Mass update of records - salesforce

I have a custom object called Sales Target
I have 2 lookup fields for contact(Contact__c) and owner(OwnerId) in that object.
I have about 100 records where I need to change the Owner field to Contact field.
Any clues.

Contact records cannot be Owners of other records. Owners must be Users or Queues. You will not be able to make this change as written.
If your Contacts represent community users, you'll need to pull out those users' Ids instead.
Once you have User Ids in hand, you can make the change using any one of the many available data loaders for Salesforce, such as the Data Loader or the Data Import Wizard. You'd perform an Update operation in the data loader and would need to supply the Id of the record to update and the desired OwnerId value on each row.


Integrate Salesforce with Salesforce

I'm trying to get updated account records from a Salesforce organization pushTopic subscription and trying to add the changes in another Salesforce organization. If the second organization already has the particular account, it should be updated else it should be create as new account. For this scenario I need to check the second organization account with first organization account records. How can we do it since Salesforce doesn't have unique key other than record id?
Create a big object which will hold the first organization record Id with the equivalent new org record Id. Through this, you will get to know the records which are already inserted.
If the record Id is not present in the big object which means that you need to create a new record and create one more big object record with a new record Id and old record Id (for further checking).
You can use custom object as well but the optimal solution could be creating a big object.

Salesforce Lookup Object Relationships

I have a number of objects that contains references to other objects in Salesforce. An example is that a Shipping is the parent object related to ShippingItem by the shippingId. In order to save ShippingItems I need to get the ShippingId of the Shipping object. Also, the ShippingItems are related to ShippingMethod object which contains the shipping methods, UPS, FEDEX etc. This is a picklist type that allows users to pick the shipping method. In order to create/save the ShippingItem. I need to obtain all the related fields, i.e. ShippingMethod i.e UPS, ShippingId to which it is related and other similar information. How can I obtain these fields in order to save the ShippingItems? When I inspect the Objects, I am unable to determine the fields to query in order to obtain the related information.
Please help
If I understood this correctly, ShippingItem has a lookup to Shipping and a lookup to ShippingMethod. Are you providing a UI where people create ShippingItems? If yes then ShippingID and ShippingMethodID should be populated on the shipping record when you get the record back in controller.
If your question is how to provide a list of ShippingMethod records on the UI for users to select, you can query the object records separately and create a picklist for the user to choose.
Adding a little more information or code snippet will help you get better answers.

how can I restrict access to records that are owned by a user

Is it possible to restrict access to records that are owned by a user by filtering out recors with a certain criteria?
For example, I have Contacts set to private and I want to hide certain contact records that have a specific field value (criteria based sharing rule). This works fine for other sales users that don't own the record, but I need to remove visibility to these records from the actual owner of the record. Is that possible or a way to accomplish that?
Thanks for any help.
You could change the owner of the Contact record to a placeholder user. Then the same mechanism the prevents other users from seeing the Contact will hide the record as well.
If required, you could also create a lookup field to track the relationship to the user who can no longer access the record.
Separately, there is a dedicated site for asking Salesforce related questions.

Create multiselect lookup in salesforce using apex

I want to create a multi-select Contact Lookup.
What i want :
When user clicks on a lookup then he should be able to select multiple contacts from that.
What i have done:
I have created an object and a field inside that object using both
"Lookup" and
"MasterDetail Relationship" and
"Junction Object"
When i try to use this Field for any input text/Field then it always provides an option to select only one value from lookup but i want to have an option to select multiple.
Even in the Junction object i have created 2 master-detail relationships still lookup allows only one value to be selected.Moreover it makes the field mandatory which i don't want.
Links that i followed:
Can anybody suggest me how to do this.
Its same as we use Email CC/BCC under Send Email option for any Lead.
Even you use a junction object a lookup is just that, it references (looks up to) one other record: when you create a record on the junction object you still have to set each lookup individually and you're still creating only one record.
Master Detail relationships are essentially lookups on steroids, one object becomes the child of the other and will be deleted if the parent object is deleted, they're not going to provide an interface to lookup to many records at once.
If you're not a developer then your best bet is to either just create on junction object record at a time, or look into using dataloader. You could prepare your data in Excel or similar and then upload all the records into Salesforce in one go.
If you are a developer, or have developers at your disposal, then what we've done in the past is create a Visualforce page to do the job. So if, for example, you wanted to link a bunch of contacts up to an Account, we'd have a single account lookup field on the page, then some search fields relating to fields on the contact. Using a SOQL query you can then find all contacts matching the search parameters and display them in a list, where you may want to provide checkboxes to allow the user to select the contacts they want. Then it's just a case of looping through the selected contacts, setting their Account field to be the chosen account.
There are areas in Salesforce (such as the send Email functionality you mentioned) where it's clear to see that bespoke work has been done to fulfil a specific task — another instance of what you want is in the area where you can manage campaign members. This is the model I've copied in the past when implementing a Visualforce page as described.
Good luck!
For adding multiple junction objects at one time, the only solution we have found is a custom Visualforce page, as described by LaceySnr.
For a slightly different problem, where we need to assign many of object B to object A, We have trained our users to do this with a view on object B. We are assigning Billing Accounts (B) to Payment Offices (A). The view on Billing Account has check boxes on the left side. The user checks the Billing Accounts to be assigned, then double-clicks on the Payment Office field on any of the checked rows. A pop-up asks if you want to update only the single row or all checked rows. By selecting 'all checked rows', the update is done to all of them.
The view is created by the user, who enters the selection criteria (name, address, state, etc.). All user-created views are visible only to them.

