I am using a prepared statement using Spring JDBCNamedParameterTemplate in MS SQL Server
String sqlUpsateEntity = "update mytable \n" + "set name = :myname, Current_Date = current_timestamp from mytable where mytable_id = :id";
"Current_Date = current_timestamp " gives error
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near 'Current_Date'."
How can I insert the current timestamp?
#Martin Cairney pointed out the cause may be another issue and he is right.
When I added the 'Current_Date = current_timestamp' in the actual code, I had
forgotten to put a ',' after the previous clause. So current_timestamp works just fine.
The syntax looks to be OK - I am not convinced that the use of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is your issue, but possible ways to check this include using the other system date and time options:
I'd suggest trying with each of those to see if it does the same.
Another option, without seeing your table schema and parameter values is that there is a mis-match between those. Check that you are passing the appropriate data type for :myname and also that Current_Date is a DATETIME data type and also that the value passed for :id matches the data type of column mytable_id.
Have a table I'm logging information from a .NET program into.
The VB.NET app explicity dictates the format of the DATETIME string like below
responsedt = Date.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff")
I then pass this into an INSERT statement that updates my table, however even though the entire setup of the SQL Server is en-GB (British English) the DateTime has gone in the following format:
2019-09-05 19:09:34.823
This was done yesterday so actually should be
2019-05-09 19:09:34.823
The day and month should be switched around, I have tried performing an update on the table post process to get it to update using the following code
FORMAT (xa.daterequested, 'yyyy-dd-MM HH:MM:ss.fff', 'en-gb')
How while this works in a SELECT statement it doesn't seem to work when I do the UPDATE statement.
It is not ideal to have to update all the records dates after the initial INSERT so a solution to either the .NET side of the issue or the SQL would be appreciated as its pickling my head.
You have 2 options to prevent the error from happening again:
Keep dates as date/time data types instead of converting them to strings.
Use formats that are not language or settings dependent. In SQL Server these would be YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss.msss OR YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mss (notice the T between date and time)
To correct the dates already inserted you could use the format codes in the CONVERT function.
daterequested = STUFF( STUFF( StringDate, 5, 0, SUBSTRING(StringDate,7,2)), 9, 2, '')
FROM YourTable t
CROSS APPLY( SELECT CONVERT( varchar(25), '20190905 19:09:34.823', 121) AS StringDate) AS x;
I want a result 2000-02-05 with below query in snowsql.
alter session set TWO_DIGIT_CENTURY_START=2000;
select cast ('05-FEB-00' as date) from dual;
But I am getting 0001-02-05.
I am using existing script to load date in snowflake which works for oracle. I know I can get expected result using to_date function but I don't want to do so. If I have to then I have change many place in script which is hectic.
I want solution using cast function. Do anyone know what is happening here?
You first need to specify the non-default date format for your input data. In the case of the example above:
alter session set date_input_format = 'DD-MON-YY';
alter session set TWO_DIGIT_CENTURY_START=2000;
select cast ('05-FEB-00' as date) from dual;
I have a datetimeoffset column DateEntry in my SQL Server table. When I want to convert it to a timestamp format with this query :
SELECT CAST(Table1.[DateEntry] AS timestamp)
FROM Table1
I get the following error :
Error : 529- Explicit conversion from data type datetimeoffset to
timestamp is not allowed.
TIMESTAMP in SQL Server has absolutely nothing to do with a date and time, therefore you cannot convert an existing date&time into a TIMESTAMP.
TIMESTAMP or more recently called ROWVERSION is really just a binary counter that SQL Server updates internally whenever row has been modified. You cannot set a TIMESTAMP column yourself, you can just read it out. It is used almost exclusively for optimistic concurrency checks - checking to see whether a row has been modified since it's been read, before updating it.
According to MSDN:
The timestamp data type is just an incrementing number and does not
preserve a date or a time. To record a date or time, use a datetime
data type.
If your are absolutely sure, you can use indirect conversion:
DECLARE #dto datetimeoffset = '2016-01-01 12:30:56.45678'
SELECT CONVERT(timestamp, CONVERT(varbinary(12), #dto))
See also #marc_s's answer.
Try the following script if this this is what you are trying your side
SELECT CAST(CAST(Table1.[DateEntry] AS datetime) as timestamp) FROM Table1
I've got a query like
select x from tableName where startDate <= now;
When i query the database without the date fields, everything works as expected. As soon as i start using date or timestamp columns in the oracle Database, my queries return nothing or an error.
What I do:
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT roomNo, userPass, adminPass, adminFlags, userFlags, bookId, is_locked, running_on_server FROM booking WHERE roomNo = '?' AND startTime <= { ts '?' } AND endTime >= { ts '?' } for update;");
stmt = ast_odbc_prepare_and_execute(obj, generic_prepare, &gps);
the ? will be replaced by values, with following command:
SQLBindParameter(stmt, i + 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, strlen(gps->argv[i]), 0, gps->argv[i], 0, NULL);
when I execute the query I get an error that TS is an invalid identifier [this was a recommendation by another board, taken from msdn - which may cause this error]
but even if I remove it and send just a string to the database, I'll get an empty result back. I also tried to bind the parameters as SQL_TIMESTAMP and SQL_DATE, but this didn't help either.
Hopefully somebody can help me.
thanks in advance.
Are you sending a DATE data type to the Oracle query or a date represented in a string?
From the Oracle side of things, if you send a date in a string variable you'll need to use the oracle "TO_DATE" function (http://www.techonthenet.com/oracle/functions/to_date.php) to then convert thew string back to a date for use in your SQL statement (assuming startDate or startTime/endTime are DATE columns in the database).
Your fist SQL example should be:
FROM tableName
WHERE startDate <= TO_DATE(now, '<date-format>');
If the variable "now" was a string containing '05-OCT-2011 16:15:23' (including a time portion) then the to_date would be:
If you compare a string with a date and don't specify the format of that date Oracle will use its default NLS parameters and try to apply that format. Therefore it is always prudent to specify the date format using TO_DATE.
Hope it helps...
I was working on migrating data from MYSQL to HSQL.
In MYSQL data file, there are plenty of records where date values are set as '0000-00-00' and HSQL database throws below error:
"data exception: invalid datetime format / Error Code: -3407 / State:
for all such records.
I would like to know what could be optimum solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance
HSQLDB follows the SQL Standard and allows valid dates only. A date such as '0001-01-01' would be a good candidate for the default value.
Regardless of the method used for data inserts, the '0000-00-00' strings should be corrected before insert. One way of doing this is to use a default value for the target column with DEFAULT DATE'0001-01-01' and replace the string in the INSERT statement with the keyword DEFAULT. For example: