Alexa skills events not firing when hosted in web service - alexa

I have custom skill that calls web service i created. I am able to launch and get other intent, but i am not getting notification when permission for notification is changed by user of my skill. I need he notification event to get user id for sending push notifications later by other service.
Below is my json file:
"manifest": {
"apis": {
"custom": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "https://pathToMyService",
"sslCertificateType": "Wildcard"
"interfaces": []
"events": {
"publications": [
{ "eventName": "AMAZON.TrashCollectionAlert.Activated" },
{ "eventName": "AMAZON.MessageAlert.Activated" }
"subscriptions": [
{ "eventName": "SKILL_ENABLED" },
{ "eventName": "SKILL_DISABLED" },
"regions": {
"NA": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "https://pathToMyService",
"sslCertificateType": "Wildcard"
"endpoint": {
"uri": "https://pathToMyService",
"sslCertificateType": "Wildcard"
"manifestVersion": "1.0",
"permissions": [
{ "name": "alexa::devices:all:notifications:write" }
"publishingInformation": {
"locales": {
"en-US": { "name": "Test Events" }
Below is the Launch request: I have truncated applicatioId, userID, consentToken, deviceId, apiAccessToken

I resolved the issue: When I updated by skill.json file using
ask api update-skill -s amzn1.ask.skill.59d6 -f Test.json
it didn't update properly. I noticed today when I got latest
ask api get-skill -s amzn1.ask.skill.59d6 >Test2.json
the event section was missing. I added back and reapplied and it's working now.


Alexa skill not asking for permission (notification) when enabling the skill via voice

The skill in question asks for one permission when enabling in Web or app (Outbound Notification). But, when implemented Skill Enabled Event it's not asking user to give notification permission or not. Skill enablement works itself but permission is by default No. How to make alexa to ask for permission when enabling via voice?
Can Alexa prompt them via voice to enable the outbound notification?
"manifest": {
"publishingInformation": {
"locales": {
"en-US": {
"summary": "test skill summary",
"examplePhrases": [
"Alexa, launch test skill",
"Alexa, open test skill",
"Alexa, start test skill"
"keywords": [
"test skill"
"name": "test skill",
"description": "test skill Description",
"smallIconUri": "",
"largeIconUri": "",
"updatesDescription": ""
"isAvailableWorldwide": true,
"testingInstructions": "n/a",
"category": "EVENT_FINDERS",
"distributionCountries": [],
"automaticDistribution": {
"isActive": false
"apis": {
"custom": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:"
"interfaces": []
"manifestVersion": "1.0",
"privacyAndCompliance": {
"allowsPurchases": false,
"locales": {
"en-US": {
"privacyPolicyUrl": "",
"termsOfUseUrl": ""
"isExportCompliant": true,
"containsAds": false,
"isChildDirected": false,
"usesPersonalInfo": false
"events": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:"
"publications": [
"eventName": "AMAZON.MessageAlert.Activated"
"eventName": "AMAZON.MediaContent.Available"
"regions": {
"NA": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:",
"sslCertificateType": "Trusted"
"subscriptions": [
"eventName": "SKILL_ENABLED"
"eventName": "SKILL_DISABLED"
"permissions": [
"name": "alexa::devices:all:notifications:write"
Thank you for the help
There may be a different way, but once you are in the skill I believe you will need to send an ask for permissions card. As I understand it the idea is to make sure that Amazon is involved as a third party permissions granter. This will pop a permissions request in the Alexa app on the users phone. This added layer of security just makes sure the customer saw exactly what permissions they were granting.
You can do this a few different ways in your skill. You could check the first time that the user connects and keep track of that first connection in a persistent customer data layer. Or you could just check if the user has permission when you go to use that part of the skill. If they don't respond telling the customer you sent them a card to grant permissions.
Here is more info on permission cards:
To run reminders via a lambda, other permissions are probably the same format.
const CreateReminderIntent = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const { request } = handlerInput.requestEnvelope;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest' && === 'CreateReminderIntent';
async handle(handlerInput) {
const { requestEnvelope, serviceClientFactory, responseBuilder } = handlerInput;
const consentToken = requestEnvelope.context.System.user.permissions
&& requestEnvelope.context.System.user.permissions.consentToken;
if (!consentToken) {
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
type: "Connections.SendRequest",
name: "AskFor",
payload: {
"#type": "AskForPermissionsConsentRequest",
"#version": "1",
"permissionScope": "alexa::alerts:reminders:skill:readwrite"
token: "<string>"
try {
const speechText = "Great! I've scheduled a reminder for you";
const ReminderManagementServiceClient = serviceClientFactory.getReminderManagementServiceClient();
const reminderPayload = {
"trigger": {
"offsetInSeconds": "10",
"timeZoneId": "Europe/London"
"alertInfo": {
"spokenInfo": {
"content": [{
"locale": "en-GB",
"text": "Wash the dog"
"pushNotification": {
"status": "ENABLED"
await ReminderManagementServiceClient.createReminder(reminderPayload);
return responseBuilder
} catch (error) {
return responseBuilder
.speak('Uh Oh. Looks like something went wrong.')

