I'll make this brief. I have to normalize this table, but the NULL entries are throwing me off.
I know {EID --> Managing Since} is a functional dependency, because EID is unique and cannot point to two different values of the same attribute.
But is {Branch Name --> Managing Since} a dependency?
Seattle points to (05/01/2007), but also points to a NULL value.
Does this mean it cannot be a dependency, as it would not have been so if it pointed to another date instead of a NULL?
I have a little program that collects local news headlines all over a country. It should collect the top headline every day in an array and if it has more than 5 headlines, it should remove the oldest one and add the newest one at the top.
Heres the table:
name text PRIMARY KEY,
coords text,
headlines json[]
The headlines array is basically just json objects with a time and headline property, that would be upserted like this:
insert into place VALUES ('giglio','52.531677;13.381777',
'{"timestamp":"2012-01-13T13:37:27+00:00","headline":"costa concordia sunk"}'
UPDATE SET headlines = place.headlines || EXCLUDED.headlines
But obviously as soon at it hits 5 elements in the array, it will keep adding onto it. So is there a way to add these headlines and limit them to 5?
Alternative Solution:
insert into place VALUES ('giglio','52.531677;13.381777',
'{"timestamp":"2012-01-13T13:37:27+00:00","headline":"costa concordia sunk"}'
UPDATE SET headlines = place.headlines[0:4] || EXCLUDED.headlines
So is there a way to add these headlines and limit them to 5?
I believe yes.
You can define max array size
(search section 8.15.1 here https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/arrays.html#ARRAYS-DECLARATION)
like this
headlines json[5]
But current implementation of Postgres does not enforce it (still good to do it for future compatibility and proper data model definition).
So I'd try if CHECK constraint is of any help here:
headlines json[5] CHECK (array_length(headlines) < 6)
This should give you a basic consistency check. From here there are two ways to continue (which seems out of the scope of this question):
Catch the PG exception on your app layer, clean up the data, and try inserting it again
Implement a function in your DB schema, that would attempt insert and cleanup.
Here's how I ended up doing it:
insert into place VALUES ('giglio','52.531677;13.381777',
'{"timestamp":"2012-01-13T13:37:27+00:00","headline":"costa concordia sunk"}'
UPDATE SET headlines = place.headlines[0:4] || EXCLUDED.headlines
EXCLUDED explanation
I have two view objects in Oracle ADF.
LineVO represents order lines -- with one line per product.
Products are differentiated by several attributes... say "model" and "color". So, VO #1 contains a row for each model/color combination.
ModelVO represents a model-level summary of the lines.
Both VOs have a "quantity" field (an Integer).
There is a ViewLink between them and each has a row accessor to the other.
I want to achieve two-way coordination between these two view objects, such that:
When a user queries data, ModelVO.Quantity equals the sum of LineVO.Quantity, for the associated rows
When a user updates any LineVO.Quantity, the ModelVO.Quantity is immediately updated to reflect the new total
When a user updates a ModelVO.Quantity, the quantity is spread among the associated LineVO rows (according to complex business logic which I hope is not relevant here).
I have tried many different ways to do this and cannot get it perfect.
Right now, I am working on variations where ModelVO.Quantity is set to a Groovy expression "LineVO.sum('Quantity')". Unfortunately, everything I try either has the summing from LineVO->ModelVO working or the spreading from ModelVO->LineVO working, but never both at the same time.
Can someone suggest a way to do this? I want to do it in the model layer (either a EO or VO or combination).
Nevermind.. it turns out to be simple:
ModelVO.Quantity must be set to a Groovy "LineVO.sum('Quantity')" and it must have a recalcExpression set to a method where I can control things so it only recalculates when I am changing a LineVO.Quantity value.
The reason my approach didn't work initially was because, when the user updated a LineVO.Quantity value and I wanted to recalculate, I was getting the ModelVO row by lineVORow.getModelVO()... i.e., via a view accessor.
Apparently, that returns some sort of internal copy of the row and not the actual row.
When I got the parent row via the applicationModule.getModelVO().getCurrentRow(), the whole thing works perfectly.
I've posted another question about why accessing the row via the view accessor did not work. That part is still a mystery to me.
I need to understand the eval attribute in the following code in the product_demo.xml in product module in Odoo:
"record id="product_product_4_product_template" model="product.template">
field name="attribute_line_ids" eval="[(6,0,[ref('product.product_attribute_line_1'), ref('product.product_attribute_line_2'), ref('product.product_attribute_line_3')])]"/>
I understand that the attribute_line_ids value is being set here. I also understand that the values inside the 'ref' refers to XML ids which would, in short, return the model-'product.attribute.line associate with the XML id.
