Launch keyboard event from React ref - reactjs

I have a React component that has an input element with an attached ref. I am aware of the common: inputRef.current.focus(); usage of a ref to focus a text input. But, I am struggling to find a good solution to dispatch a certain keyboard event from inputRef.current. I have tried:
let downEv = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {'keyCode': 40, 'which': 40});
But, that doesn't seem to do anything.

KeyboardEvent is a native browser event (which is different than React's Synthetic event) hence you need to add a native listener as well like below in order to listen to them. example on csb

It's possible to do this, and not need to use ref.
You can try isolating what you want to trigger by doing this:
handleKeyPress = (e) => {
if (e.keyCode === 40) {
// Whatever you want to trigger
<input onKeyPress={handleKeyPress} />
You can also trigger this from a form if you prefer:
<form onKeyPress={handleKeyPress}>


React with typescript, button function doesn't work

I'm slowly starting to learn TS and implement it to current project however I stuck and don't really understand what is wrong. Basically I have button which has dataset "mode". After clicking on button I launch confirm bar (confirm bar is not TSX yet)
onClick={(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) =>
ConfirmBar('You sure?', supportCommands, e)
const ConfirmBar = (message, action, parameter) =>
customUI: ({ onClose }) => {
return (
<Header main>{message}</Header>
onClick={() => {
<ConfirmationButton onClick={onClose}>No</ConfirmationButton>
In case of yes I wish to launch function to proceed request, it worked correctly before typescript but now it throws error. I wish to get access to dataset attribute and would be glad if you guys help me and explain me why it doesn't want to work now after added typescript
const supportCommands = (el: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
// Tried already to use el.persist(), with target and currentTarget; here is example with attempting to assign value to variable but also doesn't work.
const target = el.currentTarget as HTMLButtonElement;
let elVal = target.getAttribute('data-mode');
console.log(elVal, 'ELL');
And that's the error I occur:
Warning: This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons. If
you're seeing this, you're accessing the method currentTarget on a
released/nullified synthetic event. This is a no-op function. If you
must keep the original synthetic event around, use event.persist().
See for more information.
I understand that React has own system of SynthesisEvents but I thought they cause problems during asynchronous requests like with timers etc, in this situation I see no reason why it makes problem
EDIT: I made it work by adding to button e.currentTarget, and then in function just did el.dataset, now just trying to figure out what kind of type is that
This waring is because you are reusing Event object.
You passed it here ConfirmBar('You sure?', supportCommands, e)
And you reused it here action(parameter);
I don't know what do you need from paramenter but I guess it could be like this:
onClick={(e) => {
I have never needed to use event of onClick. The only idea I can imagine is for preventDefault or stopPropagation

Simulate click event in React with TypeScript material-ui

I'm rendering some material-ui TextFields. By manually typing the value inside it, it'll work properly. It is using handleChange() (change) and handleBlur() (autosave) to handle those events. but the scenario is I have to update the value not by manually typing but from the store.
So, if I pass the value from the store, it is not actually updating the value unless I click inside the field and click away or tab out. the value is showing inside the field but not invoking handleChange() and handleBlur() which are the only way to update the value inside. Also I have to type at least a value.
I set an onFocus to the field and on it's handleFocus, I'm trying to either simulating click() and blur() or calling handleClick() and handleBlur(). If I simulate a click event,
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
If I try to call handleChange() and handleBlur()
readonly refO: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>;
constructor(props: InputProps) {
this.refO = React.createRef<HTMLInputElement>();
InputProps={{ className: cx({ [classes.modified]: isModified }) }}
What can I do inside handleFocus() in order to achieve this. or the proper approach to achieve this. I'm very new to TypeScript. is my approach wrong or any other way to overcome this.
handleFocus = (element: HTMLInputElement) => {;
PS: cannot add more code due to some sensitivity issues.
solved the issue.
i knew it has to be done from inside the handleFocus. but what i was doing call other event handlers from it. then i thought why should i. the function has been invoked so just update the values from it.
handleFocus = (value) => {
// update my value
it's unconventional but all we require is the result.
ps: i even pinged few people on twitter(this has put our reputation on the stake. it was a race against time). i was that desperate. i apolagize to them.

