new data.
If this doesn't work , I have a solution which takes a bit more work. You will need to use a state manager like redux or context api to store your state at a global level. You should store your videos there and use 1 of the various ways to access the states in this component (mapStateToProps or store.subscribe() or ...). Then pass the video global state as the second argument to useEffect and voilĂ , it will definitely work.

In react-table with React Hooks, how to make a get request inside Cell?

I have been working with React-table for a couple of days now, my first time using it, and I have ran into some issues I can't quite seem to resolve. I am trying to build a table where I can show data from two API get requests at the same time, and since I don't know if there is a way to connect the two requests data into one object, and I wouldn't know how to do it, I was trying to access some of the data with get requests inside the react-table Column Cell itself.
My case being: I have two objects, Contacts and Institutions, contacts have in their data the institution ID as parameter, and I need to show in the table both the contact information and some information of the institution that is linked to it, getting it from the institution ID that is present in the contact data.
Here is one example of contact:
"contact_id": "34378a25-fe8c-4c64-bd35-59eab3f30863",
"institution_id": "ae1d0fe8-cce1-40ef-87d7-729dfbe9716d",
"name": "Contato 2",
"role": "Cargo 1",
"phone_numbers": [],
"emails": [],
"createdAt": "2021-03-09T20:40:26.6863764Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-03-09T20:40:26.686376448Z",
"deleted": false
And here is the institution data:
"institution_id": "ae1d0fe8-cce1-40ef-87d7-729dfbe9716d",
"name": "Matheus Salles Blanco",
"socialReason": "teste",
"cnpj": "99999999999999",
"abbreviation": "Matheus",
"website": "",
This is the code that is being implemented, reduced to only the parts that matter and that is working, but only showing the info that is being fetched from the contact object:
const Contacts = ({ match }) => {
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const [institution, setInstitution] = useState();
const dataRecoil = useRecoilValue(contactData);
const handleContact = useCallback(async () => {
const response =;
if (response) {
setData(response.filter((contact) => !contact.deleted));
}, [setData, dataRecoil]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [handleContact]);
const columns = useMemo(
() => [
Header: 'Nome',
accessor: 'name',
Header: 'Sigla',
accessor: 'abbreviation',
Header: 'Nome Fantasia',
accessor: 'institution_id',
[editToggle, handleDelete],
return (
<Table columns={columns} data={data} />
And a print of it:
And here is what I have been trying to do:
const Contacts = ({ match }) => {
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const [institution, setInstitution] = useState();
const dataRecoil = useRecoilValue(contactData);
const handleContact = useCallback(async () => {
const response =;
if (response) {
setData(response.filter((contact) => !contact.deleted));
}, [setData, dataRecoil]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [handleContact]);
const columns = useMemo(
() => [
Header: 'Nome',
accessor: 'name',
Header: 'Sigla',
accessor: 'abbreviation',
Header: 'Nome Fantasia',
accessor: 'institution_id',
Cell: async ({ cell }) => {
const response = await getInstitutionById(cell.row.values.institution_id);
const result = [];
const inst = => {return});
const institution_name = inst[0];
return institution_name;
[editToggle, handleDelete],
return (
<Table columns={columns} data={data} />
Which works at the level of fetching the right data, but does not render the page and shows errors:
The error
The right data being shown in the console.log
The expected output would be to show those names on the console.log on place of that long ID of the first picture.
So, is it possible to do what I am trying to do? And if so, what might am I be doing wrong?
I believe the issue is that you are providing an async function for your cell, which will return a Promise, not the institution name as you are expecting.
A potential solution is to instead create a custom Cell component that uses state to store the institution name. I have provided an example below, which was guided by this example, however I have not tested the code at all, so use it as more of a guide.
const MyCell = ({ cell }) => {
const [institutionName, setInstitutionName] = useState('fetching...')
useEffect(() => {
const getInstitutionName = async (id) => {
const response = await getInstitutionById(id);
const result = [];
const inst = => {return});
const institution_name = inst[0];
return institutionName
const Contacts = ({ match }) => {
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const [institution, setInstitution] = useState();
const dataRecoil = useRecoilValue(contactData);
const handleContact = useCallback(async () => {
const response =;
if (response) {
setData(response.filter((contact) => !contact.deleted));
}, [setData, dataRecoil]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [handleContact]);
const columns = useMemo(
() => [
Header: 'Nome',
accessor: 'name',
Header: 'Sigla',
accessor: 'abbreviation',
Header: 'Nome Fantasia',
accessor: 'institution_id',
Cell: MyCell
[editToggle, handleDelete],
return (
<Table columns={columns} data={data} />

