I'm running into the following error for my _asm code in Visual Studio:
"First-chance exception at 0x00431BCF in HW7.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000."
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
// Function to implement strncpy() function
char* strncpy(char* destination, const char* source, size_t num)
_asm {
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 208; 000000d0H
push ebx
push esi
push edi
lea edi, DWORD PTR[ebp - 208]
mov ecx, 52; 00000034H
mov eax, -858993460; ccccccccH
rep stosd
cmp DWORD PTR[destination], 0
jne label_3
xor eax, eax
jmp label_4
mov eax, DWORD PTR[destination]
mov DWORD PTR[ebp-08h], eax
mov eax, DWORD PTR[source]
movsx ecx, BYTE PTR[eax]
test ecx, ecx
je label_1
mov eax, DWORD PTR[num]
mov DWORD PTR[ebp-0D0h], eax
mov ecx, DWORD PTR[num]
sub ecx, 1
mov DWORD PTR[num], ecx
cmp DWORD PTR[ebp-0D0h], 0
je label_1
mov eax, DWORD PTR[destination]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR[source]
mov dl, BYTE PTR[ecx]
mov BYTE PTR[eax], dl
mov eax, DWORD PTR[destination]
add eax, 1
mov DWORD PTR[destination], eax
mov eax, DWORD PTR[source]
add eax, 1
mov DWORD PTR[source], eax
jmp label_2
mov eax, DWORD PTR[destination]
mov BYTE PTR[eax], 0
mov eax, DWORD PTR[ebp-08h]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 0
// return if no memory is allocated to the destination
if (destination == NULL)
return NULL;
// take a pointer pointing to the beginning of destination string
char* ptr = destination;
// copy first num characters of C-string pointed by source
// into the array pointed by destination
while (*source && num--)
*destination = *source;
// null terminate destination string
*destination = '\0';
// destination is returned by standard strncpy()
return ptr;
// Implement strncpy() function in C
int main(void)
char* source = "Crisp Rat";
char destination[12];
char* source = "Christians Later";
char destination[12];
char* source = "Huge Ackman";
char destination[12];
size_t num = 11;
// Copies the first num characters of source to destination
printf("%s\n", strncpy(destination, source, num));
return 0;
I've stepped through the code and the error occurs at the instruction "mov byte ptr[eax],dl".
My C code equivalent of the asm code is commented out just below it. I appreciate any help very much, thank you.
I want to have a register containing 4 bytes of address and 4 bytes of data. For that, I thought about building it in an array of structures (containing address and data as members) or in a matrix. Here a sample code to test what I want to achieve:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void reg_init();
#define REG_SIZE 1
typedef struct Reg{
uint8_t addr[4];
uint8_t data[4];
} reg;
static reg reg_struct[REG_SIZE];
static uint8_t reg_matrix[REG_SIZE][8];
int main()
int index=-1;
for(int i=0; i<REG_SIZE; i++)
uint8_t addr_to_check[4]={0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78};
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
if(addr_to_check[j]!=reg_struct[i].addr[j]) break;
if(j==3) index = i;
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
if(addr_to_check[j]!=reg_matrix[i][j]) break;
if(j==3) index = i;
if (index<0) printf("Address not found\n");
else printf("Address at index: %i",index);
return 0;
void reg_init()
// Register init for testing
reg_struct[0].addr[0] = 0x12;
reg_struct[0].addr[1] = 0x34;
reg_struct[0].addr[2] = 0x56;
reg_struct[0].addr[3] = 0x78;
reg_struct[0].data[0] = 0x01;
reg_struct[0].data[1] = 0x02;
reg_struct[0].data[2] = 0x03;
reg_struct[0].data[3] = 0x04;
reg_matrix[0][0] = 0x12;
reg_matrix[0][1] = 0x34;
reg_matrix[0][2] = 0x56;
reg_matrix[0][3] = 0x78;
reg_matrix[0][4] = 0x01;
reg_matrix[0][5] = 0x02;
reg_matrix[0][6] = 0x03;
reg_matrix[0][7] = 0x04;
The example shows just a unit size register, but the size will be much higher (up to 8 bytes). Overall, I'm interested in optimization in terms of performance. Does it really care to use one or another, or will the compiler build the same machine code?
Below is the assembly of the above code created using visual studio 2019.
Look at record line number ; Line 50 and ; Line 51 it looks like compiler has created same assembly code for both matrix and structure.
; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 19.20.27508.1
TITLE D:\main.c
include listing.inc
.model flat
PUBLIC ___local_stdio_printf_options
PUBLIC __vfprintf_l
PUBLIC _printf
PUBLIC _reg_init
PUBLIC _main
EXTRN ___acrt_iob_func:PROC
EXTRN ___stdio_common_vfprintf:PROC
COMM ?_OptionsStorage#?1??__local_stdio_printf_options##9#9:QWORD ; `__local_stdio_printf_options'::`2'::_OptionsStorage
_reg_struct DQ 01H DUP (?)
_reg_matrix DB 08H DUP (?)
$SG8132 DB 'Address not found', 0aH, 00H
ORG $+1
$SG8133 DB 'Address at index: %i', 00H
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
_index$ = -20 ; size = 4
_addr_to_check$1 = -16 ; size = 4
_j$2 = -12 ; size = 4
_j$3 = -8 ; size = 4
_i$4 = -4 ; size = 4
_main PROC
; File D:\main.c
; Line 16
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 20 ; 00000014H
; Line 17
mov DWORD PTR _index$[ebp], -1
; Line 18
call _reg_init
; Line 19
mov DWORD PTR _i$4[ebp], 0
jmp SHORT $LN4#main
mov eax, DWORD PTR _i$4[ebp]
add eax, 1
mov DWORD PTR _i$4[ebp], eax
cmp DWORD PTR _i$4[ebp], 1
jge $LN3#main
; Line 21
mov BYTE PTR _addr_to_check$1[ebp], 18 ; 00000012H
mov BYTE PTR _addr_to_check$1[ebp+1], 52 ; 00000034H
mov BYTE PTR _addr_to_check$1[ebp+2], 86 ; 00000056H
mov BYTE PTR _addr_to_check$1[ebp+3], 120 ; 00000078H
; Line 23
mov DWORD PTR _j$3[ebp], 0
jmp SHORT $LN7#main
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _j$3[ebp]
add ecx, 1
mov DWORD PTR _j$3[ebp], ecx
cmp DWORD PTR _j$3[ebp], 4
jge SHORT $LN6#main
; Line 25
mov edx, DWORD PTR _j$3[ebp]
movzx eax, BYTE PTR _addr_to_check$1[ebp+edx]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _j$3[ebp]
mov edx, DWORD PTR _i$4[ebp]
movzx ecx, BYTE PTR _reg_struct[ecx+edx*8]
cmp eax, ecx
je SHORT $LN11#main
jmp SHORT $LN6#main
; Line 26
cmp DWORD PTR _j$3[ebp], 3
jne SHORT $LN12#main
mov edx, DWORD PTR _i$4[ebp]
mov DWORD PTR _index$[ebp], edx
; Line 27
jmp SHORT $LN5#main
; Line 30
mov DWORD PTR _j$2[ebp], 0
jmp SHORT $LN10#main
mov eax, DWORD PTR _j$2[ebp]
add eax, 1
mov DWORD PTR _j$2[ebp], eax
cmp DWORD PTR _j$2[ebp], 4
jge SHORT $LN9#main
; Line 32
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _j$2[ebp]
movzx edx, BYTE PTR _addr_to_check$1[ebp+ecx]
mov eax, DWORD PTR _j$2[ebp]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _i$4[ebp]
movzx eax, BYTE PTR _reg_matrix[eax+ecx*8]
cmp edx, eax
je SHORT $LN13#main
jmp SHORT $LN9#main
; Line 33
cmp DWORD PTR _j$2[ebp], 3
jne SHORT $LN14#main
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _i$4[ebp]
mov DWORD PTR _index$[ebp], ecx
; Line 34
jmp SHORT $LN8#main
; Line 35
jmp $LN2#main
; Line 36
cmp DWORD PTR _index$[ebp], 0
jge SHORT $LN15#main
push OFFSET $SG8132
call _printf
add esp, 4
jmp SHORT $LN16#main
; Line 37
mov edx, DWORD PTR _index$[ebp]
push edx
push OFFSET $SG8133
call _printf
add esp, 8
; Line 38
xor eax, eax
; Line 39
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 0
_main ENDP
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
_reg_init PROC
; File D:\main.c
; Line 41
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; Line 43
mov eax, 8
imul ecx, eax, 0
mov edx, 1
imul eax, edx, 0
mov BYTE PTR _reg_struct[ecx+eax], 18 ; 00000012H
; Line 44
mov ecx, 8
imul edx, ecx, 0
mov eax, 1
shl eax, 0
mov BYTE PTR _reg_struct[edx+eax], 52 ; 00000034H
; Line 45
mov ecx, 8
imul edx, ecx, 0
mov eax, 1
shl eax, 1
mov BYTE PTR _reg_struct[edx+eax], 86 ; 00000056H
; Line 46
mov ecx, 8
imul edx, ecx, 0
mov eax, 1
imul ecx, eax, 3
mov BYTE PTR _reg_struct[edx+ecx], 120 ; 00000078H
; Line 47
mov edx, 8
imul eax, edx, 0
mov ecx, 1
imul edx, ecx, 0
mov BYTE PTR _reg_struct[eax+edx+4], 1