I really don't understand what each of the values in the eval attribute mean and what changes would it do on view level and db level. I have referred to many odoo documentation but none could provide clarity.
This adds a bunch of values to a Many2many field called attribute_line_ids. Odoo has a special syntax for setting values on Many2many fields. This syntax is described here and is used in the code you asked about.
Basically, to modify a many2many relation you use a three-element tuple. The first element of the tuple is a numeric command, and two other elements are values - their exact function depend on the command.
There are six numeric commands:
0 - creates a new object and adds it to the Many2many relation
1 - updates an object that already exists on the relation
2 - deletes an object that already exists on the relation
3 - removes an existing object from the relation, without deleting it
4 - adds an existing object to the relation
5 - removes all objects from the relation, without deleting them
6 - replaces pervious objects existing on the relation with a new set of objects
The relevant part of your code look like this:
(6,0,[ref('product.product_attribute_line_1'), ref('product.product_attribute_line_2'), ref('product.product_attribute_line_3')])
It's a three-element tuple (which is expected, since the code sets values on a Many2many relation):
The first element is the command. "6" means elements previously existing in the relation (if any) will be replaced with elements which ids are passed as the third element of the tuple.
The second argument is irrelevant. It has a role with other commands, but when used with "6" it can be anything (personally I would use None to better reflect this).
The third element is a list of ids. Since the first element is "6", this signifies the objects that will be put into the relation, replacing whatever was previously there.
For getting the value of the primary key of the selected row, we can use record.get('id') in extjs. How to get the values of other columns (Say, if I have a column named name or t_id). In my case when I alert record.get('id') it gives the exact value whereas alerting record.get('t_id') shows undefined.
I am getting the result for record.get('name'). Only the foreign key t_id is not working.
You need to check certain thing #ejo.
1. As #Daemon said you need to check whether you had defined 't_id' in your store feilds or in model.
2. Second, you need to check whether you are sending the 't_id' value from backend.
3. third, if you use grid.getview option, check whether that t_id has been mapped to grid.
The most important one, please post your code, so that we can able to find the problem.
Yeah! The foreign keys in grid are always missing in my experience. Please try defining a hidden field for that foreign key(not tested yet):
column :t_id do |c|
c.hidden = true
I'm currently learning about functional dependencies and am struggling to get my head around the concept behind them.
Say I have the table:
|Cust-ID | Cust-FName |Cust-LName |Cust-Email |Cust-Pw |
|1 |John |Smith |jsmith#email.com |srt6564sdgjhy55y |
|2 |Adam |Borneo |adb#hotmail.com |45657ythjdfgqAfd |
There are two candidate keys: cust-ID and cust-Email (only one email address may belong to one customer). Electing cust-ID as the P.K, would the only functional dependency be:
{Cust-ID} -> {Cust-FName, Cust-LName, Cust-Email, Cust-Pw} ?
Or, would I draw/represent both candidate keys:
{Cust-ID} -> {Cust-FName, Cust-LName, Cust-Email, Cust-Pw}
{Cust-Email} -> {Cust-ID, Cust-FName, Cust-LName, Cust-Pw} ?
Instincts tell me the former, but given this is a completely new topic I'd appreciate any help!
Functional dependency set is always a superset of [candidate] keys. In other words a key is a functional dependency with attribute list covering the whole relation. Therefore, both candidate keys that you listed are also functional dependencies.
{Cust-ID} -> {Cust-FName, Cust-LName, Cust-Email, Cust-Pw}
{Cust-Email} -> {Cust-ID, Cust-FName, Cust-LName, Cust-Pw}
are functional dependencies in your case.
A functional dependency is a situation like this: whenever you have two rows which have the same value for column on the left hand-side of the arrow, then the values for columns on the right hand side of the arrow have to be equal. If you have two rows with the same Cust-ID then the name, email, and password columns have to be the same. If you have two rows with the same Cust-Email then (in your example) the name, email, and password columns have to be the same.
If your table in not in the third normal form, then it IS possible that you have functional dependency with a proper subset of the key on the left hand side. In fact, you define the candidate key and the normal forms (2NF, 3NF, BCNF) in terms of functional dependencies.
You can read more on functional dependencies on our company blog. It is the first part in a series of posts on data normalization.