Insert fixed values using BCP - sql-server

I'm trying to import a TXT file using bcp.
My TXT file is like this:
My Table is like this:
Field_1 -> Identity field
Field_2 -> Varchar(3)
Field_3 -> Varchar(3)
Filed_4 -> Varchar(1) In this case I must set with default value 'P'
Filed_5 -> Varchar(1) In this case I must set with default value 'C'
My table with values must be:
Note-> My TXT file is huge (around 200GB), I can't import into another table to then pass all value to this table (just saying).
##Version-> SQL Server 2014 (SP2)

You cannot generate data via BCP, you must depend on SQL Server to do that as Jeroen commented. To add to his comment, the identity value is not a default, you should continue to use the identity property of the column.
For both (identity and default), you must use the -f option to BCP. This the option to include a format file to direct the BCP utility to see and handle the data as stated in the format file.
Using a format file, you can specify which columns in the file are mapped to which columns are in the destination table. To exclude a column, just set its destination value to "0".
The format files and the bcp utility are much larger topics in and of themselves, but to answer your question; yes it is possible and using a format file with modified destination values (set to "0") is the way to do it.
Doing this, you can process the data once. Using powershell to append data is possible, but unnecessary and less efficient. To do this in one action with bcp, you need to use a format file.


How to pass optional column in TABLE VALUE TYPE in SQL from ADF

I have the following table value type in SQL which is used in Azure Data Factory to import data from a flat file in a bulk copy activity via a stored procedure. File 1 has all three columns in it so this works fine. File 2 only has Column1 and Column2, but NOT Column3. I figured since the column was defined as NULL it would be ok but ADF complains that its attempting to pass in 2 columns when the table type expects 3. Is there a way to reuse this type for both files and make Column3 optional?
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[TestType] AS TABLE(
Column1 varchar(50) NULL,
Column2 varchar(50) NULL,
Column3 varchar(50) NULL
Operation on target LandSource failed:
database operation failed with the following error: 'Trying to pass a
table-valued parameter with 2 column(s) where the corresponding
user-defined table type requires 3 column(s)
Would be nice if the copy activity behavior was consistent regardless of whether or not a stored procedure with table type is used or native BCP in the activity. When not using the table type and using the default bulk insert, missing columns in the source file end up being NULL in the target table without error (assumming the column is NULLABLE).
It will cause the mapping error in ADF.
In the Copy Activity, every column needs to be mapped.
If the source file only has two columns, it will cause mapping error.
So, I suggest you to create two different Copy activities and create a two columns table type.
You can pass optional column, I've made a test successfully, but the steps will be a bit complex. In my case, File 1 has all three columns, File 2 only has Column1 and Column2, but NOT Column3. It will use Get Metadata activity, Set Variable activity, ForEach activity, IfCondition activity.
Please follow my steps:
You need to define a variable FileName to foreach.
In the Get Metadata1 activity, I specified the file path.
In the ForEach1 activity, use #activity('Get Metadata1').output.childItems to foreach the filelist. It need to be Sequential.
Inside the ForEach1 activity, use Set Variable1 to set the FileName variable.
In the Get Metadata2, use item().name to specify the file.
In the Get Metadata2, use Column count to get the column count from the file.
In the If Contdition1, use #greater(activity('Get Metadata2').output.columnCount,2) to determine whether the file is larger than two columns.
In the True activity, use variable FileName to specify the file.
In the False activity, use Additional columns to add a Column.
When I run debug, the result shows:

Migrating from SQL Server to Hive Table using flat file

I am migrating my data from SQL Server to Hive using following steps but there is data issue with the resulting table. I tried various options including checking datatype, Using csvSerde but not able to get data aligned properly in respective columns. I followed following steps:
Export SQL Server data to flat file with fields separated by comma.
Create external table in Hive as given below and load data.
r_date timestamp
, v_nbr varchar(12)
, d_account int
, d_amount decimal(19,4)
, a_account varchar(14)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
LOAD DATA INPATH 'gs://mybucket/myschema.db/mytable/mytable.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE myschema.mytable;
There is issue with data with all combination I could try.
I also tried OpenCSVSerde but the result was worse than simple text file. I also tried by changing delimiter to semicolon but no luck.
row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
with serdeproperties ( "separatorChar" = ",") stored as textfile
location 'gs://mybucket/myschema.db/mytable/';
Can you please suggest some robust approach so that I don't have to deal with data issue.
Note: Currently I don't have option of connecting my SQL Server table with Sqoop.