; Line 48
mov eax, 8
imul ecx, eax, 0
mov edx, 1
shl edx, 0
mov BYTE PTR _reg_struct[ecx+edx+4], 2
; Line 49
mov eax, 8
imul ecx, eax, 0
mov edx, 1
shl edx, 1
mov BYTE PTR _reg_struct[ecx+edx+4], 3
; Line 50
mov eax, 8
imul ecx, eax, 0
mov edx, 1
imul eax, edx, 3
mov BYTE PTR _reg_struct[ecx+eax+4], 4
; Line 51
mov ecx, 8
imul edx, ecx, 0
mov eax, 1
imul ecx, eax, 0
mov BYTE PTR _reg_matrix[edx+ecx], 18 ; 00000012H
; Line 52
mov edx, 8
imul eax, edx, 0
mov ecx, 1
shl ecx, 0
mov BYTE PTR _reg_matrix[eax+ecx], 52 ; 00000034H
; Line 53
mov edx, 8
imul eax, edx, 0
mov ecx, 1
shl ecx, 1
mov BYTE PTR _reg_matrix[eax+ecx], 86 ; 00000056H
; Line 54
mov edx, 8
imul eax, edx, 0
mov ecx, 1
imul edx, ecx, 3
mov BYTE PTR _reg_matrix[eax+edx], 120 ; 00000078H
; Line 55
mov eax, 8
imul ecx, eax, 0
mov edx, 1
shl edx, 2
mov BYTE PTR _reg_matrix[ecx+edx], 1
; Line 56
mov eax, 8
imul ecx, eax, 0
mov edx, 1
imul eax, edx, 5
mov BYTE PTR _reg_matrix[ecx+eax], 2
; Line 57
mov ecx, 8
imul edx, ecx, 0
mov eax, 1
imul ecx, eax, 6
mov BYTE PTR _reg_matrix[edx+ecx], 3
; Line 58
mov edx, 8
imul eax, edx, 0
mov ecx, 1
imul edx, ecx, 7
mov BYTE PTR _reg_matrix[eax+edx], 4
; Line 59
pop ebp
ret 0
_reg_init ENDP
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
; COMDAT _printf
__Result$ = -8 ; size = 4
__ArgList$ = -4 ; size = 4
__Format$ = 8 ; size = 4
_printf PROC ; COMDAT
; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.17763.0\ucrt\stdio.h
; Line 954
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 8
; Line 957
lea eax, DWORD PTR __Format$[ebp+4]
mov DWORD PTR __ArgList$[ebp], eax
; Line 958
mov ecx, DWORD PTR __ArgList$[ebp]
push ecx
push 0
mov edx, DWORD PTR __Format$[ebp]
push edx
push 1
call ___acrt_iob_func
add esp, 4
push eax
call __vfprintf_l
add esp, 16 ; 00000010H
mov DWORD PTR __Result$[ebp], eax
; Line 959
mov DWORD PTR __ArgList$[ebp], 0
; Line 960
mov eax, DWORD PTR __Result$[ebp]
; Line 961
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 0
_printf ENDP
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
; COMDAT __vfprintf_l
__Stream$ = 8 ; size = 4
__Format$ = 12 ; size = 4
__Locale$ = 16 ; size = 4
__ArgList$ = 20 ; size = 4
__vfprintf_l PROC ; COMDAT
; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.17763.0\ucrt\stdio.h
; Line 642
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; Line 643
mov eax, DWORD PTR __ArgList$[ebp]
push eax
mov ecx, DWORD PTR __Locale$[ebp]
push ecx
mov edx, DWORD PTR __Format$[ebp]
push edx
mov eax, DWORD PTR __Stream$[ebp]
push eax
call ___local_stdio_printf_options
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [eax+4]
push ecx
mov edx, DWORD PTR [eax]
push edx
call ___stdio_common_vfprintf
add esp, 24 ; 00000018H
; Line 644
pop ebp
ret 0
__vfprintf_l ENDP
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
; COMDAT ___local_stdio_printf_options
___local_stdio_printf_options PROC ; COMDAT
; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.17763.0\ucrt\corecrt_stdio_config.h
; Line 86
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; Line 88
mov eax, OFFSET ?_OptionsStorage#?1??__local_stdio_printf_options##9#9 ; `__local_stdio_printf_options'::`2'::_OptionsStorage
; Line 89
pop ebp
ret 0
___local_stdio_printf_options ENDP
I'm trying to convert 32bit float to 64bit double in asm on x86 architecture. The conversion is done by function written in asm and then I want to call it from C. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but memory pointed by dst seem to stay untouched and after printf program crashes. I want to do it without any floating-point intructions. Here's the code:
