Syncing a dynamic set of schemata using SymmetricDS - symmetricds

I am working on a desktop application that uses a local installation of MySQL to store data across multiple schemata. My goal is to use SymmetricDS to transfer those schemata to an Oracle database on a different machine.
So far I managed to set up a slave node residing on the desktop computer and a master node residing on some server. Using a .properties file in the engine directory, I also successfully transfer data from a single schema and table to the Oracle DB.
The problem I am now facing is that my application will create and possibly delete schemata on the fly.
Does that mean I will have to maintain a .properties file for each schema and somehow implement a wrapper for the symadmin command to register the corresponding engines?
Or is there maybe a better way?

You should able to adjust configuration on the fly. The sym_trigger table has a reference to schema for each table. If the database user SymmetricDS uses has access to newly created schemas (database) then SymmetricDS should be able to create new triggers dynamically that are in new databases. No restart needed.


Cleared SQL Server tables still retain some data

I made a custom application that is running from several years and is full of company data.
Now I need to replicate the application for another customer, so I set up a new server then i cloned the databases and empty all the tables.
Then I made a database and file shrink.
On the SQL Server side, the databases looks empty but if I run a grep search on the database files .mdf and .log I still can find recurrence of the previous company name also in system databases.
How do I really clean a SQL Server database?
Don't use backup/restore to clone a database for distribution to different clients. These commands copy data at the physical page/extent level, which may contain artifacts of deleted data, dropped objects, etc.
The best practice for this need is to create a new database with schema and system data from scratch using T-SQL scripts (ideally source controlled). If you don't already have these scripts, T-SQL scripts for schema/data can be generated from an existing database using the SMO API via .NET code or PowerShell. Here's the first answer I found with a search that uses the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Scripter class. Note you can include scripts data too (insert statements) by specifying the ScriptData scripting option for desired tables.

How to copy databases automatically from one server to another in efficient way (not backup and restore)

every once in a while I need to move a database from one server (QA) to another (production )
until now I used to perform backup on one server copy to the other server and then restore it...
is there a way to do it more efficiently?
maybe an automated job?
mirror? replication?
I'm searching for one-two clicks solution..
I already made an automated script that does all of the following:
Could you possible create an SSIS package (using the Transfer Database Task+ Transfer SQL Server Objects) that you can execute when you need it? You could create a 'template' package and use it for further use with just changing the connections.
See this blog post for some more details:
From the link above:
Transfer Database Task: The Transfer Database Task is used to move a database to another SQL Server instance or create a copy on the same
instance (with different database name). This task works in two modes
Offline : In this mode, the source database is detached from the source server after putting it in single user mode, copies of the mdf,
ndf and ldf files are moved to specified network location [...]
Online : In this mode, the task uses SMO to transfer the database objects to the destination server. In this mode, the database is
online during the copy and move operation, but it will take longer as
it has to copy each object from the database individually [...].
Transfer SQL Server Objects Task The Transfer SQL Sever Objects task is used to transfer one or more SQL Server objects to a different
database, either on the same or another SQL Server instance. This
allows you to select different types of objects you want to transfer.
You can select tables, views, stored procedures, user defined
functions etc. [...]
Not sure what it would take to make this package transferable among the different databases you may need to copy, but maybe it's worth exploring.
Good luck! :)

Duplicate SQL Schema in SQL Server

I have a requirement that a user can have multiple environments to make experiments and test how good their modifications are; after the users are satisfied with the modifications they've done to the data in the working environment, these modifications can be (partially or completely) copied to another environment; these environments can be created as empty or as copies of other environments; right now we are using SQL Azure and our current (not implemented) approach is creating each environment as a different SQL schema in the same database using the statement
till now in POCs this is working really good for us. But what i don't like of this approach is that creating a new schema involves executing several scripts to create the tables and the SPs in the new schema, so as we create or update the default schema objects, we also need to update the scripts that create the schema, also that when the schema is created we need to bulk copy the data from the original schema using another script, so considering the size of the client's data this process sometimes it cannot be not as fast as I would like, and also maintaining the SQL code to create environments is not that good for the team.
so my question is, is there any way to duplicate an entire dbo schema with a different name using T-SQL Statements?, i know this can be done manually using SQL Server Management Studio and the generate scripts option, but this must happen automatically because the users can create a new environment at any time, i already checked the documentation for
TRANSFER SourceSchema.TableName;
but this just changes the database object schema, it does not create an actual copy of the object.
I am not trying to create different databases for dev, qa and production, I already have them; what I want to achieve is create a web app with multiple environments, each environment is a sandbox for the final user to make experiments, imagine it is like creating a draft before making this data available for the general public, so when the users are satisfied with the modifications they can move this data to the public environment and then when it is moved, it is available for others to see it
You can use the CREATE DATABASE ... AS COPY OF transact-sql statement to create copies of your Production database that can be used as QA, testing and development databases.
AS COPY OF ozabzw7545.db_original ( SERVICE_OBJECTIVE = 'P2') ;
Here ozabzw7545 is the name of Azure SQL Database server.
The following is the full syntax + additional information that is specific to Azure SQL database: CREATE DATABASE (Azure SQL Database)
Additional Information for Copy an Azure SQL database
You also can use PowerShell:
New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseCopy -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-ServerName $sourceserver `
-DatabaseName "MySampleDatabase" `
-CopyResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-CopyServerName $targetserver `
-CopyDatabaseName "CopyOfMySampleDatabase"

SYBASE database DDL statement

I am using Sybase ASE 12.5. My question is when creating a database, why it is necessary to use master database. What does it mean.
use master
create database student
drop student
use pubs2
The master database is similar to the idea of the root drive in *nix, or the C:\ in windows. It forms the basis of the installation. Using this analogy, the command use is equivalent to changing directories (cd).
By useing the database, you are explicitly telling the software which data structures you are trying to reference, so if you select data from a table, it will look for that table in your current location.
The master database contains all the information for all databases, devices, logins, configurations and more. Because of this you must be in the master database to create new databases.
In practice, unless you are creating or dropping databases, devices, logins, or making other system wide changes, you will not actually use master that frequently.

Creating multiple databases in H2

We are using H2 as test database for junittest suite. The actual application has tables in multiple databases like db1.s1.table1 and db2.s1.table2 (in other words database.schema.tablename) . To replicate that functionality we need to create two databases db1 and db2 and then create schema and tables accordingly. Also we have a dbscript.sql which loads all data before running test suite.
Please let us know if there is a way to create multiple databases in H2. If yes, what will be the exact command to do that as part of the script.
Since H2 creates the database specified as part of jdbc URL. Is there a way to specify multiple databases as part of URL so we can have them created.