React global click track handler

I am new to react and working on a legacy codebase. Am wondering if we can write a global button click handler for click tracking.
The jQuery equivalent of this would be something like,
utilities.js :
var subscribeForClickTracking = function() {
$( "button" ).click((event) => { console.log($( })
$( "p" ).click((event) => { console.log($( })
In all the html files, will add reference to utiliies.js and this snippet of code.
$(document).ready(function () {
I have surfed about this and reached similar so questions, like
Higher Order React Component for Click Tracking
But these solutions involve modifying the button's implementation, which would lead to huge change. (For a html form with 50+ buttons).
Is there an alternate approach to achieve something similar to the above jQuery approach.
Thanks in advance.
No, you can not do that. The reason is that React prevents you from doing global things to avoid side effects.
I think the proper React way would be to create your own Button component.
First create a new component :
export default Button = (props) => <button ...props />
Then, you can import and use Button instead of button in any component.
Then in your Button component, you can override your onClick method like this :
onClick={() => {
// doWhatYouWantHere;
However, as React is JavaScript, you can still use vanilla JavaScript to attach an event to every button

How to handle focus using declarative/functional style libraries like Redux and ReactJS?

In looking around to see what ways other developers are handling input focus when working with Redux I've come across some general guidance for ReactJS components such as this. My concern however is that the focus() function is imperative and I could see strange behaviours possible where multiple components are fighting over focus. Is there a redux way of dealing with focus? Is anybody dealing with pragmatically setting focus using redux and react and if so what techniques do you use?
How to set focus on an element in Elm?
Automatically focus input element after creation in purescript-halogen
My approach is using ref callback, which is kind of an onRenderComplete of an element. In that callback I can focus (conditionally, if needed) and gain a reference for future focusing.
If the input is rendered conditionally after an action runs, that ref callback should fire a focus, because the ref doesn't exist yet immediately after calling the action, but only after render is done. Dealing with componentDidUpdate for things like focus just seems like a mess.
// Composer.jsx -- contains an input that will need to be focused somewhere else
class Composer extends Component {
render() {
return <input type="text" ref="input" />
// exposed as a public method
focus() {
// App.jsx
state => ({ isComposing: state.isComposing }),
class App extends Component {
render() {
const { isComposing } = this.props // or props, doesn't matter
return (
<button onClick={::this._onCompose}>Compose</button>
{isComposing ? <Composer ref={c => {
this._composer = c
this._composer && this._composer.focus() // issue initial focus
}} /> : null}
_onCompose() {
this.props.startComposing() // fire an action that changes state.isComposing
// the first time the action dispatches, this._composer is still null, so the ref takes care of the focus. After the render, the ref remains so it can be accessed:
this._composer && this._composer.focus() // focus if ref already exists
Why not autoFocus or isFocued prop?
As HTMLInputElement has value as a prop, but focus() as a method -- and not isFocused prop -- I would keep using methods to handle that. isFocused can get a value but if the user blurs from the input, what happens to that value? It'll be out of sync. Also, as mentioned in the comments, autoFocus can conflict with multiple components
So how to decide between props and methods?
For most cases props will be the answer. Methods can be used only in a 'fire and forget' things, such as scrollToBottom in a chat when a new message comes in, scrollIntoView and such. These are one time behaviors that the store doesn't care about and the user can change with an interaction, so a boolean prop won't fit. For all other things, I'd go with props.
Here's a jsbin:,js,output

What is the best way to trigger change or input event in react js from jQuery or plain JavaScript