.model flat
public _conv
mantissa_mask dd 00000000011111111111111111111111b
exponent_mask dd 01111111100000000000000000000000b
_conv PROC
mov ebp, esp
mov esi, dword ptr [ebp+8] ; src
mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+12]; dst
mov dword ptr [edi], 0
mov dword ptr [edi+4], 0
mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
and eax, dword ptr mantissa_mask
mov dword ptr [edi], eax
xor edx, edx ; zero edx
mov ecx, 1
shl ecx, 29 ;ecx == 2^29
mul ecx ;so it's like `shl edx:eax, 29`
mov dword ptr [edi], eax
mov dword ptr [edi+4], edx
mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
and eax, dword ptr exponent_mask
shr eax, 23 ;put exponent on lowest bits
sub eax, 127 ;exponent in float is coded enlarged by 127
add eax, 1023 ;in double it's enlarged by 1023
shl eax, 20 ;exponent in double starts on 20bit of 2nd byte
or dword ptr [edi], eax
;sign bit:
bt dword ptr [esi], 31
jc set_sign_bit
btr dword ptr [edi+4], 31
jmp endthis
bts dword ptr [edi+4], 31
_conv ENDP
And the C code:
void conv(float * src, double * dst);
int main()
float src = 4.5f;
double dst = 0.;
conv(&src, &dst);
printf("%f\n", dst);
return 0;
Your primary problem is accessing the arguments. Since you did pusha the arguments are not at [ebp+8] and [ebp+12], rather at [ebp+36] and [ebp+40]. A debugger would have shown you this right away. Even with those changes your code is still broken though.
Ok, finally it works. Very helpful was Jester's advice about args access. Stupid thing, but hard to notice. Here's final code:
.model flat
public _conv
mantissa_mask dd 00000000011111111111111111111111b
exponent_mask dd 01111111100000000000000000000000b
_conv PROC
mov ebp, esp
;+36 and +40 since pusha
mov esi, dword ptr [ebp+36]; src
mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+40]; dst
mov dword ptr [edi], 0
mov dword ptr [edi+4], 0
mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
and eax, dword ptr mantissa_mask
mov dword ptr [edi], eax
xor edx, edx ; zero edx
mov ecx, 1
shl ecx, 29 ;ecx == 2^29
mul ecx ;so it's like `shl edx:eax, 29`
mov dword ptr [edi], eax
mov dword ptr [edi+4], edx
mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
and eax, dword ptr exponent_mask
shr eax, 23 ;put exponent on lowest bits
sub eax, 127 ;exponent in float is coded enlarged by 127
add eax, 1023 ;in double it's enlarged by 1023
shl eax, 20 ;exponent in double starts on 20bit of 2nd byte
or dword ptr [edi+4], eax
;sign bit:
bt dword ptr [esi], 31
jc set_sign_bit
btr dword ptr [edi+4], 31
jmp endthis
bts dword ptr [edi+4], 31
_conv ENDP
I wrote this classic function : (in 32-bit mode)
void ex(size_t a, size_t b)
size_t c;
c = a;
a = b;
b = c;
I call it inside the main as follows :
size_t a = 4;
size_t b = 5;
What I was expecting from the assembly code generated when entering the function is something like this :
1-Push the values of b and a in the stack : (which was done)
mov eax,dword ptr [b]
push eax
mov ecx,dword ptr [a]
push ecx
2-Use the values of a and b in the stack :
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 4
c = a;
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov dword ptr [ebp-4], eax
and so on for the other variables.
However, this is what I find when debugging :
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,0CCh // normal since it's in debug with ZI option
push ebx
push esi
push edi
lea edi,[ebp-0CCh]
mov ecx,33h
mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
size_t c;
c = a;
mov eax,dword ptr [a]
mov dword ptr [c],eax
Why is it using the variable a directly instead of calling the value stored in the stack? I don't understand...
