Performance difference from putting function outside of React component? - reactjs

I know that it's going to be small, but is there a performance difference if you put functions outside of a React component?
Eg version 1:
const handleFetch = () => {
// Make API call
const MyComponent = () => {
Vs version 2:
const MyComponent = () => {
const handleFetch = () => {
// Make API call
In version 1 would handleFetch not be recreated when MyComponent re-renders?

is there a performance difference if you put functions outside of a React component?
Yes but you will likely never run into a noticeable performance downgrade of deciding to define a function inside a component. Almost always, the rest of your application's performance will overshadow the cost of putting functions in your components. Quoted from React's FAQ regarding functions defined in functional components in general:
Are Hooks slow because of creating functions in render?
No. In modern browsers, the raw performance of closures compared to classes doesn’t differ significantly except in extreme scenarios.
In version 1 would handleFetch not be recreated when MyComponent re-renders?
No, it will not be recreated because handleFetch is defined outside of the functional component. It's only in version 2 handleFetch will be recreated when MyComponent re-renders.
Another note: useCallback will not avoid recreating functions (you still pass a new function into useCallback too).
As a general rule for me, define the function inside the component first then extract it if it's not a hassle or it can be reused among multiple components. Sometimes, when I do extract it, I find I need to add 2 or more extra parameters to pass variables from my component to the function. But if I left it inside the functional component, I wouldn't need any parameters.

The approved answer isn't fully correct. There is one really important distinction about this sentence:
Another note: useCallback will not avoid recreating functions (you still pass a new function into useCallback too).
The function you pass to useCallback is returned every render. This means you have the same function, assuming the dependencies you defined haven't changed.
As an exercise to the reader define a function inside of a useCallback and store that result into a variable and then in a useEffect have that variable be the sole dependency. The useEffect will not re-run bc it's the same reference (strict equality.)


Do I understand React memoization correctly?

I’ve read the documentation about memoization techniques in React and have a feeling that I understand them correctly.
However, I see projects where useMemo and useCallback are applied in different ways.
I would like to confirm that I’m not missing anything, so I will describe my understanding below. Please, tell me if this makes sense or correct me if I’m wrong :)
This hook is used to cache the result of some calculation between re-renders.
const cachedValue = useMemo(() => calculateValue(), dependencies)
It means that after the first run, the cachedValue is saved in memory and returned on subsequent renders without any calculations if dependencies remain the same. The cachedValue object on the will be the same (same reference) and would return true on
Memoizing results of expensive computations improves performance because they are not calculated even if the component is re-rendered, but at the cost of running the hook itself. (Not sure about that)
Additionally, it is used to prevent re-renders when passing these values as props to a component memoized with React.memo(Component) or as dependencies to useEffect hook.
This hook caches the function definition (not the result of its work) between re-renders.
const cachedHandler = useCallback(() => { doSomething(); }, dependencies);
The function is defined and saved (but not called) in the variable on the first run, and the same definition is returned on subsequent re-renders if dependencies remain the same.
Since the function is not called when this hook is used and no results are cached, there are no immediate performance gains. (Not sure about that)
The benefit is only when this cached function is passed as a prop to a component memoized with React.memo(Component) or as a dependency to useEffect.
When a memoized function is passed as a prop inside an inline function (<Component onSomething={() => cachedHandler()} /> there are no performance gains since a new anonymous function is created and passed every time. (Saw this usage a few times).
A component wrapped in React.memo is cached and skips re-renders as long as its props remain the same. There is no need to memoize primitive values (strings, for example), but for objects and functions, you need to apply either useMemo or useCallback hooks.
General notes
A lot of projects and developers wrap values and functions in these hooks prematurely either by convention or as a precaution ("if we memoize everything, there is no need to think about it in the future and the cost is not so high").
The documentation and React developers advise against using these hooks until it is necessary (gives measurable performance gains) as using them is not free and adds cognitive complexity (harder to read and follow the code).
This description does not cover all the cases, but can be applied to most simple cases.

