Google sheet checkbox - checkbox

I am sharing the sheet with you . The sheet i am sharing is not the sheet from my company , this is the sample sheet . The same function we will do in main sheet .
In sheet 1 there is check-boxes and names and age .
In sheet 2 there is name and age as heading .
If i am checking the first checkbox which is A2 then i can not check other check-boxes and the data in B2 and C3 will be showing in sheet2 (A2 & B2 ).
If i am checking the checkbox A4 then the name and age which is there in the corresponding column i.e "Z & 47" should be shown in sheet2 (A2 & B2).
file link:

try simply:
=IFERROR(FILTER(Sheet1!B2:C, Sheet1!A2:A=TRUE), "(no data)")


Seeking results of multi conditions in multi data column, but each condition value is just one of many in a single cell of google sheet

Please check the file first.
My purpose is:
Generating idea randomly in "Calendar" sheet base on the "Idea" sheet
The concept is:
Selecting the condition about Industry & Quality in B1 & B2 in "Calendar" sheet
Selecting the time will post on each day of week
Then the idea will be shown off based on these conditions.
In this case, any cell can has 2+ values.
We can't split values to single columns because those data can be added more value in future.
=QUERY({RANDARRAY(ROWS(A2:A)), A2:G}, "select Col2 where 9=9 "&
IF(J11="",," and Col3 contains '"&J11&"' ")&
IF(J12="",," and Col4 contains '"&J12&"' ")&
IF(J13="",," and Col5 contains '"&J13&"' ")&
IF(J14="",," and Col6 contains '"&J14&"' ")&
IF(J15="",," and Col7 contains '"&J15&"' ")&
"order by Col1 limit 1")

Autofil columns in one sheet from another only if columns have data AND a specific column has a specific value in Google Sheets

I have a google sheet that autofills rows from another sheet only if the value is a specific column is "approved".
Is it possible to combine this to somehow only display columns that aren't blank. So for example if row 1 Column D is "approved", column E is blank, and column F is "data", then the sheet will autopopulate row 1 column D and F but not E. THank you!
FILTER(Responses!A:AAC, Responses!D:D="Approved")),
"where Col2 is not null", ))
=FILTER(FILTER(Responses!A:AAA, Responses!D:D="Approved"),
TRIM(QUERY(FILTER(Responses!A2:AAA, Responses!D2:D="Approved"),,9^9))<>"")

in the output results need to replace the column names with the names in another table

in ms sql server,
table 1 fields would be a1,a1,a3,a4
and results would be 123456 as a1,hello there as a2, 12.00 as a3, 800 as a4
we have conversion table that states a1=code,a2=description,a3=price,a4=qty.
what i need to do is for the output to include the name of the second table instead of the name of the first table.
this is for a json extract
select a1 as code, a2 as description, a3 as price, a4 as qty
from table1
joint table2 "for the field description value"
need help on this

Combine 3 sheets into one with importrange

Goal: Merge 2 sheets into the main sheet all in one sheet via importrange
Problem: All the columns are in different orders
I would like to importrange the 2 sheets in client master sheet 2 into the main sheet in one table. Is that possible while the columns are not in the same orders?
={QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1Er_6mSY5TFJ5sb_DDRc6QY3aIzqen_QfVYg3FvBFZ3I", "Sheet 2!A2:E"),
"select Col2,Col3,Col1,Col5,Col4 where Col1 is not null", 0);
QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1Er_6mSY5TFJ5sb_DDRc6QY3aIzqen_QfVYg3FvBFZ3I", "Sheet 3!A2:E"),
"select Col2,Col4,Col1,Col3,Col5 where Col1 is not null", 0)}

Excel Array Lookup Formula

I have two tables as below. For formulas, assume "ID1" is on cell A1 and one blank row between tables so "ID" is on cell A4.
a b d #N/A formula_here
a 1/1/2015
b 1/2/2015
e 1/3/2015
d 1/4/2015
g 1/5/2015
In the formula, I want the id of the max date if id's in that row. So in this case, out of a,b,d - the max date is d with 1/4/2015. So the I want the formula to output d.
I have the below so far but the #N/A throws it off. Without the N/A value, the below outputs the max date. However, I want the ID of the max date. And it should ignore N/A's in the range. Note, all ID's in table 1 will appear in table 2. But some id columns in table 1 may be N/A.
A much bigger and complex formula than expected, but it will take into account that a date can appear more than once in the data set. Be sure and enter with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER.
=IF(SUM(IFERROR(MATCH(A2:D2,$A$6:$A$10,0),""))>0,LOOKUP(REPT("Z",255),IF(MAX(IF(FREQUENCY(IFERROR(MATCH(TRANSPOSE(A2:D2),$A$6:$A$10,0),""),ROW($B$6:$B$10)-ROW($B$6)+1),$B$6:$B$10))=IF(FREQUENCY(IFERROR(MATCH(TRANSPOSE(A2:D2),$A$6:$A$10,0),0),ROW($B$6:$B$10)-ROW($B$6)+1),$B$6:$B$10),$A$6:$A$10)),"No Match Found")
I also put in some additional error handling. The formula will return "No Match Found" if it is unable to find a match.
Insert an "iferror". In the example above, change the formula to:
