AnalogValue PIC16F18875 serial print problem - c

I am having troubles with my curiousity HPC board. I am new to microchip and i want to read the analogValue of the onboard potentiometer. I am using a serial converter to display the value in a terminal on my PC.
It works fine, EXCEPT when i fully turn the potentiometer from beginning to end, the analogValue goes from 0 to 255, drops to 0, goes up to 255, drops to 0, goes up to 255, drops to 0 and goes up to 255. I expected it to go from 0 to 1023. All my variables are 16 bits. The uC is the PIC16F18875 and the serial converter is UM230XB.
How can this be? All the variables and constant have the right size (unless i am missing one)
This is the main.c:
void main(void){
static uint16_t adcResult; // Used to store the result of the ADC
adcResult = ADCC_GetSingleConversion(POT_CHANNEL);
console_print("Value = ");
This is the ADCC_GetSingleConversion function:
adc_result_t ADCC_GetSingleConversion(adcc_channel_t channel){
// select the A/D channel
ADPCH = channel;
// Turn on the ADC module
ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;
//Disable the continuous mode.
ADCON0bits.ADCONT = 0;
// Start the conversion
ADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;
// Extra NOP() instruction required; See rev. A2 errata:
// Wait for the conversion to finish
while (ADCON0bits.ADGO)
// Conversion finished, return the result
return ((adc_result_t)((ADRESH << 8) + ADRESL));
ADC_result_t is also 16 bits.

You should cast the 8 Bit value of ADRESH to a 16 Bit value before the left shift, otherwise the result of the shift is always 0.
return ((adc_result_t)(((uint16_t)ADRESH << 8) + ADRESL));


DRDY PIC18F45K80 to QT1481

I also have a problem with DRDY. I need to include DRDY. The pins for DRDY are RD2 and RD5. They are both inputs.
Here is the information for DRDY.
DRDY is an open-drain output (in SPI mode) or bidirectional pin (in UART mode) with an internal 20 k – 50 k pullup
Most communications failures are the result of failure to properly observe the DRDY timing.
Serial communications pacing is controlled by this pin. Use of DRDY is critical to successful communications with the
QT1481. In either UART or SPI mode, the host is permitted to perform a data transfer only when DRDY has returned
high. Additionally, in UART mode, the QT1481 delays responses to the host if DRDY is being held low by the host.
After each byte transfer, DRDY goes low after a short delay and remains low until the QT1481 is ready for another
transfer. A short delay occurs before DRDY is driven low because the QT1481 may otherwise be busy and requires
a finite time to respond.
DRDY may go low for a microsecond only. During the period from the end of one transfer until DRDY goes low and
back high again, the host should not perform another transfer. Therefore, before each byte transmission the host
should first check that DRDY is high again.
If the host wants to perform a byte transfer with the QT1481 it should behave as follows:
1. Wait at least 100 µs after the previous transfer (time S5 in Figure 3-2 on page 23: DRDY is guaranteed to go
low before this 100 µs expires).
2. Wait until DRDY is high (it may already be high).
3. Perform the next transfer with the QT1481.
In most cases it takes up to 3 ms for DRDY to return high again. However, this time is longer with some commands
or if the STS_DEBUG setup is enabled, as follows:
0x01 (Setups load): <20 ms
0x02 (Low Level Cal and Offset): <20 ms
Add 15 ms to the above times if the STS_DEBUG setup is enabled.
Other DRDY specifications:
Min time DRDY is low: 1 µs
Max time DRDY is low after reset: 100 ms
The timing diagram is this:
How can implement that?
The code I have written with my friend is written here:
#include <xc.h>
#include "PIC.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
//#include <pic18f45k80.h>
#define MSB 1
#define LSB 0
#define SCK_TRIS TRISCbits.TRISC3 = 0 ;
#define SDO_TRIS TRISCbits.TRISC5 = 0 ;
#define SDI_TRIS TRISCbits.TRISC4 = 1 ;
#define QTA_SS_TRIS TRISDbits.TRISD4 = 0 ;
#define QTB_SS_TRIS TRISEbits.TRISE2 = 0 ;
#define QTA_SS_LAT_LOW LATDbits.LATD4 = 0 ;
#define QTA_SS_LAT_HIGH LATDbits.LATD4 = 1 ;
#define QTB_SS_LAT_LOW LATEbits.LATE2 = 0 ;
#define QTB_SS_LAT_HIGH LATEbits.LATE2 = 1 ;
#define QTA_DRDY_TRIS TRISDbits.TRISD5 = 1 ;
#define QTB_DRDY_TRIS TRISDbits.TRISD2 = 1 ;
#define QTA_DRDY_LAT_LOW LATDbits.LATD5 = 0 ;
#define QTA_DRDY_LAT_HIGH LATDbits.LAT52 = 1 ;
#define QTB_DRDY_LAT_LOW LATDbits.LAT25 = 0 ;
#define QTB_DRDY_LAT_HIGH LATDbits.LATD2 = 1 ;
#define QTB_DRDY PORTDbits.RD2 ;
#define QTA_DRDY PORTDbits.RD5 ;
#define _XTAL_FREQ 16000000
void PIN_MANAGER_Initialize(void)
LATx registers
LATE = 0x00;
LATD = 0x00;
LATA = 0x00;
LATB = 0b00010000;
LATC = 0x00;
TRISx registers
TRISE = 0x00;
TRISA = 0x08;
TRISB = 0x01;
TRISC = 0b00010000;
PORTC = 0b00010010 ;
ANSELx registers
ANCON0 = 0x00;
