Issue ##IDENTITY AND IDENT_CURRENT(tableName) SQL SERVER - sql-server

After INSERT record to the table with an identity column
I try to get identified by the way SELECT ##IDENTITY but it returns NULL,
but I try to use ;
this statement return I'm expected value

You shouldn't use ##Identity, nor should you use ident_current().
The first answers a question that you probably don't want to ask, and the second is unreliable, according to SQL Server expert Aaron Bertrand (or, at least, that was the case back in January 2014, when this article was published).
You should be using the output clause if you're inserting more than one record, or scope_identity() if you're only inserting one.
Note that the output clause doesn't play nice with triggers, and scope_identity() will have problems if your target table have an instead of insert trigger.
For more information, you can read Use the right tool to get identity values back after an insert over on my blog.

IDENT_CURRENT() returns the last inserted identity value for a given table.
SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns the last identity value inserted into an identity column in any table in the current session and current scope.
Probably you execute SCOPE_IDENTITY() in the other session


Getting the primary key of an newly inserted row in SQL Server 2008

I have a bunch of data which will insert into a table. This issue is that I need it to return the primary key to that table. I wasn't sure if there was things like:
insert into TABLE (...) values (...) RETURNING p_key
select p_key from (insert into TABLE (...) values (...))
I am making a workaround for a browser and saved information which will more or less add a row and then update it... but without the primary key, there is no way to update it as there is no reference to it.
I was looking online and found some examples via google, but it confused me slightly with these examples.
Wikipedia was saying that for SQL Server 2008 to use OUTPUT instead of RETURNING, possible to use something like OUTPUT p_key
If you're inserting a whole set of rows, selecting the SCOPE_IDENTITY() won't do. And SCOPE_IDENTITY also only works for (numeric) identity columns - sometimes your PK is something else...
But SQL Server does have the OUTPUT clause - and it's very well documented on MSDN!
INSERT INTO dbo.Table(columns)
OUTPUT INSERTED.p_key, INSERTED.someothercolumnhere .......
Those values will be "echoed" back to the calling app, e.g. you'll see them in a grid in SQL Server Management Studio, or you can read them as a result set from your C# or VB.NET calling this INSERT statement.
Scope_Identity() is what you want, assuming that by "primary key" you mean "Identity"
declare #id int
insert yourtable values (some, values)
select #id = Scope_Identity()
In C#, right after your SQL Statement write SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY(); so your code would be:
insert into TABLE (...) values (...); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();
then, instead of executeNonQuery use executeScalar.
That should do the trick!
After performing insert, query:
select scope_identity()
to retrieve last inserted primary key.
Using ##IDENTITY , you can get the last generated primary key
Insert into TableName (Name,Class) values('ABC','pqr')
select ##IDENTITY

Inserting a identity column value into another table

Good Morning. I have two tables, and one references the other. When I insert into the primary table, the primary key is auto-generated, viz Identity field. I need to insert this value into the second table.
I found out using the OUTPUT clause will give me the just inserted identity value, ans so I tried this.
insert into owners (pId)
insert into personal (firstName)
output inserted.pId
values ('fn')
It doesn't work though. I get an error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'insert'
The personal table is the primary table, and the owners table contains the foreign key.
How can I do the required in SQL Server?
I've got stuck-up here for the past two days...
I think you just have your syntax slightly off - you can definitely take values inserted into the main table and use the OUTPUT clause to insert those into a secondary table.
INSERT INTO dbo.personal(firstName)
OUTPUT INSERTED.pId INTO dbo.owners(pId)
This will insert a new row into personal and set the column firstName to fn. From that insert, the inserted row's identity column pId is then inserted into the other table, owners, as that table's pId column.
See the MSDN documentation on the OUTPUT clause for more details - you can either output any of the inserted values to the console (e.g. SQL Server Mgmt Studio), or you can output those values into a temporary or a permanent table.
Update: as 'dradu' has pointed out - this approach won't work in your case here, since the column in the owners table is part of a FK constraint (I had missed that point from your question). So you'll need to use some other way to do this - probably outputting the necessary information into a temporary table / table variable in your code
Try the following steps
1) Apply transaction level on insertion
2) Get last inserted id using Scope_Identity() function.
When you apply transaction level it will lock your tables and other/same user cannot insert the value in this time.
try this it will work for you.
Since OUTPUT clause cannot be used directly because of the foreign key, you could add the generated IDs into a temporary table, then insert those values into the owners table:
INSERT INTO personal(firstName)
INSERT INTO owners(pid)
SCOPE_IDENTITY will work too, but it's limited to one value.
You can use the SCOPE_IDENTITY() function to return the identity value inserted.
INSERT INTO [Personal] (Colums ....) VALUES (this, that, stuff)
INSERT INTO [Owners] (Colums ....) VALUES (#id ....)
I think Your option is to use SCOPE_IDENTITY() but the other closest to your option is IDENT_CURRENT(‘tablename’) so I thought, I post detail of detail of other identity options as well which might help you to understand your choice and might helpful some other time
It returns the last IDENTITY value produced on a connection, regardless of the table that produced the value, and regardless of the
scope of the statement that produced the value.
SCOPE_IDENTITY() It returns the last IDENTITY value produced on
a connection and by a statement in the same scope, regardless of the
table that produced the value.
IDENT_CURRENT(‘tablename’) It returns the last IDENTITY value
produced in a table, regardless of the connection that created the
value, and regardless of the scope of the statement that produced the
Here is one simple example of using SCOPE_IDENTITY() to get recent Identity Value

Actual inserted row ID

I have created table in my db in this statement
id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY identity(1,1)
, name NVARCHAR(100) not null
, email NVARCHAR(30) not null
Now I insert new value with INSERT. My question is how can I get id of current added row? Any idea ??
Assuming SQL server, you should check out this article to gain a good understanding of retrieving identities.
Here's a snippet:
It returns the last IDENTITY value produced on a
connection, regardless of the table that produced the value, and
regardless of the scope of the statement that produced the value.
##IDENTITY will return the last identity value entered into a table in
your current session. While ##IDENTITY is limited to the current
session, it is not limited to the current scope. If you have a trigger
on a table that causes an identity to be created in another table, you
will get the identity that was created last, even if it was the
trigger that created it.
It returns the last IDENTITY value produced on
a connection and by a statement in the same scope, regardless of the
table that produced the value. SCOPE_IDENTITY(), like ##IDENTITY, will
return the last identity value created in the current session, but it
will also limit it to your current scope as well. In other words, it
will return the last identity value that you explicitly created,
rather than any identity that was created by a trigger or a user
defined function.
It returns the last IDENTITY value
produced in a table, regardless of the connection that created the
value, and regardless of the scope of the statement that produced the
value. IDENT_CURRENT is not limited by scope and session; it is
limited to a specified table. IDENT_CURRENT returns the identity value
generated for a specific table in any session and any scope.
It looks like SQL Server, and it that case, just use:
INSERT INTO dbo.tPerson(....) VALUES(.....)
SCOPE_IDENTITY returns the last inserted IDENTITY value in this current scope.
Side note: "email" is only 30 characters long!?!? I typically make that the longest column in my table - 200 chars or even more :-)
after your INSERT
You can also do this through JDBC directly to avoid the need to select, as typically an insert statement will return the number of rows inserted which you may want to validate. Spring supports this through its JdbcTemplate, see here

sql server 2005:is it safe to use ##identity?

i have a procedure in which i am inserting record in employee table.nad getting empid by using ##identity ? when this procedure will be called by more than one user at same time,there can be possibility that it returns identity of some other employee inserted at same time.because there is no lock on identity by system?
--identity on for empid column
insert into employee (name) values ('sahil');
return ##identity
refer sql server 2005:is it safe to use ##identity?
for lock on identity issue
You should be using SCOPE_IDENTITY() instead. However, ##IDENTITY refers to the current connection so other users won't affect you but there are other issues to consider.
More information here.
##identity is not safe to use. If the table has a trigger with an insert to a differnt table with an identity that is the value that will be returned. Never use it to get the idnetity value you just inserted. You may think well I don't have a trigger now, but you never know when one might be added and you can go a long time before realizing that your data is hopelessly messed up.

How to increment (or reserve) IDENTITY value in SQL Server without inserting into table

Is there a way to reserve or skip or increment value of identity column?
I Have two tables joined in one-to-one relation ship. First one has IDENTITY PK column, and second one int PK (not IDENTITY). I used to insert in first, get ID and insert in second. And it works ok.
Now I need to insert values in second table without inserting into first.
Now, how to increment IDENTITY seed, so I can insert it into second table, but leave "hole" in ID's of first table?
EDIT: More info
This works:
-- I need new seed number, but not table row
-- so i will insert foo row, get id, and delete it
INSERT INTO TABLE1 (SomeRequiredField) VALUES ('foo');
-- Then I can insert in TABLE2
INSERT INTO (ID, Field, Field) VALUES (#NewID, 'Value', 'Value');
Once again - this works.
Question is can I get ID without inserting into table?
DBCC needs owner rights; is there a clean user callable SQL to do that?
This situation will make your overall data structure very hard to understand. If there is not a relationship between the values, then break the relationship.
There are ways to get around this to do what you are looking for, but typically it is in a distributed environment and not done because of what appears to be a data model change.
Then its no more a one-to-one relationship.
Just break the PK constraint.
Use a DBCC CHECKIDENT statement.
This article from SQL Server Books Online discusses the use of the DBCC CHECKIDENT method to update the identity seed of a table.
From that article:
This example forces the current identity value in the jobs table to a value of 30.
USE pubs
I would look into the OUTPUT INTO feature if you are using SQL Server 2005 or greater. This would allow you to insert into your primary table, and take the IDs assigned at that time to create rows in the secondary table.
I am assuming that there is a foreign key constraint enforced - because that would be the only reason you would need to do this in the first place.
How do you plan on matching them up later? I would not put records into the second table without a record in the first, that is why it is set up in a foreign key relationship - to stio that sort of action. Just why do you not want to insert records into the first table anyway? If we knew more about the type of application and why this is necessary we might be able to guide you to a solution.
this might help
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . ] table { ON | OFF }
It allows explicit values to be inserted into the identity column of a table.