We use Backbone + ReactJS bundle to build a client-side app.
Heavily relying on notorious valueLink we propagate values directly to the model via own wrapper that supports ReactJS interface for two way binding.
Now we faced the problem:
We have jquery.mask.js plugin which formats input value programmatically thus it doesn't fire React events. All this leads to situation when model receives unformatted values from user input and misses formatted ones from plugin.
It seems that React has plenty of event handling strategies depending on browser. Is there any common way to trigger change event for particular DOM element so that React will hear it?
For React 16 and React >=15.6
Setter .value= is not working as we wanted because React library overrides input value setter but we can call the function directly on the input as context.
var nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, "value").set;, 'react 16 value');
var ev2 = new Event('input', { bubbles: true});
For textarea element you should use prototype of HTMLTextAreaElement class.
New codepen example.
All credits to this contributor and his solution
Outdated answer only for React <=15.5
With react-dom ^15.6.0 you can use simulated flag on the event object for the event to pass through
var ev = new Event('input', { bubbles: true});
ev.simulated = true;
element.value = 'Something new';
I made a codepen with an example
To understand why new flag is needed I found this comment very helpful:
The input logic in React now dedupe's change events so they don't fire
more than once per value. It listens for both browser onChange/onInput
events as well as sets on the DOM node value prop (when you update the
value via javascript). This has the side effect of meaning that if you
update the input's value manually input.value = 'foo' then dispatch a
ChangeEvent with { target: input } React will register both the set
and the event, see it's value is still `'foo', consider it a duplicate
event and swallow it.
This works fine in normal cases because a "real" browser initiated
event doesn't trigger sets on the element.value. You can bail out of
this logic secretly by tagging the event you trigger with a simulated
flag and react will always fire the event.
At least on text inputs, it appears that onChange is listening for input events:
var event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });
Expanding on the answer from Grin/Dan Abramov, this works across multiple input types. Tested in React >= 15.5
const inputTypes = [
export const triggerInputChange = (node, value = '') => {
// only process the change on elements we know have a value setter in their constructor
if ( inputTypes.indexOf(node.__proto__.constructor) >-1 ) {
const setValue = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(node.__proto__, 'value').set;
const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });, value);
I know this answer comes a little late but I recently faced a similar problem. I wanted to trigger an event on a nested component. I had a list with radio and check box type widgets (they were divs that behaved like checkboxes and/or radio buttons) and in some other place in the application, if someone closed a toolbox, I needed to uncheck one.
I found a pretty simple solution, not sure if this is best practice but it works.
var event = new MouseEvent('click', {
'view': window,
'bubbles': true,
'cancelable': false
var node = document.getElementById('nodeMyComponentsEventIsConnectedTo');
This triggered the click event on the domNode and my handler attached via react was indeed called so it behaves like I would expect if someone clicked on the element. I have not tested onChange but it should work, and not sure how this will fair in really old versions of IE but I believe the MouseEvent is supported in at least IE9 and up.
I eventually moved away from this for my particular use case because my component was very small (only a part of my application used react since i'm still learning it) and I could achieve the same thing another way without getting references to dom nodes.
As others have stated in the comments, it is better to use this.refs.refname to get a reference to a dom node. In this case, refname is the ref you attached to your component via <MyComponent ref='refname' />.
You can simulate events using ReactTestUtils but that's designed for unit testing.
I'd recommend not using valueLink for this case and simply listening to change events fired by the plugin and updating the input's state in response. The two-way binding utils more as a demo than anything else; they're included in addons only to emphasize the fact that pure two-way binding isn't appropriate for most applications and that you usually need more application logic to describe the interactions in your app.
For HTMLSelectElement, i.e. <select>
var element = document.getElementById("element-id");
var trigger = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
).set;, 4); // 4 is the select option's value we want to set
var event = new Event("change", { bubbles: true });