ANCON1 = 0x00;
WPUx registers
WPUB = 0x00;
INTCON2bits.nRBPU = 1;
// SPI
void SPI_Initialize(void)
// SMP Middle; CKE Idle to Active;
SSPSTAT = 0b00000000;
// SSPEN enabled; WCOL no_collision; CKP Idle:High, Active:Low; SSPM FOSC/4; SSPOV no_overflow;
SSPCON1 = 0b00111010;
// SSPADD 0;
SSPADD = 0x00;
ADCON0 = 0 ;
ADCON1 = 0x0F ; //Makes all I/O digital
signed char WriteSPI( unsigned char data_out )
unsigned char TempVar;
TempVar = SSPBUF; // Clears BF
PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; // Clear interrupt flag
SSPCON1bits.WCOL = 0; //Clear any previous write collision
SSPBUF = data_out; // write byte to SSPBUF register
if ( SSPCON1 & 0x80 ) // test if write collision occurred
return ( -1 ); // if WCOL bit is set return negative #
while( !PIR1bits.SSPIF ); // wait until bus cycle complete
return ( 0 ); // if WCOL bit is not set return non-negative#
unsigned char ReadSPI( void )
unsigned char TempVar;
TempVar = SSPBUF; // Clear BF
PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; // Clear interrupt flag
SSPBUF = 0x00; // initiate bus cycle
while(!PIR1bits.SSPIF); // wait until cycle complete
return ( SSPBUF ); // return with byte read
unsigned char DataRdySPI( void )
if ( SSPSTATbits.BF )
return ( +1 ); // data in SSPBUF register
return ( 0 ); // no data in SSPBUF register
void out_char(char character, char bit_order){
uint8_t i = 0;
RSOUT = 1 ; // MSB
RSOUT = 0 ; // START
for (i = 8; i>0; --i){
if (bit_order){ // Bit order determines how you will put the bits, from left to right (MSB) or right to left (LSB)
RSOUT = (character & 0x80) ? 1:0; // in MSB you compare the left-most bit doing an AND with 0x80, and put 1 if true, 0 elsewhere.
character <<= 1; // Shift the character to the left, discrading the bit just sent
} else {
RSOUT = (character & 0x01); // in LSB you compare the right-most bit doing an AND with 0x01, and put 1 if true, 0 else.
character >>= 1; // Shift the character to the right, discrading the bit just sent
RSOUT = 1 ; // STOP
void out_str(char * string, uint8_t len, char bit_order){
uint8_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i< len; i++){
out_char(string[i], bit_order);
void SYSTEM_Initialize(void)
PIN_MANAGER_Initialize() ;
SPI_Initialize() ;
void main(void)
SYSTEM_Initialize() ;
while (1)
QTB_SS_LAT_LOW ; // Transmit data
char temp ;
WriteSPI(0x0F) ; // Send a byte
while(!DataRdySPI()) ; // wait for a data to arrive
temp = ReadSPI(); // Read a byte from the
QTB_SS_LAT_HIGH ; // Stop transmitting data
__delay_us(100) ;
No. Do not just write a bunch of code, then see what it does. That kind of shotgun (or, if you prefer, spaghetti-to-the-wall) approach is a waste of effort.
First, drop all those macros. Instead, write comments that describe the purpose of each chunk of code, like the first three assignments in your SPI_Initialize() function.
Next, convert your specification to pseudocode. The format does not matter much, just use something that lets you keep your mind focused on what the purpose is, rather than on the details on how to do it.
The datasheet says that with SPI, there are three outputs from the PIC (^SS, SCK, MOSI on the QT1481), and two inputs (^DRDY and MISO on the QT1481). I'll use those names for the data lines, and for their respective I/O pin names on the PIC.
The setup phase on the PIC should be simple:
Make ^DRDY an input
Make ^SS an output, set it HIGH
Make SCK an output, set it LOW
Make MOSI an output, set it LOW
Make MISO an input
Set up SPI using SCK, MOSI, MISO
Each transfer is a bidirectional one. Whenever you send data, you also receive data. The zero command is reserved for receiving multiple data, says the datasheet. So, you only need a function that sends a byte, and at the same time receives a byte:
Function SPITransfer(command):
Make sure at least 0.1ms has passed since the previous transfer.
While (^DRDY is LOW)
response = Transfer(command)
Return response
End Function
As I understand it, for PICs and properly initialized hardware SPI the response = Transfer(command) line is in C
SSPBUF = command;
while (!DataRdySPI())
response = SSPBUF;
You can also bit-bang it, in which case it is (in pseudocode):
response = 0
For bit = 7 down to 0, inclusive:
If (command & 128):
Set MOSI high
Set MOSI low
End If
Set SCK low
Sleep for a half period
command = command / 2
response = response * 2
If MISO high:
response = response + 1
End If
Set SCK high
Sleep for a half period
End For
but obviously the hardware SPI approach is better.
(When you get this working, you can use the hardware SPI without a wait loop from a timer interrupt, making the communications essentially transparent to the "main operation" of the PIC microcontroller. That requires a slightly different approach, with a command and response queues (of a few bytes), but will make it much easier for the PIC to do actual work, other than just scan the QT1481.)
After a reset, you essentially send 0x0F until you get 0xF0 back:
while (SPITransfer(0x0F) != 0xF0)
At this point, you have the steps you need to implement in C. OP also has the hardware (an oscilloscope) to verify their code works.

M95128-W EEPROM. First byte of each page not writing or reading correctly

I am working on a library for controlling the M95128-W EEPROM from an STM32 device. I have the library writing and reading back data however the first byte of each page it not as expected and seems to be fixed at 0x04.
For example I write 128 bytes across two pages starting at 0x00 address with value 0x80. When read back I get:
byte[0] = 0x04;
byte[1] = 0x80;
byte[2] = 0x80;
byte[3] = 0x80;
byte[64] = 0x04;
byte[65] = 0x80;
byte[66] = 0x80;
byte[67] = 0x80;
I have debugged the SPI with a logic analyzer and confirmed the correct bytes are being sent. When using the logic analyzer on the read command the mysterios 0x04 is transmitted from the EEPROM.
Here is my code:
void FLA::write(const void* data, unsigned int dataLength, uint16_t address)
int pagePos = 0;
int pageCount = (dataLength + 64 - 1) / 64;
int bytePos = 0;
int startAddress = address;
while (pagePos < pageCount)
uint8_t status = readRegister(INSTRUCTION_RDSR);
uint8_t xlow = address & 0xff;
uint8_t xhigh = (address >> 8);
_spi->transfer(xhigh); // part 1 address MSB
_spi->transfer(xlow); // part 2 address LSB
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 64 && bytePos < dataLength; i++ )
uint8_t byte = ((uint8_t*)data)[bytePos];
printConsole("Wrote byte to ");
printConsoleInt(startAddress + bytePos);
printConsole("with value ");
bytePos ++;
bool writeComplete = false;
while (writeComplete == false)
uint8_t status = readRegister(INSTRUCTION_RDSR);
printConsole("Waiting for write to complete....\n");
writeComplete = true;
printConsole("Write complete to page ");
printConsole("# address ");
address = address + 64;
printConsole("Finished writing all pages total bytes ");
void FLA::read(char* returndata, unsigned int dataLength, uint16_t address)
uint8_t xlow = address & 0xff;
uint8_t xhigh = (address >> 8);
_spi->transfer(xhigh); // part 1 address
_spi->transfer(xlow); // part 2 address
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++)
returndata[i] = _spi->transfer(0x00);
Any suggestion or help appreciated.
I have tried writing sequentially 255 bytes increasing data to check for rollover. The results are as follows:
byte[0] = 4; // Incorrect Mystery Byte
byte[1] = 1;
byte[2] = 2;
byte[3] = 3;
byte[63] = 63;
byte[64] = 4; // Incorrect Mystery Byte
byte[65] = 65;
byte[66] = 66;
byte[127] = 127;
byte[128] = 4; // Incorrect Mystery Byte
byte[129} = 129;
Pattern continues. I have also tried writing just 8 bytes from address 0x00 and the same problem persists so I think we can rule out rollover.
I have tried removing the debug printConsole and it has had no effect.
Here is a SPI logic trace of the write command:
And a close up of the first byte that is not working correctly:
Code can be viewed on gitlab here:
Init code of SPI can be seen here in MX_SPI_Init()
I have another device on the SPI bus (RFM69HW RF Module) which works as expected sending and receiving data.
The explanation was actually already given by Craig Estey in his answer. You do have a rollover. You write full page and then - without cycling the CS pin - you send INSTRUCTION_WRDI command. Guess what's the binary code of this command? If you guessed that it's 4, then you're absolutely right.
Check your code here:
uint8_t xlow = address & 0xff;
uint8_t xhigh = (address >> 8);
_spi->transfer(xhigh); // part 1 address MSB
_spi->transfer(xlow); // part 2 address LSB
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 64 && bytePos < dataLength; i++ )
uint8_t byte = ((uint8_t*)data)[bytePos];
// ...
bytePos ++;
_spi->transfer(INSTRUCTION_WRDI); // <-------------- ROLLOEVER!
With these devices, each command MUST start with cycling CS. After CS goes low, the first byte is interpreted as command. All remaining bytes - until CS is cycled again - are interpreted as data. So you cannot send multiple commands in a single "block" with CS being constantly pulled low.
Another thing is that you don't need WRDI command at all - after the write instruction is terminated (by CS going high), the WEL bit is automatically reset. See page 18 of the datasheet:
The Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit, in fact, becomes reset by any of the
following events:
• Power-up
• WRDI instruction execution
• WRSR instruction completion
• WRITE instruction completion.
Caveat: I don't have a definitive solution, just some observations and suggestions [that would be too large for a comment].
From 6.6: Each time a new data byte is shifted in, the least significant bits of the internal address counter are incremented. If more bytes are sent than will fit up to the end of the page, a condition known as “roll-over” occurs. In case of roll-over, the bytes exceeding the page size are overwritten from location 0 of the same page.
So, in your write loop code, you do: for (i = 0; i < 64; i++). This is incorrect in the general case if the LSB of address (xlow) is non-zero. You'd need to do something like: for (i = xlow % 64; i < 64; i++)
In other words, you might be getting the page boundary rollover. But, you mentioned that you're using address 0x0000, so it should work, even with the code as it exists.
I might remove the print statements from the loop as they could have an effect on the serialization timing.
I might try this with an incrementing data pattern: (e.g.) 0x01,0x02,0x03,... That way, you could see which byte is rolling over [if any].
Also, try writing a single page from address zero, and write less than the full page size (i.e. less that 64 bytes) to guarantee that you're not getting rollover.
Also, from figure 13 [the timing diagram for WRITE], it looks like once you assert chip select, the ROM wants a continuous bit stream clocked precisely, so you may have a race condition where you're not providing the data at precisely the clock edge(s) needed. You may want to use the logic analyzer to verify that the data appears exactly in sync with clock edge as required (i.e. at clock rising edge)
As you've probably already noticed, offset 0 and offset 64 are getting the 0x04. So, this adds to the notion of rollover.
Or, it could be that the first data byte of each page is being written "late" and the 0x04 is a result of that.
I don't know if your output port has a SILO so you can send data as in a traditional serial I/O port or do you have to maintain precise bit-for-bit timing (which I presume the _spi->transfer would do)
Another thing to try is to write a shorter pattern (e.g. 10 bytes) starting at a non-zero address (e.g. xhigh = 0; xlow = 4) and the incrementing pattern and see how things change.
From your update, it appears to be the first byte of each page [obviously].
From the exploded view of the timing, I notice SCLK is not strictly uniform. The pulse width is slightly erratic. Since the write data is sampled on the clock rising edge, this shouldn't matter. But, I wonder where this comes from. That is, is SCLK asserted/deasserted by the software (i.e. transfer) and SCLK is connected to another GPIO pin? I'd be interested in seeing the source for the transfer function [or a disassembly].
I've just looked up SPI here: and it answers my own question.
From that, here is a sample transfer function:
* Simultaneously transmit and receive a byte on the SPI.
* Polarity and phase are assumed to be both 0, i.e.:
* - input data is captured on rising edge of SCLK.
* - output data is propagated on falling edge of SCLK.
* Returns the received byte.
uint8_t SPI_transfer_byte(uint8_t byte_out)
uint8_t byte_in = 0;
uint8_t bit;
for (bit = 0x80; bit; bit >>= 1) {
/* Shift-out a bit to the MOSI line */
write_MOSI((byte_out & bit) ? HIGH : LOW);
/* Delay for at least the peer's setup time */
/* Pull the clock line high */
/* Shift-in a bit from the MISO line */
if (read_MISO() == HIGH)
byte_in |= bit;
/* Delay for at least the peer's hold time */
/* Pull the clock line low */
return byte_in;
So, the delay times need be at least the ones the ROM needs. Hopefully, you can verify that is the case.
But, I also notice that on the problem byte, the first bit of the data appears to lag its rising clock edge. That is, I would want the data line to be stabilized before clock rising edge.
But, that assumes CPOL=0,CPHA=1. Your ROM can be programmed for that mode or CPOL=0,CPHA=0, which is the mode used by the sample code above.
This is what I see from the timing diagram. It implies that the transfer function does CPOL=0,CPHA=0:
| |
___| |___
/ \
/ \
This is what I originally expected (CPOL=0,CPHA=1) based on something earlier in the ROM document:
| |
___| |___
/ \
/ \
The ROM can be configured to use either CPOL=0,CPHA=0 or CPOL=1,CPHA=1. So, you may need to configure these values to match the transfer function (or vice-versa) And, verify that the transfer function's delay times are adequate for your ROM. The SDK may do all this for you, but, since you're having trouble, double checking this may be worthwhile (e.g. See Table 18 et. al. in the ROM document).
However, since the ROM seems to respond well for most byte locations, the timing may already be adequate.
One thing you might also try. Since it's the first byte that is the problem, and here I mean first byte after the LSB address byte, the memory might need some additional [and undocumented] setup time.
So, after the transfer(xlow), add a small spin loop after that before entering the data transfer loop, to give the ROM time to set up for the write burst [or read burst].
This could be confirmed by starting xlow at a non-zero value (e.g. 3) and shortening the transfer. If the problem byte tracks xlow, that's one way to verify that the setup time may be required. You'd need to use a different data value for each test to be sure you're not just reading back a stale value from a prior test.

ADC dsPIC33 issue

I'm struggling to get the ADC to work with my device. I'm using the dsPIC33FJ128GP802 and have attempted to start off slow with manual sampling and conversion.
My code is posted below, I've set every register for ADC and have then attempted to sample just once to get the voltage from a sensor I've got attached. The value I should be seeing is around 0.7V, but what I'm getting is in the region of -17408 (10111100 00000000). This can go up to somewhere around -2000, but the value shouldn't be negative in the first place.
#include <p33Fxxxx.h>
_FOSCSEL(FNOSC_FRCPLL) // select internal 7.37MHz osc with PPL
_FOSC(OSCIOFNC_OFF & POSCMD_XT) // no clock output, external OSC disabled
_FWDT(FWDTEN_OFF) // disable the watchdog timer
_FPOR(FPWRT_PWR1) // Turn off the power-up timers.
int ADCValue;
void DELAY(unsigned ms) {
unsigned j;
unsigned i;
for (j = 0; j < ms; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 0x1F40; i++);
int main(void) {
// set up clock to 80MHz
PLLFBD = 41; // sets M = 41+2 = 43
CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0; // sets N1 = 2
CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0; // sets N2 = 2
while (!OSCCONbits.LOCK); // wait for PLL ready
AD1CON1 = 0; // set everything to zero to start with.
AD1CON1bits.ADON = 0; // turn ADC off.
AD1CON1bits.ADSIDL = 0; // continue module operation in idle mode.
AD1CON1bits.ADDMABM = 1; // DMA buffers are written in the order of conversion.
AD1CON1bits.AD12B = 0; // set to 10bit mode.
AD1CON1bits.FORM = 3; // set data output to signed fractional.
AD1CON1bits.SSRC = 0; // manual conversion. clearing sample bit manually.
AD1CON1bits.SIMSAM = 1; // collect samples from channels 0, 1, 2, 3 simultaneously.
AD1CON1bits.ASAM = 0; // manual sample. samples when SAMP bit is set.
AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0; // sample enable bit.
AD1CON1bits.DONE = 0; // ADC conversion status bit.
AD1CON2 = 0; // set everything to zero to start with.
AD1CON2bits.VCFG = 0; // converter voltage ref. set to AVdd and AVss.
AD1CON2bits.CSCNA = 0; // input scan select bit. set to do not scan.
AD1CON2bits.CHPS = 0; // channel select bits. set to just channel 0;
AD1CON2bits.BUFS = 0; // buffer fill status (invalid as BUFM is 0);
AD1CON2bits.SMPI = 0; // ADC interrupt is generated after every sample/conversion.
AD1CON2bits.BUFM = 0; // buffer fill mode. set to always start filling from start address.
AD1CON2bits.ALTS = 0; // Alternate input sample mode. set to always uses channel input from sample A.
AD1CON3 = 0; // set everything to zero to start with.
AD1CON3bits.ADRC = 0; // ADC conversion clock derived from system clock.
AD1CON3bits.SAMC = 0; // auto sample time bits, TAD, set to 0.
AD1CON3bits.ADCS = 0; // ADC conversion clock set to 0. 1 * TCY = TAD.
AD1CON4 = 0; // set everything to zero to start with.
AD1CON4bits.DMABL = 0; // allocates 1 word of buffer to each analogue input.
AD1CHS123 = 0; // everything set to zero as not using channels 1, 2, or 3.
AD1CHS0 = 0; // set everything to zero to start with.
AD1CHS0bits.CH0NB = 0; // channel 0 negative input, set by CH0NA. sample B.
AD1CHS0bits.CH0SB = 0; // channel 0 positive input, set by CH0SA. sample B.
AD1CHS0bits.CH0NA = 0; // channel 0 negative input, for sample A. set to VREFL.
AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 0; // channel 0 positive input is AN0.
AD1CSSL = 0; // input scan register set to zero as not using it.
AD1PCFGL = 0; // port configuration, set to analogue mode, ADC samples voltage.
AD1CON1bits.ADON = 1; // turn on ADC
AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1; // Start sampling
DELAY(1); // Wait for sampling time (1ms)
AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0; // Start the conversion
while (!AD1CON1bits.DONE); // Wait for the conversion to complete
ADCValue = ADC1BUF0; // Read the conversion result
while (1);
I have the sensor powered using the same rails the PIC is using, and I have the output of the sensor to AN0 (pin 2), as I set it up in the code. The PIC is powered to the standard Vss and Vdd (pins 8 and 13), the analogue power pins AVdd and AVss (pins 28 and 27), and a 33uF capacitor across Vcap and Vss (pins 20 and 19). Is there anything else I need to do hardware-wise? I'm a little confused with the AD1CHS0bits.CH0NA register, as I don't know if I have to connect ground to VREFL or what to do in that instance.
Any help with what I should be doing to correct this issue will be most appreciated! Also, any help on how to convert the value once it's received correctly will be very helpful.
If the value shouldn't be negative to start with, then you shouldn't be using this setting:
AD1CON1bits.FORM = 3; // set data output to signed fractional.
Were I would expect your value to be (evaluated using Python):
int((2**10) * # 10-bit operation
(0.7/3.3) # 0.7 volts on a 3.3 volt system
- (2**9) # Center at VDD / 2 because of signed operation
) << 6 # Fractional output left-shifted the 10-bit up by 6 to fill 16-bits
= -18816
Which sounds about what your code is outputting.
Instead use:
AD1CON1bits.FORM = 0; // set data output to integer.
Using this settings, along with 10-bit mode, I would expect your value to be
int((2**10) * # 10-bit operation
(0.7/3.3)) # 0.7 volts on a 3.3 volt system
= 217

Problems with PIC A/D conversion

I am trying to read analogic signal for a sort of mouse with a pic18f14k50 controller. Here the simple circuit: . I have to read analogic signal from AN9 circuit port. Main function reads from the port, and blinks 30 time if threshold is reached:
void main(void) {
#if defined(USB_INTERRUPT)
while(1) {
if((USBDeviceState < CONFIGURED_STATE)||(USBSuspendControl==1)) continue;
int readed = myReadADC2(); //Here i tried both myReadADC2() or myReadADC1()
if(readed>40) { //If read threshold > 40, blink led 30 times
int i;
for(i=0; i<30; i++) {
lastTransmission = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP, (BYTE*)hid_report_in, 0x03);
}//end while
}//end main
I used two method to read from the AN9 port, myReadADC() that uses OpenADC() API method:
int myReadADC(void) {
#define ADC_REF_VDD_VDD_X 0b11110011
ConvertADC(); // Start conversion
while(BusyADC()); // Wait for completion
return ReadADC(); // Read result
and myReadADC2(), that implements manual read from the port.
int myReadADC2() {
int iRet;
OSCCON=0x70; // Select 16 MHz internal clock
ANSEL = 0b00000010; // Set PORT AN9 to analog input
ANSELH = 0; // Set other PORTS as Digital I/O
/* Init ADC */
ADCON0=0b00100101; // ADC port channel 9 (AN9), Enable ADC
ADCON1=0b00000000; // Use Internal Voltage Reference (Vdd and Vss)
ADCON2=0b10101011; // Right justify result, 12 TAD, Select the FRC for 16 MHz
while (ADCON0bits.GO); // Wait conversion done
iRet=ADRESL; // Get the 8 bit LSB result
iRet += (ADRESH << 8); // Get the 2 bit MSB result
return iDelay;
Both cases doesn't works, i touch (sending analogic signal) port AN9 but when I set high threshold (~50) led don't blinks, with low threshold (~0) it blinks immidiatly when i provide power to the PIC. Maybe i'm using wrong port? I'm actually passing AN9 as reading port? Or maybe threshold is wrong? How can i found the right value? Thank you
Here the MPLAB C18 Apis .
Regarding function myReadADC2(): you need to switch ANSEL and ANSELH configs as RC7/AN9 is configured in bit 1 of ANSELH. Also call me paranoid but for the line
iRet += (ADRESH << 8);
I always like to either save it a temporary variable first or cast explicitly the value ADRESH before shifting it up:
iRet += (((UINT) ADRESH) << 8);
That way I know for sure the bits won't get lost when shifting up which has bitten me before.
Regarding function myReadADC():
OpenADC() only takes two parameters. I presume that bitfield in the third parameter field is for the analog enable (ADRESH/ADRES). I'm assuming that's handled by SetChanADC() but you may have to set ADRESH/ADRES manually. It may help to set a breakpoint in the debugger and stop after configuration is complete to make sure your registers are set appropriatley.

Modify code from an ATmega32 to an Arduino Mega - error in function `main' even if there is none

I'm trying to modify this code in an attempt to make it work on an Arduino Mega. I'm pretty much new to C so, I may have made some major mistakes. By the way, this is for a self balancing skateboard.
This code is taken from an ATmega32 (from here and I'm trying to make it work on a Arduino Mega).
This code was writen for an ATmega32 development board.
But I encounter this error:
o: In function main':</br>
undefined reference tosetup'
How come? I don't even have a reference to setup in here!
Here is my code:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <math.h>
#define CLOCK_SPEED 16000000
#define OCR1_MAX 1023
typedef unsigned char u8;
void set_motor_idle(void);
void InitPorts(void);
float level = 0;
float Throttle_pedal;
float aa;
float accelraw;
float x_acc;
float accsum;
float x_accdeg;
float gyrosum;
float gangleratedeg;
float gangleraterads;
float ti = 2.2;
float overallgain;
float gaincontrol;
float batteryvolts = 24;
float gyroangledt;
float angle;
float anglerads;
float balance_torque;
float softstart;
float cur_speed;
float cycle_time = 0.0064;
float Balance_point;
float a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6; //Savitzky-Golay variables for accelerometer.
float TCCR0;
int i;
int j;
int tipstart;
void InitPorts(void)
PORTC = 0x00; //Port C pullups set to low (no output voltage) to begin with.
DDRC = 0xFF; //Port C pins all set as output via the port C direction register.
//PORTC |= (1<<PC1); //Make C1 +ve so disables OSMC during startup.
DDRA = 0x00; //All port A pins set as input.
PORTA = 0x00; //Port A input pullups set to low pullups.
DDRD = 0xFF; //Configure all port D pins as output as prerequisite
//for OCR1A (PinD5) and OCR1B (Pin D4) working properly.
PORTB = 0x00; //Port B pullups set to low (no output voltage) to begin with.
DDRB = 0xFF; //All port B pins set to output.
I am using a ATMega32 16 MHz with an external crystal clock. New planned pin
arrangement to OSMC motor controller.