Internal Server Error when creating Conditional Access Policy

I referred to this documentation to make a POST request.
Below is the error while making a POST request to create a conditional access policy
"message": "There was an internal server error while processing the request. Error ID: 2dbb1530-4ce6-44f5-9c63-08de28d7218a",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "2dbb1530-4ce6-44f5-9c63-08de28d7218a"
Payload being passed with the request is below:
"displayName": "Test Policy",
"state": "enabled",
"conditions": {
"clientAppTypes": ["modern", "browser"],
"applications": {
"includeApplications": ["None"]
"users": {
"includeUsers": [
"locations": {
"includeLocations": ["All"],
"excludeLocations": ["AllTrusted"]
"grantControls": {
"operator": "OR",
"builtInControls": ["approvedApplication"]
I've tried using this endpoint to get a policy:{tenant_id}/conditionalAccess/policies
Which successfully returns an existing policy. However, the above POST request is not working.
The "approvedApplication" requirement only supports the iOS and Android for device platform condition. See details here.
You need to add "includePlatforms" iOS and android into the json body.
"displayName": "Test Policy",
"state": "enabled",
"conditions": {
"clientAppTypes": ["modern", "browser"],
"applications": {
"includeApplications": ["None"]
"users": {
"includeUsers": [
"platforms": {
"includePlatforms": [
"iOS", "android"
"locations": {
"includeLocations": ["All"],
"excludeLocations": ["AllTrusted"]
"grantControls": {
"operator": "OR",
"builtInControls": ["approvedApplication"]

Detecting when user unlinks alexa skill

I'm implementing an Alexa Smart Home skill and I want to know if a user is still using the app after a while.
Google Home, for example, sends a request when I unlink my app from the Google Smarthome app. I need to know it to disable sending updates to Amazon Alexa gateway if a user isn't using the skill anymore.
What the best way of doing it? Alexa documentation doesn't talk about it.
Can I rely on just checking if the user has a expired OAuth tokens? E.g. if expired for more than a day, mark user as inactive.
Another thing I'm going to test out tomorrow is just see the gateway response after having unlinked the skill. But for my case it wouldn't be good option anyway, as I will only know the user state after a physical change and trying to submit it and have it possibly fail. Which can happen after days or weeks, so it isn't that reliable.
You can integrate with Alexa Skill Events and get notification when user disables the Skill.
The SkillDisabled event only contains user_id (i.e. no access token). So you would also need to listen for the SkillAccountLinked event so you can link that user_id with your own user identifier.
Your Smart Home Skill manifest should look like this:
"manifest": {
"publishingInformation": {
"locales": {
"en-US": {
"summary": "...",
"examplePhrases": [
"Alexa, ...",
"Alexa, ...",
"Alexa, ..."
"keywords": [],
"name": "...",
"smallIconUri": "...",
"description": "...",
"largeIconUri": "..."
"isAvailableWorldwide": false,
"testingInstructions": "...",
"category": "SMART_HOME",
"distributionCountries": [
"apis": {
"smartHome": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "arn:aws:lambda:..."
"protocolVersion": "3"
"manifestVersion": "1.0",
"permissions": [
"name": "alexa::async_event:write"
"privacyAndCompliance": {
"allowsPurchases": false,
"locales": {
"en-US": {
"termsOfUseUrl": "...",
"privacyPolicyUrl": "..."
"isExportCompliant": true,
"containsAds": false,
"isChildDirected": false,
"usesPersonalInfo": false
"events": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "arn:aws:lambda:..."
"subscriptions": [
"eventName": "SKILL_ENABLED"
"eventName": "SKILL_DISABLED"
"regions": {
"NA": {
"endpoint": {
"uri": "arn:aws:lambda:..."

graphQL: how to get an object from a list of objects, in a query

I am trying to use graphQL in a GatsbyJS project, and am unsure how I can pull a specific 'URL' object, from a list of three, within a 'recipeImages' object. Right now, I can only pull the recipeImages object, like this:
<img src={node.recipeImages}/>
but I want to be able to get to the three individual URL objects seen in this query:
"data": {
"allContentfulBlogPost": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "c1Qz3hWuPuQEIIUkSos0MEO",
"postTitle": "Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte",
"postDate": "2018-01-30T00:00+01:00",
"slug": "schwarzwälder-kirschtorte",
"methodText": {
"childMarkdownRemark": {
"html": "<p>This is the method text</p>"
"recipeImages": [
"title": "imageOne",
"file": {
"url": "//"
"title": "imageTwo",
"file": {
"url": "//"
"title": "imageThree",
"file": {
"url": "//"
i got it:
<img src={recipeImages[0].responsiveResolution.src}/>

Couchbase lite .net SDK Replication Error

I'm working with couchbase lite .net sdk, and I got a example from below url.
and my configuration file is like below.
"log": ["HTTP+"],
"adminInterface": "",
"interface": "",
"databases": {
"db": {
"server": "walrus:data",
"bucket": "todo",
"users": {
"GUEST": {"disabled": false, "admin_channels": ["*"] }
when I run the wpf app, I'm getting error like below image.
Please help me, I'm not sure how to implement couchbase sync gateway.
I fixed the issue.
I add shadow property to configuration json file.
You can read more information from these links.!topic/mobile-couchbase/NWd8xqPOjsc
"interface": ":4984",
"adminInterface": ":4985",
"log": [ "*" ],
"databases": {
"sync_gateway": {
"server": "walrus:",
"bucket": "sync_gateway",
"users": {
"GUEST": {
"disabled": false,
"admin_channels": [ "*" ]
"user": {
"admin_channels": [ "*" ],
"password": "user"
"sync": `function(doc){ "channel(doc.channels); }`,
"shadow": {
"server": "",
"bucket": "sales_agent"