Easy way to load a CSV file from the command line into a new table of an Oracle database without specifying the column details

I often want to quickly load a CSV into an Oracle database. The CSV (Unicode) is on a machine with an Oracle InstantClient version 19.5, the Oracle database is of version 18c.
I look for a command line tool which uploads the rows without me specifying a column structure.
I know I can use sqlldr with a .ctl file, but then I need to define columns types, etc. I am interested in a tool which figures out the column attributes itself from the data in the CSV (or uses a generic default for all columns).
The CSVs I have to ingest contain always a header row the tool in question could use to determine appropriate columns in the table.
Starting with Oracle 12c, you can use sqlldr in express mode, thereby you don't need any control file.
In Oracle Database 12c onwards, SQLLoader has a new feature called
express mode that makes loading CSV files faster and easier. With
express mode, there is no need to write a control file for most CSV
files you load. Instead, you can load the CSV file with just a few
parameters on the SQLLoader command line.
An example
Imagine I have a table like this
(EMPNO number(4) not null,
ENAME varchar2(10),
DEPTNO number(2));
Then a csv file that looks like this
I can use sqlldr in express mode :
sqlldr userid=xxx table=emp
You can read more about express mode in this white paper
Express Mode in SQLLDR
Forget about using sqlldr in a script file. Your best bet is on using an external table. This is a create table statement with sqlldr commands that will read a file from a directory and store it as a table. Super easy, really convenient.
Here is an example:
create table thisTable (
"field1" varchar2(10)
,"field2" varchar2(100)
,"field3" varchar2(100)
,"dateField" date
) organization external (
type oracle_loader
default directory <createDirectoryWithYourPath>
access parameters (
records delimited by newline
load when (fieldname != BLANK)
skip 9
fields terminated by ',' optionally ENCLOSED BY '"' ltrim
missing field values are null
,"dateField" date 'mm/dd/yyyy'
location ('filename.csv')

SSIS variable from excel file

I have a stored procedure on a server which generates a table in my database. Then in ssis I'm querying some columns from that table and then I'm appending some dummy columns filled with static values. When I query the database I'm doing it so by holding the query into a variable (sql command from variable), in that query I am using a select a, b, c from X where #[User::variable1] = '' and #[User::variable2]='' for all 4.
My question is: I need to be able to change the value of those variables (variable1 to 4) for 48 different scenarios (or might be more than that), so manually replacing them would be a pain since it will lead to over 130 combos. If there a way in which I could pass the values from an excel file at runtime to the package?
column1 column2 column3 column4
12.03.2015 def ghi jkl
12.04.2015 456 789 012
And I need to loop through all columns in the excel file and the results should be exported to files.
What I described above I already made except for the part in which I can get the values for those 4 variables from the excel file. I need help only with this part.
Any help would be great.
Thank you,
Yes, this is possible.
Create a Connection to Excel
Create a Transit table to store the excel content (obviously the column names)
Create a "Data Flow" Task to transfer the content from Excel into the Transit Table
Create an "Execute SQL Task"
Get one by one row from Transit table in a loop or Cursor
Dynamically create a SQL string with the value read from the Transit Table
Execute it by using sp_executesql.
Use "Result set" if you want to output any recordset

How can I insert binary file data into a binary SQL field using a simple insert statement?

I have a SQL Server 2000 with a table containing an image column.
How do I insert the binary data of a file into that column by specifying the path of the file?
FileId int,
FileData image
I believe this would be somewhere close.
(FileId, FileData)
Something to note, the above runs in SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 with the data type as varbinary(max). It was not tested with image as data type.
If you mean using a literal, you simply have to create a binary string:
insert into Files (FileId, FileData) values (1, 0x010203040506)
And you will have a record with a six byte value for the FileData field.
You indicate in the comments that you want to just specify the file name, which you can't do with SQL Server 2000 (or any other version that I am aware of).
You would need a CLR stored procedure to do this in SQL Server 2005/2008 or an extended stored procedure (but I'd avoid that at all costs unless you have to) which takes the filename and then inserts the data (or returns the byte string, but that can possibly be quite long).
In regards to the question of only being able to get data from a SP/query, I would say the answer is yes, because if you give SQL Server the ability to read files from the file system, what do you do when you aren't connected through Windows Authentication, what user is used to determine the rights? If you are running the service as an admin (God forbid) then you can have an elevation of rights which shouldn't be allowed.
