Is it possible to disable event cells in react big calendar? - reactjs

No event can be added in past date .i dont want to add event on past dates,is there is any function or logic or method in react big calender

Yes, you can.
Include the necessary file for React would be fine
That's the very method been used in code snippet as below:
You can try the demo in-text:
const App = () => {
const [val, setVal] = React.useState('some text');
const handleOnchange = e => {
return (
<div className="App">
<input type='text' value={val} onChange={handleOnchange} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<div id="root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

You need npm start to run the application because the start command runs the webpack-dev-server.
This server handles live reloading and code transpilation, as well as many other tasks for you.
If you want more customization you can npm run eject to eject your app, but it isn't recommended. Here are some alternatives to ejecting your app.
Otherwise, if it's hosting that you're worried about, you can have the npm start command run on deploy! I recommend Netlify for some free quality hosting

Since you are using react-script (which is part of the setup of create-react-app) you have everything for correct deployment at hand already. None of the mentioned manual steps are needed.
Instead, once you are ready to deploy (a version of) your app, run npm run build. This command will generated an optimized production build, bundling all your components and 3rd party libs into js files, together with the React and Webpack runtimes and put all that, including static content like images, into your build folder (location configurable). You can then copy that content to a machine with a webserver and start serving it from there, like any other web content.


running every time create react app command?

Is it mandatory to run create-react-app command to create app every time?
I don't want to fire create-react-app command which provides some react module files that help to run react application.
So can you guys help me to understand, is it mandatory to every time run this command.
import React from 'react';
const App = {
return (
<div id="root">
<p>Hello this is first react application</p>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
export default App;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
create-react-app (cra) is used to bootstrap a new react app fast.
You can use react without using it, you can run react with only react+react-dom CDN as you already wrote in your code example.
Or you can also bootstrap it yourself if you know a little webpack, you just need the react-jsx babel preset to convert JSX syntax to React.createElement calls.
You can run it once and make a local copy to just copy over every time.
You also can build an app from scratch although that will take longer.
The majority of the 5+ minutes is downloading required dependencies for the app.
NOTE: This is not good practice as it results in never getting newer updated dependencies in your app, and you literally just keep using the old one.
If you are just making a bunch of apps to test, then that’s fine. If you are instead making a bunch of apps for production purposes, remember that part of maintenance is updating dependencies regularly as security updates are released.

How to build react js static on c panel

I have built my react js app with create-react-app configs and it works fine in development build of React.
I built that with npm build command and now i have build folder.
this web page is static (server-less), Now I want to know how to use that and where put files in Cpanel.
After the bundle realized by webpack, you can check the transpiled and minified version inside the build folder. You should upload all the content to your public_html or another folder.
And the meaning of server-less is totally different than you're using. Check this article to understand what it is: What is serverless.
I do not use CRA boilerplate since i have my own but in your case, you should find where your js bundle is. You can find the bundle location in the webpack config. Then append that to your html somehow like this:
<div id="root"></div>
<script src='your-js-bundle'></script>
Assuming that somewhere in your code, you are appending your js code into a div like this:
const element = <h1>Hello, world</h1>; // assuming element is your entry point
ReactDOM.render(element, document.getElementById('root'));
That works if its just simple react project your working on (No SSR and such)

How to integrate a react application in drupal 8, using drupal custom module?

I am very new to react and drupal 8. I know to create custom modules in drupal and react SPAs, but I m not able to call my react app using a drupal8 controller .
Can someone please make me clear of the flow and the correct way to integrate react app in drupal 8?
So there isn't really a good means of calling a React application from within the regular Drupal controller layer or in the twig templates of Drupal 8.
There are two ways people usually connect a React Application to D8.
Option 1 - Progressively decoupled sites - This is where Drupal still uses the TWIG engine to generate the vast majority of the site views, and can use React for some small part of the site while communicating with Drupal through a Drupal based webservice. Check out this project for more information - This is a nice option if you just want to add a small React based widget, but want to keep the bulk of your site in using standard TWIG.
Option 2 - Fully decouples sites - This is where you render 100% of your applications view layer using React, and just use Drupal as a CMS that provides a web service. There are multiple options for the webservice portion including and So an example of this would be serving a create-react-app on a static server and communication with D8 through a web service.
Here is some additional information that might help guide your decision.
Best of luck!
Long post with some assumptions(but it works):
I was seeking to achieve the same (Drupal 8 and react decoupled block), and I searched and searched, I found myself returning to this page more than once, so I will leave the little thing I discovered here.
My Assumptions:
you have created a custom block that has it's own twig template.
you have defined your libraries in your libraries file (we will review this)
you have created your react app in the root folder of your module with npx create-react-app my-app.
create-react-app my-app creates a react app inside my-app folder, my-app contains all the react code and configs. To get our app(custom react js library) to play well with drupal we will need to override somethings, like scripts to rename our files (build command),to something drupal can identify(recognize) and load.
Run yarn add react-app-rewired --dev, to download react app rewire, that let's us override the default react-app configs without having to eject our app.
In the root of your react-app folder, create a file named config-overrides.js that should contain the below code
module.exports = function override(config, env) {
config.optimization.runtimeChunk = false;
config.optimization.splitChunks = {
cacheGroups: {
default: false
return config;
and edit the scripts in in the package.json to
"build": "react-app-rewired build && yarn run build:dist",
"build:dist": "cd build && copy static\\js\\*.js main.js && copy static\\css\\*.css main.css",
NB: I have edited the build command and added the build:dist script (however if not on windows please
replace copy with cp and \\ with / in the build:dist). This will make sure every time you run the build script, your build files will be renamed to main.js and main.css without the filename..js/css which we can then reference in our libraries.yml file.
my modulename.libraries.yml looks like this (filename = modern_js_drupal.libraries.yml)
version: 1.x
my-app/build/main.js: {}
my-app/build/main.css: {}
and my block.html.twig
<div class="row">
<div id="root">
<h4>React App</h4>
{{ attach_library('modern_js_drupal/react_local') }}
The reason I named my div 'root' and not anything else if because react app uses the same id when rendering your app.
Look into react_js/public/index.html and react_js/src/index.js. index.html provides the div to hook our app into and index.js renders the app on the div provided ( ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));), The advantage of this during development is, you get to create your app and view the changes instantly on your app (http://localhost:3000/) and you can later run yarn build to view the most recent changes on your drupal 8 site.

