I have a strange situation on a SQL Server 2014 Express edition server. The database reached 10 GB limit, but it continued to auto-grow the data file to a current size of 80 GB. There are a lot of auto-growing events.
I checked sp_spaceused and I have a few unallocated MB, also checked sys.master_files. In logs, I get the error:
CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limit of 10240 MB per database.
How can the data file grow beyond 10 GB? What am I missing?
I'm executing very large SQL files (100-200 GBs) to import data into SQL Server on a Windows 10 computer. Execution is going well with no errors so far but disk usage is much lower than I expect it to be.
For example I executed 3 SQL files full of inserts with about 50 GBs of total size but SQL Server is showing that 6.5 GB is used by the database. Is this normal or is there something funny going on?
Disk is a 1 TB NVME M2 SSD.
Thanks in advance.
We are in need to process 100 million rows with size 20 -25 GB.
We have planned to use SQL Server Management Studio for processing, but don't know the capacity of SQL Server Management Studio. What is the maximum number of rows supported by SQL Server Management Studio?
Much bigger than that (524,272 terabytes to be exact). The main question would be one of disk space, max file size, filegrowth options, etc. I work with databases well in excess of a terrabyte, so 25GB shouldn't nake SQL flinch (unless you're using Express edition, where I think the cap is a puny 1GB)
I'm running SQL 2008 R2 64 Bit on a Windows 2008 64 bit OS server.
The server has 7.5 GB RAM.
SQL Management Studio, connected to server, right click on server > Properties > Memory
- Use AWE is unchecked
- Minimum server memory is 2000 (MB)
- Maximum server memory is 4000 (MB)
- Index Creation memory is 0 (KB)
- Minimum memory per query is 1024 (KB)
Task Manager > Processes > sqlservr.exe : it will slowly grow in size of total memory used, but NEVER exceeds ~1.5 GB in memory usage
This is confusing me: why would this not start at 2 GB used and slowly grow to 4 GB used, per the memory properties of the sql database server I have set up?
Note: I have restarted the SQL Server and it has had no effect on the memory usage.
Any advice?
Can you state what edition of SQL Server you are using ?
SQL Server Express places a limit on the buffer pool memory of 1GB, which accounts only for some of the overall process memory.
I have been using SQL CE as my database system, but for further functionality I am now switching to SQL Express. While running the first test, I found that the SQL Express 2005 database reached 4GB within one day, whereas a SQL CE database with similar size of data is only around 1GB.
I later tested in another system with SQL Express 2008, where the database size was still bigger than the CE version, but not as much as the above.
I tried shrinking database using SQL Management Studio, but it only reduced from 4096mb to 4095.55mb. I have learned that SQL Express databases requires extra space for performing its operations, but I don't think that should be 4 times and in one day. What should I look for?
Check the the minimum size you specified when you create your databases.Check your database growth settings etc.minimum size of a database is specified when the database was originally created, or the last size set by using a file-size-changing operation, such as DBCC SHRINKFILE. For example, if a database was originally created with a size of 4GB and grew to 4.1 GB, the smallest size the database could be reduced to is 4GB, even if all the data in the database has been deleted.
In my database on SQL 2008 Express Advanced
Recovery Model is full
AutoShrink is false
When I ran sp_spaceused, I got the following;
database_name db_size unallocated_space
FreeLearningTuts 1398.13 MB 0.73 MB
reserved data index_size unused
211216 KB 207024 KB 2944 KB 1248 KB
Out of this, the size of the tables is 150MB but db size shows 1398.13. It's probably the size of the log file. Can you tell what should I do to reduce the size of the Database.
Does anything look wrong with my DB from the figures above or are these the figures that a healthy db shows?
Do you do regular log backups? If not, the log will keep growing until you hit the maximum db size for SQL Express.