PC4 Onboard LED
PD5/OC1A ALI -> OSMC pin 6
PD4/OC1B BLI -> OSMC pin 8
PC1 Disable -> OSMC pin 4
PC2 BHI -> OSMC pin 7
PC3 AHI -> OSMC pin 5
PA6/ADC6 Vbatt/10 -> OSMC pin 3
PA1/ADC1 pitch rate gyro
PA0/ADC0 accelerometer
void adc_init(void) {
/* Turn off analogue comparator as we don't use it */
ACSR = (1 << ACD);
/* Select PA0 */
ADMUX = 0;
ADMUX |=(1<<REFS0); //This tells it to use VCC (approx. 5 V) as the reference
//voltage NOT the default which is the internal 2.5V reference
/* Set ADC prescaler to 128, enable ADC, and start conversion. */
ADCSRA = 0 | (1<<ADPS2) | (1<<ADPS1) | (1<<ADPS0)
| (1<<ADEN) //Enable ADC
| (1<<ADSC); //Start first conversion
/* Wait until bogus first conversion is finished */
while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC)) {
uint16_t adc_read(uint8_t channel) {
/* Select channel */
ADMUX = channel;
ADMUX |= (1<<REFS0); //Here it is again
/* Start conversion */
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);
/* Wait until conversion finished */
while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC)) {
/* Return the result */
return ADCW;
/* 156 cycles per sec, 6.4 ms per cycle MEASURED ON OSCILLOSCOPE. */
/* Read all the ADC inputs and do some conversion. */
void sample_inputs(void) {
uint16_t adc0, adc1, adc2, adc3, adc4, adc5;
gyrosum = 0;
adc0 = adc_read(0); /* Accelerometer pin PA0 */
accelraw = (float) adc0;
for (j=0; j<7; j++) {
adc1 = adc_read(1); //Gyro pin PA1
gyrosum = (float) gyrosum + adc1; //Using a mean of 7 samples per loop for the gyro so
//it gets a complete update with each loop of the program.
adc2 = adc_read(2); /* Grey wire overallgain (via cutout switch), position PA2. */
adc3 = adc_read(3); /* Position lever pulled back position PA3. */
adc4 = adc_read(4); /* Throttle_pedal, position PA4. */
adc5 = adc_read(5); /* Position lever pushed forwards, position PA5. */
//adc6 = adc_read(6); /* Vbatt input from OSMC (not used at present), position PA6. */
//Sav Golay filter for accelerometer only.
a0 = a1;
a1 = a2;
a2 = a3;
a3 = a4;
a4 = a5;
a5 = a6;
a6 = (float) accelraw;
accsum = (float) ((-2*a0) + (3*a1) + (6*a2) + (7*a3) +
(6*a4) + (3*a5) + (-2*a6))/21; //Sav Golay calculation
gaincontrol = (float) gaincontrol*0.9 + 0.1*adc2/341; //Smooths any voltage spikes and gives range 0-3.
Throttle_pedal=(float) Throttle_pedal*0.9 + 0.1*adc4/341; //Smooths any voltage spikes and gives range 0-3
//Cuts the motor if the dead mans button is let go
//(gaincontrol variable also wired in through this button to adc2
if (adc2<100) {
Throttle_pedal = 0.001;
gaincontrol = 0.001;
overallgain = gaincontrol*softstart;
//What to do if the lever is pulled back or pushed forwards or not doing anything:
Balance_point = 514;
if (adc3 > 100)
Balance_point = 534;
if (adc5>100)
Balance_point = 494;
PORTB |= (1<<PB2); //Port B2 turned on/off once per loop so I can measure
//loop time with an oscilloscope
/*ACCELEROMETER signal processing*/
/*Subtract offsets*/
x_acc = (float) accsum - Balance_point; //accsum is SG value for accelerometer, not
//a true "sum" so no need to divide by 7
if (x_acc < -250)
x_acc = -250; //Cap acceleration values to a range of -250 to +250 (80
//degree tilt each way).
if (x_acc > 250)
x_acc = 250;
/* Accelerometer angle change is about 3.45 units per degree tilt in
range 0-30 degrees(sin theta). Convert tilt to degrees of tilt from
accelerometer sensor. Sin angle roughly = angle for small angles so
no need to do trigonometry. x_acc below is now in DEGREES */
x_accdeg= (float) x_acc/-3.45; //The minus sign corrects for a back
//to front accelerometer mounting!
/* GYRO signal processing*/
/* Subtract offsets: Sensor reading is 0-1024 so "balance point" i.e. my required
zero point will be that reading minus 512. */
/* Gyro angle change of 20mV per deg per sec from datasheet gives change
of 4.096 units (on the scale of 0 - 1023) per degree per sec angle change.
This limits the rate of change of gyro angle to just less than the
maximum rate it is actually capable of measuring (100 deg/sec). Note
all these fractions are rounded up to an integer later just before
it is sent to the PWM generator which in turn is connected to the
motor controller. */
gangleratedeg = (float)((gyrosum/7) - 508)/4.096; //gyrosum is a sum of a group
//of 7 samples so divide by 7 for gyro value
if (gangleratedeg < -92)
gangleratedeg = -92;
if (gangleratedeg > 92)
gangleratedeg = 92;
/* I turn port B2 on and off once per main program cycle so I can attach an
oscilloscope to it and work out the program cycle time.
I use the cycle time to work out gyro angle change per cycle where you
have to know the length of this time interval. */
PORTB &= (0<<PB2);
/* ti represents scaling for the "i" or integral factor (currently 2.2 here)
gyroangledt is anglechange since last CYCLE in degrees from gyro sensor,
where ti is scaling factor (should in theory be about 1 but 2.2 makes
board feel tighter)
ganglerate is now in units of degrees per second.
aa varies the time constant, that is, a smaller aa value makes
accelerometer time constant longer as it slowly corrects for
the gyro drift. */
gyroangledt = (float)ti*cycle_time*gangleratedeg;
gangleraterads = (float)gangleratedeg*0.017453;
/* New angle in DEGREES is old angle plus change in angle from gyro
since last cycle with little bit of new accel reading factored in. */
angle = (float)((1-aa) * (angle+gyroangledt)) + (aa * x_accdeg); //The main angle calculating function*/
//Convert angle from degrees to radians
balance_torque=(float)(4.5*anglerads) + (0.5*gangleraterads);
cur_speed = (float)(cur_speed + (Throttle_pedal * balance_torque * cycle_time)) * 0.999;
/* The level value is from -1 to +1 and represents the duty cycle to be sent to
the motor. Converting to radians helps us stay within these limits. */
level = (balance_torque + cur_speed) * overallgain;
/* Configure timer and set up the output pins OC1A(Pin PD5 on my micro) and
OC1B (Pin PD4 on my micro) as phase-correct PWM channels.