I stumbled upon the same issue today. While there is default support for the 'click', 'focus', 'blur' events out of the box in JavaScript, other useful events such as 'change', 'input' are not implemented (yet).
I came up with this generic solution and refactored the code based on the accepted answers.
export const triggerNativeEventFor = (elm, { event, ...valueObj }) => {
if (!(elm instanceof Element)) {
throw new Error(`Expected an Element but received ${elm} instead!`);
const [prop, value] = Object.entries(valueObj)[0] ?? [];
const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(elm.__proto__, prop);
desc?.set?.call(elm, value);
elm.dispatchEvent(new Event(event, { bubbles: true }));
How does it work?
triggerNativeEventFor(inputRef.current, { event: 'input', value: '' });
Any 2nd property you pass after the 'event' key-value pair, it will be taken into account and the rest will be ignored/discarded.
This is purposedfully written like this in order not to clutter arguments definition of the helper function.
The reason as to why not default to get descriptor for 'value' only is that for instance, if you have a native checkbox <input type="checkbox" />, than it doesn't have a value rather a 'checked' prop/attribute. Then you can pass your desired check state as follows:
triggerNativeEventFor(checkBoxRef.current, { event: 'input', checked: false });
I found this on React's Github issues: Works like a charm (v15.6.2)
Here is how I implemented to a Text input:
changeInputValue = newValue => {
const e = new Event('input', { bubbles: true })
const input = document.querySelector('input[name=' + + ']')
console.log('input', input)
this.setNativeValue(input, newValue)
setNativeValue (element, value) {
const valueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(element, 'value').set
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(element)
const prototypeValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
if (valueSetter && valueSetter !== prototypeValueSetter) {, value)
} else {, value)
Triggering change events on arbitrary elements creates dependencies between components which are hard to reason about. It's better to stick with React's one-way data flow.
There is no simple snippet to trigger React's change event. The logic is implemented in ChangeEventPlugin.js and there are different code branches for different input types and browsers. Moreover, the implementation details vary across versions of React.
I have built react-trigger-change that does the thing, but it is intended to be used for testing, not as a production dependency:
let node;
onChange={() => console.log('changed')}
ref={(input) => { node = input; }}
reactTriggerChange(node); // 'changed' is logged
well since we use functions to handle an onchange event, we can do it like this:
class Form extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handlePasswordChange = this.handlePasswordChange.bind(this);
this.state = { password: '' }
aForceChange() {
// something happened and a passwordChange
// needs to be triggered!!
// simple, just call the onChange handler
this.handlePasswordChange('my password');
handlePasswordChange(value) {
// do something
render() {
return (
<input type="text" value={this.state.password} onChange={changeEvent => this.handlePasswordChange(} />
The Event type input did not work for me on <select> but changing it to change works
useEffect(() => {
var event = new Event('change', { bubbles: true });
selectRef.current.dispatchEvent(event); // ref to the select control
}, [props.items]);
This ugly solution is what worked for me:
let ev = new CustomEvent('change', { bubbles: true });
Object.defineProperty(ev, 'target', {writable: false, value: inpt });
Object.defineProperty(ev, 'currentTarget', {writable: false, value: inpt });
const rHandle = Object.keys(inpt).find(k => k.startsWith("__reactEventHandlers"))
A working solution can depend a bit on the implementation of the onChange function you're trying to trigger. Something that worked for me was to reach into the react props attached to the DOM element and call the function directly.
I created a helper function to grab the react props since they're suffixed with a hash like .__reactProps$fdb7odfwyz
It's probably not the most robust but it's good to know it's an option.
function getReactProps(el) {
const keys = Object.keys(el);
const propKey = keys.find(key => key.includes('reactProps'));
return el[propKey];
const el = document.querySelector('XX');
getReactProps(el).onChange({ target: { value: id } });
Since the onChange function was only using target.value I could pass a simple object to onChange to trigger my change.
This method can also help with stubborn react owned DOM elements that are listing for onMouseDown and do not respond to .click() like you'd expect.
getReactProps(el).onMouseDown(new Event('click'));
If you are using Backbone and React, I'd recommend one of the following,
They both help integrate Backbone models and collections with React views. You can use Backbone events just like you do with Backbone views. I've dabbled in both and didn't see much of a difference except one is a mixin and the other changes React.createClass to React.createBackboneClass.
