Fetching hardware usage info from all ESXi hosts - vsphere

I've recently got a little bit acquainted with VSphere environment. And I am looking for the way Hardware info can be automatically fetched via all hosts(specified cluster) in Vcenter (maybe with the help of API).
I have found the exact tab where I can get this info, but how can I access through API?

You have plenty of options ranging from pure metrics solutions to hand cranked API calls. I will try and give you a flavor of some.
TIG Stack (Free)
This is more on the "pure metrics solutions" end of the spectrum. You setup three services; Telegraf (Data Collector with vSphere Plugin), InfluxDB (Time series database) and Grafana (pretty dashboards).
CLIs (Free)
There is a vSphere CLI for Windows, and my personal favorite GOVC (there might be more). GOVC has a range of host info commands, here is an example:
export GOVC_USERNAME="administrator#vsphere.local"
export GOVC_URL="https://<VCENTER>"
export GOVC_INSECURE=true
# Regex will needed changing for > 1 host
export GOVC_HOST=$(govc find / -type h | sed 's:.*/::')
govc host.info
govc host.service.ls
govc host.date.info
govc host.cert.info
govc host.autostart.info
govc host.portgroup.info
govc host.storage.info
govc host.vnic.info
govc host.vswitch.info
govc host.esxcli network ip connection list
The govc host.esxcli command probably offers the most flexibility. And if you want to get into the weeds of esx, esxtop will help.
SDKs (Free)
VMware have written a few SDKs for their REST and SOAP API. As far as I can tell their Python (pyvmomi) and Golang (govmomi) have the most active users. Other SDKs can be found here.
REST (Free)
If you go to:
You will find a range of REST endpoints you can try out, some of which are monitoring related. VMware plan on moving a lot of their vCenter SOAP endpoints to REST...eventually.
VMware Products (Paid)
There are other paid options available from VMware. The most appropriate choice would be vRealize Operations Manager, following that, vRealize Orchestrator (formerly vCenter Orchestrator) has some REST metrics endpoints exposed based on #Andrew76868's (OP) comment.
Hope this helps!


How can a person get help in learning Redis Online

I have visited Redis official website and more other platforms for the tutorials but still I am unable to installation of Redis (in-memory data structure store).
The README.md file at Github is also failed to let me complete install and play with Redis.
I am a beginner to Redis and needs some specific and easy guidance in learning or installing it to system and play with it.
You can try Redis University. It provides a Virtual Lab environment for each student. Courses are free. Of course, there are many other tutorials, videos, courses, and books available.
Installation on Windows is not recommended. You have a few options before having to install yourself, if you want just to play with it:
AWS ElastiCache for Redis free for 12 months (cache.t2micro or cache.t3.micro Node, 750 h/month). AWS provides many tutorials as well.
Redis Enterprise Cloud, you choose your favorite cloud for hosting, and it's free up to 30 MB. No CC required.
Redis docker image. You can run it with docker desktop in Mac or Windows as well.
You can try the classic redis-cli to play with it. You can also try some GUI clients available, like RDBTools.
If you are trying to install and facing problems, then post a question with the specifics of what have you tried and what the error you are getting is.

How to host Shiny apps on windows server?