The debugger doesn't show the instruction using ebp to access a. The same syntax is permitted when you write inline assembly. Otherwise the reason that dword ptr still appears.
It is easy to get it your preferred way, right click > untick "Show Symbol Names".
Using the assembly output option (right click on file name, properties, ...), I get what you expect from debug assembly output. This could depend on which version of VS you use. For this example, I used VS2005. I have VS2015 on a different system, but didn't try it yet.
_c$ = -8 ; size = 4
_a$ = 8 ; size = 4
_b$ = 12 ; size = 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 204 ; 000000ccH
push ebx
push esi
push edi
lea edi, DWORD PTR [ebp-204]
mov ecx, 51 ; 00000033H
mov eax, -858993460 ; ccccccccH
rep stosd ;fill with 0cccccccch
mov eax, DWORD PTR _a$[ebp]
mov DWORD PTR _c$[ebp], eax
mov eax, DWORD PTR _b$[ebp]
mov DWORD PTR _a$[ebp], eax
mov eax, DWORD PTR _c$[ebp]
mov DWORD PTR _b$[ebp], eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 0
_ex ENDP
Note this doesn't work, you need to use pointers for the swap to work.
void ex(size_t *pa, size_t *pb)
size_t c;
c = *pa;
*pa = *pb;
*pb = c;
which gets translated into:
_c$ = -8 ; size = 4
_pa$ = 8 ; size = 4
_pb$ = 12 ; size = 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 204 ; 000000ccH
push ebx
push esi
push edi
lea edi, DWORD PTR [ebp-204]
mov ecx, 51 ; 00000033H
mov eax, -858993460 ; ccccccccH
rep stosd
mov eax, DWORD PTR _pa$[ebp]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [eax]
mov DWORD PTR _c$[ebp], ecx
mov eax, DWORD PTR _pa$[ebp]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _pb$[ebp]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx]
mov DWORD PTR [eax], edx
mov eax, DWORD PTR _pb$[ebp]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _c$[ebp]
mov DWORD PTR [eax], ecx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 0
_ex ENDP
Let's say I've such function in certain memory address (for ex. 0x643795):
mov ecx, [esp+4]
mov eax, [ecx+19Ch]
and byte ptr [eax+24h], 0
mov ecx, [ecx+60h]
mov [eax+2Ch], ecx
Now, I would like to know, if there's any single way, to change this function, on this address with for ex. such thing:
mov ecx, [esp+8]
mov ecx, [ecx+19Ch]
So, I'll be able to change function in certain address, with my own code (I'm mainly interested in C solution).
C solution, but be careful, do not forget about nop aligment:
#include <windows.h>
__declspec(naked) void code()
mov ecx, dword ptr [esp + 8]
mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx + 19Ch]
__declspec(naked) void code_end()
int main()
LPVOID MesBox_addr = GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA("user32.dll"), "MessageBoxA");
DWORD dwOld;
VirtualProtect(MesBox_addr, (DWORD)&code_end - (DWORD)&code, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOld);
CopyMemory(MesBox_addr, (LPVOID)&code, (DWORD)&code_end - (DWORD)&code);
MessageBoxA(0, 0, 0, 0);
return 0;
Could someone explain why is my strcat doing this?
I can't seem to find out why I am rewriting on a part of the source string.
The output is like this: New String: HelloThis shall be after my backslash 0 in str1h 0 in str1
global strcat
extern strlen
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ecx
push esi
push edi
push ebx
push edx
xor edx, edx
xor edi, edi
xor ebx, ebx
xor esi, esi
xor ecx, ecx
mov edi, [ebp + 8]
mov esi, [ebp + 12]
push edi
call strlen
pop edi
mov ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
push esi
call strlen
pop esi
mov ebx, eax
xor eax, eax
cmp [edi + ecx], byte 0b
cmp ebx, eax
je END
mov dl, [esi + eax]
mov [edi + ecx], dl
xor edx, edx
inc eax
inc ecx
mov eax, [ebp + 8]
pop edx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ecx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char* str1;
char* str2;
str1 = strdup("Hello");
str2 = strdup("This shall be after my backslash 0 in str1");
printf("New String : %s\n", strcat(str1, str2));
return (0);
strcat() appends the characters from one string to another string. The target string is modified. So strcat(str1, str2) modifies str1 to also contain the contents of str2.
Since not enough memory is allocated for str1 to contain the characters from both strings, this leads to an overflow.