React hooks queries

I have the following queries -
What's the difference between useEffect, useMemo and useCallback hooks ? I have gone through many examples and explanations but still am not clear on their difference. All I know is that each executes only when at least one of their dependencies change.
If useRef hook allows us to persist with values between re-renders, why not use a simple variable (not a state) for the same ? I read somewhere that if not changed manually, useRef will have the same value all the time. Can't we achieve this with a simple variable ?
useMemo fired immediately, useCallback not.
local variables a not persisted between renders
useMemo and useCallback area really very same. The difference between them are mentioned in the hooks names.
useMemo is created for calculating some heavy things (like taking some very long list and mapping it in another) and storing it for some time – as documentation says React can drop useMemo result and make hook to run again. When component is rendering first time, all useMemos continuously runs calculations and their results may be used during the render. When rendering next times (if no hook dependencies changed) React do not call passed function but just using memorized result.
useCallback is created just for preserving variable references to functions that is passed as first argument. It is very helpful when callback, created with that hook is passed to some children components cause persistent variable reference do not invalidates memorized components.
Small example:
const app = () => {
console.log('app render starts')
const title = React.useMemo(() => {
console.log('running calcualtion!')
return 'Hello world'
}, [])
console.log('app render continues')
const handleClick = React.useCallback(() => {
console.log('handling click')
}, [])
console.log('app render continues again')
return <div onClick={handleClick}>{title}</div>
Output after mounting app:
- app render starts
- running calcualtion!
- app render continues
- app render continues again
And after clicking div:
- handling click
About useRef
React functional components are functions that runs again on every component render. Without hooks that functions are totally pure and unable to contain any state or preserve variables value – all function-scoped variables are created on every render again.
Hooks know which component are currently being rendered, so hooks able to store some data about component and get it back when component re-rendered.
In lot of cases useRef really are just a way to persist value between renders. As described above, you can't achieve that with simple variables inside of component's function. It could be achieved with some global variable declared outside of component. It even may be better choice if variable value do not depends one component mount/unmount which are handled by useRef.

React hooks: is `useCallback` not so needed usually?

I am recently refactoring a web app using React Hooks. I encounter a problem regarding useCallback. Based on description of Kent:, useCallback is to pass in identical function reference to sub-components, to avoid re-render of sub-components, so that the performance is better. However, it's used together with React.memo. And as Kent said:
MOST OF THE TIME YOU SHOULD NOT BOTHER OPTIMIZING UNNECESSARY RERENDERS. React is VERY fast and there are so many things I can think of for you to do with your time that would be better than optimizing things like this. In fact, the need to optimize stuff with what I'm about to show you is so rare that I've literally never needed to do it ...
So, my question is: am I right to claim that we do not need to use useCallback usually? except when the callback is expensive to create, using useCallback avoids re-creating the callback for every render.
Say, for a onClick or onChange event handler, 2 lines or less, shall we just not use useCallback to wrap it?
I find the useCallback() is necessary when I don't want the function reference to change. For example, when I'm using React.memo on some child component that should not be re-rendered as a result of a reference change in one of its methods that comes through props.
In the example below Child1 will always re-render if Parent re-renders, because parentMethod1 will get a new reference on every render. And Child2 will not re-render, because the parentMethod2 will preserve its reference across renders (you can pass a dependency array to make it change and be re-created when new input values come).
Note: Assuming the Child components are being memoized with React.memo()
function Parent() {
const parentMethod1 = () => DO SOMETHING;
const parentMethod2 = useCallback(() => DO SOMETHING,[]);
On the other hand, if the function is expensive to run, you can memoize its results using the useMemo hook. Then you will only run it when new values come, otherwise it will give you a memoized result from previous calculations using those same values.
Pass an inline callback and an array of dependencies. useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed. This is useful when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders (e.g. shouldComponentUpdate).
Pass a “create” function and an array of dependencies. useMemo will only recompute the memoized value when one of the dependencies has changed. This optimization helps to avoid expensive calculations on every render.
I think you are right. From how it's designed, useCallback should be almost useless in React. It can not be used directly to prevent a child render.
What can save a child render is to wrap entire render using a useMemo.
const Title = () => {
const child = useMemo(() => {
return <Child a={"Hello World"} />
}, [])
return (
<div onClick={onClick}>{count}</div>
The above approach is a bit different than React.memo because it acts directly on the parent Title, instead of Child. But it's more or less answer your question why it's useless, except when you use it as the shortcut for useMemo.
Article explaining this,
back to useCallback
Now let's go back to see if a callback wrapped with or without useCallback is useful.
<div onClick={onClick}>kk</div>
The only thing it might save is that when it's under reconciliation, onClick (with useCallback) points to the same function instance.
However I don't know if React actually does any optimization at that step. Because assigning a different callback to the attribute might take additional memory and time. But adding a new variable in general takes additional memory as well.
So this type of optimization is more like a coding optimization, more or less subjective. Not objective enough to be applied in a solid case.
Of course, if you want to fix a function instance for any third party function, ex. debounce. That might be a good use, but still smell fishy, because useMemo seems much more versatile to cover this case as well.
All in all, I'm only pointing out, useCallback isn't doing what's the public believe it can do, such as to bailout child component.

useMemo vs useState for React hooks constants

Defining a calculated (initialized) constant using React hooks can be performed in two ways that seem functionally equivalent. I don't want to get into the use cases for this, but suffice to say that there are cases where a constant value can be derived from initial props or state that isn't expected to change (think route data, bound dispatch, etc).
First, useState
const [calculatedConstant] = useState(calculateConstantFactory);
Second, useMemo
const calculatedConstant = useMemo(calculateConstantFactory, []);
Both of these seem functionally equivalent, but without reading the source code, I'm not sure which is better in terms of performance or other considerations.
Has anyone done the leg work on this? Which would you use and why?
Also, I know some people will recoil at the assumption that state can be "considered constant". I'm not sure what to tell you there. But even without state, I may want to define a constant within a component that has no state at all, for example, creating a block of JSX that doesn't change.
I could define this outside of the component, but then it's consuming memory, even when the component in question is not instantiated anywhere in the app. To fix this, I would have to create a memoization function and then manually release the internal memoized state. That's an awful lot of hassle for something hooks give us for free.
Edit: Added examples of the approaches talked about in this discussion.
You may rely on useMemo as a performance optimization, not as a semantic guarantee
Meaning, semantically useMemo is not the correct approach; you are using it for the wrong reason. So even though it works as intended now, you are using it incorrectly and it could lead to unpredictable behavior in the future.
useState is only the correct choice if you don't want your rendering to be blocked while the value is being computed.
If the value isn't needed in the first render of the component, you could use useRef and useEffect together:
const calculatedConstant = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
calculatedConstant.current = calculateConstantFactory()
}, [])
// use the value in calcaulatedConstant.current
This is the same as initializing an instance field in componentDidMount. And it doesn't block your layout / paint while the factory function is being run. Performance-wise, I doubt any benchmark would show a significant difference.
The problem is that after initializing the ref, the component won't update to reflect this value (which is the whole purpose of a ref).
If you absolutely need the value to be used on the component's first render, you can do this:
const calculatedConstant = useRef(null);
if (!calculatedConstant.current) {
calculatedConstant.current = calculateConstantFactory();
// use the value in calculatedConstant.current;
This one will block your component from rendering before the value is set up.
If you don't want rendering to be blocked, you need useState together with useEffect:
const [calculated, setCalculated] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
// use the value in calculated
Basically if you need the component to re-render itself: use state. If that's not necessary, use a ref.

Is there a way to emulate the run frequency of constructor code using the React Hooks API?

Sometimes, I have found it useful to place some code in the constructor of a React class component, to do some processing once (when the component is instantiated) and be able to reference the result throughout. Is there now a way to do this with a functional component using the React Hooks API?
constructor(props) {
const componentFactory = createComponentFactory(props.context);
this.components =;
It looks like you want something like instance variables.
You can do that using the useRef() hook.
Docs: Hooks API
Essentially, useRef is like a “box” that can hold a mutable value in its .current property.
You might be familiar with refs primarily as a way to access the DOM. If you pass a ref object to React with , React will set its .current property to the corresponding DOM node whenever that node changes.
However, useRef() is useful for more than the ref attribute. It’s handy for keeping any mutable value around similar to how you’d use instance fields in classes.
Docs: Hooks FAQ
Is there something like instance variables?
Yes! The useRef() Hook isn’t just for DOM refs. The “ref” object is a generic container whose current property is mutable and can hold any value, similar to an instance property on a class.
useEffect can be used to run the code once but this happens on component mount, so it's a counterpart to componentDidMount, not a constructor:
let components = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
components.current =
}, []);
// components.current === null
// on first render
useMemo can be used to run the code once on first render:
const components = useMemo(
() =>,
It isn't guaranteed to run the code once in future React versions:
You may rely on useMemo as a performance optimization, not as a semantic guarantee. In the future, React may choose to “forget” some previously memoized values and recalculate them on next render, e.g. to free memory for offscreen components. Write your code so that it still works without useMemo — and then add it to optimize performance.
useState can be used to run the code once on first render, too:
const [components] = useState(
() =>
Due to limitations of other options, the last option can be considered a preferable way to do this.
