I have a question about Neo4j. I need to show labels in my graph database as node - like if I have only two types of labels in my database (for example Thing and Person), I want to have 2 extra nodes - Thing and Person with relationships to normal nodes.
Example - I have this:
Orange node is Person, red is Thing. So I want to have extra label nodes for every label in graph. So I want this:
Can be this created automatically?
You do not really want to do that, since a visualization with N nodes would then have N extraneous relationships to the special "label" nodes, making it hard (or even impossible) to see the actual data. Using different colors for different labels is a good compromise.
In any case, the top of the result panel (in the neo4j Browser) tells you which color belongs to which label, so you can already easily get the information you want.
However, if you really need to do something like that, there is no "automated" way. But you could use some APOC procedures to create virtual nodes and relationships that are not stored in the DB, but which can be visualized.
For example, if your original Cypher query is:
MATCH path=(p:Person)-[r:RELTYPE]->(t:Thing)
you can use this query to generate the appropriate virtual nodes and relationships:
MATCH path=(p:Person)-[r:RELTYPE]->(t:Thing)
CALL apoc.create.vNode(['V_Label'], {label: 'Person'}) YIELD node AS pLabel
CALL apoc.create.vNode(['V_Label'], {label: 'Thing'}) YIELD node AS tLabel
UNWIND ps AS person
CALL apoc.create.vRelationship(person, 'IS', {}, pLabel) YIELD rel AS pRel
WITH paths, ts, pLabel, tLabel, COLLECT(pRel) AS pRels
UNWIND ts AS thing
CALL apoc.create.vRelationship(thing, 'IS', {}, tLabel) YIELD rel AS tRel
A sample resulting visualization:
I have a neo4j database with statistical information on water and waste. In this database are data points linked with the facts that are relevant, including mappings to internal definitions. Here in the attached screenshot is an example of a data point and the related metadata. The node in the center is the value, and the immediate nodes linked by "HAS_DIMENSION" are the dimensions that came with the data provider. These are not fixed and change depending on the provider. Each dimension of interest is mapped to an internal definition. Currently this is my query:
MATCH (o:Observation {uq_id:'e__ABS_AGR_AQ__FSW__MIO_M3__BG__1970____9f07c7a629625e5ae00e35838fcd4f824a3593dd'})-[:HAS_DIMENSION]->()
MATCH (o)-[:HAS_DIMENSION]->()-[:HAS_SYNONYM_FROM]->()-[:WITH_TARGET_DEF]->(v:Variable)<-[:HAS_UNIT]-(u:Unit)
MATCH (o)-[vl0:HAS_DIMENSION]->()-[:HAS_SYNONYM_FROM]->()-[:WITH_TARGET_DEF]->(l:Location)
MATCH (o)-[:HAS_DIMENSION]->(unk0)
MATCH (o)-[sr0:CAME_FROM_FILE]->(ds0)-[sr1:BELONGS_TO]->(s0)
The issue I have is exemplified by the pink circles. I want only one pink circle (which is a node with label Variable) in the query, in particular I want the variable like follows
MATCH (v:Variable)<-[:MAPS_TO]-()<-[:HAS_DIMENSION]-(o:Observation)
By this I want to force it to observe a pattern where it identifies the single variable that matches the pattern above for the most number of intermediate nodes. So the "Fresh surface water abstracted" variable would match this pattern, since it has two paths that match this. But the "Fresh groundwater abstracted" would not, since it only has one. How could I accomplish this?
It sounds like you want to return the Variable node with the most number of paths leading to it. Would something like this roughly return the results you are after? You will need to adapt according to your matching statements.
MATCH p=(o:Observation {uq_id:'<your_id>'})-[:HAS_DIMENSION]->()<-[:MAPS_TO]-(v:Variable)
I wish to build a database of objects with various types of relations between them. It will be easier for me to explain by giving an example.
I wish to have a set of objects, each is described by a unique name and a set of attributes (say, height, weight, colour, etc.), but instead of values, these attributes may contain values which are relative to other objects. For example, I might have two objects, A and B, where A has height 1 and weight "weight of B + 2", and B has height "height of A + 3" and weight 4.
Some objects may have completely other attributes; for example, object C may represent a box, and objects A and B will be related to C by the relations "I appear x times in C".
Queries may include "what is the height of A/B" or what is the total weight of objects appearing in C with multiplicities.
I am a bit familiar with MongoDB, and fond of its simplicity. I heard of Neo4j, but never tried working with it. From its description, it sounds more suitable for my need (but I can't tell it is capable of the task). But is MongoDB, with its simplicity, suitable as well? Or perhaps a different database engine?
I am not sure it matters, but I plan to use python as the engine which processes the queries and their outputs.
Either can do this. I tend to prefer neo4j, but either way could work.
In neo4j, you'd create a graph consisting of a node (A) and its "base" (B). You could then connect them like this:
(A:Node { weight: "base+2" })-[:base]->(B:Node { weight: 2 })
Note that modeling in this way would make it possible to change the base relationship to point to another node without changing anything about A. The downside is that you'd need a mini calculator to expand expressions like "base+2", which is easy but in any case extra work.
Interpreting your question another way, you're in a situation where you'd probably want a trigger. Here's an article on neo4j triggers, how graphs handle this. If parsing that expression "base+2" at read time isn't what you want, and you want to actually set the value on A to be b.weight + 2, then you want a trigger. This would let you define some other function to be run when the graph gets updated in a certain way. In this case, when someone inserts a new :base relationship in the graph, you might check the base value (endpoint of the relationship) and add 2 to its weight, and set that new property value on the source of the relationship.
Yes, you can use either DBMS.
To help you decide, this is an example of how to support your uses cases in neo4j.
To create your sample data:
(a:Foo {id: 'A'}), (b:Foo {id: 'B'}), (c:Box {id: 123}),
(h1:Height {value: 1}), (w4:Weight {value: 4}),
(a)-[:HAS_HEIGHT {factor: 1, offset: 0}]->(h1),
(a)-[:HAS_WEIGHT {factor: 1, offset: 2}]->(w4),
(b)-[:HAS_WEIGHT {factor: 1, offset: 0}]->(w4),
(b)-[:HAS_HEIGHT {factor: 1, offset: 3}]->(h1),
(c)-[:CONTAINS {count: 5}]->(a),
(c)-[:CONTAINS {count: 2}]->(b);
"A" and "B" are represented by Foo nodes, and "C" by a Box node. Since a given height or weight can be referenced by multiple nodes, this example data model uses shared Weight and Height nodes. The HAS_HEIGHT and HAS_WEIGHT relationships have factor and offset properties to allow adjustment of the height or weight for a particular Foo node.
To query "What is the height of A":
MATCH (:Foo {id: 'A'})-[ra:HAS_HEIGHT]->(ha:Height)
RETURN ra.factor * ha.value + ra.offset AS height;
To query "What is the ratio of the heights of A and B":
(:Foo {id: 'A'})-[ra:HAS_HEIGHT]->(ha:Height),
(:Foo {id: 'B'})-[rb:HAS_HEIGHT]->(hb:Height)
TOFLOAT(ra.factor * ha.value + ra.offset) /
(rb.factor * hb.value + rb.offset) AS ratio;
Note: TOFLOAT() is used above to make sure integer division, which would truncate, is never used.
To query "What is the total weight of objects appearing in C":
MATCH (:Box {id: 123})-[c:CONTAINS]->()-[rx:HAS_WEIGHT]->(wx:Weight)
RETURN SUM(c.count * (rx.factor * wx.value + rx.offset));
I have not used Mongo and decided not to after studying it. So filter my opinion with that in mind; users may find my comments easy to overcome. Mongo is not a true graph database. The user must create and manage the relationships. In Neo4j, relationships are "native" and robust.
There is a head to head comparison at this site:
see also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10688745/database-for-efficient-large-scale-graph-traversal
There is a distinction between NoSQL (e.g., Mongo) and a true graph database. Many seem to assume that if it is not SQL then it's a graph database. This is not true. Most NoSQL data bases do not store relationships. The free book describes this in chapter 2.
Personally, I'm sold on Neo4j. It makes relationships, transerving graphs and collecting lists along the path easy and powerful.
I am using Gremlin/Tinkerpop 3 to query a graph stored in TitanDB.
The graph contains user vertices with properties, for example, "description", and edges denoting relationships between users.
I want to use Gremlin to obtain 1) users by properties and 2) the number of relationships (in this case of any kind) to some other user (e.g., with id = 123). To realize this, I make use of the match operation in Gremlin 3 like so:
g.V().match('user',__.as('user').has('description',new P(CONTAINS,'developer')),
This query works fine, unless there are multiple user vertices returned, for example, because multiple users have the word "developer" in their description. In this case, the count in relationships is the sum of all relationships between all returned users and the user with id 123, and not, as desired, the individual count for every returned user.
Am I doing something wrong or is this maybe an error?
PS: This question is related to one I posted some time ago about a similar query in Tinkerpop 2, where I had another issue: How to select optional graph structures with Gremlin?
Here's the sample data I used:
graph = TinkerGraph.open()
g = graph.traversal()
My first thought, was: "Do we really need match step"? Secondarily, of course, I wanted to write this in TP3 fashion and not use a lambda/closure. I tried all manner of things in the first iteration and the closest I got was stuff like this from Daniel Kuppitz:
gremlin> g.V().as('user').local(out().hasId(123).values('name')
so here we used local step to restrict the traversal within local to the current element. This works, but we lost the "user" tag in the select. Why? groupCount is a ReducingBarrierStep and paths are lost after those steps.
Well, let's go back to match. I figured I could try to make the match step traverse using local:
gremlin> g.V().match('user',__.as('user').has('description','developer'),
gremlin> __.as('user').local(out().hasId(123).values('name').groupCount()).as('relationships')).select()
==>[relationships:[:], user:v[123]]
==>[relationships:[bob:1], user:v[124]]
==>[relationships:[bob:2], user:v[125]]
==>[relationships:[bob:1], user:v[126]]
Ok - success - that's what we wanted: no lambdas and local counts. But, it still left me feeling like: "Do we really need match step"? That's when Mr. Kuppitz closed in on the final answer which makes copious use of the by step:
gremlin> g.V().has('description','developer').as("user","relationships").select().by()
==>[user:v[123], relationships:[:]]
==>[user:v[124], relationships:[bob:1]]
==>[user:v[125], relationships:[bob:2]]
==>[user:v[126], relationships:[bob:1]]
As you can see, by can be chained (on some steps). The first by groups by vertex and the second by processes the grouped elements with a "local" groupCount.
After working with neo4j and now coming to the point of considering to make my own entity manager (object manager) to work with the fetched data in the application, i wonder about neo4j's output format.
When i run a query it's always returned as tabular data. Why is this??
Sure tables keep a big place in data and processing, but it seems so strange that a graph database can only output in this format.
Now when i want to create an object graph in my application i would have to hydrate all the objects and this is not really good for performance and doesn't leverage true graph performace.
Consider MATCH (A)-->(B) RETURN A, B when there is one A and three B's, it would return:
1 1
1 2
1 3
That's the same A passed down 3 times over the database connection, while i only need it once and i know this before the data is fetched.
Something like this seems great http://nigelsmall.com/geoff
a load2neo is nice, a load-from-neo would also be nice! either in the geoff format or any other formats out there https://gephi.org/users/supported-graph-formats/
Each language could then implement it's own functions to create the objects directly.
To clarify:
Relations between nodes are lost in tabular data
Redundant (non-optimal) format for graphs
Edges (relations) and vertices (nodes) are usually not in the same table. (makes queries more complex?)
Another consideration (which might deserve it's own post), what's a good way to model relations in an object graph? As objects? or as data/method inside the node objects?
Q: What do you mean by "Each language could then implement it's own functions to create the objects directly."?
A: With an (partial) graph provided by the database (as result of a query) a language as PHP could provide a factory method (in C preferably) to construct the object graph (this is usually an expensive operation). But only if the object graph is well defined in a standard format (because this function should be simple and universal).
Q: Do you want to export the full graph or just the result of a query?
A: The result of a query. However a query like MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN n, r should return the full graph.
Q: you want to dump to the disk the subgraph created from the result of a query ?
A: No, existing interfaces like REST are prefered to get the query result.
Q: do you want to create the subgraph which comes from a query in memory and then request it in another language ?
A: no i want the result of the query in another format then tabular (examples mentioned)
Q: You make a query which only returns the name of a node, in this case, would you like to get the full node associated or just the name ? Same for the edges.
A: Nodes don't have names. They have properties, labels and relations. I would like enough information to retrieve A) The node ID, it's labels, it's properties and B) the relation to other nodes which are in the same result.
Note that the first part of the question is not a concrete "how-to" question, rather "why is this not possible?" (or if it is, i like to be proven wrong on this one). The second is a real "how-to" question, namely "how to model relations". The two questions have in common that they both try to find the answer to "how to get graph data efficiently in PHP."
#Michael Hunger
You have a point when you say that not all result data can be expressed as an object graph. It reasonable to say that an alternative output format to a table would only be complementary to the table format and not replacing it.
I understand from your answer that the natural (rawish) output format from the database is the result format with duplicates in it ("streams the data out as it comes"). I that case i understand that it's now left to an alternative program (of the dev stack) to do the mapping. So my conclusion on neo4j implementing something like this:
Pro's - not having to do this in every implementation language (of the application)
Con's - 1) no application specific mapping is possible, 2) no performance gain if implementation language is fast
"Even if you use geoff, graphml or the gephi format you have to keep all the data in memory to deduplicate the results."
I don't understand this point entirely, are you saying that these formats are no able to hold deduplicated results (in certain cases)?? So infact that there is no possible textual format with which a graph can be described without duplication??
"There is also the questions on what you want to include in your output?"
I was under the assumption that the cypher language was powerful enough to specify this in the query. And so the output format would have whatever the database can provide as result.
"You could just return the paths that you get, which are unique paths through the graph in themselves".
Useful suggestion, i'll play around with this idea :)
"The dump command of the neo4j-shell uses the approach of pulling the cypher results into an in-memory structure, enriching it".
Does the enriching process fetch additional data from the database or is the data already contained in the initial result?
There is more to it.
First of all as you said tabular results from queries are really commonplace and needed to integrate with other systems and databases.
Secondly oftentimes you don't actually return raw graph data from your queries, but aggregated, projected, sliced, extracted information out of your graph. So the relationships to the original graph data are already lost in most of the results of queries I see being used.
The only time that people need / use the raw graph data is when to export subgraph-data from the database as a query result.
The problem of doing that as a de-duplicated graph is that the db has to fetch all the result data data in memory first to deduplicate, extract the needed relationships etc.
Normally it just streams the data out as it comes and uses little memory with that.
Even if you use geoff, graphml or the gephi format you have to keep all the data in memory to deduplicate the results (which are returned as paths with potential duplicate nodes and relationships).
There is also the questions on what you want to include in your output? Just the nodes and rels returned? Or additionally all the other rels between the nodes that you return? Or all the rels of the returned nodes (but then you also have to include the end-nodes of those relationships).
You could just return the paths that you get, which are unique paths through the graph in themselves:
MATCH p = (n)-[r]-(m)
Another way to address this problem in Neo4j is to use sensible aggregations.
E.g. what you can do is to use collect to aggregate data per node (i.e. kind of subgraphs)
MATCH (n)-[r]-(m)
RETURN n, collect([r,type(r),m])
or use the new literal map syntax (Neo4j 2.0)
MATCH (n)-[r]-(m)
RETURN {node: n, neighbours: collect({ rel: r, type: type(r), node: m})}
The dump command of the neo4j-shell uses the approach of pulling the cypher results into an in-memory structure, enriching it and then outputting it as cypher create statement(s).
A similar approach can be used for other output formats too if you need it. But so far there hasn't been the need.
If you really need this functionality it makes sense to write a server-extension that uses cypher for query specification, but doesn't allow return statements. Instead you would always use RETURN *, aggregate the data into an in-memory structure (SubGraph in the org.neo4j.cypher packages). And then render it as a suitable format (e.g. JSON or one of those listed above).
These could be a starting points for that:
There are also other efforts, like GraphJSON from GraphAlchemist: https://github.com/GraphAlchemist/GraphJSON
And the d3 json format is also pretty useful. We use it in the neo4j console (console.neo4j.org) to return the graph visualization data that is then consumed by d3 directly.
I've been working with neo4j for a while now and I can tell you that if you are concerned about memory and performances you should drop cypher at all, and use indexes and the other graph-traversal methods instead (e.g. retrieve all the relationships of a certain type from or to a start node, and then iterate over the found nodes).
As the documentation says, Cypher is not intended for in-app usage, but more as a administration tool. Furthermore, in production-scale environments, it is VERY easy to crash the server by running the wrong query.
In second place, there is no mention in the docs of an API method to retrieve the output as a graph-like structure. You will have to process the output of the query and build it.
That said, in the example you give you say that there is only one A and that you know it before the data is fetched, so you don't need to do:
but just
(you don't need to receive A three times because you already know these are the nodes connected with A)
or better (if you need info about the relationships) something like
MATCH (A)-[r]->(B) RETURN r
I need to store the following data in a database:
osm nodes with tags;
osm edges with weights (that is an edge between two nodes extracted from 'way' from an .osm file).
Nodes that form edges, which are in the same 'way' sets should have the same tags as those ways, i.e. every node in a 'way' set of nodes which is a highway should have a 'highway' tag.
I need this structure to easily generate a graph based on various filters, e.g. a graph consisting only of nodes and edges which are highways, or a 'foot paths' graph, etc.
I have not heard about the spatial index before, so I just parsed an .osm file into a MySQL database:
all nodes to a 'nodes' table (with respective coordinates columns) - OK, about 9,000,000 of rows in my case:
(INSERT INTO nodes VALUES [pseudocode]node_id,lat,lon[/pseudocode];
all ways to an 'edges' table (usually one way creates a few edges) - OK, about 9,000,000 of rows as well:
(INSERT INTO edges VALUES [pseudocode]edge_id,from_node_id,to_node_id[/pseudocode];
add tags to nodes, calculate weights for edges - Problem:
Here is the problematic php script:
$query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM edges');
while ($res = mysql_fetch_object($query)) {
echo "$i\n";
$node1 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id='.$res->from);
$node1 = mysql_fetch_object($node1);
$tag1 = $node1->tags;
$node2 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id='.$res->to);
$node2 = mysql_fetch_object($node2);
$tag2 = $node2->tags;
mysql_query('UPDATE nodes SET tags="'.$tag1.$res->tags.'" WHERE nodes.id='.$res->from);
mysql_query('UPDATE nodes SET tags="'.$tag2.$res->tags.'" WHERE nodes.id='.$res->to);`
Nohup shows the output for 'echo "$i\n"' each 55-60 seconds (which can take more than 17 years to finish if the size of the 'edges' table is more than 9,000,000 rows, like in my case).
Htop shows a /usr/bin/mysqld process which takes 40-60% of CPU.
The same problem exists for the script which tries to calculate the weight (the distance) of an edge (select all edges, take an edge, then select two nodes of this edge from 'nodes' table, then calculate the distance, then update the edges table).
How can I make this SQL updates faster? Should I tweak any of MySQL config settings? Or should I use PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension? Should I use another structure for my data? Or should I somehow utilize the spatial index?
If I understand you right there is two things to discuss.
First, your idea of putting the highway-tag on the start and stop nodes. A node can have more than one edge connected, where to put the tag from the second edge? Or third or fourth if it is a crossing? The reason the highway tag is putted in the edges table in the first place is that from a relational point of view that is where it belongs.
Second, to get the whole table and process it outside the database is not the right way. What a relational database is really good at is taking care of this whole process.
I have not worked with mysql, and I fully agree that you will probably get a lot more fun if migrating to PostGIS since PostGIS has a lot better spatial capabilities (even if you don't need any spatial capabilities for this particular task) from what I have heard.
So if we ignore the first problem and just for showing the concept say that there is only two edges connected to one node and that each node has two tag-fields. tag1 and tag2. Then it could look something like this in PostGIS:
UPDATE nodes set tag1=edges.tags from edges where nodes.id=edges.from;
UPDATE nodes set tag2=edges.tags from edges where nodes.id=edges.to;
If you disable the indexes that should be very fast.
if I have understood you right.
Openstreetmap itself uses PostgreSQL, so I guess that's recommended.
See: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/PostgreSQL
You can see OSM's database schema at: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Database_Schema
So you can use the same fields, fieldtypes and indexes that OSM uses for maximum compatibility.
If you want to import .osm files into a MySQL database, have a look at:
Here you will find perl code that will create MySQL tables, parse a OSM file and import it into your MySQL database.
Making it faster
If you are updating in bulk, you don't need to update the indexes after every update.
You can just disable the indexes, do all your updates and re-enable the index.
I'm guessing that should be a whole lot faster.
Good luck