I have developed some shiny apps which I want to make available to a few selected internal users for testing purposes and continued development.
Deploying the apps on the cloud or on shinyapps.io is not an option, as the apps are handling sensitive internal data.
Using ShinyServer is unfortunately also not an option, as we have a strict Microsoft only IT architecture and I thus have available only
a virtual machine with Windows Server 2012 R2 on it.
I have been doing some web search and have found out the following:
i.) I could host my apps on the Windows machine as explained here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44584982/7306540 . This seems rather hackish and
not elegant at all. It would only allow hosting of one app at a time and I am not sure if it would allow several concurrent users at all.
ii.) I could use shinyproxy.io which would possibly work on the Windows machine but involves a fair amount of quite complex installation
and configuration work that I am not particularly keen on doing.
iii.) SQLServer 2016 seems to feature some sort of R integration. We are currently using SQLServer2014 and it would be possible to upgrade to 2016
in principle. However, I don't know if the "R features" of SQLServer2016 would allow hosting of Shiny Apps. I found this blog post, https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/1cf94cbb-c45d-4f8d-8b5e-9d208bfe369a/microsoft-r-server-can-i-host-shiny-apps-yet?forum=MicrosoftR , but without an answer:
Q: Does anyone know more about the capabilities of SQLServer2016 in this regard?
What about other options? Is there any other way to host my apps on the Windows Server? Do the makers of RStudio plan to add a Windows version of ShinyServer? Is anyone else working on this?
I would appreciate any insights into this topic!
Additional hosting options:
iv.) We can install a VM on the Windows Server, e.g. Virtual Box, or VM Player, install Linux and Shiny Server and host from there. We might run into problems in this variant if the Shiny Apps need to access SQL Server DB's on the Windows machine.
i.) This variant could possibly be improved by using (quote #gregL): "pm2.keymetrics.io, a process manager typically used for Node.js in production. The plumber docs describe how you can use pm2 with R: rplumber.io/docs/hosting.html#pm2"
Hosting of Shiny Apps is possible on Windows!
At work, we host several production shiny dashboards, so it is definitely possible. You can host more Shiny apps by extending the i.) solution you mentioned, and using different ports for the Apps. The steps that you need to take are listed here:
make sure that the port is open in the local (evtl. also remote) firewall for TCP/IP connections
run a "scheduled task" on the local machine that starts a local R session as described in i.), make sure that the task does time-out and restarts if needed
Once these settings are in place, you can already test the Shiny App, first locally, and also from the remote station. Editing the shiny app can be done also live, in what the GUI is concerned, but if you want to refresh the data, you will have to restart the R command process.
Tip: You should also have an index webpage where you list all running apps with their ports

How to "explore" group of servers?

I need to check a group of servers (Unix, Linux) to know what kind of services, software (also version) are running there (check it once for a while and store it in database).
The idea is to have always fresh info about whole environment - its constantly changing. Perhaps you can suggest some solution that is already there?
Currently i am thinking about using Nagios or Cacti + plugins but I am not sure if this solution will be optimal.
Nagios is a very powerful monitoring solution (the best for me) : Open source, Compatible with both linux & windows, reporting & notifications via emails/SMS, Nice interface, Many many plugins...etc I've already worked with & I was very satisfied.
Check Nico Largo's Forum for Install. If you are not familiar to linux command search for FAN : Fully Automated Nagios which is a .iso where nagios is already in.
If you have any trouble during install or configuration post your questions there : https://serverfault.com/
Given that you want to poll for information on the system that can change dynamically, I would look at Check_MK.
It originally started as a plugin for Nagios that would poll a server for running services and generate the necessary configs for monitoring anything it discovered. Since then, it has evolved into a complete monitoring solution that provides its own complete ui (still based on nagios core), so you are safe in running this if you are familiar with nagios already.
See the website: http://mathias-kettner.com/checkmk_monitoring_system.html
You may need to select that you wish to view the "English" perspective of the site on first visit.

Heroku multi region support

Does Heroku offer multi region support for it's implementation? I'm specifically interested in a master-master database setup in multiple AWS regions.
I am looking at the same answer, 4 years later. Here is what I found:
The only regions Heroku offer is EU / US for the common runtime.
If you are a Heroku Enterprise client and use Private Spaces, you have access to the following regions: Dublin, Frankfurt, Oregon, Sydney, Tokyo and Virginia. source
By default, Heroku does NOT provide any multi-AZ support, unless you take the Premium options on PG. From what I see, you cannot choose which region you want the replication to be in. source
Lastly, if you want to setup yourself a multi-az architecture (on PG or any other component), you will have to do it yourself.

how to integrate bugzilla and HP quality center?

I'm working on integrating Bugzilla with HP Qc. I'm performing this by using perl script by directly manipulating the database using sql commands. I want to use the web services of Bugzilla. I have gone through the Bugzilla webservice API but tat wasn't enough to get started. I'm a beginner and this is the first project of my career. How do I go about this?
Check out the Perl script bz_webservice_demo.pl in Bugzilla's contrib directory, it shows how to talk to Bugzilla via XMLRPC.
There are a few things you could do:
Export defects from Bugzilla into a spreadsheet and upload it into Quality Center
Use the Open Test Architecture API (OTAClient.dll) to update defects in Quality Center
Use the HP Synchronization Server and build an adapter
Using the HP Synchronizer is probably the only "real" way to do it. Though you could potentially build your own sync mechanism, potentially using just OTA and a message queue.
There may be an existing adapter available from proficom-ag based on a presentation I found via a web search