Note: Some strongly feel that locked-antiphase is the way to go as get
regenerative braking and good control around mid-balance point. The downside
is that you can get a lot more noise and voltage spikes in system but
these can be smoothed out with filters.
Others are far more expert on this than I am so need to look into this
for yourself but this is my understanding.
My aim is to start with phase-correct as I just about understand it and
others have used it OK, then develop from there. */
void timer_init()
TCCR0 = 0 |
(1<<CS02) | (1<<CS01) | (1<<CS00); // External clock to Pin T0 Clock on rising edge/1024
// PWM mode is "PWM, Phase Correct, 10-bit"
TCCR1A = 0 |
(1<<COM1A1) | (1<<COM1A0) | // set on match up, clear on match down
(1<<COM1B1) | (1<<COM1B0) | // set on match up, clear on match down
(1<<WGM11) | (1<<WGM10); //OCR1_Max is 1023 so these are set like this
TCCR1B = 0 |
(1<<CS10); // Prescaler divide by 1 see P131 datasheet about prescaling
values to change here.
/* 16 MHz / 1 / 1024 / 2 gives 8 kHz, probably about right. */
void set_motor()
/* The leveli terms is the level term rescaled from -1023 to +1023 as an
integer ready to send to the PWM motor control ports that are in
turn connected to the OSMC. */
//if (level<-0.9) level= -0.9; //Checks we are within sensible limits
//if (level>0.9) level=0.9;
int16_t leveli = (int16_t)(level*1023); //NOTE: here we take the floating
//point value we have ended up with
//for "level", we multiply it by 1023
//and then make it into an integer
//before feeding the value into
//the PWM generator as "leveli"
if (leveli<-1020)
leveli=-1020; //Double-checks that we are within sensible PWM limits as do
//not want to suddenly be thrown off the board
if (leveli>1020)
/* Set up LED or buzzer on Port B1 to warn me to slow down if torque to be
delivered is more than 50% of max possible. The reason for this is that
you always need some reserve motor power in case you start tipping
forward at speed. If the motor is already running flat-out you would
be about to fall over at high speed! Some use an auto-tip back routine
to automatically limit top speed. For now I will do it this way as easier. */
if (level<-0.7 || level>0.7) {
PORTB |= (1<<PB1);
else {
PORTB &= (0<<PB1);
softstart = (float) softstart+0.001;
if (softstart>1.0)
//PORTC |= (0<<PC1); // AHI=1 PinC3, BHI=1 PinC2 set both to ON for OSMC to
//work and both to OFF to shut motor down.
/*NOTE: I am not sure why, but to stop the motor cutting out on direction
changes I had in the end to hard wire AHI and BHI to +12 V. */
/* Un-disabled OSMC by setting PinC1 output to zero, a 1 would disable the OSMC. */
PORTC |= 0x0c; //Make C1 pulled down so un-disables the OSMC i.e. enables it.
PORTC &= ~0x02; //Disable is off
if (leveli<0) {
OCR1A = -leveli; // ALI is PWM. Going backwards as leveli variable is a
//negative signed value, keep the minus sign in here!
OCR1B = 0; // BLI = 0
else {
OCR1A = 0; // ALI = 0 going forwards as leveli variable is a positive signed value
OCR1B = leveli; // BLI is PWM
void loop()
/* Initial tilt-start code
Turn on micro while board tipped to one side, rider about to step
onto it, if tilt angle crosses zero (mid) point balance algorithm
becomes operational otherwise locked in this loop forever until
it is tipped to level position as rider gets onto the board. */
accelraw = 0;
while (tipstart<1){
// You need this to allow the SG filter to wind up to the proper
//stable value when you first turn machine on, before looking
//at the value of accsum (below).
for (i=0; i<20; i++) {
if (accsum<504 || accsum>524) {
// if (x_accdeg>0) {
else {
/* End of tilt start code. If go beyond this point then machine
has become level and is active. */
while (1) {
BTW, I'm using the Arduino compiler (you can find it at Download the Arduino Software).
How come? I dont even have a reference to setup in here!
It's because you don't have a reference to setup that it's complaining.
Arduino code generates a main that (for the discussion here) basically looks like this:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
while(1) {
So, you should rename your loop function to setup and take this part:
while (1) {
drop the while loop, and put those two function calls into a new function called loop.
The Arduino language requires you to define two functions, setup() and loop().
If you don't have anything to setup(), you should define an empty function to satisfy the language requirements:
void setup()
// do nothing
The included code doesn't even have a main function. It looks to me like a setup issue in your toolchain, or else you've been investigating the wrong cpp file.
Find Test2.cpp and line 406 (in a function called main)