Inline MaterialTable Edit with DropDown

I'm attempting to create a MaterialTable with an inline editable field that has a dropdown. The problem seems to be in the columns object. With the lookup attribute, one can specify key:value pairs as dropdown list items. My dilemma seems to be that I am not able to iterate over a list and add the key-value pairs in the dynamic fashion below. It seems to only work when written like lookup:{ 1: "Test Value", 2: "Test Value 2" }. Please explain if my understanding is incorrect.
title="Available Attributes"
{ title: 'Attribute', field: 'name' },
title: 'Data Type',
field: 'dataType',
lookup: {, name) => ({ : attribute.dataType
actionsColumnIndex: -1
onRowAdd: newData =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const data = editableAvailableAttributesList;
this.setState({ data }, () => resolve());
}, 1000);
onRowUpdate: (newData, oldData) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const data = editableAvailableAttributesList;
const index = data.indexOf(oldData);
data[index] = newData;
this.setState({ data }, () => resolve());
}, 1000);
onRowDelete: oldData =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
let data = availableAttributesList;
const index = data.indexOf(oldData);
data.splice(index, 1);
this.setState({ data }, () => resolve());
}, 1000);
The map creates an array of objects, which you have then placed inside another object.
As you've noticed, this won't work. To get the desired format, try this:
// ...other props
{ title: 'Attribute', field: 'name' },
title: 'Data Type',
field: 'dataType',
lookup: dataTypePayload.reduce((acc: any, attribute: any) => {
acc[] = attribute.dataType
return acc
}, {})
// ...other props
Hope that helps!

Populate React Table with firebase realtime database data

I want to populate my table which i build using react library (react-table-6) with firebase data (using realtime database). I am getting values in console but not being able to put in table, each value in its own field. Values are rendering but i know im doing some silly mistake here.
See this image to see screen
Can anybody explain what im doing wrong here,
Below dropping function through which im retrieving values..
this.state = {
data: [ {trainerName: '', CourseName: '', evidence: '', comment: ''}
return firebase.database().ref('Users/CourseApprovals/').on('value', (snapshot) => {
var data = [];
snapshot.forEach((childSnapshot) => {
var childData= childSnapshot.val();
var child1 = childData.comments;
var child2 = childData.evidence;
var child3 = childData.selectedTrainer.label;
var child4 = childData.selectedTrainer.value;
var CompleteData = {child1, child2, child3, child4};
data: CompleteData
}, console.log(data))
And in render,
{ Header: "SL No", maxWidth: 100,filterable: false, Cell: props => {
return <div>{props.index + 1}</div>;
{ Header: "Trainer Name", accessor: "trainerName", className: "sticky", headerClassName: "sticky" },
{ Header: 'Course Name', accessor: 'CourseName'},
{ Header: "Evidence", accessor: "evidence" },
{ Header: 'Comments', accessor: 'comment'},
className="-striped -highlight"
The problem may be in pushing data twice into the data array. Try this:
get_course_list() {
let data = [];
firebase.database().ref('Users/CourseApprovals').on('value', snapshot => {
if (snapshot.exists()) {
// making sure data exists
snapshot.forEach(child => {
let a = child.val();
// build the object
let CompleteData = {
child1: a.comments,
child2: a.evidence,
child3: a.selectedTrainer.label,
child4: a.selectedTrainer.value
// you are currently doing: data.push({ data: CompleteData })
// by doing so your data array looks like this:
// data:[{ data: { child1: '', ... } }, ...]
// now your array should look like this:
// data:[{ child1: '', ... }, ...]
// setState
this.setState({ data });
componentDidMount() {