Any simple approaches for managing customer data change requests for global reference files?

For the first time, I am developing in an environment in which there is a central repository for a number of different industry standard reference data tables and many different customers who need to select records from these industry standard reference data tables to fill in foreign key information for their customer specific records.
Because these industry standard reference files are utilized by all customers, I want to reserve Create/Update/Delete access to these records for global product administrators. However, I would like to implement a (semi-)automated interface by which specific customers could request record additions, deletions or modifications to any of the industry standard reference files that are shared among all customers.
I know I need something like a "data change request" table specifying:
user id,
user request datetime,
request type (insert, modify, delete),
a user entered text explanation of the change request,
the user request's current status (pending, declined, completed),
admin resolution datetime,
admin id,
an admin entered text description of the resolution,
What I can't figure out is how to elegantly handle the fact that these data change requests could apply to dozens of different tables with differing table column definitions. I would like to give the customer users making these data change requests a convenient way to enter their proposed record additions/modifications directly into CRUD screens that look very much like the reference table CRUD screens they don't have write/delete permissions for (with an additional text explanation and perhaps request priority field). I would also like to give the global admins a tool that allows them to view all the outstanding data change requests for the users they oversee sorted by date requested or user/date requested. Upon selecting a data change request record off the list, the admin would be directed to another CRUD screen that would be populated with the fields the customer users requested for the new/modified industry standard reference table record along with customer's text explanation, the request status and the text resolution explanation field. At this point the admin could accept/edit/reject the requested change and if accepted the affected industry standard reference file would be automatically updated with the appropriate fields and the data change request record's status, text resolution explanation and resolution datetime would all also be appropriately updated.
However, I want to keep the actual production reference tables as simple as possible and free from these extraneous and typically null customer change request fields. I'd also like the data change request file to aggregate all data change requests across all the reference tables yet somehow "point to" the specific reference table and primary key in question for modification & deletion requests or the specific reference table and associated customer user entered field values in question for record creation requests.
Does anybody have any ideas of how to design something like this effectively? Is there a cleaner, simpler way I am missing?
Option 1
If preserving the base tables is important then I would create a "change details" table as a child to your change request table. I'm envisioning something like
Add/Change/Delete Indicator
So you'd have a row in this table for every proposed field change. The challenge in this scenario is maintaining the mapping of TableName and FieldName values to the actual tables and fields. If your database structure if fairly static then this may not be an issue.
Option 2
Add a ChangeID field to each of your base tables. When a change is proposed add a record to the base table with the ChangeID populated. So as an example if you have a Company table, for a single company you could have multiple records:
CompanyCode ChangeID CompanyName CompanyAddress
----------- -------- ----------- --------------
COMP1 My Company Boston <-- The "live" record
COMP1 1 New Name Boston <-- A proposed change
When the admin commits the change the existing live record is deleted or archived and the ChangeID value is removed from the proposed record making it the live record. It may be a little tricky to handle proposed deletions with this option. This option also has the potential for impacting performance of selecting live data for normal usage. However it does save you the hassle of maintaining a list of table names and field names somewhere in your code.
I'm sure others will have some opinions!