Is node js and JSX required for React JS

We have chosen the react JS 0.14.8 for front end because it supports IE 8 browser but Is Node JS or JSX is necessary for React JS development or we can create components without Node JS or Jsx
Yes you can create ReactJs app without nodejs and jsx.
But why you should use JSX?
JSX provides a very clean way to declare your UI component.
You can use your familiar html syntax to declare your user interface.
JSX gets trans-piled and converted to light weight objects representing ui elements.
You can use following way to declare a react js via
const App = () => {
return (
<div><h1>Welcome to React</h1></div>
2.without jsx
const App = function App() {
return React.createElement(
"Welcome to React"
You can guess which one is easy to write.
Why should I use nodejs to build browser projects?
nodejs is never required for running websites on browser.
But nodejs ecosystem provides you thousands of npm modules to use in your projects without reinventing them just for your projects.
Without nodejs you could have used cdn providers and added <script> tag to use any library. But with the use of module bundlers and static assets generator such as browserify and webpack you can leverage the powser of nodejs ecosystem directly in your web project( which does not require nodejs runtime environment but rather run in browser).
Below snippet use <script> tag to make reactjs available without nodejs.
const App = () => {
return (
<div><h1>Welcome to React</h1></div>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
Is node js required for React JS?
Let me split the answer into 2 parts:
In Production:
Server Side: Not needed unless you are using Node.js to create a web server and server your ReactJS files.
Client Side: Only browser is enough.
In development:
Server Side: Needed to download react libraries and other dependencies using NPM. Needed by webpack to create production bundles.
Client Side: Only browser is enough.
Is JSX required for React JS?
Developer can use HTML tags directly inside javascript if JSX(javascript + XML tags) is used. otherwise it becomes difficult to write code as well as to understand the code.
Hope this answer helps, Thank you
They're not strict requirements; you can include react with a script tag and use React.createElement.
That said, almost everyone uses node.js for development tooling and uses jsx. You can use any language for your api server, but you'll use a node.js server in development most of the time.
If you want to use a different extension, do:
require('node-jsx').install({extension: '.jsx'})
If you want to couple with an additional transform (such as CoffeeScript), do:
var coffee = require('coffee-script');
extension: '.coffee',
additionalTransform: function(src) {
return coffee.compile(src, {
'bare': true
If you want to use ES6 transforms available in the JSX tool
require('node-jsx').install({harmony: true})

create-react-app markdown-loader for webpack

I've cloned the create-react-app and I would like to use the webpack plugin markdown-loader. Can someone please advise me how I would modify the to do so.
If you don't want to eject out of create-react-app, it's actually fairly simple to do with loader directives.
Install markdown-loader to turn the markdown into HTML
Install html-loader to be able to load HTML into JS
import YourMarkdown from '!html-loader!markdown-loader!./'
export default function MarkdownComponent() {
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: YourMarkdown }} />
Taken from Dan Abramovs' post here:
All the build settings are preconfigured and can’t be changed.
If you wish to modify any of the settings you can Eject from the app.
“Ejecting” lets you leave the comfort of Create React App setup at any time. You run a single command, and all the build dependencies, configs, and scripts are moved right into your project. At this point you can customize everything you want, but effectively you are forking our configuration and going your own way.
npm run eject will cause all the config options to be moved over to your application giving you full control over the config. - This is a one way process.
